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届高考英语Unit 3 Tomorrows world单元考点复习.docx

1、届高考英语Unit 3 Tomorrows world单元考点复习 Unit 3Tomorrows world.单词默写1presentation n. 展示;介绍;颁发;提交;出示2studio n. (广播、电视)演播室,制作室;工作室3convenience n. 方便,便利;便利的设施或用具4disadvantage n. 缺点;不利因素;障碍5accuse vt. 控诉,控告;谴责6function vi. 起作用;正常运转 n. 作用,功能;职能7chief adj. 最重要的,首要的,主要的 n(公司或机构的)首领8hire vt. 聘用,雇用;租用,租借9exit n. 出口;

2、离去,退场 vi.&vt. 出去,离去,退场10master n. 主宰;主人;大师 vt. 精通,掌握;控制11amaze v. make you feel very surprised12disabled adj. unable to use your body properly13fade vi. to become weaker or not as strong14importance n. the quality or state of being important15float vi. to stay at the top of liquid.词汇拓展1reality n. 现实

3、,真实real adj. 真实的;实在的;实际的really adv.实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地realise vt. 实现realistic adj. 现实的,实际的2editor n. 编辑edit vt.剪辑;编辑edition n(报纸或杂志的)一期;版本,版3tiredness n. 疲劳,疲倦,疲惫tire vt.使厌倦,使厌烦;使疲劳tired adj.疲倦的;厌倦的,厌烦的tiresome adj.使人疲劳的,累人的;令人厌倦的,令人讨厌的4thrilled adj. 喜不自胜的,欣喜若狂的thrill n激动;紧张v.感到兴奋;感到紧张thriller n(电影)惊悚片5

4、employ vt.雇佣;使用employment n就业人数;就业,工作unemployment n失业unemployed adj.失业的employer n雇主,老板employee n雇员语境助记词不离句,句不离段The disabled employee accused the chief of the company. What amazed me most was his real experience. He was hired 3 years ago and nobody was tired of him.短语落实1add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大2put forward

5、 提出,提议3as to 至于,关于4last but not least 最后但是同样重要的5in reality 事实上,实际上6bring_.alive 使鲜活、生动7all_of_a_sudden 突然8ought_to 应当,应该9on_the_other_hand 另一方面10be_known_as 作为而出名.句子翻译1Teachers could bring history alive by placing students in an ancient town, or they could teach biology by allowing students to exper

6、ience the world as a whale or a squirrel.(Page 43)老师可以让学生置身于古代的城镇,从而让历史重现;也可以让学生模拟鲸鱼或者松鼠来体验世界,用这种方式进行生物课的教学。2This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urban planning is done today.(Page 43)长远看来,与现在大多数城市规划方式相比,这种城市规划方式更经济,更实用。3As they were

7、wandering around, they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distance he was at least four meters tall.(Page 58)当他们到处转悠时,忽然发现远处有一个人背靠树坐着那人至少四米高。4在我看来,我们应该有新的电脑了。(Page 53)In_my_opinion,_it_is_about_time_we_had_new_computers.5白天、黑夜飞速交替,一切都在眼前变换。(Page 59)Days_and_nights_zipped_by_and_everything_c

8、hanged_before_my_eyes.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词) 1The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves to be developed further.(教材P42) The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology deserving/_

9、worth_developing_further2In one case, a teenager who was afraid of talking and playing with his schoolmate was treated with VR.(教材P42) In one case, a teenager afraid_of talking and playing with his schoolmate was treated with VR.3As they were wandering around, they noticed a man sitting against a tr

10、ee in the distancehe was at least four metres tall.(教材P58) (When_/_While)_wandering_around_,_they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distancehe was at least four metres tall.4When the three of them reached the volcano, they journeyed underground through a small cave.(教材P58) When they_three

11、reached the volcano, they journeyed underground through a small cave.5The Morlocks even tried to catch and kill me, but luckily I was able to use the Time Machine to escape.(教材P59) The Morlocks even tried to catch and kill me, but luckily I was_capable_of_/_succeeded_in using the Time Machine to esc

12、ape. reality n. 现实,实际,真实【课本原句】 The technology behind RealCine is virtual reality (VR)(P42)支持RealCine的技术是虚拟现实(简称VR)。virtual reality虚拟现实objective reality 客观现实change reality 变革现实fantasy and reality 幻想与现实escape from reality 逃避现实in reality 实际上,事实上become a reality 成为现实harsh realities 残酷的现实【联想拓展】real adj.真

13、实的really adv. 确实,实际上reality n. 现实realize v. 实现;意识到realizable adj. 可以实现的,可换为现实的realistic adj. 现实的,实际的;逼真的realization n. 认识;领悟;意识realism n. 现实主义看看高考怎么考She failed in the competition; for days, she couldnt accept_the_reality (接受这个现实)because she has always been the best one at oral English.Reality is not

14、 the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but(而是)the way they actually are.She gives the impression of being generous, but_in_reality(但其实)she is a very selfish woman. besides prep. 除之外 adv. 此外;而且【课本原句】 Besides this, VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environment that

15、otherwise would be quite dangerous.(P43)除此之外,虚拟现实还可以用来在一个安全的环境里训练技能,而这样的训练在现实中是十分危险的。besides (1) as well as apart from in addition to prep. 除之外,还(2) whats more furthermore moreover adv.再者,此外,而且辨析except/but/except for(1)except (not including)“不包括,除之外”,注重客观描述,往往指整体中除去一部分。如:I like all drinks except whi

16、sky.( I dont like whisky.)除了威士忌,其他酒水我都喜欢。(2)except后面接从句,相当于“except for 名词”。如:They look very similar except that one is a little taller.他们看起来非常相似,只是其中一个高一点。(3)except for表示“除之外”时,排除的部分往往是不同范畴,是对整体描述后做的一个细节上的修正或是补充说明,常译为:只是,就只是;要是没有就好了。如:He is a good man except for hot temper.他是个好人,只是脾气有点暴躁。(4)but用作介词,

17、表示“除了之外”,被排除的宾语不包括在所表述的范围之内,一般只能用在 all, no, nobody, everything, anything等不定代词之后;but后可接不定式作宾语,但若其前有行为动词do,则接不带to的不定式:do nothing but do; choose nothing but to do。看看高考怎么考The house was too expensive and too big._, Id grown fond of our little rented house.(2011江西卷单项填空27)ABesides BThereforeCSomehow DOther

18、wise 答案 A用besides,except或except for填空The playground is often crowded with many people except when it rains.Im worn out, besides,_the bike doesnt work well, so I cant go farther.The essay is well written except_for a few spelling mistakes. free adj. 免费的;自由的,不受拘束的【课本原句】 A farmer from France invented a

19、 powerfree fridge.(P49)一个法国农民发明了一种不用插电就能工作的冰箱。powerfree不需要插电的dutyfree 免税的rentfree 免租的sugarfree 不含糖的leadfree 无铅的a troublefree journey 无忧无虑的旅行a carefree life 轻松愉快的生活a saltfree diet 无盐饮食smokingfree Olympics 无烟奥运【联想拓展】free from worry无忧无虑free from pain 摆脱痛苦free from duty 免交关税free from charge/cost 免费for f

20、ree 免费地a free room 一个空着的房间free trade 自由贸易have free time 有空闲be free with sth/to do sth 随便、随意做某事看看高考怎么考Children get free_equipment(免费的设备) for their online education.(2011辽宁卷 阅读理解B)Sociologists have long recognised that organisations of less than 200 individuals can operate through the free_flow(自由设备)

21、of information among the members. (2011上海卷 阅读理解D)Nowadays many teenagers want to _ from their parents and live a life _ being controlled.(2012湖南石齐学校高考复读部第3次月考)Abreak away; free from Bbreak up; free ofCbreak off; opposed to Dbreak down; instead of答案AWould it be _ for you to pike me up at four oclock

22、and take me to the airport?(2012黑河市一中高三上学期中质量检测试题)Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient答案D employ v. 雇用;使用【课本原句】 When N was set up in 1999, the company was very smallonly Fannings family and friends were employed.(P51)1999年Napster网站刚刚建立的时候,公司规模还很小只有Fanning一家和他们的朋友在那里上班。【联想拓展】employ sb as sth雇用某人任employ sb

23、 to do sth 雇用某人于某事be employed in doing sth 从事于,忙于做某事employable adj. 可雇用的employer n. 雇主employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇用;使用看看高考怎么考In the Middle Ages,merchants ants employed(雇佣) “town criers”to read public messages aloud to promote their goods.(2011全国卷阅读理解B)Companies rely on email for_their_employees(它们的

24、雇员)to communicate with each other.(2011陕西卷阅读理解D)A secretary is to make a kind of balanced environment between boss and employee (employ)At the meeting we finally made a decision that we should _ Mr.Wang as an adviser.(2012邵东创新实验学校月考)Ause Bemploy Cemphasize DLook答案 B accuse vt.控告,谴责;非难【课本原句】 He was a

25、ccused of piracy by the music industry.(P51)他被音乐行业指控盗版。辨析accuse/charge 两者都表示“控告,指控;指责”,但搭配不同:accuse sb of sth/doing sth 指责、指控某人做某事charge sb with sth/doing sth 指责、指控看看高考怎么考翻译句子你知道琳达是否愿意负责这个项目吗?Do_you_know_if_Linda_is_willing_to_take_charge_of_the_program?(2011安徽卷单项填空24)她控告他迟到。She_accused_him_of_being

26、_lateYou were charged _ neglecting your duty.Who accused you _ such a crime ?(2012湖南洞口一中高三摸底考试)Awith; to Bof; withCwith; of Dfor; of 答案 C set vt. 为(电影、戏剧、小说等)设置背景;确定;决定;创造【课本原句】 The three men built a small boat and setsail.(P58)这三个人做了一艘小船,扬帆起航了。【联想拓展】set an alarm clock上闹钟set a record创纪录set up 建立;创办;

27、创设;搭起set down 记下;写下set out出发;启程set out to do sth 开始做某事;着手做某事set off出发set fire to sth把点燃set an example to sb为某人树立榜样set . free 释放set about开始;开始或出发set about solving the problem着手解决问题看看高考怎么考There are also styles to remind me of Mom a tiny chair which used to be in her bedroom is set_in_one_room. (被安放在一个

28、房间里)(2011四川卷完形填空37)We set_out_to_teach/set_about_teaching(着手教) Chinese kids English.Linda, make sure the tables _ before the guests arrive.(2010全国语法和词汇知识15)Abe set BsetCare set Dare setting 答案CThe novel _ in Tang Dynasty tells a love story between a young scholar and a noble girl.(2012邵东创新实验学校第1次月考)

29、Ais set Bwas set Cset Dsetting答案C give out 发出(气味、热等);用光;筋疲力尽;分发【课本原句】 To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.(P42)为了增强“实影”的虚拟效果,我们甚至在耳机中设计了一些小孔,这些小孔能释放出所需要的气味来迎合当时的环境。【联想拓展】give back 归还give in 屈服,投降give up 放弃give o

30、ver 移交give away 分发;泄露;赠送give off 放出;散发出(光、烟气味等)give way to 给让路;屈服;被征服辨析give out / run out (of) / use up 这些词组都有“用完”之意:(1)give out(某物)用完,是不及物动词短语。如:When we were only a few miles from our destination the petrol gave out.在还有几英里我们就到目的地时,汽油用光了。(2)run out(某物)用光、用完、耗尽,是不及物动词短语,后跟of后可直接跟宾语。如:We have run out of typing paper.(Our typing paper has run out.) 我们的打字纸用完了。(3)use up 用光(某物),后可直接跟宾语。如:He has used up all his energy. 他已筋疲力尽。看看高考怎么考“I appreciate these, and

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