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1、四级单词答案Unit 11. Living in that_ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad. A bleak B haunted C gaunt D acumen住在那个鬼屋里面,几乎使得故事里面的英雄发疯了。 2. His body temperature is _ for three days, the highest point reaching to 40.5 degree centigrade. A. uncommon B disordered C abnormal D extraordina

2、ry体温已经三天不正常了,最高时达到了40.5摄氏度 3. Texas, the second largest state of America, is _in natural resources.A. wealthy B abundant C scattered D deposited 德克萨斯是美国的第二大洲,自然资源丰富。 4. _ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of continent are still covered with thick forests A. Orientation

3、 B Access C Procession D blight我希望老师在评价我的考试结果时能将我最近生病的情况一起考虑进去5. I hope my teacher will take me recent illness into_ when judging my examination.A. account B counting C regard D observation 我得把他和其他的农户和商人的信誉考虑在内,然后再决定是否同意他的贷款请求。6. Id _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the comm

4、unity and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan. A. take into account B account for C make up for D make out 我得把他和其他的农户和商人的信誉考虑在内,然后再决定是否同意他的贷款请求。 7. His long service with the company was _ with a present.A admitted B acknowledge C attributed D identified 公司赠与他一件礼物以视对他在公司多年工作的认

5、可. 8. Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _ with everyone who comes to the store. A. balked B admitted C admired D acquainted Ms Green在这个城镇止住了一年,但是她对来商店的每个人似乎都很熟悉 9. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they _ vision A vigorous B exact C acut

6、e D vivid 尽管大多数鸟都有微弱的嗅觉,但是他们有敏锐的视觉。10. The newcomers found it impossible to _ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent home in the new country A shatter B adapt C regulate D coordinate 新来的人发现调整他们自己来适应气候的变化,并在这个新的国家建立永久的家园是不可能的11. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should hav

7、e _ opportunity to change his mind.A accurate B urgent C excessive D adequate 就法律上讲,一个人做大宗的购买的时候,他就有足够的机会去改变他的想法 12. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny condition A. treated B adjusted C adopted D. remedied 我的照相机能适应好天气和坏天气13.His argument does not suggest that mankind can _ to be w

8、asteful in the utilization of these resources A resort B grant C afford D entitle 他的观点表明人类不能承担得起过度地使用自然资源. 14. what were your_ wages last year? A. entire B aggregate C complete D terse 去年,你的工资合计有多少? 15. I should like to rent a house , modern comfortable and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A. all in all B

9、above all C after all D over all 我想租一间时尚、舒适的房子,最重要的是要有一个安静的邻居。 16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _A. income B allowance C wages D pay 很多人在工作期间出去旅游都会被给于津贴 17. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _ in giving the class lectures.A. alter B. change C. alterna

10、te D. differSmith 教授和 Brown 教授将轮流地上课。 18. when traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure_ to carrying your money in cashA. substitute B selection C preference D alternative当你旅游的时候,别人会建议你拿旅游支票,它是现金的安全的替代品 19. fortune-tellers are good at making _ statement such as “ Y

11、our sorrows will change”A philosophical B ambiguous C literal D invalid 算命的人很擅长于说出模棱两可的话,例如“你的痛苦将会改变” 20. The school master _ the girls bravery in is opening speech.A. applauded B enhanced C elevated D tantalized 校长对这个女孩的公开演讲中的勇敢给与了赞扬。 UNIT 2 1. I was unaware of the critical points involved , so my

12、choice was quite _.A. arbitrary B rational C serene D unpredictable 我不知道关键点在哪里,所以我的选择非常主观。 2. The famous scientist _ his success to hard workA. imparted B ascribe C sauntered D acknowledged 这个著名的科学家吧他的成功归咎于他的努力学习。 3. Everybody _ in the hall where they welcomed by the secretary A assembled B piled C

13、joined D accumulated所有人都集合在大厅里,部长在那里接待欢迎了她们。 4. The patient has been _ of the safety of the operationA assured B guaranteed C entrust D confirmed 这个患者被确保手术的安全 5. In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometer an hour.A assume B accomplish C attain D assemble 在台风季节,风以高达120km每小时的时速出现(呈现) 6.

14、We _ Edisons success to his intelligence and hard work A. subject B attribute C owe D refer我们把爱迪生的成功归咎于他的聪明和努力。7. what the correspondent sent us is an _ news report. We can depend on it A evident B authentic C ultimate D immediate 这个通信员给我们送来了真实的新闻报道。我们可以相信它。8.In fact, there is no _ liberty in any co

15、untry.A. adequate B. absolute C. private D. practical 实际上,在任何国家都没有无限的自由(绝对的自由) 9. The manager director took the _ for the accident , although it was not really his fault. A guilt B blame C charge D accusation 这个经理要对事故负责,尽管不是他的错。 10.They spent many years _ for oil in this small island.A. exploring B.

16、 exploding C. exposing D. exploiting他们花了许多年在这个小岛上开发石油 11. The lost car of the less was found _in the woods off the high way.A vanished B abandoned C scattered D rejected 有人发现Lees 丢失的车被丢弃在公路旁的树林里。 12. Children are _ to have some accidents as they grow upA. obvious B indispensable C bound D obtuse 孩子们

17、在成长过程中注定会发生一些事件。 13 John assured his boss that he would _ all his energies in doing this new job.A call forth B call at C call on D call off John 对老板担保,他将全心全意地投入工作。 14 The archaeologists examined the _ of ancient pottery. A fragment B fragrance C flagrance D retinue考古学家检测古代陶器的碎片15. The president _ a

18、 nation holiday for the event. A proclaimed B distinguished C acclaimed D exclaimed 总统因为这个事件而宣布那天为全国的节日。 16. Wealthy Romans collected _ of Greek statues and paintings. A recreations B enjoyments C reproductions D entertainments富裕的罗马人喜欢手机瑞典的雕像和油画的复制品 17.If the _ in the test is too small, we can not g

19、et a good result.A sample B meagerness C leisure D flight 如果这个样品设置非常小的话,我们就不能得到一个很好的结果了。 18. Dark glasses serve to _ eyes from the glare of the sun. A dismay B shelter C shield D defend黑色太阳镜是用来保护眼睛免受太阳光直射的 19.Anna was _ to give up her poverty by her treacherous uncle A impelled B expelled C compelle

20、d D repelledAnna的奸诈的叔叔迫使她放弃她的财富。20. In order to improve our condition, this new scheme must be _ A adopted B adapted C adept D addicted 为了提高我们的生活水平,这项计划应该被采纳。 UNIT 3 11. Insulted by my opponent, I _ at him with closed fists . A glared B peeped C glanced D stared 由于被对手侮辱了,我捏紧了拳头,愤怒地盯着他 12. The girl t

21、ook cheese and _ to eat A commenced B commended C commanded D commented 这个女孩拿起奶酪开始吃了起来 3. Being extremely _ to the cold, I dont like skiing. A sensitive B senseless C sensible D insensitive 由于对冷非常敏感,我不喜欢滑雪 4,Since she knows a terrible _ as they waited to hear who had been killed in the plane crash.

22、A diffusion B impression C stimulation D tension由于她知道这种紧张的情况,所以他们一直等着听在飞机失事中有谁被杀死了。 5.Barbara _ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times A consisted B resisted C assisted D persisted芭芭拉尽管已经失败了12次,但是她依然在坚持 6.This is a purely _ problem, not a political one.A additional B assiduo

23、us C adamant D academic 7. After criminals were caught , they were accused and put on _ A death B verdiction C trial D sentence犯人被捕后,他们被指控受审 8.I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were _ A spoiled B scattered C spilled D spotted 我从地沟里面出来,衣服被弄脏了 9.On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply

24、 A departing B depressing C decreasing D descending在接到拐角处,我们看到街道在都让下降 10. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me an _ of the cost of repairing the roof. A assessment B announcement C estimate D evaluation工作开始之前,我要建筑者给我们一个维修房顶的成本估算 11.Although not an economist himself, Dr. smith ha

25、s long been a severe critic of the governments _ policies A economic B economical C economics D economy尽管他不是个经济学家,Dr. smith长期以来被当作了政策的评论家 12. It is rather _ that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today. A misleading B embarrassing C boring D demanding人们仍然不知道这个世界上有多少物种,这是一种

26、相当尴尬的情形。 13. The old building is in a good state of _ except for the wooden floors A observation B preservation C conservation D compensation这个旧建筑除了木质屋顶意外保存得非常好。 14. The ceremony will _ as soon as the minister arrives. A complete B commence C disperse D descend 部长一到,仪式就开始 15.Gasline is _ by spark pl

27、ugs in the engine A ignited B inspired C excited D illuminated汽油是被机车里的火花塞点燃的 16. The person who _ this type of research deserves our praise. A originated B manufactured C generated D estimated开始这项研究的人是值得赞扬的17. Dogs are often praised for their _; they almost never abandon their masters A faith B loya

28、lty C trust D truthfulness狗因为他们的忠诚而受到赞扬,它们几乎从来不会被主人遗弃。 18. When business is _, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment. A degraded B depressed C reduced D lessened 当经济萧条是,很明显,失业率就上升啦 19. He believed that the greatest of his _ was that hed never had a college education. A griefs B misfor

29、tunes C disasters D sorrows他认为他最大的不幸是他没有受过大学教育。 UNIT 4 1. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _ the surroundings A explore B expose C exploit D addle通过移动雷达光束成一种环形的模式。我们可以研究环境 2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _ in her appearance but rude in her speech A elaborate B excessive C elegant D exaggerated这位女士穿着时尚的巴黎服装,外表非常优雅,语言却很粗鲁。 3. A window in the kitchen was _ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen . A scat

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