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陕西省西安一中届高三上学期第五次考试 英语.docx

1、陕西省西安一中届高三上学期第五次考试 英语西安市第一中学高三年级第五次月考(时间:100分钟 总分:150分)第I卷第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)第一节 (共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman think of tomatoes? A.They are not tasty. B.They are really good. C.She doesnt like them. 2.Whe

2、re is the man now? A.In New York. B.In Boston.C.In Washington. 3.What are the two speakers talking about? A. A book.B.A film.C.A record.4.What can we learn about the woman? A.She wants to make fun of the man.B.She doesnt know how to scan pictures. C.She is curious about how to use the computer. 5.Wh

3、at happened to the man? A.He fell on the ground. B.His cars windscreen was broken. C.He was hit by a stone. 第二节(共15小题) 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.What was the matter with the woman? A.She was angry wit

4、h the man. B.She quarreled with Jack. C.She hated doing homework. 7.What do we know about Jack? A.He cleaned up the bedroom. B.He understood the woman. C.He made the room in a mess. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.How does the woman keep fit?A.Taking exercise. B.Eating vegetables. C.Eating less.9.What did the ma

5、n often do when he was at school? A.Did nothing but study. B.Swam from time to time. C.Swam twice a week.10.What can you infer the man will do this evening? A.Go to swim by himself. B.Go upstairs with the woman. C.Swim with the woman. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11.Where are the two speakers? A. On a bus. B.I

6、n the shopping district. C.At a street corner. 12.Whats the largest building on the left? A.Thebank. B.The City Hall. C.The department store. 13.What does the man need? A.Clothing.B.Shoes.C.Cigarettes. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 14.What do we know about the e flat? A.It is near the bus stop. B.The kitchen is

7、 a bit old.C.It has full furniture. 15.What shouldnt the man pay for except the rent? A.Cable TV.B.Gas fees.C.Water fees. 16.How much is the rent at last? A.160 pounds a week. B.180 pounds a week. C.200 pounds a week. 17.What will the man have to do after fixing the rent? A.Cleaning the flat. B.Havi

8、ng dinner. C.Signing a contract. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18.When did the student borrow the book? A.Seven days ago. B.A fortnight ago. C.A month ago. 19.Why did the student come again? A.Because he didnt finish reading it. B.Because a beautiful girl wanted to read it.C.Because he wrote a girls telephone

9、number in it. 20.What would the librarian feel when she knew the students real purpose? A.She would feel angry.B.She would feel delighted. C.She would feel disappointed. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文, 从每题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (A)“Have a nice day” may be a plea

10、sant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “Have a nice day” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well. “Have a nice day. Next!” The version of the expression is spoken by

11、 a salesgirl at supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out at the door. The words came out in the same tone ( 腔调 ) with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone elses is the managements attempt to increase business.The expression is

12、one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we dont know what to say. “Oh, you just had a tooth out? Im terribly sorry, but have a nice d

13、ay”The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you dont know has tried to be nice to you.Although the use of the expression is insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except

14、 that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, its nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really dont care all that much

15、. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.21. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?A. The salesgirl is rude. B. The salesgirl is bored.C. The salesgirl cares about me. D. The salesgirl says the w

16、ords as a routine.22. By saying “Have a nice day, a stranger may _.A. try to be polite to you B. express respect to youC. give his blessing to you D. share his pleasure with you23. What is the best title of the passage?A. Have a Nice Daya Social Custom B. Have a Nice Daya Pleasant GestureC. Have a N

17、ice Daya Heart-warming GreetingD. Have a Nice Daya Polite Ending of a Conversation(B) “I never expected that I would be so busy. Why cant there be 25 hours in a day?” complained Liu Ran in Hong Kong as mid-term exams were going on.The 18-year-old was Shandong Provinces top scorer in this years colle

18、ge entrance examination. After graduating from Taian No.1 High School, she chose the Chinese University of Hong Kong(香港中文大学), although both Peking University and Tsinghua University promised her a place.“I want to experience a more international school and social life in Hong Kong. Im majoring in jo

19、urnalism, so Hong Kong will surely help widen my horizons,” Liu said.It is two months since Liu first set foot on Hong Kong. She missed home a lot at the beginning, because of the food and language problems.“The canteen offers mostly Western or Guangdong food, but its convenient to cook for ourselve

20、s in our dorm if we like. People speak Cantonese and almost all classes are in English,” Liu explained.Her English and Cantonese are now both improving, but she still needs more time to adapt to the new environment. “Im happy that I made the right decision to study here. With a mix of the Eastern an

21、d Western cultures, there is so much to discover and learn,” she said.Liu has 18 credit hours(学分) of classes every week and 23 non-credit hours every other week. She has signed up for four associations including the Chinese Language Debating Team and the drama club. Essays, book reports and presenta

22、tions also take plenty of time to prepare. And , of course, there are various parties to attend.“I wasnt a party animal before, but that may be interesting part of college. I sense myself changing,” Liu said.24. Liu Ran chose the Chinese University of Hong Kong, because_.A. she couldnt be admitted t

23、o Peking UniversityB. Hong Kong is a good placeC. she wants to be far from her homelandD. the Chinese University of Hong Kong can widen her horizons25. According to the last paragraph, we can infer_.A. now Liu Ran is an animalB. the busy and full life makes Liu Ran feel goodC. Liu Ran hates the busy

24、 life in the Chinese University of Hong KongD. Liu Ran likes the food there26. Liu Ran had to overcome the difficulties in many aspects EXCEPT_.A. food B. language C. no friends D. missing home(C)Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear. Children know this v

25、ery well. Fred Epstein ,in his book If I Make It to Five, tells a story he heard from one of friends about Tom, a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone. He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination.Tom loved to pretend, and he particularly loved to pla

26、y superheroes ,Dr Epstein explained that it was actually a brilliant way for his young mind to handle the terrifying and painful life he led.The day before his third trip to the operating room, Tom was terribly afraid.”Maybe I could go as Superman ,”he whispered to his mom. Hearing this, the mother

27、hesitated for a while. She had avoided buying the expensive costume(戏装),but finally she agreed.The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman, showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way. And Tom, with the strength of his fantasy, su

28、ccessfully made it through the operation.The power of imagination need not be reserved for children only. we all have the power to use our fantasies to attempt things we never thought possible, to go through those things that seem impossible, to achieve what we never believed we could, Just as Dr. E

29、pstein puts it ,”If you can dream it, you can do it”It doesnt mean that you should dress as a superhero for you next job interview. But, next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible, imagine what it would take to overcome it .Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge

30、 and do it in your mind first. So, let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream.27.What do we know about Tom?A.He was seriously illB.He was a dishonest boy.C.He was crazy about magicD.He was Dr.Epsteins patient28.What can be inferred about Toms mother?A.She was a rich ladyB.She refused Toms requ

31、estC.She wanted Tom to be a superheroD.She wanted to get Tom through the pain29.In the last paragraph,you are advised go through some difficult wake up from your wild become a powerful person in your wear expensive clothes for job interviews30.What is the purpose

32、of the passage?A.To tell us an interesting story.B.To help us make right decisions.C.To advise us to care about children.D.To encourage us to use our imagination. (D)Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets(资产) has been halved. No, youre not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping (falling) to a 26-year low against the pound, already-e

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