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扬中市第二高级中学届高三英语教学案 M.docx

1、扬中市第二高级中学届高三英语教学案 M模块二Unit 2 Wish you were herePeriods 1-2Teaching aims and demands:1. To review words and phrases in this unit.2. To enable students recite and use some important drills.一、 词性变化:1. adventure adj. _2. astonish adj. _ _3. dusty n. _4. uncomfortable adj. _ n. _ v. _5. actually adj. _6.

2、 clothing n. _ _7. silent n. _ adv. _8. perfect adv. _9. scare adj. _ _10. surprisingly n. _ adj. _ _11. officially n. _ _ adj. _12. speechless n. _ _ v. _13. He was very talkative and I was _ of talking with him. The speech was _ .I couldnt put up with it.(tire)14. It was a _ story and children wer

3、e _ after they heard it.( scare)15. It is a great _ to host the Olympic Games.Helping those who are in trouble is an _ thing. (honour)单词拼写Only important people can attend the opening c_.Many scientists have made great c_ to our society.He was d_ to hear from his parents.Have you realized the _ (重要性)

4、 of the meeting?Time is limited, I will _ (简要地) talk about our proposal.Athletes from all over the world are c_ for the gold medals.Can you _ (平衡) yourself on the skates?Would you take my place during my a_?Those who fail to meet these r_ will not be admitted to the university.She played a _ (主导的) r

5、ole in the play.二、 词组复习:1. have experience _ doing sth 在方面有经验2. be busy with sth 忙于 be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做be kept busy doing sth _3. spend on sth/ (in) doing sth 花(时间、金钱)在it takes sb some time to do sth 花费时间做it costs sb some money 花费某人钱sb pays some money for sth 为付款4. be ready to do 准备做、乐意做 be w

6、illing to do sth 乐意做be prepared to do 准备好做5. do lots of astonishing things _it is astonishing / surprising to me that 令我吃惊的是be astonished / surprised at sth ./ to do sth. _ / _(much) to ones astonishment / surprise 令某人非常吃惊的是6. (be) three times the size/ length/ depth of 是的三倍大、长three times as (long/d

7、eep/big) as 是的三倍大、长three times more (longer/bigger) than 比长、大三倍7. camp in tents 在帐篷里宿营 set up / put up tents 搭建帐篷8. on clear nights 在天高气爽的晚上 at night 在晚上 on a cold night 在一个寒冷的夜晚 on Saturday night 在星期六晚上 on the night of 在晚上9. in case it rains 万一下雨 = _ _ _ _ in no case = at no time = by no means 决不 i

8、n any case 在任何情况下10. get turned _ _ 上下翻转11. including sth; sth _ 包括12. supplies of food and water 食物、水的供给a supply of food / a food supply / supplies of food / food supplies 食物供应 vt. supply sb with sth = supply sth to/for sb 给某人提供某物= provide sb.with sth. provide sth. for sb. offer sb. sth. offer sth.

9、 to sb.Eg. provide it with endless natural treasures 14. follow the footprints of animals 跟踪动物的脚印follow the custom of local people 遵循本地人的习俗follow ones advice/ suggestions 听从某人的建议15. worry about 担忧 = be worried about be concerned about 16. scare the animals away 把动物吓跑 scare sb into doing; scare sb ou

10、t of doing; _be scared to do; be scared of sth; be scared to death17 envy sb 嫉妒 / _ 某人 feel envy of sb18. look forward to hearing from you 盼望收到你的来信look through a piece of newspaper 浏览一份报纸look out / watch out _ dangers 当心危险_ _ an accident 调查事故look down upon /on sb _19. keep warm/ quiet 保暖;保持安静keep yo

11、ur mother waiting 让你母亲等着keep the door locked up 把门锁上_ _ _ 写日记keep ones promise 信守承诺keep a dog as a pet 养狗当作崇物20. remind sb of sth _remind sb _ _ _ 提醒某人做某事21. might/may as well do sth _22. make a fire 生火 _ _ 着火(动作)be on fire 着火(状态)set fire to sth 放火set sth on fire 放火 _ _ fire 扑灭大火fire goes out (灯、火)熄

12、灭了23. lose ones way 迷路 lead the way 领路make ones way _ on ones way home 在回家路上by the way 顺便问一下 in a way 某种程度上_ the _ 一直;总是24. take care (of); look after; attend to 照顾25. run out of sth; sth run out 用完(某物);(某物)用完26. (be) in progress 在进行中 make progress (in sth) 取得进步27 places of interest 名胜古迹28. as you c

13、an see 正如你知道的那样29 be about to do when 正要做某事,此时30. be _ _ sth/ that 对很失望31. wake up 醒来;叫醒32. at dawn 黎明;破晓33. in (total) silence 默不作声地 keep silent/ silence 保持沉默34. in _ 总计;总共 in all; altogether35. at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下36. (be) _ business 出差37. (be) up to 达到(数量)it is up to you 由你决定38. prefe

14、r to do sth 宁愿做 prefer doing to doing 喜欢甚于prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做而不愿做39. be tired of (doing) sth _ = be fed up withbe tired with/from _ (be) tired out/ worn out 精疲力竭的40. do some research on/ about 做研究= make a study of 41. make a great discovery 做出重大发现42. cover the earth 覆盖大地cover a long dist

15、ance _cover the Olympic Games _奥林匹克运动会be covered with / by 被、由覆盖着43 stay young / slim 保持健康、苗条44. take the name of 负有的名声45. tourist spot 旅游景点60. form a beautiful picture 形成美丽的图画 form an organization 建立一个组织_ _ _ _ doing 养成习惯 in the form of _in any shape or form 以任何形式 fill up a form _46. (be) surrounde

16、d by 四周被包围着 in the _ area 在周围地区47. feed freely on the green grass 自由地吃着绿草 live on rice 以大米为食feed some meat to dogs 把肉喂给狗吃 feed dogs on some meat 喂狗以肉48. (be) home _ sb 是的家园/故乡/家乡 Eg. Africa is home to lions. China is home to pandas. make yourself at home _ home sweet home 家总是家,可爱的家 set up home _ com

17、e home (从外边)回来,(从海外)回国 49. in this heavenly world 在美好的世界里50. (be) in harmony with nature 与自然和谐共处51. on earth 1.世界上;人世间; 2. _ 3. _52 have something _ _ 有些共同点_ _ 共同, 共同享有的, 共同使用的in common with 和一样 out of (the) common 不寻常的, 特殊的53. refer to ; refer to sb as 查阅(字典);把称为Proverbs: No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,

18、怎么见彩虹.二、要点归纳I. 重点单词 1. adventure n.(1) 奇遇;冒险 her adventures in Africa(2)涉及危险,冒险等的刺激 a love / spirit / sense of adventure a life full of adventure【拓展】 adventurous adj. 渴望冒险的;喜欢冒险的 It was _ _ ( 冒险活动) to go through the African forests.2. astonishing adj. astonished adj. 惊讶的, 惊人的 (指人的感觉) astonish vt. 使惊

19、讶,使惊愕, 常用被动语态,不可用进行语态be astonished at / by sth. 因/被惊吓 astonishingly adv. 令人惊讶地 / astonishment. n. 惊奇,惊愕【链接】 vt. adj. adj.astonish 使惊讶 _ 令人惊讶的 _ 惊讶的 surprise 使吃惊 _ 令人吃惊的 _ 吃惊的 shock 使震惊 _ 令人震惊的 _ 震惊的 excite 使兴奋 _ 令人兴奋的 _ 兴奋的 delight 使高兴 _ 令人高兴的 _ 高兴的 disappoint 使失望 _ 令人失望的 _ 失望的【注意】 (1) 情感类动词均为及物动词,其

20、结构为 sth. + vt. + sb. 某物使某人- (2) v-ing 形式,可以作定语,也可以作表语,宾补等,主要用来修饰事或物 (3) v-ed 形式,主要作表语,指人的感觉,常构成 be + v-ed + at / by- 因- 而作定语时,主要修饰look, tear ,voice, scream等情感名词_ voice 激动的声音 / _ look 吃惊的表情Ex: She looked _ when she heard the news. A. astonished B. astonishing C. astonishment D. astonish3. camp n. / v

21、. / adj. (1) n. a holiday camp_ (2)n. an army camp _(3)n. the socialist camp _ (4)v. 扎营 Where shall we _ tonight?(5)v. 露营;野营 They _ in the woods for a week.(6)v. 临时住宿 Im camping on the floor in a friends flat for two weeks.【拓展】 go _ 去露营 / camp-fire 篝火,营火 The hunter c_ near the top of the mountain.4.

22、 dark n. adj. (1) adj. 黑暗的 Its _ to play outside. (2)adj. 暗色的;深色的 _ dress 深色的西装 【拓展】 _ 无知,不知 _ 在天黑以前 / 以后 _ 保密 _ 在黑暗中 _ n. 黑暗 _ vt. 使事物变黑暗 Ex. It is bad for him to know the truth, so I think you had better leave him in the _.A. darkness B. dark C. darkly D. darken5. actually adv. 实际地;实在地_ , Im busy

23、at the momentcan I phone you back.【拓展】actual adj. 实在的;真实的;实际的;确实的 actuality n. 实际;真实【辨析】 actual / real / true actual 实际的。事实上而不是理论上存在,多指知识,经验,行为,财产,价值,状态等,其反义词为supposed(假定的)或reported(谣传的). real真实的。表示实际存在的意义,如实情,实况,实例,实物等,反义词为 imaginary(想象的)或 invented(虚构的).true 真的,表示与事物相符,一致而不虚伪,指某种事实,故事,消息,信息,朋友,证人,爱

24、情等。其反义词为false Ex. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives.A. At last B. In fact C. In a word D. As a result6. whatever (1)prep. 每(样事物);任何(事物);凡是-的,无论什么You can eat _ you like.(2)prep. 不管什么;无论什么;无论如何You are right, _ opinions may be held by the oth

25、ers.【注意】(1) 当whatever 引导主语从句和宾语从句时,相当于 anything that You can take whatever you like.(2) 引导状语从句时whatever相当于 no matter what_ problem you have , you can always come to me for help.No matter what+疑问词只能引导让步状语从句, 意为“不管,无论-”而“疑问词+ever”既可引导让步状语从句,也可以引导主语从句或宾语从句。Ex. _ she did was right.A. No matter what B. W

26、hatever C. No matter D. What ever7. uncomfortable adj.(1) adj. 不舒适的 live in a comfortable position(2)adj. 忧虑的;不安的;不自在的 The letter was an uncomfortable reminder of my debts.【拓展】comfort n. 安慰;安逸;舒适;(生活方面)使人舒适的东西,常用复数 vt. 安慰,慰问,使-安逸,舒适 Sth. comfort fortable adj. 舒适(服)的;(人)安逸(乐)的;舒服自在的;为表语形容词comfortably

27、 adv. 舒服地;安逸地comforting adj. 安慰的uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地,不自在地;不愉快地Ex. The shoes are _ rather than prettyA. comfortable B. more comfortable C. comfortably D. most comfortable8. supply n. &v.(1) v. 供给或供应某人所需或可用的物品;向某人提供某物He kept me well _ cups of coffee while I wrote the report (2)n. 供应;供应;补给 a reliable source of supply (3)供给之物;供应品;补给品;贮备;存货;现货Have we got enough _ coal?

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