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1、学年新教材高中英语Unit3SportsandfitnessSectionReadingandThinking教学案新人教版必修第一册Section Reading and Thinking基础知识 预习自检郎平作为一名运动员,郎平给自己的祖国带来了荣誉和荣耀。作为教练,她带领中国女排在世界锦标赛和奥林匹克运动会上夺得金牌。作为个人,郎平为国内外的粉丝所喜爱。当中国队准备2015世界杯时,她的意志力得到了考验。郎平一手打造的队伍几近崩溃。队伍中最好的一名运动员受了伤,而且队长因为心脏病必须离开。失去两名重要的运动员是一个巨大的挑战,但是郎平没有失去信心。在此之前她面对过很多困难,她知道这些年轻


3、重点知识 合作探究May I have_the_honour_of_dancing with you?能赏光和我跳舞吗?The stadium was named in_honour_of the clubs first chairman.该体育馆以俱乐部的第一任主席命名以示纪念。Its_a_great_honour_to_have_dinner with you tonight.今晚能跟你共进晚餐我深感荣幸。The university honoured_the_student_with the special prize for his academic excellence.大学给那个学

4、生颁发了特别奖,以此来表彰他优异的学术成就。I feel_honoured_to_be_invited to speak here.受邀在这儿发言我感到荣幸。(1)单句语法填空He was honoured _ a gold medal for his excellent speech.It is said that the president will hold a dinner party _ honour of the heroes who have won honour for the country.I feel greatly honoured _ (give) such a ch

5、ance to express my thanks and gratitude to those in support of the project all the time.答案:withinto be given(2)一句多译受邀参加他们下个月的婚礼,我们感到荣幸。_ to their wedding ceremony which will take place next month._ to their wedding ceremony which will take place next month.答案:We are/feel honoured to be invitedIts an

6、 honour for us to be invitedHe fought the illness with_courage_and_determination.他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。He determined_to_rescue his two countrymen.他决意营救自己的两名同胞。I have_determined_on_working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.我已决定毕业后到农村支教。(2018北京高考)Yet, I_was_determined_to_go ahead.然而,我决

7、心继续。The investigation will determine_what_really_happened.调查会查明到底发生了什么事情。(1)单句语法填空They had survived by complete _ (determine)He was _ (determine) to become a worldclass player.答案:determinationdetermined(2)单句写作他们决心继续实行那项计划。They went on carrying out the plan _. 我的目标首先是要确定自己下一步该做什么。My aim was first of

8、all to _. 答案:with determinationdetermine what I should do nextThe rope bridge breaks in the middle and both halves fall_apart. 索桥从中间断了,两头塌了下去。When the clock stopped he took_it_apart to find out what was wrong.钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。I can still only tell Mark apart_from_Dave by the colour of their shoe

9、s!我仍然只能根据鞋子的颜色来区分马克和戴夫!The room was empty apart_from one man seated beside the fire.除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。单句写作其他人在压力下崩溃了,而一些人尽管有压力却做得很好。Others _, while a few people do well despite the pressure.除了好的服务,这家饭店还提供各种各样的传统福建菜。_ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.

10、高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。Her high height _ from her sisters.答案:fall apart under pressureApart fromsets her apartHaving_a_balanced_diet is very important.均衡的饮食非常重要。To_finish_the_task will take a long time.要完成这项任务将要花费很长时间。It is no use worrying_about_it.为这事担心无济于事。名师点津动名词 短语 作主语时,如果要突出动名词 短语 动作的执行者,要在动名词 短语 前

11、加上其逻辑主语,这个逻辑主语要用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词,不能用名词的普通格或人称代词宾格。(1)单句语法填空_ (understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.Its no use _ (talk) about it with him again.Driving a car in a snowstorm _ (be) very dangerous. 答案:Understandingtalking

12、is(2)单句写作他误了火车,使得他在那座城市再待一天。_ caused him to stay in the city for another day.答案:His missing the trainIts physically impossible to jump from such a height and not injure_oneself.从这种高度跳下去而又不伤着自己,从生理上讲是不可能的。After the accident, the_injured were taken to the nearest hospital in no time. 事故发生后,受伤的人立刻被送进了最

13、近的医院。There were no injuries in the crash.撞车事故中无人受伤。易混辨析:injure/hurt/wound/harm选词填空(injure/hurt/wound/harm)Most of the _ were women and children in the crash bus. He ignored her on purpose, which _ her feelings.Reading in the sun will _ your eyes.Five people were killed and many others were seriously

14、 _ in the attack.答案:injuredhurtharmwoundedPractising Chinese kung fu can not only build_up_ones_strength,_but also develop ones character.练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。I got the job on_the_strength_of your recommendation.由于您的推荐,我得到了那份工作。We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies. 大敌当前,我们

15、必须加强团结。(1)单句语法填空The strength of his diet is _ it contains plenty of vitamins and fiber.As a good teacher, you should know your students _ (strength) and weaknesses._ (strength) our friendship, wed better keep in touch with each other.答案:thatstrengthsTo strengthen(2)单句写作常言道,团结就是力量。As the old saying g

16、oes, “_.”凭借那些成绩,他赢得了锡拉丘兹大学的奖学金。_ those grades, he won a scholarship to study at Syracuse University.答案:Unity is strengthOn the strength ofHe never gave_up learning English though it was hard.尽管英语难学,但他从未放弃学英语。The children were required to give_in their examination papers immediately.孩子们被要求马上交上试卷。The

17、couple gave_away most of their fortune to the poor in their small town.这对夫妻把他们的大部分财产都捐赠给了他们生活的那个小镇上的穷人。If plastic and rubber are burnt, theyll give_off poisonous gases. 要是塑料和橡胶被焚,就会放出有毒的气体。用give的相关短语填空The government refused to _ to their demands.Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her tremb

18、ling voice _ her _.The rotting bananas are _ a bad smell, so youd better throw them away.I know smoking is bad for health, but I simply cant _ it _.After two days our food _ and we had to return.答案:give ingave; awaygiving offgive; upgave out学习效果 随堂演练.单词拼写1He was a great _ (运动员) and an outstanding co

19、ach.答案:athlete2The _ (船长) ordered all passengers and crew to go into lifeboats. 答案:captain3The dog was running behind its _ (主人). 答案:master4My architectural goal is to create _ (优雅的), ample, and friendly architecture.答案:graceful5Yuri shows great _ (决心) to learn Chinese well.答案:determination6It was a

20、n unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold _ (奖牌)答案:medal7The soldiers brave deeds brought him honour and _ (赞美). 答案:glory8Two players are out of the team because of _ (伤)答案:injury9Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the _ (失败的事) of the experiment.答案:failure10The world _ (冠军) finishe

21、d more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival.答案:champion.选词填空1By doing this he _ to the rest of the world. 答案:set an example2Ill never _ even if I should fail ten times. 答案:lose heart3He had a bad accident two years ago and had to _ farming. 答案:give up4For your career, you are to acquire both

22、physical and _.答案:mental strength5This old car is about to _, and youd better sell it. 答案:fall apart.单句写作1输掉一场比赛并不代表所有比赛都输了。_ is not at all the end of all games.答案:Losing one game2他因考试不及格深感沮丧。He is in a state of deep depression because of his _ the examination. 答案:failure to pass3救护车把伤者送到了附近的一所医院。Am

23、bulances took _ to a nearby hospital.答案:the injured4必须要下定决心来改变你过去的生活方式。You must _ change the past lifestyle. 答案:be determined to5两位美国外科医生上周获得了诺贝尔医学奖。Two American surgeons _ the Nobel Prize for Medicine last week.答案:were honoured with课后课时作业课后课时作业(一)完形填空One of the most important events in the modern O

24、lympic Games is the Marathon (马拉松) race. The race _1_ one of the great events in Greek history.In 490 BC about 10,000 Greeks _2_ against the Persian army at a place called Marathon. It is _3_ that the Persians were ten times as _4_ as the Greeks. However, where there is a will, there is a way. _5_ t

25、he brave attack of the Greeks, the Persians were badly beaten and _6_ away from the plain of Marathon. When the Persians had run away, a soldier, who was the most famous _7_ in Athens, was _8_ to carry the good news to the city and he was also asked to march at full speed.Although he had fought thro

26、ugh the battle and _9_ many wounds, the soldier at once started off toward the _10_ city. _11_ was twentysix and a quarter miles from the plain of Marathon to the Marketplace of Athens, _12_ there the elders of Athens had gathered _13_ for news. He ran and ran over _14_ and across plains. As he went

27、 on, his lips became _15_ and his breathing hard, but when he thought of the _16_ of the people of Athens on hearing the news, he _17_ harder than ever.At last the elders of Athens heard a great shout and saw a soldier staggering (蹒跚) toward them.“Rejoice! Rejoice! We won!” said the soldier, and fel

28、l down _18_.In _19_ of this noble soldier and athlete, we have in the modern Olympic Games the Marathon race, _20_ the athletes run this same distance.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了现代奥运会的马拉松比赛是为了纪念一个从战场上跑到雅典传送捷报的希腊士兵而举办的。1A.came round Bcame aboutCcame out Dcame from答案:Dcome round “苏醒”; come about “产生”; come ou

29、t “出现,出版”; come from “来自,源自”。根据下文“one of the great events in Greek history”可知,马拉松比赛源自希腊历史上最伟大的事件之一,故选D。2A.exploded BcompetedCfought Dhunted答案:C根据下文“against the Persian army at a place called Marathon”可知,公元前490年,大约一万希腊士兵在Marathon与波斯军队作战,故选C。3A.designed BsaidCtold Dreported答案:B根据下文“that the Persians were ten times as . as the Greeks”可知,据说,波斯军队的人数是希腊的十倍,故选B。4A.little BfewCmany Dmuch答案:Clittle “少,几乎没有(修饰不可数名词)”; few “少,几

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