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1、版中石油职称英语2007年版中石油职称英语通用英语选读练习收集整理石油人(jlmeor)Unit 1 President Hu Urges Efforts to Ensure Global Energy SecuritPart I. Classwork. Choose the best one according to the text.1. To _ global energy security, we need to develop and implement a new energy security concept that _mutually beneficial cooperati

2、on.a.insurecalls on b.ensurecalls on c.ensurecalls for d.ensue.calls off2. Few countries can _ energy security without _ international cooperation.a. gettaking part in b. gainparticipate in c. achievejoin in d. achievejoining in3. _, efforts should be made in the following three areas.a. With regard

3、 to b. in regard to c. without regard to d. In this regard4. Cooperation should be enhanced for mutual benefit _ energy development and utilization. a. in b. within c. from d. by5. A system for R &D and extension of advanced energy technologies needs to _ 。a. make place for b. be put in place of c.

4、be put in place d. take place6.He urged the international community to _ policy coordination and _mechanisms for monitoring the international energy market and_energy emergencies. a.strengthen improverespond to b. strengthen improveresponding to c.ensurepromote.liable to d. e down t7. We should join

5、 hands to _ stability of energy-producing countries and regions.a. strengthen b. safeguard c. promote d. stimulate8. Efforts should be made to _a sound polical climate_energy security and stability. a. maintaincrucial to b. promote.liable to c.safegard.fundamental to d. maintain favorable to9. Energ

6、y issues should not be politicized, still less should countries will fully _force in tackling energy issues.a. come to b. respond to c. . resort to d .take to10. China will _ proper _ the international energy market and _ win-win cooperation with other energy producers.a. makeuse ofstrengthen b. fre

7、eoftighten c. get.rid of.safeguard d. makeuse ofpromote11. Energy issues should not be politicized, still less _force in tackling energy issues. a. countries should willfully resort to b. countries willfully should resort to c. should countries willfully resort to12. Give high _to conservation, _mai

8、nly_domestic supply,develop diverse energy resources , protect the environment, _international cooperation of matural benefit and ensure the stable supply of _and clean energies. a. authority.depend. onspeed upeconomic b. priorityrely .onhold upeconomical c. priorityrely .onstep upeconomical d. auth

9、ority.depend. onsped upeconomicPart II. Homework Choose the best one .1.We should make a _with our hands. a. live b. life c. livelihood 2._ I understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you. a. Though b. When c. If d.While3.He explained it _. a. as following b. as followed c. as follows d. as follo

10、w4those facts, we can _the following conclusion. a.On the basis ofcome to b.With regard to arrive at c.Irrespective ofreach d. Based oncome toKey to the exercises:Part I. 1C 2D 3 D 4A 5C 6B 7B 8D 9C 10A 11C 12 CPart II. 1C 2D 3C 4AUnit 2. How to Learn with SuccessPart I. Classwork. Choose the best o

11、ne according to the text.1. To learn with successnot a very different task if some fundamental principles are _.a. was lied down b. arelay down c. were laid down d. islaid down2. All things can be conquered _ diligence.a. with b. by c. with d. in3. Devotion means to _ our heart on one thing at a tim

12、e and give up all other things.a. set b. get c. lose d. met4. Never think of _ another subject while_ one subject.a. to learn.studying b. learned study c. learndto study d. learningstudying5. Those who often change their studies will never succeed _ .a. at a run b. in the short run c. in the long ru

13、n d. on the run6.While_this subject , Id like to _four indispensable principles. a. discussattention b. discussing .mention c.discussing maintain discussmention7. In learning , the work of a diligent fool doubles _of a lazy wit.a. those b. that c. ones d. one 8.On the other hand, inconstancy of

14、ten_failure. a.results from b.results in c. away from d.have in mind9. The habit of keeping regular hours is _ extreme importance to successful learning.a. in b. off c. of d. for10. Every man will certainly become strong and wise _ he does _.a. ifso b. even ifso c. what ifso d. ifit.11. We should re

15、member a worthy proverb”Constant dropping of water _a stone.”a. takes away b. goes away c. drives away d. wears awayPart II. Homework Choose the best one . 1.He met _in the examination. a.for success b. in success c. with success d. into success 2.The inscription(碑文) has_. a. worn away b.wore away c

16、. taken away d. driven away 3.Do not do two things _.You can do only one thing. a. at one times b. at a time times Key to the exercises:Part I. 1D 2C 3A 4D 5C 6B 7B 8B 9C 10A 11DPart II. 1C 2A 3BUnit 3. We Need FriendsPart I. Classwork. Choose the best one according to the text.1. The word ,fri

17、end, _ a wide range of meanings.a. discovers b. recovers c. covers d. uncovers2. In modern society, people _ more importance to relations and connections.a. detach b. catch c. attach d.match3.I will show concern_ them, even if it is only a comforting word.a. for b. in c. to d. with4.His power _his a

18、bility to give.a. lays in b. lies in c. lies at d.5. I have friends in high positions and friends in the _.a. rank and file b. like and dislike c. yes and nos6. Our friends give us warnings _ danger.a. in b. for c. against d. towards7. Our friends offer us advice _ how to deal with various situation

19、s.a. for the good of b. with regard to c. in this regard d. for the sake of8. We all _ each other, love and help each other.a. look for b. head for c. reach for d. care for9. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing, contest _ a simple life. a. in b. with c. to d.for10. True f

20、riends share not only our joys _ our sorrows.a. but also b. as to c. but that d. as well as 11.I will never forget my old friends,and Ill keep_new friends. a.make b. to make c. made d. making12.With my friends, I know _to treasure. a. what b. when c. why d. whichPart II. Homework Choose the best one

21、 .1.His reports _all aspects of the problems. a. occupy b. maintain c. cover2.Savy money _your old age. a. to b. for c. against d. at3.I have sth. to say _his conduct. a. come to b. irrespective of c. close to d. with regard toKey to the exercises:Part I. 1C 2C 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8D 9B 10A 11D 12APart I

22、I. 1C 2C 3DUnit 4. Hard Work Is Good for HealthPart I. Classwork. Choose the best one according to the text.1. Evidence shows that the jobless _ poorer health than the jobholders.a. are in b. is in c. has in d. have in2. All this _ one point: work is helpful to to b. comes down es down to

23、d.takes to 3. Work serves _ a bridge between man and reality.a. in b. as c. to d. for4. It affects man spiritually and makes him _ to disease.a. liable b. likely c. crucial d. helpful5. Instead, _ are those who are busy.a. happy b. the happyer c. the happiest d6. Through work, people _ contact with

24、each other.a. come to b. come up c. come from d. come into7. Work makes one feel his value and status_ society.A .in b. in the c. in a d. of8.When a doctor successfully _a patient , he is happy beyond words. a. takes on b. goes on c. works on d. operates on9.From the above we can come to the conclus

25、ion _ _ you work ,_and healthier you will be. a. what .the more the happier b. that.more happier c. thatthe more .the happier d. that.the most.the happiest10.Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are _when they are working hard.a. the happier b. the happiest c. happier d. happies

26、tPart II. Homework Choose the best one .1. What it _is whether we saty here or leave. a. comes down upon b. comes to c. comes down on d. comes down to2.He lives _his means. a. above b. beyond c. over c. below3.We _the conclusion that the room must have been empty. a. arrived in b. reach out c. came

27、to d. went to Key to the exercises:Part I. 1A 2C 3B 4A 5C 6D 7A 8D 9C 10DPart II. 1D 2B 3CUnit 5. Sports and Games Part I. Classwork. Choose the best one according to the text.1. All over the world millions of people _ different kinds of sports.a. bring in b. take part in c. play role in d. usher in

28、2. The ordinary school cant give much practical training _ living, because most of the students time is _ in classes.a. intaken b. by.cost c. in.spent d. onspent3. But in fact sports and games can be of great _, specially to people who work with their brains.a. valuable b. worth c. value d. worthy4.

29、Sports and games build our bodies,_us _ weights ,and keep us healthy. a. prevenaway from gain b. prevent from gain c. prevent from gaining d.stop from .gained5.Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation _almost all can enjou,_boys _,men or women ,young or old.a. whicheitheror b. thateith

30、eror c. whichwhetheror d. thatwhetheror6.So _the students do in their spare time is of great importance.a. which b. that c. what d. when Part II. Homework Choose the best one .1. We should _to fulfil the task, that is, to do our best.a. set all out b. go all out c. be all out 2.She does want to watch a _contest/game now.a. opened b. closed c. close d. shut3.The medicine had a good _on me.a. effect b. affe

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