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1、专业英语四级完型填空语法与词汇模拟题27专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题271. The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. The underlined part means _.A.if an accident can be preventedB.if an accident happensC.before an accidentD.during an accident答案:B解答 固定搭配题。in the event of accident表示“万一发生事

2、故,如果发生事故”。根据句意可知,B为答案。2. The court would not accept his appeal unless _ evidence is provided.A.definiteB.conclusiveC.eventualD.concluding答案:B解答 固定搭配题。B:conclusive意为“(事实、证据等)令人信服的,确凿的,消除怀疑的”,此处为固定搭配,意为“确凿的证据”,故选B。A:definite意为“明确的”;C:eventual意为“最终的”;D:concluding意为“结尾的”,均可排除。3. That outburst at the mee

3、ting was _ of his bad temper.A.illustrativeB.explanatoryC.expositoryD.revealing答案:A解答 固定搭配题。be illustrative of表示“说明,解释”,因此A为正确答案。其他三个选项均无此搭配,故排除。4. Most Chinese people went to work by bike within living _.A.mindB.knowledgeC.memoryD.scope答案:C解答 固定搭配题。within living memory是个固定搭配,表示“现在还被人牢记着”,因此C为正确答案。其

4、他三个选项均无此搭配,故排除。5. Id like to have a _ word with his parents.A.peacefulB.quietC.silentD.personal答案:B解答 固定搭配题。have a quiet word with sb. 属于固定搭配,表示“与某人私下交谈”。B符合句意,故为正确答案。6. It is not much the language _ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.A.asB.norC.butD.like答案:A解答 固定搭配题

5、。not so其含义相当于rather than,意为“与其说是,倒不如说是”,因此A:as为答案。7. John is up to his eyes in work at the moment. The underlined part means _.A.very excitedB.very busyC.very tiredD.very efficient答案:B解答 固定搭配题。up to ones eyes in work属于固定搭配,表示“非常忙”,因此B:very busy为答案。8. Victoria bumped into her brother quite b

6、y chance in the supermarket. The underlined word means _.A.riskB.opportunityC.possibilityD.luck答案:D解答 固定搭配题。题中短语by chance表示“偶然地,意外地”。A:risk意为“危险”;B:opportunity意为“机会”;C:possibility意为“可能性”;D:luck意为“运气”。其中by luck“碰巧”相当于by accident或by chance,因此D为答案。9. Everyone is surprised that she has fallen out with h

7、er boy friend. The underlined part means _.A.leftB.quarreledC.attackedD.defeated答案:B解答 固定搭配题。画线短语fallen out with为固定搭配,表示“争吵,起纠纷”。A:left表示“离开”;B:quarreled表示“吵架”;C:attacked表示“攻击”;D:defeated表示“击败”。因此B:quarreled为答案。10. During the summer vacation, kids are often seen hanging _ in the streets.A.aboutB.onC

8、.overD.out答案:D解答 固定搭配题。hang out意为“玩,闲逛”,例如:He hangs out at Green Street. 他在格林大街上闲逛。这里提到的是the summer vacation,因此孩子们有时间在街上玩,故D为答案。hang about意为“逗留,徘徊”,例如:If you hang about the office for a bit, you may catch Comrade Lin as he arrives. (要是你在办公室附近等一会儿,林同志来上班时你就可以遇到他了。)hang on意为“握住不放;坚持;不挂断”,例如:The line i

9、s busy, would you like to hang on?(电话有人在打,请别挂断好吗?)hang over意为“延续;威胁”,例如:This custom hangs over from the old days. (这种风俗是从古代延续而来的。),因此排除A、B以及C。11. Joan is in the dorm, putting the final _ to her speech.A.detailsB.remarksC.commentsD.touches答案:D解答 固定搭配题。put the final touches to为固定搭配,意为“做最后的修饰,完成最后的细节”,

10、其他几个词均无此搭配,故D为答案。12. His _ in gambling has eventually brought about his rain.A.indulgenceB.habitC.actionD.engagement答案:A解答 固定搭配题。indulgence意为“沉迷,沉溺于”,与in搭配使用,例如:Constant indulgence in gambling brought about his ruin. (经常沉迷于赌博把他毁了。),本句中的沉迷赌博和后面的ruin构成因果关系,故A为答案。engagement意为“约定,约会;婚约”,例如:My brother ha

11、s just told me about his engagement to Anne. (我弟弟刚告诉我他和安妮订婚了。)13. The couple had no sooner got to the station _ the coach left.A.whenB.asC.untilD.than答案:D解答 固定搭配题。no soonerthan表示“就”,例如:He had no sooner returned than he bought a house(他一回来就买了一套房子。)no sooner.than一般用来描述做过的事情,它不能用于表示将来的事。如果no sooner位于句首

12、,主句要用倒装结构,例如:No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. (他刚到就又走了。)14. Come on, Jack, tell me the story. Dont keep me in _.A.suspenseB.suspendingC.suspensionD.suspender答案:A解答 固定搭配题。keep in suspense意为“处于悬念之中”,其他几个词均无此搭配,故选A。suspending“悬浮,悬置”,suspender“挂钩,吊钩”,这两个词不能与in构成固定搭配,故排除B、D。C:suspension意

13、为“悬挂,悬浮”,in suspension意为“悬浮中”,不符合此处语境,故排除。15. Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go on working together in _.A.unityB.entityC.partnersD.partnership答案:D解答 固定搭配题。unity意为“团结,一致”;entity意为“实体”;partner意为“合伙人”,尤指“股东,合伙人”,如a partner in the firm,但它不可以与in搭配使用;partnership意为“合作伙伴关系”,多

14、用于work in partnership结构中。根据各项的词义和用法可知,D正确。16. When he first started in university, he really felt at _ with his majoreconomics.A.shoreB.bankC.oceanD.sea答案:D解答 固定搭配题。at sea字面意思为“离开陆地”,这是有“茫然”之意,例如:He felt completely at sea in his new school. (他在新学校中感到茫然不知所措。)故D为答案。at不能与其他三项搭配,故排除。17. The company has

15、capitalized _ the error of judgment made by its business competitor.A.inB.overC.withD.on答案:D解答 固定搭配题。capitalize on意为“利用”,例如:capitalize on ones opportunity利用机会。通常,capitalize意为“使资本化”,为及物动词,后直接跟宾语,例如:capitalize a new business(为一个新的企业注入资金)。capitalize不能与其他三个介词搭配,故均排除。18. When invited to talk about his ac

16、hievements, he refused to blow his own _ and declined to speak at the meeting.A.trumpetB.whistleC.bugleD.flute答案:A解答 固定搭配题。blow ones own trumpet意为“自吹自擂,自我标榜”,与它相似的表达为blow ones own horn,故选A。whistle意为“口哨”;bugle意为“喇叭”;flute意为“长笛”,blow与这三个词均不能构成固定搭配,故排除。19. Teddy came to my _ with a cheque of $200 to pa

17、y my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen.A.attendanceB.assistanceC.rescueD.safety答案:C解答 固定搭配题。come to ones rescue意为“解救某人,救助某人”,例如:Carols brother came to her rescue and sent her $1,000. (卡罗的哥哥救助了她,寄给她1000美元。)故选C。attendance意为“出席,照料”;assistance意为“帮助,援助”;safety意为“安全”,这三个词与come t

18、o无法构成固定搭配,故排除A、B以及D。20. Shes always been kind to meI cant just turn _ on her now that she needs my shoulder答案:A解答 固定搭配题。turn ones back on sb. 是个习语,意思是“背弃,抛弃;拒绝帮助别人”。turn与其他三项无此搭配,故均排除。21. The thieves fled with the local police close on their _.A.backsB.necksC.toes

19、D.heels答案:D解答 固定搭配题。on/at sb. s heels是固定搭配,表示“紧跟在后面”,所以选D。on ones back表示“仰天;卧病在床”;on sb. s neck表示“缠在某人身边;令某人陷入麻烦”,例如:We kept on the enemys neck. (我们缠着敌人不放。)on ones toes表示“警觉的,准备行动的”。22. Many people nowadays save money to _ for their old age.A.caterB.supplyC.provideD.equip答案:C解答 固定搭配题。provide for表示“做

20、准备,预防”,例如:He worked hard to provide for his old age. (他努力工作为养老做准备。)因此选C。cater for表示“投合,迎合;提供饮食及服务”;supply是及物动词,可与for搭配使用,但supply之后必须有宾语;equip表示“装备;配备”,一般与with搭配使用。23. There are still many problems ahead of us, but by this time next year we can see light at the end of the _.A.battleB.dayC.roadD.tunne

21、l答案:D解答 固定搭配题。see light at the end of the tunnel是固定搭配,表示“看到希望,有希望”,故选D。at the end of the day表示“最终,到头来;(工作等)完成之时”。24. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _ against the local authorities decision to build a highway across the field.A.contradictB.reformC.counterD.protest答案:D解答 词语搭配题。prot

22、est表示“反对,抗议”;contradict表示“与发生冲突;反驳的观点”;reform表示“改革”;counter虽表示“反对;对抗”,但其搭配是counter with sth. ,counter sb. /sth. with sth. 。所以本题应选D:protest。25. The partys reduced vote was _ of lack of support for its policies.A.indicativeB.positiveC.revealingD.evident答案:A解答 词语搭配题。indicative意为“意味着,表示,指示”,能与介词of搭配;pos

23、itive意为“肯定的,积极的”;revealing意为“透露内情的”;evident意为“明显的,显然的”。根据句意应选A:indicative。26. Scientific research results can now be quickly _ to factory production.A.usedB.appliedC.triedD.practiced答案:B解答 词语搭配题。apply意为“应用,运用”,apply A to B表示“把A运用或应用到B中去”;use意为“使用,用”;try意为“试用,尝试”;practice意为“实践,练习,实习”。根据句意应选B:applied。

24、27. You must insist that students give a truthful answer _ with the reality of their world.A.relevantB.simultaneousC.consistentD.practical答案:C解答 词语搭配题。be consistent with意为“(与)一致,符合”;be relevant to意为“与相关”be simultaneous with意为“与同时的”;practical意为“实用的”,常用作定语。根据句意和搭配要求应选C:consistent。28. In order to raise

25、 money, Aunt Nicola had to _ with some of her most treasured possessions.A.divideB.separateC.partD.abandon答案:C解答 词语搭配题。part with表示“放弃,舍弃;卖掉”;divide和separate都是及物动词,表示“分开”;abandon也是及物动词,意为“放弃,抛弃”。所以选C。29. The customer expressed her _ for that broad hat.A.disapprovalB.distasteC.dissatisfactionD.dismay答

26、案:B解答 词语搭配题。distaste for sth. 表示“厌恶,讨厌”;disapproval一般与of连用,表示“不赞成”;dissatisfaction常与with或at连用,表示“对不满意”;dismay表示“沮丧”。根句题意应选B。30. His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in _ to his income.A.comparisonB.proportionC.associationD.calculation答案:B解答 固定搭配题。in proportion to为固定搭配,意为“按着的比例,与成比

27、例”;in comparison with为固定搭配,意为“与比较起来”;in association with为固定搭配,意为“与有关联”;calculation没有类似的固定搭配。所以选B。31. You must let me have the annual report without _ by ten oclock tomorrow morning.A.failureB.hesitationC.troubleD.fail答案:D解答 固定搭配题。without fail为固定搭配,表示“肯定,一定”,符合句意,故选D。32. My cousin likes eating very m

28、uch, but he isnt very _ about the food he eats.A.specialB.peculiarC.particularD.specific答案:C解答 词语搭配题。be particular about/over sth. 表示“对很挑剔、很讲究”;special表示“特别的,特殊的;专门的;额外的”;peculiar表示“奇怪的,古怪的;特有的,独特的”;specific表示“具体的,明确的;特有的”。根据句意应选C:particular。33. The fact that the management is trying to reach agreem

29、ent _ five separate unions has led to long negotiations.A.overB.inC.uponD.with答案:D解答 固定搭配题。reach agreement with sb. over sth. 表示“与某人就某事达成一致意见”。agreement不能与over,in或upon搭配,所以选D。34. The police let him go, because they didnt find him guilty _ the murder.A.ofB.inC.overD.on答案:A解答 固定搭配题。find sb. guilty of

30、sth. 表示“发现某人犯有罪”;guilty表示“内疚的,惭愧的”时,与about搭配。根据句意应选A:of。35. As a developing country, we must keep _ with the rapid development of the world economy.A.moveB.stepC.speedD.pace答案:D解答 固定搭配题。keep pace with为固定搭配,表示“与齐头并进”,故选D。36. The membership card entitled him _ certain privileges in the club.A.onB.inC.atD.to答案:D解答 固定搭配题。enti

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