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1、广东省肇庆市届高三英语下学期第三次统一检测三模试题广东省肇庆市2021届高三英语下学期4月第三次统一检测(三模)试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写 在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Bureau of Labo

2、r Statistics recommends some high-paying jobs.Construction and Building InspectorConstruction and building inspectors inspect construction sites and buildings to make sure that the structures meet all requirements. Many construction and building inspectors have a certificate from a local or communit

3、y college, although others have a two-year associates degree instead.Salary: about $ 70,710 per yearWeb DeveloperWeb developers design and develop websites. They create the look of the site and handle the websites performance, speed, and capacity. Web developers might work for computer system design

4、 companies, or for marketing firms or departments, or be self-employed. While some web developers have an associates degree in web design, others have a certificate in web development instead.Salary: about $ 63,760 per yearArchitectural and Civil DrafterAn architectural and civil drafter creates dra

5、wings of the structural features of buildings, or creates maps of civil engineering projects. Most drafters have training in computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), engineering, mechanical drawing, and other design and engineering skills. This training can be from a certificate program, a two-yea

6、r program, or even a four-year program.Salary: about $ 56,830 per yearSheet Metal WorkerA sheet metal worker constructs and/or installs products made of thin sheet metal. This work might involve measuring and marking dimensions on sheets, drilling holes in sheets, carrying large sheets, and so on. S

7、heet metal workers learn their work through a certificate program from a technical school.Salary: about $ 50,400 per year1.Which job provides the highest income according to the text?A.Construction and Building Inspector. B. Web Developer. C. Architectural and Civil Drafter. D. Sheet Metal Worker.2.

8、What is special about web developers?A.They inspect websites. B. They are good at marketing.C. They can be self-employed. D.They need CADD training.3. What common requirement do the jobs have?A. Engineering skills. B. Computer knowledge.C. A certificate or a degree. D. Technical school experience. B

9、True, people remember what you wear. After a social event, we all remember the woman in red, or the man with the top hat. On the red carpet, Hollywood hopefuls take advantage of this reality by wearing outfits designed to be discussed and displayed on the front pages of newspapers. But in terms of m

10、aking a good impression, being memorable is not just about novelty or fashion, but attraction, both physical and emotional, often in opposite order of importance.In a 2020 study, Andre Ndobo found people tended to remember the extremes: both attractive and unattractive faces. He acknowledged that on

11、e suggested explanation was that both are characterized by distinctive features that promote facial recognitionwhen compared with faces of average attractiveness. But while distinctiveness is memorable, beauty is skin deep. Accordingly, the way you are remembered by others is often not about what yo

12、u wear and how you look but about the way you make people feel.Professional interaction can create positive personal memories. Adrie A. Koehler, in a piece entitled In the Eye of the Beholder (2017) , found that when asked to recall their best learning experience, many students discussed a memorable

13、 teacher. What made the teachers memorable? According to the students, memorable qualities included not only teaching styles, but also interpersonal skills and positive qualities such as a sense of humor.We can relate to the results of this study when recalling people who are memorable in our own li

14、ves. They are not always people who we believed to be the smartest or most believed, but often those who made us feel the most comfortable, and who were most interested in us. Sincere interest is uniquely attractive. Not only will you remember what someone said, but they will also remember you, fond

15、ly.Regardless of what we wear or how we look, we are always naturally more appealing and approachable when we focus on others and when we are genuine rather than simply sociable. Remember that, and others will remember you.4.The Hollywood hopefuls are mentioned to show .A.the competition on the red

16、carpet B. peoples attempt to be rememberedC. peoples wrong belief about impression D. the importance of clothing in ones success5.Why is an unattractive face remembered according to Andre Ndobo?A.It creates positive memories. B. Theres something special with it.C. It makes people feel uncomfortable.

17、 D. People often try hard to avoid seeing it.6.What can we infer from the text?A.Smart people are especially attractive.B.Teaching styles impress students most.C.The best learning experience is hard to gain.D.Sincere attention is useful in communication.7.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.

18、 You Are What You Wear B. Mind the Impression You MakeC. How Can We Improve Our Self-image? D. What do People Remember about You?CThe over 48,000 orange trees that are distributed at all corners of Seville, Spain, not only fill the citys air with the pleasant smell of their flowers in spring, they a

19、lso produce over 16, 500 tons of fruit every winter. Though that makes the city Europes top orange-producing city, the fruit is too sour to be consumed fresh. While some of the produce is used to make orange juice, most of it ends up in Sevilles landfills. However, that may change soon thanks to a c

20、reative idea to use the oranges to produce clean energy.In the pilot program, juice from 38. 6 tons of oranges will be left to ferment (发酵)in an existing biogas facility. The juice is fructose (果糖)made up of very short carbon chains, and the energetic performance of these carbon chains during the fe

21、rmentation process is particularly high. The gas released from the fermented liquid will be used to drive a generator to produce clean power. The officials estimate the test run will generate about 1,500 kWh of energyenough to run a water purification plant. Its not just about saving money. The oran

22、ges are a problem for the city, and were producing added value from waste,M said Benigno Lopez, the head of Emasesas environmental department.If successful, by 2023, the city hopes to recycle all the oranges and add the electricity generated back to its grid (电网).In trial runs, 1,000 kilos (2,200 po

23、unds) of oranges produced 50 kWh of clean energy一enough to meet the daily electricity needs of five homes. The project team estimates that if all the fruit is recycled, it will produce enough energy to power as many as 73,000 residences.The latest effort is among the many programs implemented in Spa

24、in to achieve the countrys goal of switching its electricity system to renewable sources by 2050一and if everything goes according to plan, fully decarbonizing its economy shortly after that.8.What problem does Seville face?A. It is short of energy. B. Most oranges are wasted.C. Fruit production is f

25、alling. D. Trees take up much space.9.Whats the final product of the fermentation process?A. Fructose. B. Carbon chains. C. Clean power. D. Gas.10.What does the underlined word implemented in the last paragraph probably mean?A. Conducted. B. Assumed. C. Popularized. D. Completed.11.What is the autho

26、rs main purpose in writing the text?A. To prove a theory. B. To raise a problem.C. To introduce a project. D. To comment on an idea.DIn a new study, shark researchers working off the eastern coast of New Zealand have found that three species of deep-sea shark are bioluminescent (生物性发光的),producing a

27、soft blue-green light with specialized cells in their skin.One of the species, the kitefin shark, grows to a length of nearly six feet, making it the largest known bioluminescent animal. The other two species are somewhat smaller than the kitefin, and all are occasionally caught as unintended by-cat

28、ch by fishers. None are considered in danger of extinction, but little is known about their lifestyles and biology.Bioluminescence had previously been documented in only around a dozen shark species, so this discovery significantly adds to our knowledge, says Jerome Mallefet, lead author of the new

29、study.In the deep sea, where scientists estimate three-quarters of all creatures are bioluminescent, having the ability to create light can be extremely advantageous. In the depths of the ocean, which receives minimal amounts of sunlight, bioluminescent animals can hide themselves from enemies by pr

30、oducing enough light to match their surroundings. All three species examined in this study have large concentrations of photocytes (发光细 胞)on their undersides, which suggests that these sharks may hide from enemies in just this way.The discovery that these three species produce light is not surprisin

31、g,w says David Ebert, director of the Pacific Shark Research Center. Thats because researchers think many more species of sharks are likely capable of producing light一Mallefet estimates that perhaps 10 percent of the 540 known species of sharks are bioluminescent. But Ebert thinks even this is far f

32、rom the truth. As the deep-sea shark research advances, that number will go even higher, he says.Both Ebert and Mallefet hope that more attention will be paid to deep-sea sharks in the future, as the creatures and their habitat are understudied and under threat. A lot of people know that sharks can bite, says Mallefet, but few people know that they can produce light in the dark. ”12.What do we know about the bioluminescent shark species?A.They were quite difficult to catch,B.They preferred to live in th

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