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人教版初中英语9年级全一册Unit14 知识清单 +习题 包含答案.docx

1、人教版初中英语9年级全一册Unit14 知识清单 +习题 包含答案九年 U14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.一、必会单词survey n调查standard n标准;水平row n一排;一列;一行keyboard n键盘式电子乐器;键盘method n方法;措施instruction n指示;命令double v. 加倍;是的两倍a两倍的;加倍的shall modal v将要;将会overcome v克服;战胜graduate v毕业;获得学位caring adj体贴人的;关心他人的ours pron我们的senior adj级别(或地位)

2、高的text n.课文;文本level n水平degree n(大学)学位;度数;程度 manager n经理;经营者gentleman n先生;绅士graduation n毕业ceremony n典礼;仪式congratulate祝贺thirsty adj 渴望的;口渴的thankful adj感谢;感激lastly adv最后task n任务;工作ahead adv向前面;在前面responsible adj有责任心的separate adj小单独的;分离的,v.分开,分离wing n翅膀;翼二、常考短语、用法in a row连续几次地look back at 回首(往事);回忆;回顾ma

3、ke a mess弄得一团槽(一塌糊涂)keep ones cool 沉住气;保持冷静 senior high( school)高中go by(时间)逝去;过去believe in信任;信赖first of all首先be thirsty for渴望;渴求be thankful to sb对某人心存感激ahead of在前面along with连同;除以外还be responsible for对有责任;负责任set out出发;启程separate from分离;隔开play the keyboard 演奏键盘式电子乐器take a break from running暂停跑步,休息一下be

4、patient with对有耐心work out算出no matter how difficult无论多难put in投入on time按时make some new friends交一些新朋友prepare for为做准备have fun玩得开心get poor grades取得糟糕的成绩have problems with sth在某方面有困难at the end of the year在年底get a business degree 取得商科学位accept the invitation接受邀请attend the graduation ceremony参加毕业典礼be full of充

5、满deal with处理grow up长大be proud of为感到骄傲none of没有一个the end of 的末尾the beginning of的开始make mistakes犯错误learn from向学习give up放弃along with连同;除以外还wait for sb等待某人make your own choices 作出你自己的选择be responsible for对有责任;负责任go your separate ways分道扬镳get into进入share. with和分享分担remember doing sth记得做过某事advise sb to do st

6、h建议某人做某事guide sb to do sth指导某人做某事Shall we动词原形?我们做好吗?Its time to do sth到了做某事的时间。used to do sth过去常常做某事look forward to doing sth期盼做某事with ones help在某人的帮助下hope to do sth希望做某事Thank you for doing sth因做某事而感谢你(们would like to do sth想要做某事fail to do sth未能做成某事be thankful to sb对某人很感激need to do sth需要做某事be excited

7、 to do sth做某事很兴奋have the ability to do sth有做某事的能力come(back)to do sth(回)来做某事There will be sth /sb. doing sth将会有某物某人做某事三、经典句型1. I remember meeting all of you in Grade7.我记得在七年级与你们所有人相遇。2. I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class我知道在数学课上李老师对你总是很有耐心。3I m going to Join the school voll

8、eyball team我打算加入学校排球队。4I m looking forward to going to senior high school我在期盼上高中。5. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you永远不要忘记要对你们身边的人心存感恩。6.I think that Ill have to study much harder for exams我认为我将不得不更加刻苦地为考试而学习。7. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficul

9、t they were8. He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything.9. I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.10. Please consider what theyve done for you and what they mean to you四、重点语法1.特殊疑问句的用法1)概念:用疑问代词(who,whom, whose,what,which等)或疑问副词(when

10、, where,why,how等)及表示疑问的短语( what time, what color,how often, how long等)引导的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。朗读时通常用降调。2)句型结构 (1)特殊疑问句一般用倒装结构:疑问词一般疑问句(语序)?Where did you go yesterday?昨天你去哪儿了? How often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?(2)陈述语序:疑问词谓语宾语状语?Who wants to help me?谁想帮我? What made you so sad?什么事让你这么难过?注意: 疑问代词位于句首用作主语或用作修饰主语的定语

11、时,特殊疑问句用陈述语序。3)答语:特殊疑问句不能用yes或no来回答,而应根据所提问的内容直接作出回答。回答时,既可以用完整的句子,也可以用简略回答。-How long have you had it?你拥有它多久了? -I have had it for 3 years. /For 3 years我拥有它三年了。三年了。-How does he study English?他怎么学英语? -He studies English by taking notes. /By taking notes他通过做笔记学英语。通过做笔记4)就画线部分提问(画线部分是主语的除外)的解题方法,可简记为:一选

12、二改三调:“一选”指根据画线部分选择合适的疑问词;“二改”指去掉画线部分,把剩下的部分改为一般疑问句;“三调”指调整句子语序,即“疑问词一般疑问句(语序)”。The Chinese graduate became a star because of his speech at Harvard(就画线部分提问)一选:根据画线部分 because of(因为)可知应选用疑问词why;二改:去掉画线部分 because of his speech at Harvard,把剩下部分改为一般疑问句 Did the Chinese graduate become a star?三调:疑问词why放句首,后

13、接一般疑问句。因此转换后的句子应为 Why did the Chinese graduate become a star?2.一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时1)一般现在时的用法含义表示经常性或习惯性的动作;表示现在含义的状态或客观真理、科学事实;表示主语具备的性格或能力等句式结构肯定句be型主语 amisare其他实义动词型主语实义动词原形或第三人称单数形式其他否定句be型主语am isarenot+其他实义动词型主语dont doesnt实义动词原形其他一般疑问句be型Am /IsAre主语十其他?实义动词型DoDoes+主语实义动词原形其他?标志词语sometimes(有时),ofte

14、n(经常), usually(通常), always(总是), every dayweekyear(每天周年), once a week(一周一次)等动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则1.一般情况下直接在词尾加-s2.以o, s,x,sh,ch结尾的动词加es;3.以“辅音字母y”结尾的动词,y为i,再加esIm a teacher我是一名教师。 Is your school beautiful?你的学校漂亮吗?I usually get up at 5: 00 in the morning 我通常早上5点起床。What do you usually do at the weekend? 周末你通

15、常做什么?I dont go with you now现在我不和你一起去。2)一般过去时的用法含义表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态句式结构肯定句be型主语+was/were+其他实义动词型主语十实义动词的过去式+其他否定句be型主语+was/were+not+其他实义动词型主语+didnt+实义动词原形十其他.一般疑问句be型Was/were+主语十其他?实义动词型Did+主语十实义动词原形十其他?标志词 yesterday(昨天), last week(上周), two months ago(两个月前), the day before yesterday(前天),in1990(在1990年)等

16、规则动词的过去式变化一般情况直接加-ed以不发音的e结尾的动词,加-d以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,先把y变为i,再加-ed重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该字母,再加-edI was very short at the age of 10.我10岁时很矮Tom finished his homework yesterday.昨天汤姆完成了他的作业。What did you do last week?上周你做什么了?3.一般将来时的用法含义表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态句式结构肯定句will/shall 型主语+ will/ shall+实义动词原形+其他be going to型主语+am

17、/is/ are going to+实义动词原形+其他否定句will/shall型主语+ will/ shall+not+实义动词原形+其他be going to型主语+am/is/are+not+ going to+实义动词原形+其他一般疑问句will/shall型 Will/Shall+主语+实义动词原形十其他?be going to型Am/Is/Are+主语+ going to+实义动词原形+其他?标志词语tomorrow(明天), the day after tomorrow(后天), next week(下周), in the future(将来), in three days(三天

18、后)等Were going to have a picnic next week.下周我们要进行一次野袋。Ill go to Beijing in 3days三天后我要去北京。Will Tom come here tomorrow?明天汤姆要来这里吗?What are you going to be in the future?将来你打算当什么?拓展:1)There will be+主语+其他 There will be more trees in the future将来会有更多的树。2)There is/are going to be+主语+其他There is going to be a

19、 basketball match this afternoon.今天下午将会有一场篮球赛。练习题:1.-_are you going to buy for your father for Fathers Day? -A T- shirt.A What B When C Where D How2.My grandmother_in Yangzhou. She was born there and has never lived anywhere else.A lived B lives C. was living D will live3.Mr. Wang has left for Guang

20、zhou. He_a speech there in two days.A gives B gave C will give D has given4. -Hi, Tina._are you going for your vacation? -Hmm. I think Im going to Shanghai.A. How B, Where C When D Why5. Mike is from America. He_EnglishA.spoke B will speak C speaks D had spoken6.I_a mistake. Please dont be angry wit

21、h meA make B made C. will make D. had made7. This term_over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.A is B was C has been D, will be8. My parents_me a new ipad for my birthday next month.A bought B buy C buys D. will buy五、要点解析、拓展1.Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.有人被

22、老师建议暂时停止跑步。(教材106)advise此处作及物动词,意为“劝告,建议”。 advise doing sth“建议做某事”, advise sb.(not) to do sth“建议某人(不要)做某事Mrs. Brown advises us to eat healthy food.布朗夫人劝告我们要吃健康食品I advise waiting till the right time,我建议等到适当的时候【拓展】 advise sb. on/ about.,关于给某人忠告/建议The teachers advise students about study.就学习问题老师给学生提出了建

23、议 advise后若接that从句,通常要用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用“ should+v.,其中should可以省略。He advised that I( should) write her a letter.他建议我给她写封信2.She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were无论问题有多难,她都帮助你自己算出答案。(教材106)1 )work our为固定短语,意为“解决;算出”。另外, work out还有“结果为”之意,work out fine/well意为“奏效”Thi

24、s problem is so hard that I cant work it out.这道题太难了,我解不出来Everything is working out well.事事都很如意【拓展】与work有关的短语at work在工作go to work去上班after work下班work on从事work with与共事/一起工作2 )no matter意为“无论”,与what,who,when, where, which,how等疑问词连用,构成 “no matter.+疑问词”结构,引导让步状语从句,可以和“疑问词+ever”互换。Ill newer forget you no ma

25、tter where(=wherever)you go.无论你去哪里,我都不会忘记你No matter where he may be(=Wherever he may be), he will be happy.无论他在哪儿,他都会很开心3.Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam sores doubled.因为她,我投入了更多的努力,我的考试分数翻倍。(教材106)1)put in为固定短语,意为“投入:花费”She always puts in an hours reading before breakfast.早饭前她总是读一个

26、小时的书Ive put a lot of work in improving my English.在提高英语上我下了很大工夫【拓展】put短语集锦:put.down记下,放下;镇压put out伸出;扑灭put off推迟put.into.:把翻译成.put away放好put on穿戴;上映put back放回;把(钟)拨慢;推迟;阻碍put ones heart into用心去做put up with容忍2) double此处作动词,意为“增加一倍;使加倍”Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages.里德工作很好,所以他们给他加了一倍的

27、工资拓展: double还可作形容词,意为“成双的;成对的”,如: a double bed双人床,还可意为“双倍的,两倍的”,相当于 twice4.Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?我们给他们每个人买一张卡片和一件礼物来道谢好吗?(教材106)1)Shall we+动词原形+?为表建议的句型,建议对方和自己共同做某事,语气比较委婉,意为“我们好吗?-Shall we go to see a film tonight?我们今晚去看电影好吗? -Good idea,好主意。【拓展】常见的表建议的句型: What/

28、How about doing sth?做某事怎么样?What/ How about having a cup of tea?喝杯茶怎么样? Why not do.? Why dont you do.?为什么不.?Why dont you get something to drink?你为什么不买点喝的东西? Youd better do.,你最好做.Youd better start early.你最好早点儿开始。 Would you like to do.?你想做吗?Would you like to listen to music?你想听音乐吗?Lets do.咱们做.Lets not

29、waste the time.咱们不要浪费时间。Could you please do.?请你做好吗?Could you please sweep the floor?请你打扫地板好吗?Would you mind doing.?你介意做吗?Would you mind taking out the trash?你介意把垃圾倒掉吗?2 )each of为固定短语,意为“中的每一个”,常用于“ each of+复数名词十谓语动词的单数形式”结构中。Each of my friends is from China.我的每一位朋友都是来自中国Each of the students has eate

30、n a hamburger.每个学生都吃了一个汉堡包。辨析:each与everyeach 形容词 指两者或两者以上中的“每一个”,侧重个体代词 可作主语或宾语,其后可跟介词ofevery 形容词 指三者或三者以上中的”每一个”,侧重总体,不能单独使用There are lots of trees on each side of the road.公路的每一边都有许多树。Each of us has a dictionary我们每个人都有一本词典。Every teacher knows her.所有的老师都认识她。5. Although youve all worked very hard over the last three years, none of y

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