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1、九年级新目标Unit7导学案Unit 7 Where would you like to visit (Section A 1a-2c)【学习目标】 1.掌握关于谈论假期愿意参观什么地方的对话。 2学会谈论某一地方的特色【预习指导】 一、预习准备仔细阅读并观察下面的句子,然后试着翻译。1.I love places where the people are really friendly._2.I like places where the whether is always warm._上面这两个句子是简单句还是复合句?_如果是复合句,那它是包含什么从句的复合句?_你还知道哪些复合句?_二、

2、自我预习1.根据音标读出P150页中P52,53单词。2.将课本中的1a中的形容词译成汉语并背诵。3.完成1a。 4.翻译Grammar Focus 并背诵。三、预习自检 1写出并读出下列单词累人的_有教育意义的_和平的_迷人的_令人震撼的_从容,不紧张_旅行,长途跋涉_热带丛林_瀑布_游客很多的_2翻译 Florida Beach _Amazon Jungle _-Niagara Falls_3.翻译下列句子(1)你想去哪儿度假?(2)我喜欢在丛林中跋涉。(3)我喜欢人们很热情好客的地方。(4)我希望有一天可以去看看尼亚加拉瀑布。【课堂导学】一、课本处理1.检查 1a 和 1b 的预习情况。

3、 2.听力练习;2a,2b完成课本上的内容。3.再听一遍,完成下列句子。(1). I hope to visit Hawaii _ _,I love places where the weather _ _ _.(2). Maybe we could go to Mexico, I love places where the people _ _ _(3). I hope to see Niagara Fall, Niagara Fall would be _ but theres _ _ _ _ there.二、合作交流1. would like 作“想要”解,后接_,_,_作宾语。也可用_

4、作宾补。如What would you like me _ _?(那天想让我做什么?)2Hope作动词时,后接动词_或that从句.如:(1).We hope_(see) you again.(2)I hope _ _ _ me _ maths.(我希望你能帮我学数学)扩展探讨:hope和wish的区别:(1)_(2)_(3)_(4) day 既可指过去某一天,也可指将来某一天。表示将来某一天还可用_,有“_”的意思。如(1).Youll be sorry for it _ _你总有一天会为此而致歉。(2)_ _last year I met Jim Green in our to

5、wn.(去年的一天,我在我们镇上遇见了吉姆格林)【实践运用】用2a和2c中的信息分角色表演对话。【学习成果展示】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Where would you like _(visit) ?2.I hope _ (see) Niagara Falls some day .3.Id like to go somewhere _(relax).4. I love places where the people are really _ (friend). 5.Best _(wish) to you.二、单项选择1“Would you like some more rice ?”

6、“No, thanks. _.” A. Just a little B. It doesnt matter C. I love to D. Ive had enough2. Pairs is one of _ cities in the world .A. more beautifully B. more beautiful C. the most beautifully D. the most beautiful3. They are making too much noise here. Lets go _ .A. somewhere quiet B. nowhere quiet C. e

7、verywhere noisy D. anywhere noisy4. “Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party?” “_.”A. Yes, I would B. Yes, Id love to C. No, I wouldnt D. No, I dont goUnit7第一课时学情诊断题一、单词检查。根据句意及首字母补全单词。1. The movie is very e _.we can learn a lot from it.2. Kate was very beautiful and f_. Jim fell in love wit

8、h her at the first sight.3. We all dream to have a p_ world. We all hate wars.4. I would like to go to Amazon J_ on vacation.5. The monster(怪物) is very t_, We all afraid of it.二、句型运用(30分) 1. I would like to visit Mexico.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ visit?2. He would like to go to Disneyland in Hangkong . (

9、改成否定句)He _ _to go to Disneyland in Hangkong . 3. I like places. The weather is always warm in these places;(把两句合并成一句) I like places _ the weather is always warm.4 .I hope that we could visit Hawaii one day.( (改成同义句) I hope _ _ Hawaii.5. 5. Why dont we all go to San Francisco together? (改成同义句) _ _ _

10、to San Francisco together?三、语法过关。单项选择1. _, too.A. wish him go B. wish him to go C. hope him to go D. hope he to go 2. I hope _ my phone at once.A. her to answer B. that she answers. C. that she will answer D. her answering3. I _ everyone good luck in the coming new year.A. hope B. want C. suppose D.

11、 wish4. I _ I were a butterfly (蝴蝶) now. A hope B wish C think D guess 5. I wish I _ten years younger . A. am B. will be C. was D. were四、综合考察。1. Would you like _some water?A have B. to eat C to drink D. drinking2. I would like him _ me with my English.A. help B. helping C. to help D. to helping3. I

12、love places _the people are very friendly.A that B which C where D. when4. The blind man went _ the street by himself.A. cross B. acrossC. through D. over 5. We went _in the mountains for our holiday.A. trek B trekking C. to trekking D. to trekUnit 7 Where would you like to visit (SectionA 3a-4)【学习目

13、标】1. 阅读3a 中的短文。培养阅读能力。2. 掌握有关谈论旅游的对话。【预习指导】 一、自我预习 根据音标读出p151页中p54单词。二、课本预习 1.完成3a 2.翻译3a 并背诵。B)预习自检 1写出并读出下列单词游客很多的_公众注意的中心_考虑_充满活力的_名胜_ 包括_ 教堂_便利的_地下的_葡萄酒_翻译_把-打包_轻的_总教堂_2翻译;in general _Eiffel Tower _Notre Dame Cathedral_三、翻译下列句子1.为什么不考虑一下参观巴黎呢?_2.它有一些好极了的名胜,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院。_3.坐出租车环游巴黎会花大量的钱。_4.乘地铁去

14、大多数地方通常很方便。 5.它应该很热【课堂导学】 一、课本处理1. 速读短文回答问题:完成3a的任务2. 大声朗读短文,回答下列几个问题。Which city is the capital of France?_What sights does Paris have?_What do you think of travelling around Paris by taxi?_Is wine expensive in Paris?_What do you best to do if you dont speak French?_二、合作交流 1.Why not+动词原形=_+动词原形

15、nsider visiting意为_.consider后接动词的ing形式,后接动词的ing形式的动词还有_._ _ convenient to/for sb意为_。 .be convenient to do sth 意为 _.知识拓展cost ,spend, pay 和 take的不同用法。(1)花费金钱用_ _ _(2)花费时间用_ _ 【实践运用】3b Pairwork 扩展延伸想出一个你了解的城市,列出关于这个城市你喜欢或不喜欢的东西,然后两人一组谈论。【学习成果展示】 一、根据汉意完成句子。1.We must _ (考虑)the matter carefully.2.

16、Any country, _ (包括)他和USA, cant stop Taiwan from coming back to our motherland. 3. She is a _ (活泼的)child.4.We go to _(教堂)every weekend.5.The _(地下的) worker said he would rather die give up.根据课文内容完成下面短文。For you next vacation,_ consider _ Paris? Paris is _ France and is one of _ in _.It doesnt have _ or

17、 _. but there are still _ there. For example, it has some _ , the Eiffel Tower and Notre dame Cathedral, one of _ in the world._ by taxi can _a lot of money. but its usually _to take _ to most places. _ ,though, France is _ place. One thing that is not _in France, however, is the wine.Most people in

18、 France _ _ _. But many people dont _ _ _ English, _ in Paris. So _ you speak French yourself, its best _ _with someone who can _ things _ you.Unit7 第二课时学情诊断题一、单词检查。根据句意及首字母补全单词。1. This table is heavy but that one is l_.2. Can you t_ this sentence into English?3. Travelling by bike is very c_ , you

19、can stop anywhere.4. Book Three i_15 units.5. Have you c_ learning English by listening to English tapes二、句型运用(30分) 1. To learn English is important for you, (同义句转换)It _ _ for you_ _ _.2. Unless you speak French.,its best to travel with a translator. (同义句转换)_ you _ _French, its best to travel with a

20、 translator.3. Do you know the lady? The lady is interviewing our teacher.(两句合并成一句) Do you know the lady _is interviewing our teacher.4. I spend two hours on my homework. (同义句转换)It _me two hours _ _ my homework.5. The book cost him ten yuan. (同义句转换) He _ten yuan _the book.三、语法过关。单项选择1. We are consid

21、ering _him another letter. A. write B. to write C. writing D. to writing2. It is convenient _because of this supermarket.A. go shopping B. to go shopping C. to go shop D going shopping3. Is _hard for you to finish the test. A. it B. that C. this D they4. Please translate it _ Chinese. A. to B. into

22、C. in D. onto5. Come to see me whenever it is _you. A. convenient to B. convenient with C. conveniently to D. conveniently with四、翻译下列句子1.为什么不考虑一下参观巴黎呢?_2. 它有一些好极了的名胜,包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院。_3.坐出租车环游巴黎会花大量的钱。_4.乘地铁去大多数地方通常很方便。_5.我们在星期天不可以踢足球。_Unit 7 Where would you like to visit (Section B 1-4 )【学习目标】 1.掌握关于谈论到某地旅游的对话 2.学会表达对某地旅游的要求。【预习指导】 一、自我预习 1.根据音标读出p151页中p55-56单词。 2.完成P55 Part1 3.阅读3a并翻译。二、预习自检 1.写出并读出下列单词游客很多的_ 考虑_充满活力的_名胜_包括_ 教堂_便利的_地下的_翻译_把-打包_轻的_ 东方的_

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