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创新设计学年高中英语同步精练选修9 Unit 2 Period 1人教版重庆专用.docx

1、创新设计学年高中英语同步精练选修9 Unit 2 Period 1人教版重庆专用Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Period 1 Warming Up,Prereading & Reading 同步精练(人教版选修9,重庆专用)时间:45分钟.介、副词填空1The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not_the mercy_the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids.2On a clear da

2、y especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead_midday to navigate by.3There is a special cloud formation which indicates there is land close_.4An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied_a log over the side of the ship.5The number of knots that wer

3、e counted_a fixed period of time gave the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.6_this way the ship could set a straight course even in the middle of the ocean.7_, it was awkward to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.8As the ship rose and plunged in the waves, it

4、 was_difficult to be accurate with any reading.9It works_measuring the angle between two fixed objects outside the ship using two mirrors.10This gave the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude_sea.答案;单词拼写1This was a mo

5、re p_and simplified version of the astrolabe.2So seamen could follow the birds to land even if they were o_and in the open sea.3This seems to have been the first and most useful form of e_which carried the minimum amount of risk.4Can you help me u_the files?5It was the first i_to measure the suns po

6、sition.6It was easier to handle because it was more p_.7However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of r_was the moving ship itself.8On a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun o_at midday to navigate by.9So the Vikings would observe the winds before and during

7、their o_or return journeys.10Seamen used it to help i_the position of a stream or river when they were close to land.答案1.precise2.offshore3.exploration4.update5.instrument6.portable7.reference8.overhead9outward10.identify.翻译与仿写1The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were no

8、t at the mercy of the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids. 翻译: _ 仿写:他的生命掌握在国王手中。 _2. There was no secure method of measuring longitude until the 17th century when the British solved this theoretical problem. 翻译: _ 仿写:直到做完作业王林才回家。 _3. They could use the height of the sun to wor

9、k out their latitude. 翻译: _ 仿写:这些数字我每次相加都有不同的结果。 _4This seems to have been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk. 翻译: _ 仿写:他好像已经知道这次考试结果了。 _5Seamen used it to help identify the position of a stream or river when they were close to land. 翻译: _ 仿写:志愿者们住

10、得离北京大学很近。 _答案1.17世纪以前的航海记录显示,即使没有现代航海技术的帮助,旅行者们也不是任凭海洋摆布的。His life hangs at the mercy of the king.2直到17世纪英国人解决了这个理论问题后,人们才有了测量经度的可靠方法。Wang Lin didnt go home until he finished his homework.3他们利用太阳的高度计算出他们所处的纬度。These figures work out differently each/every time I add them.4这似乎已是最早的、最有用的探险方式,所冒的风险也是最小的

11、。He seems to have known the rusult of the examination.5当靠近陆地时,海员们利用它来确定小溪或河流的位置。The volunteers live close to Beijing University.语篇填词1_navigators could_2_North Star, the sun and_3_to navigate_4_. Seaweed could also be_5_to know whether they were_6_to land. Seabirds could be used_7_show the way to lan

12、d. If fog was seen seamen knew that they were near the land. Winds can_8_the speed, but it also be_9_. Seamen used certain tides and currents to_10_ships to their destination.答案1.Skillful(Accomplished)2.use3.clouds4.by5used6.close7.to8.accelerate9.dangerous10.carry.单项填空1Why didnt you tell him about

13、the meeting? He rushed out of the room_I could say a word. Abefore Buntil Cwhen Dafter 解析考查连词before表示“还没来得及就”的用法。句意:我还没来得及说一句话,他就冲出了房间。 答案A2How often do you_the dictionary when you are doing reading? Not very often. Only when I find it is necessary. Arelate to Bconsult to Crefer to Dlook up 解析refer

14、to the dictionary查阅词典。relate to涉及,关系到;consult to不是固定用法;look up查阅,应用作look up a word in a dictionary。 答案C3. He got wellprepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk_the good opportunity. Ato lose Blosing CTo be lost Dbeing lost 解析句意:他为面试做好了准备,因为他不能冒失去这个好机会的风险。risk doing sth冒险做某事。 答案B4. But somed

15、ay, all our hard work will_; we will attend the university of our choice and go on to have a great career. Aturn out Bpay off Cwork out Dgo out 解析句意:但总有一天,我们的努力会有回报;我们会上我们所选择的大学,而后成就一番大的事业。pay off带来好结果,成功,行得通;work out计算出;turn out结果是,被证明;go out熄灭。 答案B5. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for s

16、tudents_allows them to communicate freely with each other. Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dwho 解析句意:她具有给学生营造一种允许他们自由交流的氛围的天赋。考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,定语从句“_ allows them to communicate freely with each other”修饰先行词atmosphere,将先行词代入从句后为:The atmosphere allows them to communicate freely with each other。由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,而且指代

17、物,所以需用关系代词which,故选A。 答案A6. He had no sooner finished his speech_the students started cheering. Asince Bas Cwhen Dthan 解析句意:他刚做完演讲,学生们就开始欢呼起来。考查固定句式。no sooner往往与than连用,意为:一就,故选D项。 答案D7. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still_the traditional customs. Aperform Bpossess Cobserve Dsuppo

18、rt 解析考查动词辨析。句意:尽管在国外生活了许多年,很多中国人还是遵守传统习俗。observe遵守,奉行(法律、习俗、规章等),(按传统习惯)纪念,庆祝(节日、生日等),符合句意。perform表演;possess拥有;support支撑。 答案C8She shouldnt have done that sort of thing. Whatever she did was reasonable,_to what you did. Besides,its none of your business. Get down to_your lessons. Acomparing;doing Bco

19、mparing;do Ccompared;doing Dcompared;do 解析句意:她本不应该做那种事情。和你做的相比较,无论她做什么都是合情合理的。而且,这不关你事。认真做你的功课吧。compared to 比较起来;get down to doing sth开始认真做某事。 答案C9A Nigerian man,who has attempted to_an explosive device on a Northwest international flight,has been officially charged,said the US. Department of Justic

20、e on Saturday. Aset off Bset out Cset down Dset in 解析考查动词短语。set off “出发,使爆炸”;set out“动身,开始工作”;set down“制定,记下”;set in“到来,把装进”。根据语境可知此处是引爆爆炸装置的意思,故选A。 答案A10. You cant borrow books from the school library_you get your student card. Abefore Bif Cwhile Das 解析句意:在你没有拿到学生证之前你不能从学校图书馆借书。before在之前;如果;while当时

21、候,然而;as随着,因为。 答案A.完形填空William Shakespeare was born four hundred years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown StratforduponAvon. Little was known about his childhood though many stories are published, some of which may be_1_. He probably went to Grammar School at Stratford. At thirteen he_2_to l

22、eave school as his father_3_some losses and became poorer for a time. So William had to_4_his own living. At the age of eighteen he married a farmers daughter. Not long after he_5_Stratford for London. London was rapidly_6_. All types of people were to be_7_in it. Here Shakespeare_8_travelers, stude

23、nts, and scholars, and his_9_was stirred(激发)by the stories they told. He also met writers and actors. He soon found some work in a_10_. Before long he became an actor and writer of plays_11_. There were a few theatres in London. One of the most famous of these was_12_the Globe. Shakespeare himself_1

24、3_one of the owners of this theatre. Shakespeares reputation(名望)as a writer of_14_began to grow. He made_15_of the writing of others and found_16_in the old poets like Chaucer. But by his gift he_17_all these old stories into masterpieces(杰作)of his_18_. Shakespeare wrote no fewer than 37 plays. They

25、 describe all kinds of men and women, and_19_us pictures of great events in history. In 1593 Shakespeare acted before Queen Elizabeth, and received ten pounds for his services. Soon he got greater rewards, and became_20_enough to buy a house in Stratford. He was able to retire to his native town and

26、 spent the last few years of his life in comfort there.1A.exciting Btrue Cwrong Dfair 解析下文叙述的是可能真实的情况,所以选B项。 答案B2A.agreed Bdecided Chad Dought 解析句意:因为家道中落,他不得不退学。 答案C3A.paid Bgot Cmanaged Dsuffered 解析suffer loss意为“遭受某种损失”。 答案D4A.earn Bplan Cset Dsuffer 解析earn ones living相当于make ones living,意为“谋生”。 答

27、案A5A.left Bstayed Creached Ddrove to 解析leave.for.意为“离开某处去另一处”。 答案A6A.developed Bbuilt Cgrowing Dincreasing 解析句意:伦敦发展很快。 答案C7A.gathered Bcollected Cfound Dvisited 解析句意:在伦敦能发现形形色色的人。 答案C8A.met Binvited Crespected Dcalled 解析句意:莎士比亚在这里遇到旅游者、学生和学者。 答案A9A.power Bwish Cwriting Dimagination 解析句意:人们讲的故事激发了他的想像力。 答案 Btown Ctheatre Dconcert 解析根据上下文可知是在剧院找到的工作。 答案C11A.himself Binstead Ctoo Dagain 解析句意:很快他本人也成了演员和剧作者。 答案A12A.around Bcalled Cknown Dmade 解析句意:其中一个最著名的剧院叫做Globe。 答案

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