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1、500句巩固高中词500句巩固高中词 Part One 1.I think a friend should be loyal.我认为朋友应该忠诚。 2.I dont like football and I think that classical music is terrible.我不喜欢足球并且我认为古典音乐很糟糕。 3.Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.恰克在飞机坠毁后幸免并降落到了一个荒岛上。 4.Check your e-mail for spelling errors and other mistakes

2、.检查你的电子邮件中的拼写错误和其他错误。 5.The total cost is four hundred and seventy dollars.总价是四百七十美元。 6.We start observing their movements carefully.我们开始密切关注他们的行动。 7.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.有42个以上的国家的多数人都讲英语。 8.English is the working language of most internati

3、onal trade and tourism.多数国际贸易和旅游行业的工作语言是英语。 9.English is also the language of global culture, such as popular music and the Internet.英语也是全球文化的语言,例如流行音乐和因特网。 10.Did you give the waiter a tip?你给服务员小费了没有? 11.The childs temperature is above normal.那个小孩子的体温高于正常温度。 12.The three colleges combined to form a

4、 large university.这三所大学合并组成了一所新的大学。 13.This has been a great learning experience for us.这段经历对我们来说是一次很好的学习机会。 14.Whitewater rafting is more adventurous and difficult than normal rafting.急流泛舟比普通的泛舟更冒险更困难。 15.Write their similarities and differences in the chart below.在下面的图表中写出他们的相同点和不同点。 16.Eco-travel

5、, on the other hand, is a way to travel responsibly.生态旅行,换句话说就是一种有责任的旅行。 17.He rescued the boy from the fire.他从大火中救出了男孩。 18.Here is the remains of a temple.这里是一座寺院的遗址。 19.Ill send you a copy of my article for your consideration.我将寄给您一份我写的文章,请多指教。 20.The cat caught a mouse and swallow it whole.猫抓住了一只

6、老鼠,把它整个吞了下去。 21.This could be the worst disaster human beings ever experienced.这可能是人类经历过的最可怕的灾难。 22.The glass will crack if you pour boiling water into it.这玻璃杯开水一倒进去就会破裂。 23.I called a travel agency whose telephone number I found in a newspaper.我拨打了我在报纸上找到的一家旅行社的电话号码。 24.The monkeys look sweet, but

7、they can be very naughty.猴子们看起来很可爱但他们非常淘气。 25.I have not determined where I will go for the holiday.我还没决定放假要去哪儿。 26.There isnt any heavy industry in your district.你们那个地区没有任何重工业。 27.Whats the teachers comment about your paper?老师对你的论文有何评价? 28.She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer.

8、她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 29.A primary cause of Toms failure is his laziness.汤姆失败的主要原因是他的懒惰. 30.The Red Cross spends a lot of money each year helping those disabled people.每年红十字会花许多钱来帮助残疾人。 31.He owe me an apology. 他应向我道歉。 32.Buildings were destroyed, and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.建筑物

9、遭到破坏,地上是画作和塑像的碎片。 33.The bald eagle represents the United States.秃鹰象征了美国。 34.Restoring the city seemed impossible.重建这个城市看起来是不可能的。 35.We can see the bronze horse again.我们可以再次看到这个青铜马了。 36.The old city wall has been built in Ming Dynasty.旧城墙建于明代。 37.We should build a website where people can look at th

10、e pictures.我们应该建立一个网站使人们能够看图片。 38.He is over the hill as a professional athlete.作为一名职业运动员,他的巅峰时期已过。 39.He made a rude gesture with his fingers.他用手指做了一个不礼貌的手势。 40.Our flag stands for our country.我们的国旗象征我们的国家。 41.Peter was given a medal for helping to put out the fire.彼得因为帮助救火赢得了一枚奖章。 42.Sam is a stro

11、ng competitor of mine.山姆是我强有力的竞争对手。 43.She dived into the cold water.她跳进冰冷的水里。 44.The Chinese team got 38 gold medals, ranking second of all the competing countries.中国队获得38枚金牌,在所有参赛国家中名列第二。 45.New buildings and sports venues will be built.新的大楼和体育场馆将要建立了。 46.A news reporter interviewed the famous mov

12、ie star.新闻记者采访了这位著名的电影明星。 47.Did you call us here for any particular reason?你打电话叫我们来有什么特殊的原因吗? 48.Do you believe there is life existing on other planets?你相信其他星球上有生命存在吗? 49.I pay the rent and the electricity bill at the beginning of the month.我在月初付房租和电费。 50.She always buys the latest music CDs.她总是买最新

13、的音乐CD。 51.Who is the dean of the Foreign Languages Department?外语系主任是谁? 52.We live in a peaceful small town.我们住在一个和平安宁的小镇上。 53.The item we receive is not the one we ordered.我们收到的,并不是我们所订的货物. 54.The automobile caused a revolution in our way of traveling.汽车使旅行的方式发生了根本性的变化. 55.You are absolutely wrong.你

14、绝对错了。 56.New functions are being added to the Iphone 5.苹果5添加了新功能。 57.Electronic calendar will remind you about appointments.电子日历将会提醒你约会的时间。 58.We can call for help in case of an emergency.遇到紧急情况时我们可以打电话求救。 59.Some scientist are studying human cloning.一些科学家正在研究人类的克隆。 60.We can skip over the details a

15、nd concentrate on the general idea.你可略过细节部分,而把精力集中在大意上. 61.We need a brief summary of your working experience.我们需要一份关于你工作经历的总结。 62.What material is the clothes made of?这件衣服是什么料子的? 63.Do you know of any other endangered animals?你知道其他的一些濒临灭绝的动物吗? 64.This species of bird now exists only in Africa.这种鸟现在

16、只存在于非洲. 65.We may be able to take measures before it is too late.我们应该能够采取一些亡羊补牢的措施。 66.The animal has to either adapt to the change or find a new home.动物必须适应变化或寻找新的栖息地。 67.Weve altered the original plan to some extent.我们部分地改变了原计划. 68.He has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer.他全身心地投入到保护麋鹿的事业

17、中。 69.We should buy the things that use less packaging.我们应该购买简包装的商品。 70.Long ago, people believed that the earth was flat.很久以前人们相信地球是平的. 71.Sichuan offers a wide variety of food.四川有各种各样的美食。 72.Have you ever thought about becoming a musician?你有没有想过当一个音乐家? 73.I must admit I dont have much musical tale

18、nt.我得承认我没有多少音乐细胞。 74.They also have their own characteristics.他们也有自己的特点。 75.They play music to satisfy their inner desire.他们演奏音乐是为了心灵的满足。 76. Her voice trembled with emotion.她的声音因情绪激动而颤抖。 77.She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足. 78.Her tricks drive me mad.

19、她的恶作剧把我气疯了。 79.I hope youre enjoying the exhibition.我希望你喜欢这个展览。 80.Tom whispers something in Mikes ear, and they begin to laugh.汤姆在迈克的耳边低语了几句,接着他们笑了起来。 81.Lets talk about art and literature.让我们谈一谈艺术和文学。 82.TV series are not good for children.电视连续剧对孩子们没好处。 83.He is a boy with a scar on his forehead.他

20、是一个额头有伤疤的男孩。 84.His life is miserable.他的生活很可怜。 85.Mary loves junk food, but she knows you cant live on candy bars and potato chips.玛丽喜欢吃垃圾食品,但是她知道人不能靠棒棒糖和薯片生活。 86.I had a big snack before dinner, and now Im not hungry.饭前我吃了很多点心,所以现在不饿。 87.You can buy these green bananas from me; they will be ripe in

21、 a few days.你可以从我这儿买这些生香蕉,它们几天就熟了。 88.You dont need to buy more Coke; we have plenty.你不用买太多可乐,我们有很多。 89.If you eat a good breakfast, youll have the fuel you need for the rest of the day.如果你早餐吃好,身体就会有一天所需的能量。 90.The pace of life is much faster in the city than in the countryside.城市的生活节奏比农村的快很多。 91.Ma

22、ry doesnt care about nutrition; she just eats junk food all day.玛丽不注意营养,每天吃的都是垃圾食品。 92.Why do the most nutritious foods always taste the worst?为什么总是最有营养的食品尝起来最糟糕呢? 93A mothers milk has all the nutrients a baby needs.母乳含有婴儿所需的全部营养。 94.Bodybuilders eat a lot of meat, because they need protein to build

23、 big muscles.健美者吃很多的肉,因为发达的肌肉需要蛋白质。 95.Water doesnt have any calories, but it does contain minerals that our bodies need.水不含任何热量,但确实含我们身体所需的矿物质。 96.I cannot function until Ive had a cup of coffee in the morning.早上只有喝杯咖啡后我才能进入状态。 97.Organic vegetables are more expensive because they are harder to gro

24、w.有机蔬菜较难种植,所以价格较高。 98.After lunch, mother wouldnt let us swim until our food had digested.午饭后妈妈让我们等食物消化了,才去游泳。 99.If you eat too much and exercise too little, you will gain weight.如果你吃得多,运动少,就会长胖。 100.You may feel sleepy sitting in the warm classroom listening to the boring teacher, but you must sta

25、y awake.坐在温暖的教室里听乏味的老师讲课你会觉得困倦,但是你必须保持清醒。 Exercise .词的拼读:查出以下单词的音标和意思 automobile _ _ career _ _characteristic _ _ comment _ _competitor _ _ determine _ _digest _ _ district _ _error _ _ exhibition _ _interview _ _ item _ _literature _ _ majority _ _original _ _ particular _ _represent _ _ rescue _ _

26、series _ _ venue _ _ .短语翻译悲惨的生活 _ 濒危动物 _采取措施 _ 大多数的人 _电视连续剧 _ 犯困 _改变原计划 _ 古典音乐 _旅行社 _ 拼写错误 _强大的对手 _ 生活节奏 _特殊的原因 _ 外语系 _一个淘气的男孩 _ 一个忠诚的朋友 _音乐才华 _ 有营养的食物 _增肥 _ 主要原因 _ .句子填空 1.After lunch, mother wouldnt let us swim until our food had digested.午饭后妈妈_,才去游泳。 2.Eco-travel, on the other hand, is a way to t

27、ravel responsibly._,换句话说就是一种有责任的旅行。 3.English is the working language of most international trade and tourism.多数_和旅游行业的工作语言是英语。 4.New f_ are being added to the Iphone 5.苹果5添加了新功能。 5.Our flag s_ our country.我们的国旗象征我们的国家。 6.Restoring the city seemed impossible._这个城市看起来是不可能的。 7.Sichuan offers a wide v_ of food.四川有各种各样的美食。 8.The animal has to either a_ to the change or find a new home.动物必须适应变化或寻找新的栖息地。 9.The pace of life is much faster in the city than in the countryside.城市的_比农村的快很多。 10.The Red Cross spends a lot of money each year helping those d_.每年红十字会花许多钱来帮助残疾人。 11.This has been a great _

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