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1、GRE精华单词600GRE精华单词600(一) abacus frame with balls for calculatingabjure promise or swear to give upabraded rubbed off, worn away by frictionabrasion rubbing, scraping, wearing offabrogate repeal or annul by authorityabundant plentifulabut border onabysmal bottomless, extremeacclaimed welcomed with sho

2、uts and approvalaccolade praise, approvalaccretion the growing of separate things into oneacquisition smth acquired, acquiringadhere remain faithful, stick fast toadhesion adhering, supportadjacent lying near, nextadmonitory containing warningadulteration making unpure, poorer in qualityagile active

3、, quick-movingail trouble; be illalacrity eager and cheerful readinessallegiance duty, support, loyaltyamalgamate mix, combine, unite societiesamendment improvingamplify make large or fuller, increase the strengthannul put an end toantidote medicine used against a poison or a diseaseapprehensive gra

4、sping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about futureapt well-suited, quick-wittedarboreal of connected with treesardently with full of ardourardour enthusiasmarticulate speak distinctly, connect by jointsascend go or come upascent the act of ascendingascertain get to knowasset valuable quality,

5、smth that has money valueassuage make smth (pain, desire) lessassumption smth supposed but not provedasterisk the mark * (eg. omitted letters)astringent substance that shrinks astute clever; quick at seeing to get an advantageatonement repayment; death of Jesusaudacious daring, foolishly bold, impud

6、entaugury omen, signaustere severely moral and strict; simple and plainaver state positevlyaversion strong dislikeavid eager, greedyballoon swell out like balloonbalm sweet-smelling oil; smth giving peace of mind; consolationbanal uninterestingband flat, thin strip of material; group; range of frequ

7、encesbarrage artificial obstacle built across a riverbarren not good enough, unable to have young ones, without valuebask in enjoy warmth and lightbe irreconcilable cannot be brought into harmonybelligerent (person, nation) waging warbelligerently waging warbend cause smth to be out of a straight li

8、nebenevolence wish or activity in doing goodbiased prejudicebigot stubborn, narrow-minded person blandishment flattery, coaxingblandness polite manner, comforting, uninterestingblithe gay and joyousblueprint plan, scheme, photographic printboggle be alarmed, hesitate, amazedbogus sham, counterfeit,

9、not genuinebolster give greatly needed supportbraid strands of hair woven together, smth edging sloth or garmentsbreach opening, broken place, breakingbrisk active, livelybrisket breast of an animalbrittle easily brokenbroach begin discussion of, veerburgeon put out leaves, begin to growcalipers met

10、al supports attached to the legs, measuring instrumentcandid frank, straight-forwardcastigation severe punishmentcasual happening by chance, carelesscatalyst substance that causes speeding upcensus official counting of the populationcenturion leader of a unit of 100 soldierschary cautious, warychast

11、isement punishmentchisel steel tool for shaping materialschurl bad-tempered personcite give as an examplecleanse make pure, thoroughly cleanclot half-solid lump formed from liquid cloture closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by votingcoalescing coming together and uniting into one substan

12、cecoax get smb to do smth by kindnesscoddle treat with care and tendernesscoerce compel, to force to make obedient cogent strong, convincingcogitate think deeply, mediatecognition knowing, awareness (emotionless)colander bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off watercollusion secret agre

13、ement for a deceitful purposecombustion process of burningcommend praisecommendable worthy of praisecommuter person who travels regularlycomplacently with self-satisfactioncomplaisance easy-going habit of mindcomply act in accordancecompound mix or combineconceal hide, keep secretconceit over-high o

14、pinion of, too much prideconciliatory intending to or likely to, peacefulconcord agreement or harmonyconcur agree in opinion, happen togethercondense increase in density, strength, make laconiccongeal make or become stiff and solidconnoisseur a person with good judgement (eg. in art)consent give agr

15、eement or permissionconsolation consoling or being consoledconsole give comfort or sympathy toconsternation surprise and fear,dismayconstrict make tight or smallerconsume get to the end ofcontentious quarrelsomecontiguous touching, neighboring, nearcontrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoingconv

16、oke call together, summonconvoluted complicated; coiled, twistedcord twisted strandscorporeal physical; of or for the bodycorrelate have a mutual relationcorroboration additional, strengthening evidencecounterfeit forgerycovetous eagerly desirouscraven cowardlycrease line made by crushing; white lin

17、e on the ground in criketcredulity too great a readiness to believe thingscredulous ready to believe thingscrush press, lose shape, subdue, overwhelmcryptic secret, with a hidden meaningcumbersome burdensome, heavy and awkward to carrydart quick movement; missile in darts dawdler person who is slow;

18、 waste of timedearth shortagedeference respectdefiance open disobedience or resistancedeflect turn asidedeluge great flood, heavy rush of waterdemur raise an objectiondent hollow, depression mad by a blowdeposition dethronoment, depositingdeprave make morally bad; corruptderision ridicule, mockery,

19、deridingderivative derived, not original or primitivedescry catch sight of, see smth in the distancedetach separatediatribe bitter and violent attack in wordsdilate speak comprehensively, become wider, largedisabuse free from false ideas, put rightdiscern see with an effort but clearlydiscourse spee

20、ch, lecturedismal sad, gloomy, miserabledisparate essentially differentdissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assentdissipation going away, dispersingdistinct easily heard, seen, understood, clearly markeddistorted pulled out of the usual sh

21、ape, give a false account ofdistraught distracted, violently upset in minddistraught disracted; violently upset in minddivergerence getting farther apart from a pointdivestiture taking off, getting rid of, giving updivulge make known smth secretdormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting developme

22、ntdote show much fondness, center ones attentiondrone male bee, person who isnt self-employeddrowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleepdud no use person, smth that failsdupe cheat, make a fool ofdwarf person or smb much below the usual sizeearthenware dishes made of baked clayebullience exuberance, outb

23、urst of feelingeddy circular or spiral movement (eg. of wind)effrontery shameless boldness, impudenceegress way out, exitelaborate worked out with much care in great detaileloquence fluent speaking; skillful use of languageencomium very high praiseendemic epidemicendorse write ones name on the back

24、ofenervate cause to lose strengthengender be the case of (eg. situation, condition)engrossing taken up all the time or attention; writing in large or formalengulf swallow upenigma smth that is puzzlingenzyme catalystepistle letterequilibrium state of being balancedequivocal having a double or doubtf

25、ul meaning; suspiciousequivocate put an end, get rig oferode wear away, eat intoerratic irregular in behaviour or opinionescalate increase, developevaluating finding out the valueevaporate change into vapour, disappear, dieevoke call up, bring outevolve unfold, develop naturally and graduallyexculpa

26、te free from blameexoneration set smb slear, free (eg. from blame)exorbitant much too high or greatextant still in existenceextinct no longer activeextirpate destroy utterlyextort obtain by threats, violenceexuberance state of growing vigorously; being full of life相关文章:GRE精华单词600 (三)GRE精华单词600(一) 一般

27、 1 2 3 4 5 满意 发表意见 推荐给朋友 打 印 Copyright2001 T | Contact usAll Rights Reserved 考试指导 | 学习与应试技巧 | GRE | 编号:5769 关闭窗口 评价: 2.663 Votes528 Hits 发布时间:4/27/2001 10:59 GRE精华单词600 (三) from:palpability can be felt, touched, understoodpalpitate tremble, beat rapidly and irregularlyparenthesis sentense within ano

28、ther one, smth separatedparsimonious too economical, miserlypeccadillo small sin; small weakness in ones characterpenchant taste, liking, inclinationpenury povertyperemptory not to be disobeyed or questionedperennial lasting for a long time (eg. a year)perfidious treacheres, faithlessperfidy treache

29、ry; breaking of faithperfunctory done as a duty withour careperjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful actpernicious harmful, injuriouspersevere keep on steadily, continuepertain belong as a part, have referencepest destructive thing or a person who is nuisancepetulant unreasonably impatient pied of m

30、ixed colorspinch be too tight, take between the thumb and fingerpious dutifull to parents; devoted to religionpique hirt the pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity)pitfall covered hole as a trap, unsuspected dangerpith essential part, force, soft liquid substanceplacate soothe, pacify, calmplaque fl

31、at metal on a wall as a memorialplea requestplead address a court of law as an advocateplethora glutpliant pliable, easile bent, shaped or twistedplod continue doing smth without restingpluck pull the feathers off, pick (eg. flowers)plummet fall, plunge, steeplyplunge move quickly, suddenly and with forcepoise be ready, be balanced, self-possessionponderous heavy, bulky, dullposture s

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