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1、托福写作强化班讲义托福写作强化班讲义开头段范文The best way to increase students interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside of school.It is well acknowledged that interest is the best teacher. Students can considerably improve their academic performance if they study with great interest.

2、 Therefore, educators are striving to find ways to help arouse students interest in various subjects. Some propose that no means is better to increase students interest than teaching them the importance of the subject outside of school. However, I have different opinion.Do you agree or disagree with

3、 the following statement: The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.Universities are places where foundations of academic study are cultivated and it is no question that professors play an important role in the education quality at the university. Amon

4、g the tasks that professors undertake every day, researching and teaching activities take up most of their time. Some people would say that professors should focus more on teaching than research. I disagree. I believe that in order to enrich the learning experience of college students, a professor s

5、hould focus a significant amount of time on his or her research.Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of peoples lives have already taken place. The development of science and technology has always accompanied the progress of human

6、 society. The 21st century has seen leaps and bounds advancement of science and technology, making peoples lives more and more efficient and convenient. Some people are wondering whether science and technology will keep on improving. As for me, I believe many significant innovations will continue to

7、 occur since human civilization is motivated and propelled by the progress of science and technology.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process.Leaders play a profound role in the success

8、 of a group. Due to this, the strategy of a leader is at the frontline of public debate. So there is a controversy whether effective leaders should let group members feel they participated in the process of decision making or not. From my point of view, good leaders should try to make group members

9、feel they are part of the process of decision making. My reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.With the increasing development of technology, we now

10、 have the ability to acquire much information from foreign media sources. Because we can learn much about events happening in other countries from the mass media, such as magazines and newspapers, many people may think that reading magazines and newspapers is the best way to learn about a foreign co

11、untry. However, I believe that only reading magazines and newspapers as a way of learning about a foreign country has several limitations.练习:Young people today are more likely to help others than in the past.Your job will have more effect on your happiness than the social life does.写好主题句:范文:Do you a

12、gree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.To begin with, compared with art facilities, recreational facilities such as swimming pools an

13、d playgrounds are much more essential to people s daily life.Secondly, art facilities are generally much more expensive to establish.Furthermore, once a museum or a concert hall is established, it usually charges a high admission fee in order to sustain its daily operation and to fund ambitious proj

14、ects or performances.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? there is never good resaon to be impolite(rude) to another person.First, in dealing relationships with family and friend, people need to be polite and considerate.Second, in a working environment, one needs to obey the basic

15、 social norms of courtesy for interpersonal communication.Third, in the political realm and entertainment industry, celebrities need to show a gracious and friendly manner in order to maintain a positive image.练习:Young people today are more likely to help others than in the past.Your job will have m

16、ore effect on your happiness than the social life does.一 教育类素材思路09年5月30日(10年11月21日)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Younger school children (ages 5-10) should be required to study art and music in addition to math language, science and history.Nowadays, more and more parents tre

17、at art and music as compulsory subjects to children because parents believe they can help cultivate creativeness. However, I hold a negative attitude toward this opinion due to the fact that art and music cost too much money and are not necessary to help children get to success.Admittedly, learning

18、art and music have some minor advantages. They can make students more creative and this will benefit students in the future. For example, a businessman inspired by art and music may create a way of selling his commodities. However, art and music are not the only way of being creative. In fact, some

19、subjects such as math, chemistry and physics also contribute greatly to our creativeness.First, learning art and music is quite costly. If schools have art and music classes, they need to equip themselves with a great deal of instruments, brushes and pigments, all of which need lots of money and the

20、refore, schools will ask students to pay more money. Only in that way can a school afford the costs. Take my school for example. Before we were required to study art and music, we only need to pay about 150 yuan a month. However, when we were required to study them, the school fees soar to 400 yuan.

21、 This made parents felt upset and angry because they thought the school had no reason to increase school fees. In the end, it made the school unaffordable and few parents wanted to pay the extra tuitions. As a result, our schools educational quality decreased at an unbelievable rate. Obviously, it i

22、s not advisable to require children to study art and music. In addition, learning art and music does not necessarily lead students to success. A mathematician who has no time to study art can finally obtain great achievement and contribute a lot to science; a business people who only desires money c

23、an finally become wealthy and famous in his field; an athlete who treat art and music as boring stuffs can finally stand on the top of the podium and be respected by people all over the world. All of the above demonstrate the fact that knowledge from art and music is indeed not so necessary for stud

24、ents future careers.From the foregoing discussion, requiring children to study art and music can help children cultivate creativeness to some extent, but the disadvantages are of more importance. Instead, I suggest the art and music courses can be optional courses for young school children. (418 wor

25、ds)09年11月7日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young childrens education rather than on universities.Whether a government should focus its budgets more on young childrens education than on

26、 universities? The answer is yes. I concede that university education now mostly relies on governments budget. However, early education needs more money to guarantee good quality of education and school facilitates.Children aged from 5-18 are at the most crucial stage of intelligence development, so

27、 they deserve better educators. According to a latest research result reported by China Children Health Fund (CCHF), a childs intelligence develops mostly from five to eighteen, so commonly, excellent educators are required in peoples early ages. Besides, the training and educating of a well-qualifi

28、ed teacher in primary school or secondary school are often quite costly, and they need to be paid a relatively high salary, for example, over 1000 dollars per month. As the number of teachers in primary school and secondary school increases, young children education becomes unaffordable for most par

29、ents and as a result, government should pay more to subsidize the early education.Young children education also needs good school facilitates, which cost governments a great amount of money. The chief minister in Treasury announced that they spent 3% fiscal income, as much as 500 million dollars, on

30、 primary education, but that is not enough. It is because children desire a complete set of school facilitates, such as playgrounds, canteens, laboratories, libraries and dormitories which are so expensive. For example, a school library equipped with advanced computers costs at least 100 thousand do

31、llars; a dormitory building serving meals and laundries costs at least 150 thousand dollars. Since early education is compulsory for everyone in my country, the government has to pay much more to set up school facilitates.Admittedly, university education does need money. Usually, salaries of univers

32、ity professors are high and the schooling instruments are costly. However, college education should mainly rely on donations from social organizations, large corporations and accomplished alumni, which relieve much financial pressure of governments. Whats more, considered as the elites education, college career is optional for people, so it is reasonable for colleges to charge a comparatively high tuition fee to students anticipating universities.To conclude, although universities need budgets to build campuses, remodel laboratories and refill libraries,

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