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1、五年级英语下册5B各单元词组句型新版译林英语2015年五年级英语下册5B各单元词组句型(新版译林英语)Unit1 Cinderella 璇嶆眹 why涓轰粈涔?because鍥犱负 clothes琛湇锛堥氬父浣滃 鏁拌 锛?let璁?prince鐜嬪瓙 princess鍏 富 fairy浠欏 fairies锛堝 鏁帮級 before鍦互鍓?after鍦箣鍚?fit 鍚堥傦紝鍚堣韩 fits锛堜笁鍗曪級 mushroom铇戣弴 mushrooms锛堝 鏁帮級 late杩熺殑锛屾櫄鐨?锛堝弽涔夎瘝锛塭arly鏃殑 pick鎷撅紝鎽?understand鏄庣櫧锛岀悊瑙?put on 绌夸笂 have

2、 to 涓嶅緱涓?must蹇呴锛堜袱鑰呭悗闈潎鎺姩璇嶅師褰 級 take off 鑴变笅 try on 璇曠锛堝悕璇嶅彲浠斁try on涓 棿鎴栧悗闈 紝浠瘝鍙 兘鏀総ry on涓 棿锛屽苟涓旂敤瀹炬牸锛?be bad for鏈夊 鐨?leave绂诲紑 leave鈥 ehind鐣欎笅锛屼涪涓?璇嶇粍 at the prince鈥檚 house鍦帇瀛愬 help me甯 姪鎴?help sb.甯 姪鏌愪汉锛坰b鐢 鏍硷級 my gloves鎴戠殑鎵嬪 so sad濡傛 鎮蹭激 go to the party鍘诲弬鍔犳櫄浼?the new clothes鏂拌。鏈?come back鍥炴潵 befo

3、re 12 o鈥檆lock鍦?2鐐逛箣鍓?have a good time鐜緱楂樺叴=have a lot of fun=have fun=play happily at the party鍦櫄浼氫笂 every house姣忔埛浜哄 try on 璇曠 in the forest鍦鏋楅噷 some mushrooms涓浜涜槕鑿?under a tree鍦竴妫靛鏍戜笅 hurry up蹇 偣 eat them鍚冨畠浠?pick a big red mushroom 鎽樹竴涓 鐨勭孩铇戣弴 look so nice鐪嬩笂鍘诲 姝紓浜?be bad for鏈夊 鐨?be good for鏈夌泭鐨?

4、what a pity鐪熼仐鎲?my foot hurts鎴戠殑鑴氬彈浼簡锛屾垜鐨勮剼鐤?my feet hurt鎴戠殑鑴氬彈浼簡锛屾垜鐨勮剼鐤?leave鈥 ehind鐣欎笅锛屼涪涓?leave a shoe behind鐣欎笅涓鍙 瀷 leave rubbish behind 涓 笅鍨冨溇鍙瀷 Why are you so sad锛宒ear锛?浜茬埍鐨勶紝浣犱负浠涔堝 姝毦杩囷紵 Because I can鈥檛 go to the party. 鍥犱负鎴戜笉鑳藉幓鍙傚姞鏅氫細銆?There is a party at the prince锛噑 house. 鍦帇瀛愬 鏈変竴鍦烘櫄浼?Com

5、e and help me锛?杩囨潵甯 垜銆?Where are my gloves锛?鎴戠殑鎵嬪 鍦摢鍎匡紵 Let me help you. 璁垜甯 姪浣犮?Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. 鐏板 濞樼涓婃柊琛湇鍜岄瀷瀛愩?Cinderella has a good time at the party. 鐏板 濞樺湪鏅氫細涓婄帺寰楀緢楂樺叴銆?Finally锛孋inderella tries it on. 鏈鍚庯紝鐏板 濞樿瘯绌夸簡瀹冦?Do you have any snacks? 浣犳湁涓浜涢浂椋熷悧锛?Would you li

6、ke one锛?浣犳兂瑕佷竴涓 悧锛?Oh锛寃hat a pity锛佸摝锛岀湡閬楁喚锛?Unit 2 How do you come to school锛?璇嶆眹 moon鏈堜寒 near鍦?.闄勮繎锛堝弽涔夎瘝锛塮ar from beside鍦梺杈?bus鍏 叡姹借溅锛屽反澹?buses锛堝 鏁帮級 taxi鍑虹 杞紝鐨勫taxies锛堝 鏁帮級 plane椋炴満 city鍩庡競 cities锛堝 鏁帮級 street琛楅亾锛岃 by鈥箻锛堟苯杞紝鐏 溅绛夛級 metro鍦伴搧=subway鍦伴搧 bike鑷 杞?bicycle鑷 杞?train鐏 溅 ship杞 埞 boat灏忚埞 sho

7、w缁欌湅 shows锛堜笁鍗曪級 showing锛堢幇鍦垎璇嶏級 basket绡 瓙 ride楠戣溅 rides锛堜笁鍗曪級riding锛堢幇鍦垎璇嶏級 young骞村辜鐨?old骞磋佺殑璇嶇粍 big cities澶煄甯?your new home浣犵殑鏂板 live on Moon Street浣忓湪鏈堜寒琛?look at the moon璧忔湀 eat moon cakes鍚冩湀楗?on foot姝 by bus 涔樺叕鍏辨苯杞?take a bus by metro涔樺湴閾?take a metro by taxi涔樺嚭绉熻溅=take a taxi far from绂烩繙 be f

8、ar from绂烩繙 come to school鏉 鏍?live near school浣忓湪瀛牎闄勮繎 a taxi driver涓浣嶅嚭绉熻溅鍙告満 like riding鍠滄 楠戣溅 show around甯 鈥弬瑙?show鈥 o鈥妸鈥粰鈥湅 show sth to sb=show sb sth鎶婃煇鐗粰鏌愪汉鐪嬶紝缁欐煇浜虹湅鏌愮墿锛坰b鐢 鏍硷級 give sth to sb=give sb sth鎶婃煇鐗粰鏌愪汉锛坰b鐢 鏍硷級 by bike楠戣嚜琛岃溅=ride a bike=ride bikes in the basket鍦 瀛愰噷 a basket of鈥竴绡 瓙鈥?a

9、 new bike涓杈嗘柊鑷 杞?in the park鍦叕鍥 噷 go to school鍘讳笂瀛?go home鍥炲 go there鍘婚偅閲?get there鍒拌揪閭噷 too young澶 勾杞?a young man涓涓 勾杞讳汉 think so杩欐牱璁负 don鈥檛 think so涓嶈繖鏍疯 涓?doesn鈥檛 think so涓嶈繖鏍疯 涓?鍙瀷 How do you come to school锛?浣犳庢牱鏉 鏍紵 I come to school on foot. 鎴戞 琛屾潵瀛牎銆?Do you like your new home锛孲u Hai锛?浣犲枩娆 綘鐨勬柊

10、瀹跺悧锛岃嫃娴凤紵 But it鈥檚 far from school. 浣嗗畠绂诲 鏍緢杩溿?Where do you live now锛?浣犵幇鍦綇鍦摢鍎匡紵 I live on Moon Street锛宯ear City Library. 鎴戜綇鍦湀浜 锛屽競鍥句功棣嗛檮杩戙?Su Yang and I come to school by bus. 鎴戝拰鑻忛槼涔樺叕鍏辨苯杞潵瀛牎銆?I come to school by metro. 鎴戜箻鍦伴搧鏉 鏍?He likes riding it in the park. 浠栧枩娆湪鍏 洯閲岄獞瀹冦?Bobby wants to show h

11、is bike to Sam. 娉瘮鎯宠 鎶婁粬鐨勮嚜琛岃溅缁欒惃濮嗙湅銆?Can I go to school by bike锛?鎴戝彲浠獞鑷 杞幓瀛牎鍚楋紵 Bobby鈥檚 dad does not think so. 娉瘮鐨勭埜鐖稿彲涓嶈繖鏍疯 涓恒?Unit 3 Asking the way 璇嶆眹 take鎼 箻 walk璧帮紝姝 shop鍟嗗簵 stop杞珯 station杞珯 hospital鍖婚櫌 zoo鍔墿鍥?sun澶 槼 bookshop涔簵 cinema鐢靛奖闄?full婊殑 film鐢靛奖 along娌跨潃锛岄鐫 supermarket瓒呭競 over缁撴潫浜嗭紝瀹屼簡

12、璇嶇粍 get on涓婅溅 get off涓嬭溅 ask the way闂 矾 get to鍒拌揪 walk to姝 鍒?next to鍦梺杈?ask鈥 or help鍚戔眰鍔?get along娌跨潃鈥蛋 take the metro涔樺湴閾?on the street鍦 閬撲笂 come out of浠庘嚭鏉?excuse me鍔抽锛屽 涓嶈捣 turn right鍚戝彸杞?at the traffic lights鍦氦閫氱伅澶?see a new film鐪嬩竴閮柊鐢靛奖 wait for绛夊?go to the cinema鍘荤數褰遍櫌 too many cars澶 鐨勬苯杞?be o

13、ver缁撴潫 on your right鍦綘鐨勫彸渚?go to City Cinema鍘诲競鐢靛奖闄?at the bus stop鍦叕鍏辨苯杞珯鍙?get in a taxi鍦嚭绉熻溅涓?in the street鍦 閬撲笂 too late澶 繜浜?鍙瀷 Excuse锛宧ow do I get to鈥? 鎵撴壈涓涓嬶紝鎴戞庢牱鎵嶈兘鍒拌揪鈥? You can get on the metro at 鈥?浣犲彲浠湪鈥箻鍦伴搧 You can get on the bus at鈥?浣犲彲浠湪鈥潗鍏 叡姹借溅 Then锛寃alk to鈥?鐒跺悗锛屾 琛屽埌鈥?Then锛実o along鈥?鐒跺

14、悗锛屾部鐫鈥蛋 Get off at City Library Station. 浠庡競鍥句功棣嗙珯鍑烘潵 She asks a policeman for help. 濂瑰悜涓浣嶈 瀵熸眰鍔?Turn right at the traffic lights. 鍦氦閫氱伅澶勫悜鍙宠浆銆?You can see the bookshop on your right. 浣犺兘鍦綘鐨勫彸渚湅鍒伴偅瀹朵功搴椼?Let鈥檚 go to the cinema by taxi. 璁垜浠 箻鍑虹 杞幓鐢靛奖闄惂銆?We鈥檙e too late锛孊obby! 鎴戜滑澶 繜浜嗭紝娉瘮銆?Unit 4 Seeing

15、 the doctor 璇嶆眹 feel鎰熻 should搴旇 toothache鐗欑柤 anything浠讳綍涓滆 check妫鏌?dentist鐗欏尰 bedtime灏卞瘽鏃堕棿 neck鑴栧瓙 giraffe闀块 楣?璇嶇粍 have a rest浼戞伅 see the doctor鐪嬪尰鐢燂紝鐪嬬梾 feel cold鎰熻 鍐?at home鍦 drink some warm water鍠濅簺娓按 see the dentist鐪嬬墮鍖?brush one鈥檚 teeth鍒风墮 before bedtime灏卞瘽鍓?come to see him鏉湅浠?help them甯 姪浠栦滑

16、have a headache澶寸柤 have a fever鍙戠儳 take some medicine鏈嶄簺鑽?have a toothache鐗欑柤 eat a lot of sweets鍚冭 澶氱硸鏋?in the morning鍦棭涓?in the hospital鍦尰闄?be happy to鈥緢楂樺叴. come to the hospital鏉埌鍖婚櫌 point at 鎸囧悜锛屾寚鐫 his long neck浠栫殑闀胯剸瀛?鍙瀷 What鈥檚 wrong with you锛?浣犳庝箞浜嗭紵 I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache 鎴戝彂

17、鐑?澶寸柤/鎰熷啋/鐗欑柤 You should鈥綘搴旇 You shouldn鈥檛 浣犱笉搴旇 She goes to see the doctor. 濂瑰幓鐪嬪尰鐢熴?Let me check. 璁垜妫鏌竴涓嬨?You should have a rest at home. 浣犲簲褰撳湪瀹朵紤鎭 ?I can鈥檛 eat anything. 鎴戜笉鑳藉悆浠讳綍涓滆銆?Do you eat a lot of sweets锛?浣犲悆璁稿 绯栨灉鍚楋紵 Yes锛孖 do. 鏄 殑銆?My arm hurts. 鎴戠殑鑳宠唺鐤笺?Bobby is very happy to help them.

18、娉瘮寰堥珮鍏村府鍔粬浠 ?How do you feel now锛?浣狅紙浠 級鐜板湪鎰熻 鎬庝箞鏍凤紵 Can you help me锛孊obby锛?浣犺兘甯 姪鎴戝悧锛屾尝姣旓紵Unit 5 Helping our parents 璇嶆眹 clean鎿紝娲?busy蹇欙紝蹇欑 sweet鐢滅殑 cook鐑紝鐓?garden鑺卞洯锛屾灉鍥?parent鐖舵垨姣?pest瀹宠櫕 grow绉嶆 ladybird鐡櫕璇嶇粍 sweep the floor鎵 湴 make the bed鏁寸悊搴婇摵 wash the dishes娲楃 clean the car鎿溅瀛?cook breakfast鍋

19、氭棭楗?in the living room鍦 鍘?in the afternoon鍦笅鍗?clean the table鎿 瀛?watch TV鐪嬬數瑙?grow grapes绉嶈憽钀?big and sweet鍙堝鍙堢敎 help him甯 姪浠?in the kitchen鍦帹鎴?in his bedroom鍦粬鐨勫崸瀹噷 cook dinner鍋氭櫄楗?eat fruit鍚冩按鏋?wash clothes娲楄。鏈?in his garden鍦粬鐨勬灉鍥 噷 on the grapes鍦憽钀勪笂 some ladybirds涓浜涚摙铏?go away绂诲紑锛岃蛋浜?so sweet濡傛

20、鐢?鍙瀷 I am doing鈥?鎴戞 鍦仛鈥?He is doing鈥?浠栨 鍦仛鈥?She is doing鈥?濂规 鍦仛鈥?We are doing鈥?鎴戜滑姝湪鍋氣?They are doing鈥?浠栦滑姝湪鍋氣?I锛噈 helping him. 鎴戞 鍦府鍔粬銆?My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. 鎴戝 濡堟 鍦帹鎴垮仛鏃銆?What is he doing now锛?浠栫幇鍦 鍦仛浠涔堬紵 What are we doing now锛?鎴戜滑鐜板湪姝湪鍋氫粈涔堬紵 Helen and I are helping her. 鎴

21、戝拰娴蜂鸡姝湪甯 姪濂广?Helen is washing the dishes. 娴蜂鸡姝湪娲楃 銆?They are eating fruit in the living room. 浠栦滑姝湪瀹巺鍚冩按鏋溿?Bobby grows grapes in his garden. 娉瘮鍦粬鐨勬灉鍥 噷绉嶄簡钁悇銆?My grapes are big and sweet. 鎴戠殑钁悇鍙堝鍙堢敎銆?They are so sweet锛?浠栦滑鐪熺敎锛?We can help you锛?鎴戜滑鍙 互甯 姪浣狅紒Unit 6 In the kitchen 璇嶆眹 vegetable钄 彍 tomato

22、瑗跨孩鏌匡紝鐣 寗 potato椹 搩钖 紝鍦熻眴 love鍠滄 锛屽枩鐖?bread闈寘 game杩愬姩锛屾瘮璧?meat锛堢尓锛岀墰锛岀緤绛夌殑锛夎倝 yummy濂藉悆鐨勶紝缇庡懗鐨?yeah澶 浜嗭紝澶 浜?spot鏂戯紝鐐?smell鏈夆皵鍛筹紝闂昏捣鏉?Ready鍑嗗 濂?win鑾疯儨锛岃耽 angry鐢熸皵鐨勶紝鎰掔殑 catch鎶擄紝鎶撲綇璇嶇粍 look for瀵绘壘 in the evening鍦櫄涓?a football game涓鍦鸿冻鐞冭禌 cook meat鐑倝 tomato soup瑗跨孩鏌挎堡 in the fridge鍦啺绠遍噷 orange juice姗欐眮

23、come home鍥炲 his parents瀹冪殑鐖舵瘝 wash some vegetables娲椾竴浜涜敩鑿?I can鈥檛 wait鎴戠瓑涓嶅強浜?apple juice鑻规灉姹?be ready鍑嗗 濂?a great cook涓鍚嶄簡涓嶈捣鐨勫帹甯?two ladybirds涓彧鐡櫕 eat grapes鍚冭憽钀?catch a ladybird鎹変綇涓鍙 摙铏?these ladybirds杩欎簺鐡櫕 a lot of pests璁稿 瀹宠櫕 on Sam鈥檚 hand鍦惃濮嗙殑鎵嬩笂 seven spots涓冧釜鏂戠偣 how many spots澶氬皯涓 枒鐐?drive鈥

24、way璧惰蛋鍙瀷 Are you cooking meat锛?鎮湪鐑倝鍚楋紵 No锛孖鈥檓 not. I鈥檓 washing some vegetables. 涓嶃傛垜姝湪娲椾竴浜涜敩鑿溿?I can鈥檛 wait锛孌ad锛?鐖哥埜锛屾垜绛変笉鍙婁簡锛?How鈥檚 the meat锛?鑲夋庝箞鏍凤紵 How鈥檚 the soup锛?姹庝箞鏍凤紵 It鈥檚 yummy鐪熷鍚冦?It鈥檚 nice鐪熷鍚?His parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. 浠栫殑鐖舵瘝姝湪鍘埧閲屽仛鏅氶銆?That smells nice. 閭椈璧锋潵鐪熼 銆?I want

25、 to cook some tomato soup. 鎴戞兂瑕佺叜涓浜涚暘鑼勬堡銆?I鈥檓 cooking meat with potatoes 鎴戞 鍦仛鍦熻眴鐑倝 Mum锛宨s there any apple juice in the fridge锛?濡堝 锛屽啺绠遍噷鏈変簺鑻规灉姹佸悧锛?Here are some ladybirds. 杩欏効鏈変竴浜涚摙铏 ?How many spots does this ladybird have锛?杩欏彧鐡櫕鏈夊 灏戜釜鏂戠偣锛?Unit7 Chinese festivals 璇嶆眹 January涓鏈?February浜屾湀 March涓夋湀

26、April鍥涙湀 May浜旀湀 June鍏 湀 July涓冩湀 August鍏 湀 September涔濇湀 October鍗佹湀 November鍗佷竴鏈?December鍗佷簩鏈?call鍙 綔锛岀浣?moon鏈堜寒 festival鑺傛棩 dumpling楗哄瓙 place鍦版柟锛屽湴鐐?old鑰佺殑锛屽勾绾 鐨?favourite鏈鍠滄 鐨?mountain灞憋紝灞辫剦璇嶇粍 Spring Festival鏄妭 look at the moon璧忔湀 in January鍦竴鏈?eat together鍥仛 Dragon Boat Festival绔 崍鑺?eat rice dumpl

27、ings鍚冪步瀛?Mid-Autumn Festival涓 鑺?at night鍦 鏅?Chinese New Year涓 浗鍐滃巻鏂板勾 eat dumplings鍚冮瀛?dragon boat race璧涢緳鑸?at this festival鍦繖涓 妭鏃?in September鍦節鏈?eat moon cakes鍚冩湀楗?Double Ninth Festival閲嶉槼鑺?climb mountains鐖 北 Mother鈥檚 Day姣嶄翰鑺?on the second Sunday鍦 浜屼釜鏄熸湡鏃?all festivals鎵鏈夌殑鑺傛棩 talk about璋堣 Happy Mo

28、ther鈥檚 Day姣嶄翰鑺傚揩涔?old people鑰佷汉 eat rice cakes鍚冮噸闃崇硶 give鈥 resents缁欌鐗?some flowers涓浜涜姳 Father鈥檚 Day鐖朵翰鑺?鍙瀷 The Spring Festival is in鈥?鏄妭鍦?The Dragon Boat Festival is in鈥?绔 崍鑺傚湪鈥?The Mid-Autumn Festival is in鈥?涓 鑺傚湪鈥?The Double Ninth Festival is in鈥?閲嶉槼鑺傚湪鈥?At this festival, people get together with

29、their families. 鍦繖涓 妭鏃紝浜轰滑鍜屽 浜哄洟鑱氬湪涓璧枫?There are dragon boat races in some places. 鍦竴浜涘湴鏂规湁榫欒垷姣旇禌銆?People eat rice dumplings at this festival. 浜轰滑鍦繖涓 妭鏃悆绮藉瓙銆?People look at the moon at night with their families. 浜轰滑鍦 鏅氬拰瀹朵汉涓璧疯祻鏈堛?It is a festival for old people. 杩欐槸鑰佷汉浠 殑鑺傛棩銆?They also climb mountai

30、ns and eat rice cakes at this festival. 浠栦滑鍦繖涓 妭鏃篃鐖 北锛屽悆閲嶉槼绯曘?Do you know Mother鈥檚 Day锛?浣犵煡閬撴瘝浜茶妭鍚楋紵 What do people do on Mother鈥檚 Day锛?浜轰滑鍦瘝浜茶妭鍋氫粈涔堬紵 Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum. 娉瘮鍜岃拏濞滆皥璁虹粰濡堝 鐨勭鐗?Unit8 Birthdays 璇嶆眹 January涓鏈?February浜屾湀 March涓夋湀 April鍥涙湀 May浜旀湀 June鍏 湀 July涓冩湀 A

31、ugust鍏 湀 September涔濇湀 October鍗佹湀 November鍗佷竴鏈?December鍗佷簩鏈?birthday鐢熸棩 play鎴忥紝鎴忓墽 answer绛旀 together涓璧?fight鎵撲粭锛屾墦鏋?hero鑻遍泟 password瀵嗙爜 start寮濮?game娓告垙 number鏁板瓧锛屾暟 fourth绗 洓 eighth绗 叓 eleventh绗 崄涓璇嶇粍 play with鍜屸帺 have a party涓惧姙涓鍦鸿仛浼?your birthday浣犵殑鐢熸棩 on the eleventh of May鍦?鏈?1鏃?have a big dinner鍚冧竴椤夸赴鐩涚殑鏅氶 a birthday cake涓涓 敓鏃泲绯?play some games鐜竴浜涙父鎴?in a play鍦竴閮垙鍓噷 some numbers涓浜涙暟瀛?eat some noodles鍚冧竴浜涢潰鏉?at home鍦 閲?in the afternoon鍦笅鍗?have a lot of fun鐜緱寰堝紑蹇?open the door寮闂?on the door鍦棬涓?be easy for瀵光潵璇村 鏄?the first number绗 竴涓 暟瀛?in th

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