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1、新概念一册重点总结Lesson 1-2重点单词:excuse me(引出表格) is(口诀) this your thank you重点句子:Excuse me! (用于什么场合 跟sorry的区分)Is this your handbag? Pardon? (I beg your pardon.)Thank you very much.知识点:简单的肯定句 肯定句变一般疑问句一般疑问句 一般疑问句的肯定回答简单代词及be动词人称代词物主代词反身代词主格宾格形容词性名词性Imemyminemyselfyouyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishishimselfsheher

2、herhersherselfitititsitsitselfweusouroursourselvestheythemtheirtheirsthemselvesLesson 3-4重点单词:please sorry sir重点句子:Here is my ticketThis is not my umbrella.(否定句在be动词后加not)No, it isnt.(isnt = is not)Is this it?知识点:简单的否定句 家庭成员的扩充(本课词汇son/daughter)Lesson 5-6重点单词:good new nice meet Chinese too make重点句子:

3、This is Miss Sophie Dupont.Sophie is a new student.Nice to meet you.Shes Chinese, too.知识点: 表达国籍 对人的简单介绍 肯定句、否定句 不定冠词的用法(定冠词the L25) 称谓(Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.)Lesson 7-8重点单词:name what nationality job重点句子:(Whats your name?)My names Robert.What nationality are you?Whats your job?知识点:特殊疑问句(what问国籍及职业)及回答Less

4、on 9-10重点单词:how well fine see(几个不同的看:watch/look)重点句子:How are you today?Im very well, thank you. And you?How is Tony?Nice to see you.Look at (L10)知识点:特殊疑问句(how问怎么样)及回答 各种描述(高矮胖瘦)如何打招呼: How are you doing? Whats up?(How do you do? L17)Lesson 11-12重点单词:whose blue white catch his her重点句子:Whose shirt is t

5、hat?My shirts blue.Is this shirt Tims? Perhaps it is, sir. Catch!知识点:特殊疑问句(whose问谁的)及回答 名词所有格(课后A)颜色(L14)Lesson 13-14重点单词:colour come upstairs same重点句子:What colours your new dress?Come upstairs and see it.Its the same colour.知识点:特殊疑问句(what问颜色) 颜色的表达及扩充Lesson 15-16重点单词:officer friend passport tourist

6、 these重点句子:Are you Swedish?We are Danish.Your passports, please.Are these your cases?Here they are.知识点:名词复数(国籍) 人称代词(复数)的主格宾格及be动词Lesson 17-18重点单词:employee hard-working office assistant重点句子:How do you do?This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.What are their jobs?Who is this young man?知识点:名词复

7、数(职业) 特殊疑问句(who问谁) 介绍别人Lesson 19-20重点单词:matter children tired thirsty sit down right重点句子:Whats the matter, children?Were tired and thirsty, Mum.Are you all right now?知识点:名词复数(状态) 问“怎么了”的几种方法 不定冠词a/an(复习) all right的几种用法 家庭成员的复习Lesson 21-22重点单词:give one which重点句子:Give me a book please, Jane.Which book

8、?The red one.This one?知识点:特殊疑问句(which问哪一个/总结特殊疑问词) 双宾语 不定代词oneLesson 23-24重点单词:on shelf desk table floor bed重点句子:Give me some glasses please, Jane.Which glasses?The ones on the shelf.知识点:名词复数 特殊疑问句(which问哪一些) 介词on的运用Lesson 25-26重点单词:kitchen refrigerator electric middle of room where in重点句子:There is

9、a refrigerator in the kitchen.It is on the right.There is a table in the middle of the room.知识点:There be句型(There is)无主语的”有” 一般疑问及否定 定冠词the 特殊疑问句(where问地点方位) 介词(in/of)Lesson 27-28重点单词: living room near window door picture wall重点句子:The television is near the window.There are some magazines on the tele

10、vision.知识点:There be句型(There are) There be句型变否定形式用where提问地点 介词(near)Lesson 29-30重点单词:shut bedroom must open air put dust sweep重点句子:Come in, Amy.What must I do, Mrs. Jones?Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.知识点:简单的祈使句 情态动词(must) 有must的肯定句及must一般疑问句一般现在时(30课前)Lesson 31-32重点单词:under climb who run af

11、ter across eat clean tooth drink重点句子:Whats she doing?Shes sitting under the tree.Whos climbing the tree?What about the dog?Its running across the grass.Its running after a cat.知识点:现在进行时 动词现在分词 介词(under/across/after)Lesson 33-34重点单词:day with family walk over bridge river重点句子:It is a fine day today.bu

12、t the sun is shining.Mr. Jones is with his family.They are walking over the river.The ship is going under the bridge.知识点:现在进行时(主语变复数) 动词现在分词 介词(with/over)Lesson 35-36重点单词:photograph between another along water swim building into beside off重点句子:This is a photograph of our village.It is between two hi

13、lls.The village is on a river.My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.He is swimming across the river.Some children are coming out of the building.知识点:介词(between/along/into/beside/off)及总结 “你他我”的顺序Lesson 37-38重点单词:work(和job的差别) hard make paint listen重点句子:Youre working hard, George.What

14、 are you going to do now, George?What colour are you going to paint it?Im going to paint it pink.Its for my daughter, Susan.语法点:一般将来时(be going to句式) 宾语补足语(五大基本句型)work hard(副词 修饰形容词/动词/副词)Lesson 39-40重点单词:in front of careful(carefully/take care of) drop flower(花名的补充) show(各种show的补充) send take重点句子:Wha

15、t are you going to do with that vase, Penny?Dont do that.Give it to me!Be careful!There we are!语法点:祈使句(否定) 双宾语(间接+to+直接) 动词短语的练习Lesson 41-42重点单词:bread chocolate sugar coffee tea some any重点句子:Whats in it?A piece of cheese.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of a pound of tea.Well, its certainly not for

16、me!语法点:不可数名词 量词 some和any的用法(L42词汇)Lesson 43-44重点单词:of course behind now find boil词组over there make the tea hurry up重点句子:Can you make the tea, Penny?Yes, of course I can, Penny.Is there any water in the kettle?I can see the teapot, but I cant see the tea.Hurry up, Sam!语法点:There be句的一般疑问句(复习) 及由There

17、be句型变一般疑问句(some/any)复习情态动词canLesson 45-46重点单词:can minute ask( sb. to do sth./ sb. for sth.) terrible重点句子:Can you come here a minute please, Bob?Shes next door.Ask her please.I cant type this letter.The bosss handwriting is terrible!语法点:情态动词can的复习 和must比较 基数词Lesson 47-48重点单词:like want fresh pure swee

18、t choice重点句子:Do you like coffee, Ann?Do you want any sugar?I dont like milk in my coffee.语法点:助动词do/does 一般现在时 动词单三形式 序数词介词的总结及复习(L48 中考题)Lesson 49-50重点单词:butcher meat tell truth either(too L5)重点句子:Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?Do you want beef or lamb?I like lamb, but my husband doesnt.What

19、about some steak?To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I dont like chicken either.语法点:助动词do/does 否定句 选择疑问句 be动词/情态动词/do(L50练习A)Lesson 51-52重点单词:climate country pleasant weather sometimes重点句子:Whats the climate like in your country.Whats the weather like in spring?Its always warm in April and May, but it

20、rains sometimes.Is it cold or warm in autumn?语法点:用what提问气候、天气 频率副词(sometimes/always/often)日期、月份及季节的表达(in/on) like做副词 国家和国籍Lesson 53-54重点单词:mild always north east wet west south season best interesting subject重点句子:The weathers often cold in the North and windy in the East.Which seasons do you like be

21、st?The sun rises early and sets late.Its our favourite subject of conversation.知识点:用which提问季节 频率副词 副词的用法 东西南北的表达(in the) it常用作表weather和climateLesson 55-56重点单词:live stay home(副词) housework(总结) usually together arrive(+in/at)重点句子:The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.I

22、n the afternoon, she usually sees her friends.Then they go to bed. (What do they usually do?) L56知识点:一天里不同时段的表达(in/at) every用法 一家人的表达Lesson 57-58重点单词:oclock shop moment重点句子:by car/on footIt is eight oclock.At the moment, they are playing in the garden.(Whats the time?)知识点:时间的表达(整点) 一般现在时和现在进行时Lesson

23、 59-60重点单词:shop assistant size glue change重点句子:I only have large ones.Is that all?Thats all, thank you.What else do you want?知识点:用have表达有什么没有什么 one的用法 else的用法Lesson 61-62重点单词:feel call doctor remember(+to do/+doing) bad cold news headache ache medicine temperature重点句子:Hes in bed.Whats the matter wit

24、h him?He feels ill. /He looks ill.He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed for a week.知识点:用feel/have表达自身不适(系动词) 询问他人的不适 用must给病人建议 because/so用法 身体部位的补充Lesson 63-64重点单词:better get up yet remain play talk drive so(表程度) quickly break重点句子:You look very well, Jimmy.You are better now, but

25、you mustnt get up yet.Must he stay in bed?Wheres Mr. Williams this evening?知识点:情态动词(mustnt) 地点副词(home/upstairs/downstairs/here/there)Lesson 65-66重点单词:key baby hear(和listen的区别) enjoy重点句子:Im going to meet some friends.You must be home at half past ten.Can I have the key to the front door, please?Jills

26、 eighteen years old, Tom.But you mustnt come home after a quarter past eleven.Enjoy yourself!知识点:时间的表达(past/to) 年龄的表达 enjoy和反身代词L66 Whats the time?/Whens your birthday?/How old are you?介词in/at/on的总结Lesson 67-68重点单词:absent keep spend weekend country lucky重点句子:Were you at the butchers?Yes, I was. /No,

27、 I wasnt.Was he absent from school last week?How are you all keeping?Arent you lucky!(反问)知识点:一般过去时(肯定句 一般疑问句 否定) 星期一至星期日的表达 具体时间(几时几分)复习 Lesson 69-70重点单词:race crowd exciting finish(+doing) behind重点句子:In 1995, there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there.You can see us in the crowd.I

28、t was an exciting finish.Five other cars were just behind him.On the way home, 知识点:一般过去时(主语变复数) 表达在某一年用in 年月日的具体表达 other/the other/others/another 介词Lesson 71-72重点单词:awful telephone time answer again say(talk/tell/speak)重点句子:He telephoned me four times yesterday, and three times the day before yester

29、day.He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.What did your boss say to him?Did he telephone again last night?知识点:一般过去时(否定句 特殊疑问句) 动词过去式 次数的表达 昨天、前天的表达及昨天前天某个时间段的表达Lesson 73-74重点单词:suddenly understand speak slowly hurriedly go greet重点句子:She does not know London very well, an

30、d she lost her way.I can ask him the way, she said to herself.Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.知识点:形容词变副词 动词过去式Lesson 75-76重点单词:ago buy pair fashion uncomfortable wear重点句子:What size?We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we dont have any now.Im afraid that I cant.They were in fashion last year and the year before last.Can you get a pair for me?知识点:一般过去时的时间状语 ago的用法 wear/put on的区别Lesson 77-78重点单词:appoin

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