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大学英语四级 171.docx

1、大学英语四级 171大学英语四级-171 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Section A (总题数:3,分数:28.00) Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. (分数:8.00) A.To upgrade its network capacity. B.To improve staff benefits. C.To develop new

2、 products. D.To market more iPhones. 解析:听力原文 AT&T plans to spend 18 billion dollars in 2010 upgrading its wireless networks to handle the increasing amount of new traffic. There is roughly 2 billion dollars more than the company had invested in the previous year. Specifically, AT&T will add 2,000 ne

3、w cell sites and upgrade existing cell sites with three times more fiber links than it had in 2009. This will increase capacity to connect the cell tower to AT&Ts main network. AT&T, which is the only wireless operator in the U.S. selling the iPhone, has been the target of much criticism over this p

4、ast year, as many iPhone subscribers, particularly in densely populated urban areas, have complained about dropped calls, slow Internet access, and poor service. Some critics claimed the company has not been spending enough on network upgrades to keep up with the growing demand. AT&T has acknowledge

5、d that it has faced some difficulties, particularly in big cities. But the company is closing the gap. For what purpose will the AT&Ts 18 billion dollars mainly be used? 解析 新闻开头就提到,AT&T计划于2010年投资180亿美元,用来升级无线网络,以满足不断增加的流量需求。可见,投资180亿美元是为了提升网络承载力,故选A。 A.Nationwide. B.Overseas. C.In large cities. D.In

6、 remote towns. 解析:听力原文 Where does AT&T face difficulties? 解析 新闻中提到iPhone subscribers, particularly in densely populated urban areas, have complained about dropped calls, slow Internet access, and poor service,即在人口密集的城市有很多iPhone用户抱怨AT&T的服务差,新闻最后也提到,AT&T也承认公司的确碰到了一些困难,尤其在大城市更为明显,故选C。 Questions 3 and 4

7、 will be based on the following news item. Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. (分数:8.00) A.Climate change. B.Crop pests. C.Bacteria. D.Insects. 解析:听力原文 The researchers recently looked at more than 600 crop pests from around the world. These included fungi, such as wheat rust,

8、 which is devastating harvests in Africa and the Middle East; insects like the mountain pine beetle thats destroying trees in the U.S.; as well as bacteria, viruses and microscopic worms. They found that over the past 50 years, these destructive species have been on the move. On average, theye sprea

9、ding 3km every year, shifting north and south towards the poles. The scientists say this correlates with warming temperatures, allowing the pests to take hold in areas that were once too cold for them to live in. Currently, between 10% and 20% of the worlds crops are lost to pests and the team warns

10、 that rising global temperatures could make the problem worse. The researchers say that improved surveillance of the problem is needed. What is the news report mainly about? 解析 新闻首句提到The researchers recently looked at more than 600 crop pests from around the world,即科学家最近研究了世界各地的600多种农作物害虫,下文介绍了科学家研究

11、的具体内容,由此可见,新闻主要讲的是农作物害虫,故选B。 A.12%. B.23%. C.8%. D.50%. 解析:听力原文 What is the probable proportion of crop lost to pests? 解析 新闻中提到Currently, between 10% and 20% of the worlds crops are lost to pests,由此可知,目前有10%到20%的全球农作物被害虫毁掉了,只有选项A中的数值在此范围,故选A。 Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item

12、. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. (分数:12.00) A.Expanding the governments influence. B.Collecting more social welfare funds. C.Protecting children who beg on the streets. D.Encouraging more young people to volunteer. 解析:听力原文 Honduran authorities dedicated to the protection

13、of children and adolescents have undertaken a campaign to protect youngsters who beg on the streets. The Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carry out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents. Many childre

14、n are used for begging, said Nora Urbina, special prosecutor for childrens issues. Many children are rented and that is precisely what we hope to punish, because Article 170 of the Juvenile Penal Code sets a penalty of up to six years in detention. Those children who were rescued are taken to the Ho

15、nduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the promise that their rights will be protected. Parents who allow their children to be exploited in this way face, in addition to as many as six years in prison, the equivalent of a $500 fine. What is the campaign m

16、ade by Honduran authorities aimed at? Honduran authorities dedicated to the protection of children and adolescents 新闻中提到 解析have undertaken a campaign to protect youngsters who beg on the streets,由此可知,洪都拉斯官方发起的这项运动旨在保护在街边乞讨的儿童,故选C。其他选项内容新闻未提及,均排除。 A.Allowing ones children to beg. B.Renting children t

17、o beg. C.Teaching children how to beg. D.Making a living as a begger, 解析:听力原文 What do people exactly hope to punish? 解析 新闻中提到Many children are rented and that is precisely what we hope to punish,由此可知,人们要惩罚的是雇佣孩子乞讨,故本题选B。 A.To be imprisoned and fined. B.To have their children taken away. C.To be hand

18、ed over to the authorities. D.To be deprived of the rights to vote. 解析:听力原文 What punishment would the parents face if they allow their children to beg? 解析 本题考查的是允许儿童乞讨的父母所面临的惩罚。新闻提到,通过这种方式赚钱的父母,除了将面临6年的有期徒刑以外,还将被处以大约500美元的罚款,故选A。其他选项内容新闻未提及,均排除。 三、Section B (总题数:2,分数:32.00) Questions 8 to 11 are bas

19、ed on the conversation you have just heard. Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:16.00) A.She has to move. B.She has to rent a house. C.She has to live with her parents. D.She has no friends. 解析:听力原文 M: Hey Beth! You look upset. Anything wrong? W: I just found out

20、 I have to move out of my place. M: You are kidding. Why? W: Im living in a quite old house. And now somethings wrong with the water pipes. We don have any water in the house. And apparently, its gonna take about two weeks to fix the problem. And its really bad timing, with mid-term exams coming up

21、and everything. M: So have you figured out what you are going to do? W: Well, some friends said I could stay at their place. They don have an extra bedroom, but they said its OK for me to sleep on their living room couch. M: You could probably handle that for a couple of weeks? W: I guess so. I mean

22、 its really nice of them to offer, and its free. The only problem is they already have four people living there so it could be a little crowded. M: Um, any other options? W: Well, I did find a small hotel on 3rd Street right near the campus. M: Oh right! A lot of kids parents stay there when they co

23、me for a visit. W: Yes. I could get a room there. They have a weekly rate and its pretty reasonable, but. I don know. M: At least at the hotel youd have a place of your own. You know, so you could get more done. W: Thats definitely a plus. But I have to think about it. Even though its pretty cheap,

24、it will still end up costing me some money and my budgets pretty tight right now. What does the woman worry about? 解析 对话开头,对于男士的询问,女士回答说I just found out I have to move out of my place. 即女士烦恼的是她不得不搬家。故答案为A。 A.She needs to find out a quiet place. B.The water pipes are broken. C.The landlady has raised

25、 the rent. D.Someone is coming to visit her. 解析:听力原文 Why does the woman has to move out of her place? 解析 女士说自己得搬家,其原因是她住处的水管坏了,没有水,选项B为正确答案。选项中的broken是对话中的somethings wrong的同义转述。 A.They can share a bedroom with her. B.They can offer free meals for her. C.They can find a nice hotel for her. D.They can

26、 share the living room with her. 解析:听力原文 What kind of help do the womans friends offer? 解析 女士在对话中明确提到朋友们说可以让她住在他们那儿,虽然没有多余的房间了,但its OK for me to sleep on their living room couch,即可以睡在客厅的沙发上,因此选项D正确。 A.The kids are too noisy. B.Its too far away from the campus. C.The room is too small. D.It will cost

27、 her some extra money. 解析:听力原文 What is the disadvantage of living in the hotel? 解析 女士最后说虽然旅馆的费用并不高,但总还是需要花钱的,而她现在手头比较紧,由此可知,费用是女士对住旅馆这一选择的最大顾虑,因此选项D正确。选项中的cost some extra money是对话中costing me some money的同义转述。 Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Questions 12 to 15 are

28、 based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:16.00) A.The womans qualification to graduate next semester. B.The womans difficulties in registering for classes. C.A difficult class the woman must take next semester. D.Possible elective classes in the womans degree program. 解析:听力原文 M: What can

29、I do for you? W: I am just filling out this graduation form for the deans office, and I hope I will be able to graduate next semester. M: Well, as long as youve met the requirements and you hand in the form on time, you shouldn have any problem. Make sure you have attended all the classes necessary

30、for your degree in finance and the electives too. W: Yeah, but as I look over the form, I got confused because theyve changed the requirements. So now I am not sure I will qualify for graduation next semester. M: Well, when your department changed the curriculum to include more courses in internatio

31、nal business because of the increasing globalization of business, we made sure that students who have finished their second year wouldn be affected. The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year. W: Thats good to know. And I want to ask aboutInternational Banking. I took International Banking I, but I never took International Banking II. It used to be that International B

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