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1、如何在一个飞速变化的世界里精明地失败英语演讲稿如何在一个飞速变化的世界里精明地失败英语演讲稿Over the past six months, Ive spent my time traveling. I think Ive done 60,000 miles, but without leaving my desk. And the reason I can do that is because Im actually two people. I look like one person but Im two people. Im Eddie who is here, and at the

2、same time, my alter ego is a big green boxy avatar nicknamed Cyber Frank.在过去的六个月的时间里,我一直把时间花在旅行上。我想我大概旅行了6万英里,但我并没有离开自己的桌子。我能这么做是因为我其实是两个人。我看起来是一个人但我其实是两个人。此时此地我是艾迪, 与此同时,我的另一面是一个四四方方的虚拟角色,昵称是赛博弗兰克。So thats what I spend my time doing. Id like to start, if its possible, with a test, because I do busi

3、ness stuff, so its important that we focus on outcomes. And then I struggled, because I was thinking to myself, What should I talk? What should I do? Its a TED audience. Its got to be stretching. How am I going to make ? So I just hope Ive got the level of difficulty right. So lets just walk our way

4、 through this. Please could you work this through with me? You can shout out the answer if you like. The question is, which of these horizontal lines is longer? The answer is? Audience: The same. Eddie Obeng: The same. No, theyre not the same. (Laughter) Theyre not the same. The top one is 10 percen

5、t longer than the bottom one. So why did you tell me they were the same? Do you remember when we were kids at school, about that big, they played the same trick on us? It was to teach us parallax. Do you remember? And you got, you said, Its the same! And you got it wrong. You remember? And you learn

6、ed the answer, and youve carried this answer in your head for 10, 20, 30, 40 years: The answer is the same. The answer is the same. So when youre asked what the lengths are, you say theyre the same, but theyre not the same, because Ive changed it.所以那就是我花时间正在做的事。我希望现在,如果可能的话,做一个小测试,因为我的工作就是与商业有关,所以我们


8、一样长!”你们答错了。想起来了?你们那时候知道了答案,记在脑海中,10年,20年,30年,40年。答案就是一样长。答案就是一样长。所以当你们被问起哪个比较长,你们会说一样长,但是它们其实不一样长,因为我做了手脚。And this is what Im trying to explain has happened to us in the 21st century. Somebody or something has changed the rules about how our world works. When Im joking, I try and explain it happened

9、 at midnight, you see, while we were asleep, but it was midnight 15 years ago. Okay? You didnt notice it? But basically, what they do is, they switched all the rules round, so that the way to successfully run a business, an organization, or even a country, has been d, flipped, and its a completely n

10、ew you think Im joking, dont you theres a completely new set of rules in operation. (Laughter) Did you notice that? I mean, you missed this one. You probably No, you didnt. Okay. (Laughter)这就是我现在想要为大家解释的,在眼下21世纪正在我们身上发生的事情。不知不觉间,这个世界运行的规律已经改变。我有时会开玩笑地跟大家解释说,这些改变就是在我们酣睡的时候发生的。你们明白了,15年前的午夜,我们沉醉在梦乡之时,

11、改变来了。你们当时没注意到?但是实际上,他们转变了我们周围的所有规则,不管是成功运作一笔生意,或是成功管理一个组织,甚至是成功领导一个国家,旧的规则都被删除并且颠覆了,于是我们有了全新的规则你一定觉得我在忽悠人,是吗一套全新的运作规则。你当时没注意到?我的意思是你错过了它。你很可能不,你就是没注意到好吗。My simple idea is that whats happened is, the real 21st century around us isnt so obvious to us, so instead we spend our time responding rationally

12、 to a world which we understand and recognize, but which no longer exists. You dont believe me, do you? Okay. (Applause)简单的说我认为事情是这样的,发生在我们身边的21世纪的真相并不是那么的容易看出来, 所以我们花时间去认真回应一个我们曾经理解和熟悉的世界,但是却已经不存在。你其实不相信我,不是吗?好吧。So let me take you on a little journey of many of the things I dont understand. If you

13、search Amazon for the word creativity, youll discover something like 90,000 books. If you go on Google and you look for innovation + creativity, you get 30 million hits. If you add the word consultants, it doubles to 60 million. (Laughter) Are you with me? And yet, statistically, what you discover i

14、s that about one in 100,000 ideas is found making money or delivering benefits two years after its inception. It makes no sense. Companies make their expensive executives spend ages carefully preparing forecasts and budgets which are obsolete or need changing before they can be published.那么让我带你开始一个短

15、小精悍的旅程满是我不理解的事。如果你在亚马逊上搜索“创新”,你将发现至少9万本与此有关的书籍。如果你谷歌搜索“改革+创新”,你会搜到3千万个链接。如果你再多加一个关键词“顾问”,链接数直接加倍变成6千万。你还在听我说吗?于是乎,从数据上,你看出些什么端倪了吗,恐怕只有十万分之一的点子能帮你挣到钱,或者在下个两年内为你带来收益。 所以它们没有任何意义。无数身价不菲的企业高管经年累月小心翼翼的准备那些市场预测与预算,但是还不等完成就已过时和有待改进了。How is that possible? If you look at the visions we have, the visions of h

16、ow were going to change the world, the key thing is implementation. We have the vision. Weve got to make it happen. Weve spent decades professionalizing implementation. People are supposed to be good at making stuff happen. However, if I use as an example a family of five going on holiday, if you ca

17、n imagine this, all the way from London all the way across to Hong Kong, what I want you to think about is their budget is only 3,000 pounds of expenses. What actually happens is, if I compare this to the average real project, average real successful project, the family actually end up in Makassar,

18、South Sulawesi, at a cost of 4,000 pounds, whilst leaving two of the children behind. (Laughter) What Im trying to explain to you is, there are things which dont make sense to us.怎么会这样呢?想想我们自己的价值观吧,想想我们想如何改变这个世界,最核心的观点就是实施。我们有个想法, 我们就要努力实现它。我们花了数十年去研究如何把理念变为现实。理论上说我们应该很擅长创造才对。然而,如果我以一个五口之家准备去旅行为例,想象

19、一下,从伦敦出发目标是香港,他们的预算只有3000英镑。现实就是,如果比较一下成功案例的平均花销,真正能实现的成功案例,这家人最多能到望加锡,南苏拉威西,花掉4千英磅,同时还得把俩孩子丢家里。通过这个案例我希望告诉大家的是,很多事情对我们没有任何意义。It gets even worse than that. Let me just walk you through this one. This is a quote, and Ill just pick words out of it. It says - Ill put on the voice - In summary, your Maj

20、esty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis was due to the lack of creativity and the number of bright minds, or something like that. This was a group of eminent economists apologizing to the Queen of England when she asked the question, Why did no one tell us that the

21、 crisis was coming? (Laughter) Ill never get my knighthood. Ill never get my knighthood. (Laughter) Thats not the important point. The thing you have to remember is, these are eminent economists, some of the smartest people on the planet. Do you see the challenge? (Laughter)有时会更糟糕。所以这个案例就到此为止吧。这里有断摘

22、要,我只挑些重点。它说我会帮它配音“总体来说,女王陛下,之所以没能预测到本次危机的时间、范围和严重性,是因为缺乏创造力和一些聪明的头脑,”或者类似的事情。这封给英女王的道歉信,出自一个由杰出经济学家们组成的团体,女王问了如下的问题,“为什么没人提醒我们危机要来了?”我永远也不会得到爵位了。我没戏了。不过这事无关紧要。我想让大家记住的是,这些杰出的经济学家们,他们可是我们这个星球上最聪明的人啊。你是不是觉得有点不妙了?Its scary. My friend and mentor, Tim Brown of IDEO, he explains that design must get big,

23、and hes right. He wisely explains this to us. He says design thinking must tackle big systems for the challenges we have. Hes absolutely right. And then I ask myself, Why was it ever small? Isnt it weird? You know, if collaboration is so cool, is cross-functional working is so amazing, why did we bu

24、ild these huge hierarchies? Whats going on? You see, I think whats happened, perhaps, is that weve not noticed that change I described earlier.太可怕了。我的朋友兼导师,IDEO的蒂姆布朗,他觉得好的设计要从大处着手,他是对的。他非常巧妙的把这个理念解释给了我。他认为设计思维必须从宏观世界的角度去考虑我们的设计目标。他很显然是对的。于是我问自己,“为什么以前的设计总是从小处着手呢?”这不奇怪吗?你们知道,既然协作这么迷人,既然跨职能合作这么好用,为什么我

25、们创造出了眼下这个巨大的层级制度呢?我们出了什么问题?你们看,我觉得问题就处在,也许,就是我们没有察觉到的早先我提到的改变。What we do know is that the world has accelerated. Cyberspace moves everything at the speed of light. Technology accelerates things exponentially. So if this is now, and thats the past, and we start thinking about change, you know, all go

26、vernments are seeking change, youre here seeking change, everybodys after change, its really cool. (Laughter) So what happens is, we get this wonderful whooshing acceleration and change. The speed is accelerating. Thats not the only thing. At the same time, as weve done that, weve done something rea

27、lly weird. Weve doubled the population in 40 years, put half of them in cities, then connected them all up so they can interact. The density of the interaction of human beings is amazing. There are charts which show all these movements of information. That density of information is amazing. And then

28、 weve done a third thing. you know, for those of you who have as an office a little desk underneath the stairs, and you say, well this is my little desk under the stairs, no! You are sitting at the headquarters of a global corporation if youre connected to the Internet. Whats happened is, weve chang

29、ed the scale. Size and scale are no longer the same. And then add to that, every time you tweet, over a third of your followers follow from a country which is not your own.有一点可以肯定,世界正在加速中。互联网把所有的事情都变成了光速。科技让我们的世界以指数级的加速度加速前进。所以打这一刻起,我们刚谈到的都已是历史了,现在我们开始考虑改变了,你们都知道,所有的政府都在求新求变,你们也是为此而来,所有人都追求变化,这真是太令人

30、着迷了。眼下,世界正如火箭班呼啸加速。不停的加速。还不止如此。与此同时,除了改变世界,我们还做了些非常奇怪的事情。我们的人口在四十年间增加了一倍,一半的新增人口生活在城市里,所有人都能彼此互动彼此交流,交流和互动之频繁令人震惊。很多相关的数据都证明了这种信息流动的存在。信息的密度大的惊人。于是我们还做了第三件事。 你们一定都懂,只要你们在办公室里工作过,楼梯间角落里那张小书桌,你们一定会觉得,好吧这就是我那张角落里的小桌子,错了!你正坐在一家国际企业的总部中,因为你可以上网。之所以这么说是因为,我们衡量事物的标准变了。大小和规模的含义和从前是天壤之别了。再想想这个,每次你发X推X特,超过三分之

31、一的听众来自异国他乡。Global is the new scale. We know that. And so people say things like, The world is now a turbulent place. Have you heard them saying things like that? And they use it as a metaphor. Have you come across this?世界范围才是我们衡量的标准。我们都知道。于是乎有人就会说,“世界就像湍急的水流一样。”你们八成都听人说过类似的话吧?他们只是打个比方。你们遇到过没?And the

32、y think its a metaphor, but this is not a metaphor. Its reality. As a young engineering student, I remember going to a demonstration where they basically, the demonstrator did something quite intriguing. What he did was, he got a transparent pipe have you seen this demonstration before?he attached it to a tap. So effectively what you had was, you had a situation whereIll try and draw the tap and the pipe, actually Ill skip the tap. The taps are hard. Okay? So Ill write the word tap. Is that okay? Its a tap. (Laughter) Okay, so he atta

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