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1、北师大版高中英语必修三课标卷课时作业5课时作业(五)Extreme Sports & Marco Polo.单词拼写1There are many points of _(相似性)between the two men.2Dont go doing anything_(极端的)like leaving the country.3She _(冒的危险)her life to save the drowning child.4There has been snow today in _(不同的)parts of the country.5Do you have enough _(设备)to do

2、the job?6I was _(使困惑)by the puzzle presented by my teacher.7Consumers need to spend more on food and _(燃料)8He is a _(富有的)businessman.9This company is more concerned with quality than with _(数量)10It _(使惊愕)her that he could be so calm at such a time.单项填空1The couple _last year.They had lived together f

3、or twenty years,though.Abroke out Bbroke awayCbroke up Dbroke down2Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course.You can never be_ careful with that.Aenough BtooCso Dvery3He was _ to hear that he had lost the job,and the news was too _ to him.Aamazed;amazed Bamazing;amazingCamazed;amazing Damazing

4、;amazed4Due to cultural differences,most artists find it hard to _ Chinese cross talks to westerners.Aget across Bget overCcome across Dcome over5A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which _ will promote its economic development.Ain nature Bin returnCin turn Din fact6How I expe

5、ct the missing watch will _ one day!Aturn out Bturn overCturn on Dturn up7Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water _.Ahave pollutedBis being pollutedChas been pollutedDhave been polluted8The supermarket offers_ goods to choose from,so more and more people prefer to shop the

6、re.Aparticular BvariousCgeneral Dcommon9Marys dress is very similar _ mine but they differ _quality.Ato;in Bin;inCto;from Din;from10He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk_ the good opportunity.Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dlost11(2013抚顺高一调研)All these gifts must be mailed immedi

7、ately_in time for Christmas.Ain order to have receivedBin order to receiveCso as to be receivedDso as to be receiving12The policemans_traffic directions made all the drivers quite_.Aconfused;confused Bconfusing;confusingCconfusing;confused Dconfused;confusing13(2013开封高一质检)He was in such a hurry that

8、 he wore his sweater_.Ainside out Bupside downCopposite Dup and down14China has planned to build the worlds largest national park,_is expected to replace Americas Yellowstone National Park.Awhich BwhereCwhat Das15_is often the case,he didnt study hard and failed to pass the test.AWhat BAsCIt DWhich.

9、完形填空It was late in the afternoon.Several hundred villagers left their houses and gathered in the open air outside the village.They were staring_1_at the mountain top in the distance.It was covered with_2_beautiful and dangerous.The huge mountain is called Matterhorn.Mountain climbers had _3_ the top

10、,using the southern route.But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the_4_ side.But now one man was daring to try the_5_route.He was Walter Bonatti,a great mountain climber from Italy.For two days he had climbed.The village people had watched him_6_.Now they were waiting to see his_7_.If

11、 he planned to _8_ the next day,he would light a green signal.A red light would mean that he was_9_.A tiny green light_10_high on the mountain side.Bonatti was not giving up!The people_11_.The next day he continued his way upward.He was so lonely and so_12_ !But he would not give up.Again that night

12、 he lit the_13_light.In the morning,Bonatti_14_.He could not see the top,but he knew he was _15_there.Though the climb was painful,he moved up.Bonatti had spent months _16_for the climb.Was the training enough?Did he have the strength and _17_to climb to the top?He was finally at the top!News about

13、his_18_ was radioed to the world.The trip_19_ the southern route was easy.He was warmly welcomed in the village.He had done the“_20_”,and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.1A.back Bforward Cdown Bice and snowCgreen trees Drocks3A.watched Bpassed Creached Dclimbed4A.west

14、ern BeasternCsouthern Dnorthern5A.difficult BdifferentCsame Deasy6A.patiently BcarefullyCanxiously Deagerly7A.face BfigureCflag Dsignal8A.return Bgo on Crest Dstop9A.turning back Bmoving upCarriving at Dpicking up10A.rose BappearedCturned on Dturned off11A.cheered Blaughed Cjumped Dshouted12A.sleepy

15、 BexcitedCtired Dhappy13A.yellow BblueCgreen Dred14A.woke up Bturned upCgot up Dlooked up15A.already Balmost Cdeeply BpreparingCplanning Dasking17A.courage BskillCmoney Dwish18A.victory BthingCclimb Dcourage19A.along BupCdown Dto20A.necessary BimportantCgreat Dimpossible.阅读理解I su

16、ddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened.Looking down,I immediately recognized that something was wrong,and ran down to the edge of the near bank.There I saw Ma Shwe with her threemonthold calf(小象) struggling in the fastrising water,and it was a lifeanddeath struggle.Her calf was floatin

17、g and screaming with fear.Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get,holding her whole body against the rushing water,and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body.Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away.There was a sudden rise in the water and the calf was wash

18、ed clean over the mothers body and was gone.Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk(象鼻) against the rocky bank.Then with a huge effort,she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock.Just at this moment she fell

19、 back into the river.If she were carried down,it would be certain death.I knew,as well as she did,that there was one spot(地点) where she could get up the bank,but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.While I was wondering what I could do next,I heard the sound of a mothers love.Ma

20、 Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could,roaring(吼叫) all the time,but to her calf it was music.1The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw_.Athe calf was about to fall into the riverBMa Shwe was placing the calf on the rockCthe cal

21、f was washed away by the rising waterDMa Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water2How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fastflowing water?ABy putting it on a safe spot.BBy pressing it against her body.CBy taking it away with her.DBy carrying it on her back.3How did the calf fee

22、l about the mother elephants roaring?AIt was a great comfort.BIt was a sign of danger.CIt was a call for help.DIt was a musical note.4What can be the BEST title for the text?AA Mothers LoveBA Brave ActCA Deadly RiverDA Matter of Life and Death课时作业(五).1.similarity2.extreme3.risked4.various5equipment6

23、.confused7.fuel8.wealthy9quantity10.amazed.1.C句意:尽管他们在一起生活了20年之久,这对夫妇去年离婚了。break out突然发生;break away脱离;break up分手,绝交; break down出故障,坏掉。2Bcan never be too.表示“再也不过分”。3C句意:听到自己丢了工作时,他感到很吃惊,这个消息太令他惊讶了。amazed感到惊讶的,主语通常是人;amazing令人惊讶的,常用来修饰事物。故选C。4A句意:由于文化差异,大多数艺术家发现很难使西方人明白中国的相声。get across sb.使某人理解

24、,把传达给某人,符合句意。get over熬过,做完,克服;come across偶然碰到,发现;come over过来,从远方来。5Cin turn表示“反过来”;in return表示“作为回报”;in fact表示“事实上”。6D句意:我多么希望有一天找到丢失的手表!turn out结果是,生产,出席;turn over翻转,仔细考虑;turn on打开;turn up被找到,被发现,出现,露面。D项符合语境。7Dlarge quantities of名词作主语,谓语动词全部用复数形式,故排除B和C项,此句中的水是被污染的,所以用被动,选D。8B句意:超市提供各种各样的商品供顾客选择,所

25、以越来越多的人愿意到超市购物。various不同的,各种各样的,符合题意。particular特殊的;general普遍的;common普通的。9A考查介词搭配。be similar to意为“与相似”;be similar in表示“在方面相似”;differ from意为“与不同”;differ in意为“在方面不同”。句意:玛丽的裙子与我的很相似,但是质量不同。10B句意:他为工作面试做了充分的准备,因为他不能冒失去这次大好机会的风险。risk后接动名词作宾语,不接不定式作宾语,risk doing sth.冒做的风险,故选B。11Creceive和gifts之间是动宾关系,因此用被动形

26、式。12Cconfusing修饰物,意为“令人迷惑不解的”;confused修饰人,意为“感到迷惑不解的”。13Aup and down“上上下下,前前后后,左左右右”;opposite“相反”,指方向;upside down“上下颠倒了”;inside out“里外穿反了”。此处意为“毛衣穿反了”。14A该非限制性定语从句中缺少主语成分,故用which引导,指代前半句中的the worlds largest national park。15Bas引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面的整句话。as is often the case“正如通常情况一样”。.1.D根据句中“.the mountain

27、top in the distance”可知村民们往上看,故用up。2B由第二段第三句中的“winter climbing”可见山顶冰雪覆盖,故应为ice and snow。3C根据“.,using the southern route”可知攀登者曾采用南山坡的路线到达山顶。4D根据“But no one had ever dared to.”可知此处应是与southern相对。5A前面两句讲到前人爬山都走南路,而不走北路,就是因为其艰难和危险。可见A项比B项更恰当。6Ceagerly含有心情迫切的意思,而anxiously含有焦虑、着急的意思。爬山的路线危险重重,所以人们很担心。7D从下文的

28、“light a green signal”可得到此答案。8B从下文的“a green light”和“Bonatti was not giving up”判断,绿色的信号表示他要继续爬。9A根据下一段内容可知,点亮绿色信号表示继续爬山,红色信号则表示下山回来。10B根据语境可知绿色的信号“出现”在山腰。11A绿色信号出现了,Bonatti将继续爬山,山下的人们为之欢呼。12CBonatti一直在爬山,所以很“累”。13C本句开头用“again”,再根据前面的“.he would light a green signal.”可知,此处为green。14D由后面一句“could not see

29、the top”,可知此处指抬头看。15Bbut表示转折。虽然看不到山顶,但他知道已经接近了。16A根据下文的“Was the training enough?”可知,此处应为training。17B根据前两句可知Bonatti训练的是爬山技巧而非勇气,故B项符合语境。18A根据“He was finally at the top!”可知他最终到达了山顶,故电台报道他成功的喜讯。19C到达了山顶,然后要下山,所以此处用down。20Dimpossible加引号,表示前人认为“不可能的事情”。.1.D细节理解题。根据Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get,holding her whole body against the rushing water.可判断。2A细节理解题。根据“Then with a huge effort,she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock.”可判断大象把小象放在一个安全地点。3A推理判断题。根据“Ma Shwe had crossed the river.roaring(吼叫) all the time,

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