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本文(期末模拟冲刺二学年八年级上学期期末考试备考满分冲刺专题解析版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、期末模拟冲刺二学年八年级上学期期末考试备考满分冲刺专题解析版(考试时间:80分钟 试卷满分:100分)一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1. What is your father doing? He is watching _ news. A. a B. an C. the D. /【答案】C【解析】句意:你的爸爸正在做什么?他正在观看新闻。news为不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词a/an,首先排除A、B;此处表示特指,故答案为C。2. How hot it is today! Yes. The _ may be over 35. A.

2、 temperature B. weather C. watermelon D. machine【答案】A【解析】句意:今天多热啊!是的,温度也许在35度以上。A. temperature温度;B. weather天气;C. watermelon 西瓜;D. machine机器;根据句意故选A。3. In China,it is _ for people to eat long noodles on their birthday. They are a symbol of long life. A. cheap B. traditional C. successful D. easy【答案】B

3、4. I heard that you got a great job. How are you going to _ it? How about eating out? A. celebrate B. discuss C. shake D. cover【答案】A【解析】句意:我听说你找到了一份好工作,你准备怎么庆祝它?出去吃一顿怎么样?A. celebrate 庆祝;B. discuss讨论;C. shake摇晃;D. cover覆盖;根据句意故选A。5. Three oranges is not enough. We need two _ oranges. A. more B. anoth

4、er C. other D. others【答案】A【解析】句意:三个桔子不够,我们还需要两个。数量词+more+名词,意思是:再要几个(在原来的基础上);another+数量词+名词,意思是:再要几个(在原来的基础上);other+名词复数=others 另外的,其他的;根据句意和语法故选A。6. Dont forget _ some sugar and cheese when you go to the supermarket. OK,I wont. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought【答案】B【解析】句意:当你去超市的时候不要忘了买些糖和奶酪。好的,

5、我不会忘的。forget doing sth忘记做过的事情;forget to do sth忘记去做某事,根据句意故选B。7. There are some onions on the table. Could you _ for me,Tina? Sure,no problem. A. cut it up B. cut up it C. cut them up D. cut up them【答案】C8. What are you doing _ Monday morning? Were going fishing. A. on B. at C. in D. for【答案】A【解析】句意:周一

6、早上你们在做什么?我们正在钓鱼。on在具体某一天,在星期前面;at在具体时间点;in在年代、月份、季节;泛指在上午、下午或晚上;for+一段时间,表示持续一段时间。根据句意可知,这里说的是周一早上,故用介词on,选A。9. He looks rich. _, he is very poor. A. But B. However C. While D. Yet【答案】B【解析】句意:他看起来很富有,但是他很穷。But连词,后面不用逗号;however副词,后面通常用逗号;根据句意和语法故选B。10. More and more people can _over 100 years old in

7、the future. A. live for B. live in C. live to be D. live be【答案】C11. She expect _ the film Tiny Times directed by Guo Jingming. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. to seeing【答案】B【解析】句意:她期待看郭敬明导演的小时代。expect to do sth期待做某事;故选B12. Gina is taller _ Lisa. A. as B. than C. like D. of【答案】B【解析】句意:吉娜比丽莎高。A. as连词,与一

8、样;B. than连词,比;C. like介词,像,或者动词,喜欢;D. of介词,的。根据taller可知,本句是比较级的语境,使用连词than。故选B。13. Li Hai, _ you speak Chinese? Yes, but only a little. A. must B. need C. have to D. can【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词。句意:李海,你会说汉语吗?是的,但是仅仅会一点。A. must必须;B. need需要;C. have to不得不;D. can能,会。根据句意应选D。14. Has Tom finished reading his book y

9、et? Ive no idea, but he _ it the whole morning. A. read B. was reading C. has done D. would read【答案】B 15. Today is my birthday. Can you come to my party tonight? . A. Dont worry B. Sure, Id love to C. Thats too bad D. No, I dont know【答案】B 【解析】考查交际用语。句意:今天是我生日。你今晚能来参加我的聚会吗?当然,我愿意去。A.别担心;B.当然,我愿意;C.那太

10、坏了;D.不,我不知道。故选B。二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。A man walked into a small pub and ordered three beers. Bartender was _16_, but he served that man three beers. The very next day that man ordered three beers again. This _17_ several times and shortly after the peop

11、le of the town were _18_ about the man who was ordering three beers at once.A couple of _19_ later, the bartender couldnt help asking, Sorry, but could you explain why you order three beers all the time?The man replied, It seems _20_, isnt it? You see, my two brothers live _21_, one is in France and

12、 the other is in Italy. We have made a(n) _22_ that every time we go to pub each of us will order extra(额外的) two beers and it will help keep up the family bond(纽带). Soon all the town heard about the mans answer. People were telling this story to newcomers or tourists and even _23_ them to that pub t

13、o look at Three Beer Man.However, one day the man came to the pub and ordered _24_ two beers. The bartender served him with bad _25_. The very next day all the town prayed(祈祷) for the soul of one of the brothers.When the man came to pub the next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked

14、him, Im really sad for the death of your dear brother. The man was shocked for a moment and then replied, Well, my two brothers are alive and well. I have just promised myself to give up drinking.16. A. excited B. happy C. surprised D. silent17. A. appeared B. repeated C. happened D. ended18. A. tal

15、king B. worrying C. thinking D. asking19. A. hours B. weeks C. months D. years20. A. easy B. ugly C. special D. strange21. A. together B. in the county C. abroad D. in the city22. A. excuse B. agreement C. suggestion D. mistake23. A. forced B. showed C. pulled D. invited24. A. only B. another C. mor

16、e than D. fewer than25. A. luck B. beer C. service D. feeling16. C 【解析】句意:酒吧老板很惊讶。根据上文A man walked into a small pub and ordered three beers一个人点三杯啤酒,可以推测是老板很惊讶;A. excited激动的;B. happy幸福的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. silent无声的;根据句意故选C。17. B 【解析】句意:这重复了几次。根据上文The very next day that man ordered three beers again第二

17、天那个人又点了三杯啤酒;A. appeared出现;B. repeated重复;C. happened发生;D. ended结束;故选B。18. A 【解析】句意:城镇的人正谈论每次都点三杯啤酒的人。A. talking about 谈论;B. worrying about担心;C. thinking about 考虑;D. asking about询问;根据句意故选A。19. B 【解析】句意:几周后,老板忍不住问那个人为什么总点三杯啤酒。A. hours小时;B. weeks周; C. months月;D. years年;根据老板忍不住问可以推测不可能太久,又因和上文有重复了几次可知也不能

18、是几小时;故选B。20. D 【解析】句意:它好像很奇怪是不是?A. easy容易的;B. ugly丑陋的;C. special特殊的;D. strange奇怪的;根据老板问Sorry,but could you explain why you order three beers all the time?所以应是让人感到奇怪;故选D。21. C 【解析】句意:我的两个兄弟住在国外。根据下文one is in France and the other is in Italy一个在法国另一个在意大利;A. together一起;B. in the county在县城里;C. abroad 国外;

19、D. in the city在城市;故选C。22. B 【解析】句意:我们有一个约定。根据下文that every time we go to pub each of us will order extra(额外的) two beers and it will help keep up the family bond(纽带). 可知达成了一个约定;A. excuse打扰;B. agreement协议;C. suggestion建议;D. mistake错误;故选B。23. D 【解析】句意:甚至邀请他们来酒吧看看这个点三杯啤酒的男人。根据上文People were telling this s

20、tory to newcomers or tourists 人们给新来的人和游客讲述这个故事,可知人们对这件事很感兴趣想让其他人知道;A. forced 强迫;B. showed展示;C. pulled拉;D. invited邀请;故选D。25. D 【解析】句意:酒吧老板怀着伤心的感觉给他服务。根据下文the bartender asked him, Im really sad for the death of your dear brother.可知,酒吧老板认为他的一个兄弟死了,所以应该是伤心的感觉;A. luck幸运;B. beer 啤酒;C. service服务;D. feeling

21、感觉;故选D。三、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AOne day, three turtles decided to have a party. So they went into a cafe and ordered three cups of coffee. However, the lovely weather suddenly turned into heavy rain. The oldest turtle said to the youngest one, Go home and get the umbrella.I will,

22、 if you dont drink my coffee. the youngest answered.Of course! We wont drink your coffee! the other two turtles said. The youngest turtle then went to the door to leave. Time flew by quickly and two years passed. The two turtles were still at the table waiting. The oldest turtle said to the other on

23、e, Well, I guess he isnt coming back, so we can drink his coffee.At that moment, a voice came from outside the door. It was from the youngest turtle. Oh, no! If you drink my coffee, I wont go. he said.26. Did the three turtles order coffee or water? A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didnt. C. Coffee. D.

24、 Water.27. Why did they need to go home and get the umbrella? A. Because the lovely weather suddenly turned into heavy rain. B. Because they felt tired. C. Because the old turtle wanted to drink the coffee. D. Because the youngest turtle was afraid.28. Who got the umbrella at last? A. The oldest tur

25、tle. B. The youngest turtle. C. All of the three turtles. D. No one.29. How long have the two turtles waited? A. For two days. B. For two months. C. For two weeks. D. For two years.30. What did the youngest turtle do while the other two were waiting? A. He went home to get the umbrella. B. He stayed

26、 in the caf and drank coffee. C. He got lost. D. He was waiting to drink the coffee.文章大意:本文讲述三只乌龟的故事,有一天,它们走进一家咖啡馆,点了三杯咖啡。然而,可爱的天气突然变成了大雨。最年长的乌龟让最小的乌龟回家拿伞,两年过去了,小乌龟才刚刚爬到咖啡店的门外。27. A 【解析】根据第一段中的However, the lovely weather suddenly turned into heavy rain.可知,天下起大雨,所以他们需要回家拿雨伞。故答案为:A。28. D 【解析】根据短文最后一句O

27、h, no! If you drink my coffee, I wont go. he said.可知,两年过去了,去拿雨伞的乌龟才刚爬到咖啡厅外,可推知最终他们中没有一个拿到雨伞。所以答案为:D。29. D 【解析】根据第三段中的Time flew by quickly and two years passed. The two turtles were still at the table waiting.可知,两只乌龟已经等了两年了。所以答案为:D。30. A 【解析】根据第二段I will, if you dont drink my coffee. the youngest answ

28、ered.可知,最小的乌龟去取伞。所以答案为:A。BSometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some certain purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher,

29、long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will influence your life in some serious way.Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful and unfair. But later you realize that without overcoming those difficulties, you would have never re

30、alized your further ability and advantages. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.The people you meet influence your life, and the success and failure you experience create who you are. Even the bad experience can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may nev

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