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1、人教版七年级下册英语Unit10知识点UnitIO名词:noodle面条dumpling饺赢年龄the UK 英国candy糖果主意will将要;会beef牛肉potato 十日size大小;尺码Id世界bowl 碗meat 肉动词:would (表示意愿)愿意形容词:fish鱼;鱼肉pancake烙饼;薄idea想法cake蛋糕candle蜡烛blow 吹lucky幸运的popular受欢迎的;普遍的large大号的;大的different不同的副词:yet (常用于否定句和疑问句)还;儁连词:if如果兼类词:an swer n答案v回答special n特色菜;特价品adj特别的;特殊的o

2、rder n&v点菜;命令短语:would like (表示意愿)愿意;喜欢take ones order 点菜one (large) bowl of (大) 碗 around the world 世界各地blow out 吹灭get popular受欢迎;流行cut up切碎bring good luck to 纟口 带来妊make a wish 许愿知识点:1s (1)would like (表示意愿)愿意;喜欢,与代词连用 would可缩写成Wwould like sth喜欢/想要某物Uwbuld like to do sth 想要做某事 d是情态动词would like sb ( no

3、t) to do sth 想要做某事She would like a cup of tea.她想要一杯茶。Tom would like to play basketball. Tom 想打篮球。Id like you to be more safe when you drive.我希望你开车时能更加小心(2) What would you like ( to eat/drink ) ?你想要(吃 /喝)什么?Id like 我想要 What would you like to drink ?你想喝什么?Id like a glass of orange juice. 我想和杯橙汁。2、orde

4、r n&v 点菜;命令(1) order sth点餐;订购某物take ones order 点菜;订餐我们可以通过觀餐I ordered a new computer. 我订购了 台艇脑We can take our order on the phone.(2) give orders 下命令take orders (from sb)听(某人的)命令She takes orders only from his father.她只听从她父亲地吩咐。(3)order sb to do sth命令某人做某事The policeman orders him to stay here.警察命令他待在这

5、。3、May I do sth ?我可以做某事吗?征求意见(1)肯定回答:Yes, you can/may.Of course (you can).Sure.I Yes, please (2)否定回答:fNo, you cant / mustntrm afraid you cant You*d better not.注意:否定回答不能用 No, you may not .May I use your book ?我能用你的自行车吗? Sure.May I play soccer ?我能踢足球吗? No, you cant / mustnt.There is a bowl of noodles.

6、 这有碗面条。bottle (瓶),pair (双)等数词+量词+of+名词,常用来表示不可数名词的量,加可数名词苞以 数词1,量词变复数,常量词 cup (杯),glass (杯),piece (片;张) Id like to buy two bottles of milk. 我想买两瓶牛奶。5、 询问型号、尺码What size ?What size it is ?它有多大? 一 Size M. M 号的。 What size do you take ? 你穿多大尺码的?一 I wear size 39. 我穿39码的。6、 with(1) 和;跟Id like a cup of coff

7、ee with milk. 我想要一杯加牛奶的咖啡。(2) 具有;带有Do you know the girl with long hair ?你认识这个发孩码She came back with a letter.她拿着一封信回来了。(3) 用;使用Chinese people eat with chopsticks 中国人用筷子吃饭。7、 fish鱼;鱼肉(1) 鱼,可数名词,单复数同形They bought three fish. 他们买了三条鱼。(2) 鱼肉,不可数名词The boy likes eating fish.这个男孩喜欢吃鱼肉。(3) 不同种类的鱼,可数名词,复数我fish

8、esThere are many fishes in the river. 这条河里有许多鱼。(4) go fishing 去蛍lLets go fishing this weekend.咱们这个周末去蛍l吧8、 or(1) 和,肯定句中用and,否定句中用orI like apples and bananas.我喜欢苹果和香焦oI dont like apples or bananas.我不喜欢苹果和香焦。(2) 或者,表示捱Is your sister tall or thin ?你妹妹咼还是矮? 一 She is very tall.她很咼 o(3)否则,用于杠祈使句 +。+陈述句錯Pu

9、t on your sweater, or you may have a cold.穿上毛衣,否则你可能感冒。9、be different from 与 不同America is different from China 美国和中国不同。40、 Cthe number of 的数量,谓语动词用数L a number of +可数名词复数,大量 浒多 ,谓语动词用复数The number of students in my class is 40.我们班的学生数量是 40 人。A number of boys are playing soccer. 许多 男孩正在*易足球o11、will do

10、sth将要做某事will是情态动词,没有人孩She will go to London. 她将要去伦敦。12、 pget popular受欢迎;流行 be popular with 受 的欢迎、We Chat is getting popular微信正变得流行。English songs are popular with young people. 英语歌受年轻人白勺欢迎。13 s foot 食物(1)某种食物,可数名词There are lots of foods in the supermarket, such as fish, beef, chicken and so on. 超市中有许

11、多 食物,女口 鱼肉, 牛肉,鸡肉等。(2)食物,不可数名词cat food 猫粮baby food婴儿食品14、would like 用法(1)肯定句:主语 + would like (to do) sthId like a bowl of beef noodles.我想要一碗牛肉面。Hed like to be an actor.他想成为一名演员(2)肯定句:主语 + wouldnt like (to do) sthI wouldnt like a bowl of beef noodles. 我不想要牛肉面。He wouldrft like to be an actor.他不想成为一名演员

12、(3)般疑问句: Would + 主语 + like sth ?肯定回答:Yes, please.否定回答:No, thanks.Would you like some fruit ?你想要吃点水果吗?(2)Would + 主to do sth ?肯 定回答:Yes, Id like to 否定回答:Sorry, Im afraid I cant Would you like to go there with me ?你想和我一起去那卩马?Sorry, Im afraid I cant. I have to do my homework. 对不起,恐怕不行。我得做作业(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问

13、词 + would +主诵e?What kind of noodles would you like ?你想要哪种面条?Where would you like to go ?你想去哪?15、可数名词和不可数名词知谋異词洪1. She wlike to spend the holiday with her parents.2. Please give me a large bof noodles.3. Here is the menu (菜单).You can ovour food.4. Chinese people often eat dat the Sorina Festival.5. W

14、e can travel around the wduring the summer vacation.6. Id like noodles with(potato) and beef.7. There(J?e) some chicken in the bowl.8. We have(不同的) kinds of noodles.9. Dont you think you are (-luck)_to have such good teachers ?10. The number of boys ( be) 28 泊 our class. You should make a wish befor

15、e you the “nrilea cn ycur birthday cakes.12. Its getting pto buy cars in China. Yes, Every one wants a ar nowadays.13. Would you like some cakes ?Im full (饱的)14. Your bag is(不同于) hers.15.Lets the nd make dumplings.16. would you like ? Id like a large one.17.People always ) on their birthday.18.The r

16、ed color can 好运) to us.19. (不) like onionstofu(溯然)20. They havent accepted the invitation(4寺殊的)day for Tom.23. There is some(肉)in the fridge.24. Your 案)to the question is right.25. Do you want a piece of26. The number of(蜡烛)is the persons age.找错误1. There are two cups of teas on the table2 How many mutton do you want ?3. Do you like ice-cream ?Yes, I do. I like them very much4. Can I help you ? 一Id like to buy two pairs of shoe for my daughter.5.Tina would like some beefs.

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