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1、马作文之中国式过马路初中英语作文中国式过马路初中英语作文【篇一:2015中考英语作文汇总】 2015中考英语作文汇总 一、梦想篇 1. 最近,你们学校开展了以“中国梦,我的梦”为主题的活动,作为一名中学生应该有自己的梦想,你的梦想是什么呢?请你以“my dream”为题写一篇英语短文。 要求:1.描述自己的梦想。2.如何实现这个梦想。 my dream everyone has his dream. my dream is to be a doctor. when i was in grade seven, i was sick and often went to see doctors. t

2、he doctors were very friendly to me and they often cheered me up. with the help of them, i was getting better. now i?m very healthy. since then i have hoped to become a doctor. in order to achieve my dream, i will study hard. i?ll give my love to the patients as much as possible and help them out of

3、 danger. to be a doctor is really great. i think my dream will come true one day. my dream i want to be a writer when i grow up. writing has been part of my life. through writing i will be able to share my ideas and make friends with others. i can achieve my dream by reading widely and by working ha

4、rd at school to learn as much as possible. its also important to find out how successful people did it so that i could learn from them. i?m determined to hold on to my dream till one day it come true. 3. 某英文报社以“my dream,the chinese dream”为题开展征文活动,请根据以下提示和要求用英语写一篇短文投稿。提示:1.谈谈你的梦想,并说明如何才能实现你的梦想;2.只要每个

5、人为自己梦想去努力,中国梦就能得到实现。 my dream, the chinese dream everyone has his own dream. dream is regarded as the goal of ones life. my dream is to be a good doctor. the reason why i want to be it is that some doctors saved my life after i was badly injured in a traffic accident. their superb medical skills imp

6、ressed me deeply. from then on, to be a doctor in the future has always been an inspiration to me. i have been working very hard in order to turn my dream into reality. ones personal dream is a part of the chinese dream. therefore, “long as everyone makesgreat effort to do their own jobs very well,

7、it will be easier to reach our chinese dream because we know the more people, the more strength. 二、社会现象篇 1. 最近媒体对“中国式过马路”这一现象进行了尖锐的批评,请你以一个中学生的角色,写一篇短文,对“中国式过马路”这一现象加以评述。 参考词语:红绿灯traffic lights, 缺乏交通安全意识lack traffic safety awareness 遵守交通规则obey the traffic rules chinese style of crossing streets has

8、been a hot topic on the internet recently. nowadays, many people cross streets without looking at the traffic lights. why? i think there are two main reasons. some people lack traffic safety awareness. besides, some people are so hurry that they don?t want to wait for the green lights. however, it h

9、as brought danger to themselves as well as to others. so i hope something must be done to avoid traffic accidents. for example, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be punished. as middle school students, we should obey the traffic rules. what?s more, i will try my best to advise people to obey t

10、he rules. only in this way can we cross streets safely. i come from china. i?m also a middle school student like ding. when i read the news, my heart ached. what ding did made me sad. ding should feel really sorry for that. as a student, it?s very important to care about what we do in public. for ex

11、ample, we?d better keep our voice down. i will be more polite to people around me and take better care of public things. and i?m sure we chinese will show our best to the whole world! 3. 大千世界,无奇不有。相信同学们也遇到过这类谎言、骗局或谣言。假设你叫李明,是红星(hongxing)中学九(1)班的学生,请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括: 1. 自我介绍;2. 描述你一次类似的经历,并说明你当时的感受;3.作为学

12、生,我们该怎么做?请提出两个建议或做法。 good morning, everyone! let me introduce myself first. my name?s li ming. i?m a student of class one grade nine, hongxing middle school. do you want to know something strange that i have experienced? yesterday morning i received an-email. it said i won the prize of a new compute

13、r. i was so excited! i gave them a call as quickly as possible. and they told me that i had to pay them two hundred yuan. i did as they told me. but two weeks later, i still haven?t received the prize. i realized that i had been cheated. i felt really sad and angry. as a student, what should we do i

14、f we receive the information like that? i think we shouldn?t believe it first. we can tell our teachers or parents about it. we can also report it to the police. we are sure the cheats will be caught and punished one day. 4. 随着家庭生活条件的提高, 现在的孩子或多或少会有一些零花钱。请以how to spend our pocket money为题写一段话, 内容必须包括

15、以下提示要点, 词数在80100之间。 1. 你从哪里得到零花钱;2. 你平常用零花钱做些什么(至少两点); 3. 你觉得用零花钱还可以做些什么更有意义的事(至少两点)。 how to spend our pocket money as families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money. i usually get my pocket money from my parents. sometimes, i can get some by selling waste paper and bottle

16、s. i often use my pocket money to buy breakfast on my way to school. i also buy some books to help me with my lessons with my pocket money. i think i can do something more meaningful. for example, i can go travelling to a tourist attraction to enjoy myself in the summer holidays. i can also donate m

17、y pocket money to help poor children in western areas of china so that they can live happily. 5. 随着络的发展,人们消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变化。“购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到购群体当中。请你根据以下表格的提示,写一篇上购物的文章。 with the development of the internet, many people are used to shopping on line. it has become a fashion in our daily life

18、. some of us students also join the group. shopping on line has many advantages. just by a click of the mouse, you can buy what you?re interested in without going outdoors. you can avoid getting tired and being trapped in the crowded people and cars and save time. when shopping on line, you can choo

19、se from more varieties of goods, whose prices are generally lower. every coin has two sides. its disadvantages are obvious, too. on one hand, it?s very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the internet. on the other hand, shopping on line may cause people to buy goods tha

20、t are not badly needed. that?s a waste of money. all in all, i love shopping on line. 三、 文明礼仪篇 1. “南充是我家,文明靠大家!”作为中学生,文明应积极参与文明城市(civilized city)的建设。请根据以下提示,写一篇80词左右的短文(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 (1)尊敬老师,对人礼貌;(2)帮助他人,友善待人;(3)遵守交规,过马路走斑马线,不闯红灯;(4)保护环境,不乱扔垃圾,不乱踩草地。respect(尊敬); be polite to; obey(遵守); traffic rule

21、s; zebra crossing(斑马线) nanchong is now making its effort to become a civilized city. as students, what should we do? we must respect our teachers and be polite to others. we should also help those who are in need and be friendly to the people around us. besides, we must obey the traffic rules. when

22、we cross the street, we should walk on the zebra crossing. and we mustn?t go across the street when the traffic lights are red. what?s more, we should protect our environment. for example, we mustn?t step on the grass and climb the trees. litter mustn?t be thrown everywhere. nanchong is our hometown

23、. let?s try our best to make it a civilized city. 2. 最近,广安市掀起“实现伟大中国梦,建立美丽繁荣和谐广安”为主题的教育活动。某中学的english club正在举办围绕这一主题的征文活动。假如你是该中学的一名学生,请你根据以下内容提示及要求,并结合自身实际写一篇应征稿。 内容提示:尊敬师长,礼貌诚实 友善待人,乐于助人 节约食物,不要浪费 遵守交规,不闯红灯 保护环境,美化城市 参考词汇:respect(v.尊敬)、 obey、traffic lights making guang?an better and better these d

24、ays, people in guangan are doing“achieving china dream, make guangan better and better”as middle school students, we should do some things for it. first of all,we should respect our teachers, parents and the old. also, we ought to be polite and honest. second, it?s always good to be kind, friendly a

25、nd helpful to others. third, we must obey traffic rules and mustn?t cross the streets when the traffic lights are red. last but not least, it?s important and necessary to help protect the environment. for example, we shouldn?t spit here and there or throw litter about. we?d better not pick flowers o

26、r step on the grass. in a word,if everyone tries his best,our cityguang?an will be better and better! 3. 2012年娄底市申请“文明城市”。作为中学生,我们应该为创建文明城市做点什么?请你根据下列英文提示,用英语写一篇70词左右的英语短文。开头已经写出,词数不计入总词数。 1. respect (尊敬)the teachers and the old; be polite and honest 2. obey the traffic rules; cross the street polit

27、ely 3. protect the environment; don?t spit(吐痰)everywhere or throw rubbish around 4. save resources; eat up all the food on the plate loudi applied for “the civilized city” in 2012. as. a middle school student, what should we do for it? first, we should respect the teachers and the old. also it?s goo

28、d for us to be polite and honest to other people. second, we should obey the traffic rules and cross the street politely. we scan only cross the road when the traffic light is red. third, we must protect the environment. don?t spit everywhere or throw rubbish around. fourth, the resources are gettin

29、g fewer and fewer, so we一should save resources. especially, don?t waste water or food. when we have dinner, it?s best for us to eat up all the food on the plate. 5. 第十二届全运会即将在辽宁举行,在激动和自豪之余,请根据以下内容提示及要求向同学们发出倡议,号召大家行动起来,为展家乡风采,贡献自己的力量。 内容提示:1. 学习了解比赛的相关知识,做最佳观众(audience);参考 2. 做全运会志愿者,并为之努力工作; 3. 尽力帮

30、助各地游客,介绍我们的家乡; 4. 保持城市干净,保护家乡环境。 参考词汇:learn about, volunteer, work for, help, introduce, clean, protect, hometown 【范文】the twelfth national games is going to be held in liaoning. all of us feel excited and proud. it?s our duty to devote ourselves to our hometown.we should learn about the knowledge ab

31、out the match and try to become the best audience. it?s an honor for us to become volunteers and work hard for the game. we must try our best to help tourists form all areas and introduce our hometown in detail. last but not least, we should keep our city clean and protect the environment. 四、感恩篇 1参考

32、词汇:enter society 进入社会, sense of thanks 感恩意识, behavior 行为 good morning, boys and girls! the topic of my speech today is “learn to express thanks”. we find some students want to eat well and wear fashionable clothes at school. when they leave school and enter society, they don?t show any sense of thanks. i think this behavior is not correct. as students, we should learn to express thanks. the society offers us a chance to receive good education. and our parents also support us to go to school. our teachers teach us much knowledge

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