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1、科技英语accessible a. 可得到的,能进去的 alley n. 球道,小巷,胡同 amend v. 修改,修正artificial a. 人造的,假的 adjacent n. 毗连的,接近的 approximate v. 近,接近acute a.(疾病)急性的 allergic a.过敏的,adjustment n. 校正,调整 allot vt. 分配,分给 ambiguity n.歧义 arbitrary a. 随心所欲的,任意的analytical a. 分析的 activation n. 处于活动状态,激活 obnormal a. 异常的,畸形的 agent n. (作用)药

2、剂assessment n.评价,估计 astound vt. 使大受惊骇, 震惊 appraisal n.估计,评价 array n. 一大批,一系列accrue to 产生,形成 a host of 许多 an array of 大量,显眼的一系列 a spectrum of 系列,范围,幅度acknowledge vt.承认 articulate vt. 明确有力地表述 ascend vt. 攀登, 逆而上 assault vt.攻击,袭击allow for 顾及,考虑在内 adaptive a.适应的,适合的 n. 适应性,适应能力 amplitude n.幅度,振幅aesthetic

3、 a.美的,美学的 account for 占 all at once 同时 all the same 然而,还是 as to 关于audible a.听得见的 after all 毕竟 a wide range of 各种各样的,多种多样的at random 无目标地 at work 从事,起作用 This is, after all, the least important par of the problem.这毕竟是问题的最无足轻重的部分。 Jhonn has been given no definite directions as to what to write.关于写什么,约翰还

4、没有得到任何明确的指示。 Farmer account for the majority of the national population.农民占全国人口的大多数。 The children were arguing over which programme to watch on television.孩子们为看哪个电视节目而争论不休。 They acknowledged that they had been defeated. 他们承认被打败了。 He was an engineer to start with, then a desinger.开始时他是工程师,后来成了设计师。 He

5、 acknowledged the girl as his.他承认那个女孩是他的。 Money kept in a saving back will accrue to you with interest.把钱存在储蓄银行里你可以得到利息。 Great benefits accrue to society as a result of education. 教育的结果社会得益无穷。 Im sure our students have a host of questions on the development of life science.我肯定我们的学生对生命科学的发展会提出许多问题。 W

6、e have experienced together the whole spectrum of emotions. 我们一起体验了各种各样的感情变化。 His argument was made more convincing with the presentation of an array of statistics.由于提供了一系列统计数字,他的论证更有说服力。 The discovery of human genome provides scientific access to the understanding of life.基因组的发现使得人们有科学方法来了解生命。 I ha

7、ve also had access to a wealth of documentary material, most of it unpublished.我已使用这些石室的文件材料,其中大部分还没发表。 A chemical analytical method was applied to the identification of the substance. 采用了一种化学分析方法来鉴定这种物质。 He can hardly afford to miss another day at school. 他几乎再也不缺不得一天课了。 The nation can not afford to

8、 spare these well-educated professionals.这个国家难以舍弃这些受过良好教育的专业人材。 He made an arbitrary decision to close the theater without consulting other people.他没有与人商量就随意决定关闭这个剧场。 The unsinged painting was wrongly attibuted to ZhangDaqian. 这幅未署名的画被误认为是张大仟的作品。 The group leader allotted a special task to each pers

9、on. 组长给每个人分配了一项专门任务。astronomer n.天文学家 attribute vt. 认为属于 actuator n 促动器 adept a.擅长的 adept at 擅长的amusement biologist n.生物学家 appeal to 有吸引力的,投其所好a sense of .感 as for 至于 This novelist is not concerned with other peoples attitude to his work. 这位小说家并不关心人们对他作品的态度。 Young people nowadays are beyond my

10、comprehension. 我无法理解现在的年轻人。biochemist n. 生物化学家 border on 近似,接近,接界 bacterium n.细菌 blur vi使模糊不清be ignorant to 无知的,不知道的 be obsessed with /by (恐惧的,固定的或错误的想法)迷住,缠住 an end 使.结束 buoy up 使振作,鼓舞 by day and by night在白天和夜间 We should bring all positive factors into play and carry out necessary social re

11、forms. 我们应该调动一切积极因素,进行必要的社会改革。 The new work of his will take its play among the most important paitings of this century. 他的新作品将成为本世纪最重要的画作之一。be applicable to 适当的,合适的 bewilder使迷惑,使手足无措 biotechnology n.生物技术bump into 碰,撞 bear out 确认,支援 be bound up with 与.密切相关 breathtaking a. 紧张的,刺激的boost vt.增加 botanist

12、 n.植物学家 bring into play 使发挥作用 burst vi.爆炸,爆裂be doomed to 注定要 be packed with 填满 burst forth 忽然出现 binary n.双星 be associated with 与相关 be exposed to 显露,与.直接接触batch n.一批,一次生产量 be concerned with 涉及,从事,进行breakthrough a.突破性进展,突破点 be content with 对心满意足 From the start, the plan was boomed to failure. 这个计划从一开始

13、就注定要失败。 A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd.人群中突然发出令人恐怖的叫喊声。 This article is packed with interesting facts.这篇文章充满趣闻。 This phenomenon is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. 这种现象不为常人所理解。 If the paper were borne out by sufficient data, it would justify its publication.如果这篇论文有充分的数据验证,就有理

14、由发表。 The product launched onto the market should not with popularity, the companys whole future would be at stake. 如果投放到市场上的这种产品不受欢迎的话,公司的未来很成问题。 The future of human beings is bound up with the development of life science.人类的未来与生命科学的发展密切相关。 Mary was walking down the street when she suddenly bumped i

15、nto John. 玛丽在街上行走时偶然遇到约翰。 Given the fact that the measureing instruments were defective, the experiment was bound to be a failure. 假如度量仪出了故障,实验肯定要失败。 The microscope became blurred with moisture.由于湿气,这台显微镜变得模糊不清了。come to light显露,暴露 chronology n.编年学, 年代表 civil a.公历的 coincide 同位,相符,相一致coincide with 与.一

16、致, 相合 coherent a. 聚合在一起的,相干的, comparable a.类似的,可比的chronic a.长期的,慢性的 The two computers are not at all comparable in speed. 这两台计算机的速度全然不同。 Appearance seldom coincide with reality. 外表和实际很少相符。consciously ad. 有意识地, 有知觉地 circulation n. 循环 counsellor n. 顾问 cylinder n. 圆筒, 圆柱conveyor n. 输送机,输送设备 comply with

17、 满足要求,符合ceramic a. 陶瓷 coefficient n. 系数 certified a.证明合格的,由证件证明了的 chronic a.慢性的,严重的counsel v. 建议,劝告 compatible a. 能共存的 constitutional a.宪法的,立宪的 cite vt. 引用,引证constituent a. 组成的,构成的 cultured a.培养的 confront vt. 使面对 crossbreed v. 由杂交生产credibility n. 确实性,可信性 cater for 满足需要 compatible with 能共存的,协调一致的coha

18、bit vi. 同居,共同存在 contamination n.污染 climax n.顶点 cumulative a.渐增的,累积的classic a.标准的,一流的 canvas n.帆布,背景,画面 clump n. 丛,簇,块,团 cluster n. 星团,簇congregate vi.聚集 cosmas n. 宇宙 companion n.伴星 captivate vt.使入迷 combat n.战斗,格斗computational a.计算的,计算机的 context n.环境 cue n.提示,暗示 I hope that the newly-built experiment

19、center will cater for your particular needs.我希望新建的实验中心能适应你们的特殊要求。come into ones own赢得独立或声誉 It was not until the mid-twentieth century that psychology really came into its own.直到20世纪中叶心理学才真正得到应有的重视。 The scientific study of dreams has not yet come into its own.对梦的科学研究仍没有得到应有的重视。constrain v. 强迫,强制 cele

20、brated 著名的 customary a.合乎风俗习惯的 It is customary for our family to eat out on Saturday evenings.星期六晚上外出就餐是我家的习惯。contribute to 对作出贡献 contend with 搏斗,争斗 decimal a. 十进位的 definitive a. 确切的,不可置疑的 deform vt.破坏.的外形或个表distress n. 危机或困境 downcast a. 意志消沉的,垂头丧气的 distortion 变形,扭曲,弄歪delve into 探索,钻研 do it justice

21、公平地对待,公正地评判 duration持续 dental a. 牙齿deficient in 欠缺 diversification n.变化,不同 documentation n. 文件资料(的总称)draw a boundary around 限定在某一范围 download vt.下装,卸载depict vt. 描绘,描述 descend vt. 走下 designate vt.指明,表明 differentiate vt.区别,划分,区分dome n.圆顶室,圆屋顶 disintegrate v. 解体,崩溃 disperse vt.散开,消失 doomed a.注定的,命定的dist

22、inctive a.有特色的 dedicated a. 专门的,用于特殊用途的 discrete a. 分离的,分立的,不连续的dominate vt.支配,统治,控制 decrement n.减少,缩小,消耗 deterioration n.使恶化,退化 His report did not differentiate the two aspects of the problem. 他的报告没有区别开这个问题的两个方面。 He cant establish a company of his own because he is deficient in capital.他不能成立自己的公司,因

23、为缺少资金。 Before he was promoted, the committee delved into his professional records.在提升他之前,委员会查看了他过去的业务档案。 To do him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good. 公平而论,我们必须承认他的用意是好的。 She had so many things to do that she could not do justice to her lesson.她要做的事情太多以至于没有好好做作业。 Zoology may be def

24、ined as the science of the structure, forms and distribution of animals.动物学是研究动物结构、种类和分布的科学。dyestuff n.染料 deficient a. 缺乏的,不足的 disability n.无能力的 diagnostic a.用于诊断的dialysis n. 透析 dwindle vi.减少 duality n. 二重性 dilute a.稀释的,冲淡的disciplinary a. 学科的 draw on 动用,利用 depletion n. 用尽,耗尽 dweller n. 居住 The author

25、 drew on his imagination and experiences to write this great work. 这位作家运用想象力和经验完成了这部菱。embark v. 开始(某事),从事 embark on开始(某事),从事 expertise n. 专长,专业知识,专家鉴定edge n. 边,棱 embed v. 埋置,嵌入 expanse n. 广阔(的区域) early on以前,在更早的时候elusive a.难以捉摸的,难以表达的 exposure to 暴露,显露 enlist vt. 得到(的帮助)effector n. 效应器 exceptionally

26、 ad. 格外地,异常地 exhaust vt.排气, n 排出的气体 液体end up 结束 emergence n. 出现,现出 equilibrium n.平衡,均势 eternal a. 永恒的,永远的ethics n. 伦理学 explicit a.明确表示的,明确的 expose to 暴露,显露 erosion n.侵蚀,腐败ecosystem n.生态系统 emanate from 发出,发源 elegance n.优美,雅致 electrode n.电极expatriate n.移居国外的人 expressive a.表达 exclusive a. 除外的,排外的,专用的,专

27、门的 They ended up taking a taxi there.他们最终还是乘出租车去那儿。 He has many ideas too elusive to be put into words.他有很多难以用语言表达的想法。 He elucidated the variations of the two groups of reactions.他阐述了这两组反应的变异性。fuse v. 熔合,结合 fabricate vt. 建造 flammable a. 易燃烧的 facilitate vt. 使更便利fluctuation n. 波动,变动,浮动 fictitious a.假的

28、,想象的,虚构的 fatigued a.疲劳的,劳累的formulation明确地表达,用公式表达 flaw n.缺点,瑕疵 functional a. 为实用而设计的,在起作用的 fluency n. 流利,流畅 foodstuff n. 食料,粮食 forerunner n.预兆,前兆from point of view 从.角度看,考虑到for the sake of 为了 foamy a. 泡沫似的 fountain vt.使泉水般地喷出 fraction n.分数,小数fond of 喜欢,爱好 frictional a. 摩擦的,因摩擦引起的 Have you ever seen

29、anyone so fond of singing?你见过这么爱唱歌的人吗? By dictionary definition, realm means “kingdon”.按照词典的释义,realm是“王国”的意思。formidable a. 可怕的,令人畏惧的,艰难的 foster vt.照顾,抚育,培养 fishery n. 鱼场 fowl n.家禽a fraction of a second 瞬间,顷刻 a shower of 一大批,一连串gigantic a. 非常巨大的,庞大的 geography n.地理学 geometry n.几何学 geology n. 地质学guaran

30、tor n.保证人 give off 发出,放出 gene n基因,遗传因子 gravitational a.引力的,重力的genetic a. 遗传因子的,遗传学的 genetics n. 遗传学 hybrid n.a.杂种,杂种的have a bearing on 与.有关系 hologram n.全息图 holography n.全息(摄影)术hemisphere n. 半球,大脑半球 hospice n. 临终关怀医院 humanity n. 人类,人性humanize v. 使成为人,赋予 hamper vt.阻碍,使不可能任意行动 hardy a.耐寒的harmonious a.

31、和谐的,匀称的 harhor vt.藏有,包含 haunt vt.萦绕在心头 historian n.历史学家hunch vt.使弓起 hazardous a.有危险的 hyperreactive a.反应过度的justification n. 理由 importation n. 进口,输入 invariant n. 不变量,常数因子, a.不变的 identity n. 同一,完全相同inextricable a. 无法摆脱的 ingredient n. 成分,配料 inheritor n. 继承人 intersect v. 横断,交叉,贯穿in common共有的, 公有的 inheren

32、t a.固有的,内在的 in relation to 就.而论 illuminate vt. 照亮in constrast 截然不同 in accordance with 根据illusion n.幻觉 immensity n.巨大 implant vt.植入 inaudible a. 听不见的 interactive a.互相作用的interconnect vt.使互相连接 immerse vt. 使浸入,使深陷入 intellect n.智力 The desire for survival is inherent in everyone.求生的愿望人人都有。 In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop music.和许多人一样,他对古典音乐的偏爱甚于流行音乐。 The two friends

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