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1、YZ31100盘刹液压站调试大纲YZ311.00电控盘刹液压站产品检验和试验大纲YZ311-SYDG四川宏华石油设备有限公司2014年9月签名日期部门签名日期编制会签工艺研究所校对质量部审核项目运行部批准总装调试中心1. 保命规则18条保命规则说明Descriptionof 18 Life Saving Rules 图标和主要内容Icons and main contents说明Description适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:所有进入公司生产区域的人员;Personnel entering companys production ar

2、eas;要求:Requirements:1、进入生产区域必须穿劳保鞋、戴安全帽;1. Wear safety shoes and safety helmets for the entry to production areas;2、头发束于安全帽内,穿衣做到“三紧”,不得穿短裤、背心或风衣等衣服进入生产区域;2. Bind hair in safety helmets, dress with tight collar, cuffs and hem, and no shorts, waistcoats or dust coats etc for the entry to production a

3、reas; 3、进入喷漆、铆焊、危化品库房等有特殊要求的区域时,还应使用其他相应的劳保用品。3. Use other corresponding labor protection appliances additionally for the entry to areas with special requirements, such as paint spraying areas, rivet welding areas and dangerous chemical storehouses etc. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:高处作

4、业人员;High-place operators;要求:Requirements:1、使用前检查安全带的完好情况;1. Check safety belts for intactness condition before use;2、挂安全带的固定物必须牢靠;2. Fixtures for hanging safety belts must be firm;3、正确穿戴,高挂低用,并保证随时至少有一个挂钩挂在可靠的物件上。3. Fasten safety belts properly, hang safety belts at high positions but use them at lo

5、w positions, and guarantee that at least one hook is hooked on reliable objects at any time. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:可能出现物体坠落的高处作业;High-place operations during which objects possibly fall;要求:Requirements:1、作业人员所使用的工具必须系安全绳或放在工具包内,防止滑落;1. Tools used by operators must be fastened wi

6、th safety ropes or put in toolkits to prevent falling;2、作业人员不得抛掷工具、物料等;2. Operators cannot throw tools and materials etc;3、不得进行垂直交叉作业,作业下方设置警戒区域,并做好监管措施,禁止人员入内。3. No vertical cross operations, set warning areas below operation areas, and take supervision measures to prevent personnel from entry.适用范围

7、和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司所有员工及外来人员;All staff and visitors;要求:Requirements:1、现场工件应分类、整齐码放;1. Field workpieces shall be classified and tidily piled; 2、工件不得超高堆放,宜用工装进行固定;2. Workpieces cannot be piled over height and are suitably fixed by tools; 3、工件在运输过程中,要绑扎牢固;3. Workpieces shall be bo

8、und firmly during transportation; 4、工件垫物的高度应相同,且有足够的承载能力;4. Underlay for workpieces shall be at the sameheight and has enough bearing capacity; 5、球形和圆柱、圆锥体工件应做好预防滚动的措施。5. Measures for preventing rolling shall be taken for spherical, cylindrical and conical workpieces. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application an

9、d personnel:从事高危险作业许可制度(HSE-WI-06)中规定的高危险作业时;When being engaged in high risk operations stipulated in Licensing System of High Risk Operations(HSE-WI-06);要求:Requirements:1、确定作业内容,进行危险性分析;1. Determine the contents of operations, and analyze risks;2、做好工作前的准备和安全防护措施;2. Make preparations and take safety

10、 protection measures before working; 3、各级审批人员检查安全措施,逐级签字确认;3. Approvers of all levels check safety measures and sign level by level for confirmation;4、开始作业,相应监管人员到现场做好监管工作。4. Start operations, and perform supervision on the spot by corresponding supervisors. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personne

11、l:须进入受限空间作业时(含作业人员和监护人员);When entering confined spaces necessarily for operations (including operators and guardian); 要求:Requirements:1、在进入前应探测空间内的气体成分;1. Detect gas compositions in spaces before entry;2、对空间进行通风,置换空间内的气体;2. Ventilate spaces to replace gases in spaces;3、按要求办理高危险作业许可;3. Apply for perm

12、its for high risk operations as required;4、人员进入空间内作业要遵守安全操作规程,监护人员在外进行监护,不得离开,如空间内人员有任何异常,及时处理并且上报。4. Personnel entering spaces for operations shall obey safety operation specification, and guardians perform guarding outside without leaving, and treat and report any abnormality from personnel in spa

13、ces if any. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:特种作业人员、特种设备操作人员、驾驶员等;Special operators, operators of special equipment, drivers etc;要求:Requirements:1、以上人员必须持证上岗;1. Personnel above must work with certificates;2、不得从事与证书规定的工种不符的作业;2. Do not be engaged in operations not according with crafts stip

14、ulated in certificates;3、证书必须按要求进行审核;3. Certificates must be verified as required;4、应随身携带复印件备查。4. Carry copies for inspection. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:所有人员;All personnel;要求:Requirements:1、接线、线路检修、电气维修等电气作业只能由电工完成;1. Electric operations such as wiring, line repair and electric main

15、tenance etc can be completed by electrician only;2、在电气维修、设备检修时,在电源开关处应设置“禁止合闸”警示标识,并上锁或安排专人进行看管,防止他人误操作;2. Set warning mark NO SWITCHING ON at power switches during electric repair and equipment overhaul, and lock or arrange specially-assigned person for guarding power switches, to prevent misoperat

16、ion by others; 3、配电箱、金属外壳的设备必须接地,并设置“当心触电”的警示标识;3. Earth distribution box and equipment with metal cases necessarily, and set warning mark Beware of electric shock;4、手持电动工具应定期进行绝缘检测;4. Periodically detect the insulation of hand-held electric tools;5、设备、工具在使用前,要检查电缆及设备的完好性;5. Check cables and equipme

17、nt for intactness before equipment and tools are used;6、不得随意触碰带电物体、设备。6. Do not contact charged objects and equipment at will.适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司各类设备及仪表(含食堂);Companys various equipment and instruments (including mess halls);要求:Requirements:1、设备操作人员在启动设备前,检查各类安全附件是否完好;1. Equ

18、ipment operators check various safety accessories for intactness before starting equipment;2、启动设备后,先确认设备是否运转正常,紧急停车装置、防护罩等安全设施是否有效;2. After equipment is started, first confirm whether equipment runs normally and safety facilities such as emergency stopping devices and guards etc are effective or not

19、;3、各类仪表必须完好,并定期进行校验;3. Various instruments must be intact and are checked periodically;4、如实填写设备点检记录。4. Truthfully fill equipment check records.适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司所有安全通道(含消防通道和安全出口);All companys exit passageways (including fire passages and emergency exits);要求:Requirements:1

20、、合理堆放物料,保持安全通道的畅通;1. Stack materials reasonably to keep exit passageways clear; 2、需要临时占用安全通道时,须报请部门领导和安全管理员,在得到批准后方可临时占用,做好安全措施,并设置“临时占道”标识;2. Temporarily occupy exit passageways after reporting to department leaders and safety managers and getting approval, take safety measures, and set mark tempor

21、ary occupation;3、在作业结束后,立即恢复通道的畅通;3. Immediately keep the exit passageways clear after operations; 4、任何情况下都不得占用消防通道和安全出口。4. Do not occupy fire passages and emergency exits in any case. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司所有吊装作业;All companys lifting operations;要求:Requirements:1、吊车在起吊前将吊车的起吊半

22、径设置为警戒区域,禁止人员入内,并设置警示标识;1. Set the crane radiuses of cranes as warning areas to prevent personnel from entering, and set warning mark before the lifting by cranes; 2、司索、指挥人员在作业时,不得在吊物下穿行或者站在吊物下;2. Riggers and commanders cannot walk through or stand below lifted objects during operations;3、在架空线附近进行吊装

23、时,与架空线的距离须大于安全距离。3. The distances to overhead lines must be more than safety distances during the lifting nearby the overhead lines. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:旋转设备操作人员、遥控及线控行车操作员和行车、吊车指挥人员;Operators of rotating equipment, operators of remote control and drive-by-wire traveling crane

24、s, and commanders of traveling cranes and cranes;要求:Requirements:1、旋转设备操作人员禁止戴手套操作设备,只能戴手套进行安装或拆卸刀具、清理以及上下工件等在停车状态下的作业;1. Operators of rotating equipment cannot wear gloves when operatingequipment, and can wear gloves for operations in stop status, such as the installation or disassembly of knife to

25、ols, cleaning and workpiece loading and unloading, etc;2、遥控及线控行车操作员禁止戴手套操作行车;2. Operators of remote control and drive-by-wire traveling cranes cannot wear gloves when operating traveling cranes; 3、不得戴手套指挥行车、吊车。3. No wearing gloves when commanding traveling cranes and cranes.适用范围和人员:Scope of applicat

26、ion and personnel:焊工、铆工、打磨工、金属切割工Welders, riveters, grinders and metal cutters;要求:Requirements:1、不得在公司的防火防爆区域动火,如确实需要动火,须按要求办理高危险作业许可证,做好安全防护措施后,方可进行作业,并安排相关人员在现场监管;1. No hot work in companys fireproof and explosion-proof areas, apply for permits for high risk operations necessarily as required if h

27、ot work is really needed, take safety protection measures, and then perform operations, and arrange relevant personnel to supervise on the spot;2、使用氧气/乙炔进行切割作业时,必须对气瓶做好防晒、防倾倒措施,气瓶间的间距不小于5m,动火点和气瓶的距离不小于10m;2. When oxygen/acetylene is used for cutting operations, take sun screening and turnover preven

28、tion measures for gas cylinders, distances between gas cylinders are not less than 5m, and distances between hot work points and gas cylinders are not less than 10m;3、动火前对周围进行清理,不得有易燃易爆物品。3. Clean peripheries which cannot have inflammables and explosives before hot work. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application

29、 and personnel:公司所有员工及外来人员;All staff and visitors;要求:Requirements:1、不得在公司的防爆区域内使用手机;1. No mobile phones in companys explosion-proof areas;2、驾驶车辆时不得接打手持电话;2. No mobile phones when driving;3、在操作各类设备时不得使用手机。3. No mobile phones when operating equipment.。适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司所有员工及

30、外来人员;All staff and visitors;要求:Requirements:1、公司所有员工及外来人员不得在饮酒或者服用精神、麻醉药品后进入生产场所或上岗;1. All staff and visitors cannot enter production places or work after drinking or taking psychotropic drugs or narcotic drugs; 2、所有车辆驾驶员不得在饮酒或者服用精神、麻醉药品后驾车。2. All drivers cannot drive after drinking or taking psycho

31、tropic drugs or narcotic drugs.适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:公司所有员工及外来人员;All staff and visitors;要求:Requirements:1、公司所有员工及外来人员(除工作人员外)不得进入危险或者警戒区域;1. All staff and visitors (except workers) cannot enter risk areas or warning areas;2、工作人员进入时,须有人在外监护。2. Workers must be guarded outside by persons for the entry. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel:各种车辆驾驶员;Various drivers;要求:Requirements:1、公司车辆外出或者员工上下班驾车,不得超速行驶;1. No speeding when driving companys vehicles for going out or when staff drive for going to work or go home after work;2、非工作车辆不得驶入厂内;2. Non-working vehicles cannot e

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