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1、初高中英语笔记初高中英语笔记(上) 2009年05月18日 这原本是我高考后暑假整理给表妹们的英语资料,内容涵括了自己初高中的所有重点英语笔记。 现在共享在这吧,我希望有需要的人好好珍惜,毕竟是我两个黄金月的心血= = 简介: 语法为主,内容已经多方考证,但无法排除个别疏漏。 据个人经验,所录语法知识足以应对高中乃至大学英语专业任何考试,但不能适用所有人。 属于知识总结,对梳理知识结构、增进语法理解较有帮助,无法代替教材= = 废话。 若能熟悉此间所有要点,笔试成绩可至中上;若再辅以适量语法、阅读练习,前列应不难。 我说话比较客观,而用不用、能否用好,就全看你自己啦 符号说明: 1.sp=某处

2、sb=某人sth=某事st=某时 2.()=可省略(:)=:=例如 3.“A*B/C/D/*.”结构的句子表示两个*之间的B、C、D等部分可互换,如: 4.“XA/BC/D.”表示XAC或XAD或XBC或XBD的搭配皆可(越多竖表分层越多) 5.that后空白一般表示“that引起的从句(:that it is true)” 6.“A(:B)C”表示AC间可插入例如B的成分:a (:good) man可表示a man或a怎样的man 7.N=n.名词,V=v.动词,P=pron.代词,CN=cn.(可数N),UN=un.(不可数N) 8.“that(should)”表一种句式:I sugges

3、t that you (should) go. 其中should可省可不 9.在有些情况下(:如虚拟语气第7点),do=动词原形,did=动词过去式,done=过去分词 10.“:approve (of) sth批准(赞同)”表示无of时为“批准”义,有of时为“赞同”义 *重要单词:(建议利用字典掌握以下各词用法及常见搭配)and/break/bring/but/cut/call/check/carry/come/cast /clear/close/cover/ get/give/go/hold/hand/put/turn/look/leave/or/put/p ull/run/set/se

4、nd/side/see/ take/turn/throw/ 重要语法 1. no matter+X可作状语(:X=how/where/when/what/who/which)=X+ever可作状、宾语:*No matter who/Whoever* comes,Ill meet him.(此作状语),Ill meet whoever comes.(此作宾语,不可换no matter X) 2. sth be of +X: (1) X=抽象N时,意为相应adj(:be of value=valuable) (2) X=普通N该词无相应adj形式时,表性质(:be of good size尺寸好)

5、 (3) X=a/an/one+N,表“同一的”(:A and B are of a color.AB同色 ) (4) X=物质N,表材料(:be of wood) 3. 红色部分为同位语:in the year (of) 2006 4. 某些V(:see,find)可以以事物为主语:Evening found a boy crying in the street./The year has seen a lot of rain.(类似拟人) 5. as 与the same,such,as,so等连用时,可在定从中作关系代词:He is the same man as stole money.

6、句中as充当who,不可再加who 6. get sb to do强调“to do”的这一动作/get sb doing令之处于某种状态/get sb/sth(:the car)done(:started)使之被(启动) 7. 不定式(to do)常表结果出乎意料:例见重要短语3(only to do);现在分词(doing)常表正常情况:He died,leaving 2 children with his wife.“死后留下孩子和他妻子一起”是意料中的事,所以用doing 8. “A小/大B几岁”的表达: “他大我两岁”He is *senior to me by 2 years/2 y

7、ears senior to me/older than I by / older than I/my senior by * (*若要表达“小我2 岁”则将senior改为junior即可) 9. 红为同源宾语:stick a stick into sp/dream a good dream/live a happy life/ 10. from后常可接介词短语:Get it from under the desk. 11. not/a/an+比较级=最高级:It couldnt be anyworse.没有比那更糟的了 12. that与as,as表同类,that表就是那个:This is

8、 the purse that(就是我的)/as(和我的一样) I lost. 13. 序数词+adj./adv.最高级:the third tallest由高到低排第3的 14. have sb do sth令做/have sb doing让一直做/have sth done(1)叫别人做(2)表遭遇:I have my bike stolen./ get/leave sb to do 15. I did nothing but wait.前有do,did,does,done后用V原形do/I have no choice but to do.无则后用不定式to do 16. :He is

9、the only one of the boys who is唯一的一人/He is only one of the boys who are众人中一个 17. V主动形式表被动含义(即用do/did/does表示be done的含义): (1) 连系词:feel,smell,taste,sound,prove,look:It tastes good.味道美(用does形式表“被尝”) (2) 某些短语:happen,take,place,belong to,break out,last,give out (3)表事物内在品质、特性的词:wash,catch,cut,write,open,re

10、ad,shut:This suit catches fire easily.(易着火) 18. 作“某个”义时,certain表示说话者知道该人/物而不想说明确/some表说话者不认识该人/物:There is a certain man who/There is some man who(*some已有“某一”义,不需再加a) 19. He jumps so high.他能跳这么高。(只说事实)/ that .他能跳那么高!(含感情色彩) 20. very不修饰asleep,awake,alone,alive:Im very awake.是错的说法,正确为Im wide/fully .,也不

11、修饰perfect,dead,ready,impossible,wrong,mistaken此类词可用quite修饰:Its quite perfect. *perfect可作V,使完美,无比较级或最高级 21. tell sb (about) sth告诉某人(告诉有关的事):tell me *his name他的名/about his name有关他名字的事* 22. 与建筑搭配时,of表建筑一部分,to表通往的地方:the gate of the hall大厅的门/ to 去大厅的门 23. none需由how many提问:-Whos in?-Nobody.(此处不用none) 24.

12、less不作表语:It should be less.错 25. :I went there on Tuesday afternoon,若含every:I went there every Tuesday afternoon作时间状语时,不需on 26. 有before,after等词表示动作先后时,主从句的谓语词态可一致:He went home before I got there.(went或had gone皆可) He had gone there when I arrived.(无表先后的词,应该用完成时) 27. 表状态或心理时,即使有2或2个以上的动作亦不必用完成时表先后:Mov

13、ed by his words,she cried.不需用Having been moved 28. try sb for the job试用(因工作已定,用the)/try for a job=look for a job(未定则a) 29. :I met a man *by the name of Tom/Tom by the name/with the nameTom(无of)*. 30. :a book *on sth(:travel)理论较多/about sth描述较多* 31. much修饰由V变来的adj:sb be much surprised to do/very用于修饰纯粹

14、的adj(即非V变化过来的):very nice 32. begin todo开始某动作/begin doing有意识要(未动手) 33. :Every man has(every与修饰词分开时)/Everybody had their(不分时) 34.用one作主语后亦应该用one:One must love ones country.每个人都应爱自己的国家 35. doing形式作定语时,现在分词可改为从句:a waiting car=a car which is waiting:动名词不可:a living room=a room for living 36. 在compared作状语时

15、,搭配to或with意义相同:Compared with/to that cat,this one is more lovely.跟那一只猫比起来, (*若不是此种用法,应注意compare A with B把AB作比较/compare A to B把A比作B) 37. While意思可=although尽管:While it rained,we went there as planned./= but然而(表对比):He is Chinese,while Im English. /=as long as只要:There will be life while there is water an

16、d air. 38. sb be *about to do/doing* (,) when(*when在此为并列连词=at the moment,之前的“,”可加亦可不加) 39. since后为持续V时译为相反意思: He has often written to me since I was ill.因为be ill为持续状态,意思应译为相反:在我病好后他常写信给我。 此句也等于He since I got well.(got为短暂V,应直译) 40. word作“消息”“流言”义时不加冠词:Word came that he was dead.(word前无a/the等冠词) 41. e

17、very+基数词(:one,two)+CN复数=every+序数词(:first)+N单数:every 4 years=every fourth year每4年(每隔3年) 42. :Nice to meet you here.(to do在相遇时用)Nice having you here.(doing在分别时说) 43. 多数抽象词为UN,但有些在赋予具体含义后可当作CN:get a practical knowledge of sth 44. *a good/not a/quite a/some* few不少,相当多/no fewer than不少于/only a few仅有 45. h

18、ave to前可+助V(be,have,do,will,shall)/情态V; have got to意思=have to,但前不可加助V或情态V,有:have not got to, Have sb got to do? 46. sb be too+easy/ready乐意/eager/willing/pleased/glad/difficult/anxious/时,不含否定意,此时too=very much :He is too glad to do it.他做得很开心(*比较The price is too high to afford.价格太高以至于无法付款) 47. sb will

19、makesth(:a doctor)将成为/make+组织(:the football team)有条件成为一员 48. asas用于否定、肯定句皆可/(not) soas与其说不如说,只用于否定句:He isnt so much a writer as a reporter. 49. for+持续时间,在肯定句用持续V,否定句中可用短暂V:He hasntleft(短) home for a month.一月未离家。 特例:He has come(短)for 3 days.将住3天 50. 有关there be: There is importance/necessity/ that(sho

20、uld)=It is important/necessary/ that(should)/ There is (no) need *to do/for sth There is no use doing=It is no good/use doing/ There be sth to choose from.那里有可供选择。(表从中选择时“from”不可省)/ there is (no) *point/sense* (in) doing做(没)有意义/ there isa good chance that有可能发生/there is (no) possibility *to do/that 5

21、1. need作情态V时,只用于疑问句、否定句,有neednt do*没有:I need go.;作实义V时,有(dont) need to do/ dare作情态V时,后不接doing,否定句的not放后:I dare not go.;作实义V时,有dare to do 有时态无人称变化:Nobody *dared(过去时,时态有变)/dare(一般现在时,无加s)* say so. 52. which指人时加of:Which of you knows it? 53. :She is what is called句中what=the one that;:all that (:you need

22、)=what (:you need)*即无all what (:you need) 54. whether与if:(1)从句否定不用whether用if:I dont know if he is not right.(2)作主语只用whether不用if 55. if,when引导时间状语从句时不用将来时:Do you know when he will go?(因when在此引导宾从则可用将来时) 56. such和so: (1) such+un.(:such water)/cn.的复数形式(:such clever boys)此时such不可改为so (2) N前有many,much,fe

23、w,little修饰,只用so:so many boys (3) 当谓语为情绪化V,so that的so可提至V前以强调感情色彩:He likes it so that=He so likes it that 57. 从句有notuntil/neednt do,不可否定转移(否即是在语法中如I think he is not的not应提前变为I dont think he is) :I suppose he wont go until night.(不可改为I dont suppose)I believe that you neednt go.(不改为I dont believe) 58. a

24、lmost+no/never/none/nothing:Its certain to succeed. nobody saw it.,没有not almost 重点 1. Seen from sp,A looks nice.从看过去,A看起来很漂亮。 此句A为“see”的宾语,即“A被看”,因此状从由see的过去分词seen引起表被动 Looking outside,I find sth.往外看,我见到。 此句I为“look”的主语,因此状从由现在分词looking引起表主动 *:Sixty students are there,*including 25 boys./25 boys incl

25、uded.*include置前时“60个学生”是“include”的主语,因而用doing;置后时,“,”后变为独立主格结构,“25个男生”变成主语,是被“include”,所以用ed形式 2.部分否定(即不都是): *X+not/not+X*(:All the boys are not Chinese.=The boys are notall Chinese.不是所有男生都是中国人): X=(1)两者both/(2)两者以上all/every/the whole/(3)副词类everywhere/absolutely/always/completely/entirely/w holy/qui

26、te/ 全否定(即都不是): (1) 两者neither=noteither:Neither he nor I am .都不在 (2) 两者以上notany/none/no one/nobody/nothing/ (3) 副词类nowhere/notat all/not a bit/never/ 3.定语从句与同位语从句的区别: (1) 引导同从的that为连词,起连接作用不做句子成分;引导定从的that为关系代词,起连接作用也做成分 (2) 同从与N是同一内容,定从对N起修饰作用 (3) 同从的that不省 (4) 同从多位于N后,引导词多为that,此外how,when,why,where

27、等亦可(which不行) 4.形容词排序:(a)+(b)+(i)+被修饰词 (a) 限定词(冠词、物主代词、指示代词):a,the,my (f ) 颜色 (b) 描绘性词:good,brave,nice (g ) 国籍/地区/出处 (c) 大小/长短/高低:little,tall (h ) 物质/材料 (d) 形状:round,square ( i ) 用途 (e) 年龄/新旧:old 例:a nice small round old brown French wooden writing desk *排序可由“好美(指b中“good好”“nice美”一类词)/小高(c)/状(d)/其新(e)

28、,颜色(f)/国(g)/料(h)/特别亲”14字记忆 (“特别亲”指由ai越往后越接近被修饰词) 5.倒装: (1) 否定词如nor,neither,hardlywhen,seldom,never,no soonerthan,little等置句首时用倒装 :Seldomdo I go to school.=I seldom go to school.*In no case+倒装,Under/In no circumstances+倒装 (2) so+be/have/助V/情态V+主语的句型:He likes it.So do I. (3) there be句:例见重要语法第50 (4) her

29、e,there,out,in,up,down,away等副词开头时:Outrushed the boy.主语为人称代词则主谓语序不变:Here it is. (5) 直接引语于句首:“Bye!”said Tom. (6) only+副词/介词短语/状从于句首:0nly by this can we get there. (7) 强调表语、状语或使衔接紧密时:Among them ishe.(注意he为此句主语不能改为him) (8) 在“adj/N/V+as/though”的让步状语从句中:Pretty as she is,she is rude. 单数CN前无adj时,省略冠词:Hero a

30、s he was,he had his faults.尽管他是英雄,他也有犯错。 有adj时,应加冠词:A happy boy as he is,he即便他是个开心的孩子,他也 (9) not onlybut also句前分句应倒装后分句不变语序:Not only is he kind,but he also smart. *not onlybut also连接并列主语时不需倒装:Not only A but also B like it. (10) not until句中前不倒装后倒装:Not until I got there did I (11) 在表祝愿的祈使句:May you win! (12) No soonerthan句中从句不倒装主句倒装:No sooner had he done it than he saw Tom.刚要完成就看到 (13) Hardlywhen句中从句不倒装主句倒装:Hardly had I got here when I saw 6.直接引语变为间接引语时态不变的情况: (1) 真理:He said water freezes at O. (2) 历史事件

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