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1、六级高频词汇 六级高频词汇 最新版高频词汇编写说明1、本频率表为最新统计,包含了2003年6月21日考题。2、纵观大学英语六级从1989年开始考试以来,已经有28套试卷与大家见面。考察频率最高的是短语,达到了26次,就词汇本身的频率并不高,四级最高只有七次,而六级最高到了十二次。3、词汇评选标准:(1) 词汇本身与词汇变形加在一起计算的次数;(2) 只选择词汇中出现的;(3) 无论是本题选择项是否是该词,只要在选项中出现的词汇我们都计算在内;(4) 另外,有个别词汇出现在词汇题目中,只要我们认为重要的,也被算数;(5) 高频词汇只选用了4次以上的词汇。 频率出现13次的词汇:constrain

2、意 义 vt.克制,抑制;限制,约束变 形 constraint n.约束, 强制, 压抑constrainable a.受约束的, 被强迫的搭 配 constrain sb. to do sth. 强制constrain ones impulse 克制某人的冲动be constrained to do sth. 不得不; 被迫做某事辨 析 constraint 意指受到某种压力或限制,或受到内在力量的驱使restraint 克制,阻止(某人做某事,与from相连),只用某种力量将其限制在一定范围之内或预先防范真 题 Europes earlier industrial growth was

3、_ by the availability of key resources, abun-dant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc. 答案A) constrained B) detained C) remained D) sustained D频率出现10次的词汇:obscure意 义 a.不著名的,不重要的;费解的,模糊不清的;vt.使变模糊,掩盖变 形 obscureness n.朦胧obscurantism n.蒙昧主义搭 配 be of obscure birth/origin 出身微贱a obscure view 朦胧的景色辨 析 obscu

4、re 指某事的意思含糊不清,或因知识缺乏而难理解vague 模糊的,不明确的,如:a vague idea,一个模糊的想法真 题 Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very_. 答案A) dim B) obscure C) conspicuous D) intelligible BThe poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _ references. 答案A) ob

5、scure B) acute C) notable D) objective A频率出现7次的词汇:comply意 义 vi.顺从, 依从, 服从变 形 compliance n. 依从, 服从compliant a. 依从的, 服从的搭 配 comply with 同意, 答应; 遵守, 服从comply with the rules 遵守规则comply with a formality 履行手续真 题 If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the regulations laid down by the authorities.

6、 答案A) comply B) adhere C) confirm D) accord Dconform意 义 vi.符合, 相似, 一致;遵照,适应;顺从变 形 conformable adj.相似的;一致的,遵从的conformity n. 一致;遵从搭 配 conform to/with 符合,遵从conform the specifications to the requirement 使规格与要求 相符合真 题 As visiting scholars,they _willingly to the customs of the country they live in. 答案A)su

7、bmit B)commit C)conform D)subject BAll the students have to _to the rules and regulations of the school. 答案A) confirm B) confront C) confine D) conform Dtransition意 义 n.转变,过渡变 形 transitional adj.过渡的搭 配 a period of transition 过渡期the frequent transition of weather 天气的变化无常辨 析 transition 转变,过渡transmissi

8、on (借助无线电波,由电线电路的)传送,传播transformation (形态、性质的)转变、变化transfer 转移、调动工作地点等conversion (一事物)转变成(另一事物)真 题 The _from childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody 答案A)conversion C)turnover B)transition D)transformation BThere is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is

9、 the _ from fall to winter. 答案A) transmission B) transformation C) transition D) transfer C频率出现6次的词汇:confirm意 义 vt.证实,肯定;加强,坚定;批准变 形 confirmable a.可确定的, 能证实的搭 配 confirm ones belief 坚定信念confirm a contract 签合同, 批准合同辨 析 confirm 指用事实或证据来进一步证实或证明是真实的substantiate 指列举事实以证实某一主张是有效的corroborate 指以陈述新事实或证据来证明是

10、真实的真 题 All the students have to _to the rules and regulations of the school. 答案A) confirm B) confront C) confine D) conform Dmagnify意 义 vt.放大,扩大;夸大,夸张变 形 magnifier n.放大器magnification n. 放大,扩大搭 配 magnify oneself 自夸,自大magnify oneself against sb. 用抬高自己的方法反对某人辨 析 magnify 往往指通过镜头或者显微镜使物体在视觉上放大enlarge 多用于

11、平面和有形的东西,特别指放大照片或图形expand 主要指体积的扩大真 题 The microscope can _ the object 100 times in diameter. 答案A)magnify B)increase C)develop D)mutiply Atransaction意 义 n.交易, 业务搭 配 conclude a transaction 达成交易be engaged in various transactions 忙于各种业务辨 析 transaction .交易, 业务transition 转变,过渡transmission 传送,传播transformat

12、ion 转变、变化真 题 He attends to the _ of important business himself. 答案A) transaction B) transition C) transmission D) transformation Atransmission意 义 n.传递;传播,传送搭 配 transmission of news 消息的传播transmission oil 传动用油真 题 Retirement is obviously a very complex _ period; and the earlier you start planning for i

13、t, the better. 答案A) transformation B) transmission C) transaction D) transition Dtrivial意 义 adj.琐碎的,无价值的搭 配 trivial matters 无关重要的事the trivial round 日常生 活事宜辨 析 trivial 细小的,琐碎的delicate 柔弱的,易受伤害的minor 次要的,较小的真 题 Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for some _ mistakes in grammar. 答案A) obs

14、cure B) glaring C) trivial D) rare AA most _ argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I came in. 答案A) trivial B) delicate C) minor D) miniature A频率出现5次的词汇:ambiguous意 义 含糊 不清的,不明确的;引起歧义的,模棱两可的变 形 ambiguity n.歧义辨 析 ambiguous 指有两种或两种以上的解释而意义不明确的obscure 指某事物的意思

15、含糊不清, 或因知识缺乏而难解的vague 指模糊的, 不明确的真 题 His _ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take. 答案A) ambiguous B) complicated C) arbitrary D) intricate Acoincide意 义 vi.同时发生;相一致,相符;位置重叠,重合变 形 coincidence n.巧合,一致,相符coincident a.重合的,一致的coincidental a.巧合的,同时发生的搭 配 coincide with 与一致,与符合

16、a mere coincidence 纯属巧合an undersigned coincidence 不谋而合辨 析 coincide 指“完全一致, 甚至可达到重合”agree 指原来有过分歧, 经协商后“达到意见一致”correspond 指各主要部分或就整体而言是一致的, 尽管还存在不一致的地方真 题 His tastes and habits _with those of his wifes. 答案A)combine B)compete C)coincide D)compromise Cdecline意 义 vi.下降,下倾;v. 拒绝,衰落;n. 下降,下倾;衰败,衰落搭 配 decl

17、ine an offer 拒绝请求decline an invitation 谢绝邀请decline to answer a question 拒绝回答问题fall/sink into a decline 开始衰落, 衰弱下去;体力衰退(尤指因患肺病而衰弱)on the decline 走下坡路, 在衰退中the decline of life 晚年, 暮年辨 析 decline 指“较正式地、有礼貌地谢绝”refuse 指普通用语,指“坚决、果断或坦率地拒绝”reject 指以否定、敌对的态度而当面拒绝真 题 Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has

18、sharply _. 答案A) declined B) lessened C) descended D) slipped Adescend意 义 vi.下来,下降变 形 descent n.降下, 降落, 世系, 血统descendant n.子孙, 后裔, 后代搭 配 descend from 从下来;是的后裔, 源于descend to 把人格降低到, 堕落到;转谈细节descend upon/on 突然袭击;突然拜访某人真 题 In addition to the rising birthrate and immigration, the _death rate contributed

19、to the population growth. 答案A) inclining B) increasing C) declining D) descending Cincompatible意 义 a.不相容的, 矛盾的, 不能和谐共存的搭 配 incompatible colours 不调和的色彩incompatible persons 个性不合的人们真 题 Bejing impatient is _ with being a good teach er. 答案A)intrinsic B)ingenious C)incompatible D)inherent Cintrinsic意 义 a.

20、 固有的, 内在的, 本质的真 题 Diamonds have little _ value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity. 答案A) extinct B) permanent C) surplus D) intrinsic Dscrape意 义 n.刮, 擦, 擦痕, 刮擦声, 困境;vi.刮掉, 擦掉;vt.刮, 擦, 擦伤搭 配 scrape the bottom of the barrel 退而求其次真 题 He _ his head, wondering how to solve the probl

21、em 答案A) scrapped B) screwed C) scraped D) scratched Dsustain意 义 vt承受,经得住;维持,继续;支撑;支持变 形 sustainable a.sustainment n.支持,维持;支持物搭 配 sustain the part of 恰当地扮演sustain losses 蒙受损失辨 析 sustain 指支撑、维持support 系常用词, 指支撑、给某人以积极援助或支持maintain 指使保持某种情况或状态而不受损害、使保持完整所给予的力量真 题 Europes earlier industrial growth was _

22、 by the availability of key resources, abun-dant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc. 答案A) constrained B) detained C) remained D) sustained Dtransformation意 义 n.变形,转化,改造;改造,改革搭 配 social transformation 社会改革辨 析 transaction .交易, 业务transition 转变,过渡transmission 传送,传播transformation 转变、变化真 题 Retirement is

23、 obviously a very complex _ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better. 答案A) transformation B) transmission C) transaction D) transition D频率出现4次的词汇:ascribe意 义 vt.把归因于, 把归属于搭 配 ascribe to 把归于the blame is to be ascribed to 责任应归咎于辨 析 ascribe 着重于猜想或根据一个有事实证明或推理的结论attribute 强调相信某事物在性质上

24、或权力上适于或属于某人真 题 The famous scientist _his success to hard work. 答案A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged Bconfront意 义 vt.(使)面临,遭遇;面对(危险等);使对质,使当面对证变 形 confrontment n.面对;对质搭 配 confront danger (勇敢地)面对危险be confronted with/by 面临, 面对, 碰上confront reality 面对现实辨 析 confront 系正式用语,指“遇到”、“面对”、“使对立”

25、face 属口语体, 语气比confront强,指“正视”、“面对”、“不想逃避”真 题 All the students have to _to the rules and regulations of the school. 答案A) confirm B) confront C) confine D) conform Dconspicuous意 义 a.显眼的,明显的搭 配 conspicuous mistakes 明显的错误a conspicuous statesman 杰出的政治家be conspicuous for ones integrity 因正直而受人注意make onesel

26、f conspicuous 标新立异, 惹人注目真 题 A visitor to a museum today would notice changes in the way museums are operated. 答案A)cognitive B)rigorous C)conspicuous D)exclusive Cdegrade意 义 v.降低某人的身份,有辱某人的人格;使降解,使退化变 形 degraded a.降了级的,堕落了的degradation n.降级;堕落;衰退搭 配 degrade sb. to a lower position 使某人降职辨 析 humble 指降级时

27、常用来代替degrade,以强调对降级或地位等的降低所感到的耻辱degrade 往往含有对自身陷入的境遇感到可耻的意思真 题 Connie was told that if she worked too hard, her health would _. 答案A)decay B)hopped C)darted D)degrade Bdeprive意 义 vt.拿去,剥夺,使丧失变 形 deprivation n.剥夺搭 配 deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物,使某人丧失be deprived of rights 被剥夺了权利真 题 The prisoner was _ of

28、his civil liberty for three years. 答案A) discharged B) derived C) deprived D) dispatched Ceternal意 义 a.永远的,永久的,不朽的变 形 eternity n.永恒,无穷搭 配 the eternal love 永恒的爱情eternal chatter 没完没了的罗嗦辨 析 eternal 指无始无终的everlasting 强调无止境地延续下去的forever 是副词真 题 The _ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scie

29、ntists and philosophers alike. 答案A) incompatible B) exceeding C) instantaneous D) eternal Dexcessive意 义 a.过多的, 过分的, 额外;过度的,极端的搭 配 excessive possession of ball (守门员)持球时间过长真 题 Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an _ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond t

30、heir own expectations. 答案A) inspirational B) educational C) excessive D) instantaneous Aexpire意 义 vi.期满,(期限)终止;断气,死亡变 形 expiry n.期满,终止;断气,死亡搭 配 He expired at midnight. 他半夜死去真 题 Mike just discovered that his passport had _ three months ago. 答案A) abolished B) expired C) amended D) constrained Bextinct意 义 a. 灭绝的,绝种的;(火山等)不再活跃的;(火等)熄灭了的;(风俗等)已废弃的变 形 extinction n.灭种,绝种;熄灭搭 配 an extinct volcano 死火山an extinct family 已绝嗣的家族an extinct species 已灭绝的物种真 题 If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of spedes that are alive today will have become _ . 答案A) deteriorated

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