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1、of介词短语在句中作表语of介词短语在句中作表语,of的含义有六种,现分述如下:翻译过程 一、“be of+抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征。of的意思是“具有、具备”等,常用于该结构的名词常见的有of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等。如:The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.在形容词前常用very来修饰,在“of+抽象名词”结构中,名词前常用great,much等来修饰。再如:It

2、 is of great importance for college students to master a foreign language.=Itisveryimportant.对大学生来说,掌握一门外语是很重要的。 二、“be of+集合名词或其它类型的名词”,相当于belong to或have。of表示归属关系或“有”的意思。如:The army and the people are of one family.=The army and the people belong to one family.军民是一家。 三、“be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,

3、相当于be made of或be built of。如:Our building was of bricks.=Our building was built of bricks.我们的楼房是砖建的。 四、be of+(表示种类、颜色、年龄、形状、价格等)名词,多用来表示主语的特征。这类结构的主语可以是人,也可以是物,其中的of可以省略。常用于该结构的名词有:kind,age,colour,size,height,shape,type,way,price等。如:Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind.其中几张邮票是不同种类的。The two

4、boys are of the same age.这两个男孩年龄相同。She is of a different way of thinking.她的思维方式与众不同。These two kinds of article are of the same price.这两种物品价格相同。 五、“be of+名词”也可以表示“来源、组成”。如:He was of a poor peasant family.他出身贫农家庭。The committee is of seven people.该委员会由7人组成。 六、“be of+形容词的最高级”相当于one of.。如:Mr.Wang is of t

5、he best teachers in our school.=Mr Wang is one of the best teachers in our school.王老师是我们学校里最好的老师之一。The English teacher of ours is of the quickest temper.=The English teacher of ours is one of the quickest temper.我们的英语老师脾气最急躁。【弄错了会很丢脸的英文】 room 厕所(不是休息室)2.dressing room 化妆室(不是更衣室)3.sporting house

6、 妓院(不是体育室) sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”) idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)6.busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)1. adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行2.affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响3. quite 相当 quiet 安静地4. angel 天使 angle 角度5. dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记6. decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下7.principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则8.Smile i

7、mplicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的9. dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文10.pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打11.contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛12. sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水13. later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近14. costume 服装 custom 习惯15. extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的16. aural 耳的 oral 口头的

8、17.abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)18. precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续19. assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音20.schampion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役21.baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓22. beam 梁, 光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式23. altar 祭坛 alter 改变24. pray 祈祷 prey 猎物25.chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房26. monkey 猴子 donkey 驴27. chore 家务活 chord

9、 和弦 cord 细绳28. cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉29. drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水30. compliment 赞美 complement 附加物31.confirm 确认 conform 使顺从32. immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的33.council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事34.crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛35. dose 一剂药 doze 打盹36. clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏37. emigrant 移民到国外 i

10、mmigrant 从某国来的移民38. excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长39.hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店40. latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激41. contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照42. lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的43. inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望44.scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的45. drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖 拉 draughts (英)国际跳棋47.assure 保证 e

11、nsure 使确定 insure 保险48. except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除49.floor 地板 flour 面粉50.incident 事件 accident 意外51. mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal 勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄52.march 三月, 前进 match 比赛53. patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的54.police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治55.protest 抗议 protect 保护

12、56. amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的57.revenge 报仇 avenge 为.报仇58.story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店59. strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的60. expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长61. glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落62. through 通过 thorough 彻底的 (al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词63. purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议64.expect 期望 respect

13、 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑65. commerce 商业 commence 开始66. steal 偷 steel 钢67. strive 努力 stride 大步走68.allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避69. prospect 前景 perspective 透视法70. stationery 文具 stationary 固定的71. loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式72.amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正73. require 需要 i

14、nquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得外贸知识1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证

15、volving L/C 循环信用证7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C延付信用证/预支信用证11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C对背信用证/对开信用证12.travellers L/C(or:circular L/C)旅行信用证 跟单文据1.ava

16、ilable against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked()below 汇票须随附下列注有()的单据3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter随附下列单据4.accompanied by following d

17、ocuments随附下列单据5.documents required单据要求6.accompanied by the following documents marked()in duplicate 随附下列注有()的单据一式两份7.drafts are to be accompanied by汇票要随附(指单据)汇票种类1.the kinds of drafts汇票种类(1)available by drafts at sight凭即期汇票付款(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的期票(3)sight drafs 即期汇票(4)time

18、drafts 原期汇票2.drawn clauses 出票条款(注:即出具汇票的法律依据)(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bank ofcredit No.dated” 本证项下开具的汇票须注明“本汇票系凭银行年月日第号信用证下开具”的条款(2)drafts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bh

19、d.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.dated July 12, 1978” 汇票一式两份,以我行为抬头,并注明“根据马来西亚联合银行1978年7月12日第号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn underBank L/C No.Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根据本证开出得汇票须注明“凭银行年月日(按开证日期)第号不可撤销信用证项下开立”(4)drafts in duplicate at sight bearing the clau

20、ses“Drawn underL/C No.dated” 即期汇票一式两份,注明“根据银行信用证号,日期开具”(5)draft(s) so drawn must be in scribed with the number and date of this L/C 开具的汇票须注上本证的号码和日期(6)draft(s) bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No.(shown above) ofBank” 汇票注明“根据银行跟单信用证号(如上所示)项下开立”发票1.signed commercial invoice已签署的商业发票i

21、n duplicate 一式两份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份in quintuplicate 一式五份in sextuplicate 一式六份in septuplicate 一式七份in octuplicate一式八份in nonuplicate 一式九份in decuplicate 一式十份2.beneficiarys original signed commercial invoices at least in 8 copies issued in the name of the buyer indicating (showing/evid

22、encing/specifying/declaration of) the merchandise, country of origin and any other relevant information. 以买方的名义开具、注明商品名称、原产国及其他有关资料,并经签署的受益人的商业发票正本至少一式八份3.Signed attested invoice combined with certificate of origin and value in 6 copies as reuired for imports into Nigeria. 以签署的,连同产地证明和货物价值的,输入尼日利亚的联

23、合发票一式六份4.beneficiary must certify on the invoicehave been sent to the accountee 受益人须在发票上证明,已将寄交开证人5.4% discount should be deducted from total amount of the commercial invoice 商业发票的总金额须扣除4%折扣6.invoice must be showed: under A/P No. date of expiry 19th Jan. 1981 发票须表明:根据第号购买证,满期日为1981年1月19日7.documents

24、in combined form are not acceptable不接受联合单据bined invoice is not acceptable 不接受联合发票提单1.full set shipping (companys) clean on board bill(s) of lading marked Freight Prepaid to order of shipper endorsed to Bank, notifying buyers 全套装船(公司的)洁净已装船提单应注明“运费付讫”,作为以装船人指示为抬头、背书给银行,通知买方2.bills of lading made out

25、in negotiable form 作成可议付形式的提单3.clean shipped on board ocean bills of lading to order and endorsed in blank marked Freight Prepaid notify: importer(openers,accountee) 洁净已装船的提单空白抬头并空白背书,注明“运费付讫”,通知进口人(开证人)4.full set of clean on board bills of lading/cargo receipt made out to our order/to order and end

26、orsed in blank notify buyers M/S Co. calling for shipment from China to Hamburg marked Freight prepaid / Freight Payable at Destination 全套洁净“已装船”提单/货运收据作成以我(行)为抬头/空白抬头,空白背书,通知买方公司,要求货物字中国运往汉堡,注明“运费付讫”/“运费在目的港付”5.bills of lading issued in the name of提单以为抬头6.bills of lading must be dated not before th

27、e date of this credit and not later than Aug. 15, 1977 提单日期不得早于本证的日期,也不得迟于1977年8月15日7.bill of lading marked notify: buyer,“Freight Prepaid”“Liner terms”“received for shipment” B/L not acceptable提单注明通知买方,“运费预付”按“班轮条件”,“备运提单”不接受8.non-negotiable copy of bills of lading 不可议付的提单副本保险单/凭证1.Risks & Coverage

28、险别(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (T.L.O.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (T.P.N.D.

29、)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险

30、(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (S.R.C.C.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery

31、交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(35)institute war risk 学会战争险(36)overland transportation risks

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