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人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit1 单元测试题有答案.docx

1、人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit1 单元测试题有答案人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?一、写出下列英语单词1. 任何人_ 2. 没有什么_ 3. 每人_4.某事_ 5. 我自己_ 6. 你自己_ 7. 日记_ 8. 有乐趣的_ 9.活动_ 10.决定_ 11. 建筑物_ 12.商人_13. 想知道_ 14. 差别_ 15. 雨伞_16.足够的_ 17. 在.下面_18. 饥饿的_ 二、单项选择 1. -Do you know Julia?-Yes, I do. She is new here, so she has _friends

2、at school. A. much B. few C .little 2. -Help _ to some fruits.-Thank you. A. yourself B. your C. you 3. -Im going to London for a holiday next month. - ! A. Have a good time B. Its terrible C. Good job 4. -Did you read todays newspaper? -Yes, I did. There is _ in it. A. nothing special B. anything n

3、ew C. important everything5. -What do you think of the 3D film Titanic last night?-It was _. I enjoyed it a lot. A. boring B. wonderful C. strange 6. Last Sunday we went to the beach. We had great fun_ in the water. A. playing B. plays C. play 7. My father tried _ vegetable on his farm last year.A.

4、plant B. to plant C. to planting 8. -Why dont you ask _to help you?-Oh, its OK. I can do it by myself.A no one B nobody C someone 9. My mother and I _ at my home _ that snowy night. A. were, in B. was, at C. were, on 10. -Why were you late for school?-I was late for school_ the bus was too crowded(拥

5、挤的)for me to get on.A . because B. because of C. so 11. He didnt not write _ , though(尽管) he had enough time.A. careful enough B. carefully enough C. enough carefully 12.-Everyone in my class _ the poor boy without parents.-Really? Thats great! A. want to help B. want helping C. wants to help 13. -W

6、hat did you do there?-There was nothing much to do in the evening _ read in the small town. A. but B. so C. about 14. Did you try paragliding yesterday? Yes, I _ I was a bird. It was so exciting! A. looked like B. made sure C. felt like15. In England people think its bad luck to_ in the house. A. sh

7、ake hands B. say “thank you” C. open an umbrella 16. Which is not necessary when we go on vacation? A. Clothes B. The bed C. ID card(身份证) 17.Lisa wants to buy some apples. She has 10.00. She bought 2 kilos of bananas and 4 kilos of apples. So one kilo of apples is _. FruitAppleBananaPearOrangePrice/

8、 kilo? A. 1.00 B.1.50 C. 3.0018. In the following words, which underlined letters has a different sound from the others?A. bicycle B. building C. different19. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. wet ; umbrella B. everyone because C. top wonder20. Wh

9、ich word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. Below B. Enough C. Hungry21. Did you visit your uncle before? _.A. Yes, I visited B. No, I did C. Yes, I did 22. _ kind girl Jenny is!A. What B. What a C. How 23. Did you study _ your test?A. on B. at C. for 24. She isnt _ to ca

10、rry the box.A. enough strong B. strong enough C. enough young 25. Oh, dear, we have _ food left. Dont worry. Ill go and buy some.A. a few B. a little C. little26. The boy decided _ back the money to the person who lost it.A. give B. giving C. to give 27. Did he help you with your homework? No, I did

11、 it by _.A. I B. me C. myself28. Did you do _ last week?A. special anything B. anything special C. something special29. The news is very _, so we are _ .A. exciting: excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting30. They seem _ what they are doing.A. knew B. to know C. knowing三、A)完形填空 Most peopl

12、e like travelling _1_ vacation. Last year I _2_on a trip to Italy(意大利). I 3 many places. My favorite city was Venice(威尼斯). There are no roads in Venice. There are canal(运河) _4_ the streets, instead . There is a lot of _5_ in the canals. I 6 a trip by boat in Venice and really enjoyed the beautiful s

13、cene(风景) there. They go to work _7_ boat. We go to work by bike and bus. Venice is famous _8_ its canals and boats. Venice is beautiful_9_ the water. I hope _10_ it again.1. A. in B. on C. at2. A. go B. goes C. went3. A. visit B. visited C. visits4. A. at B. in C. between5. A. water B. roads C. stre

14、ets6. A. had B. have C. has7. A. on B. by C. with8. A. as B. for C. to9. A. because of B. because C. why10. A. to visit B. visit C. visitedB)完形填空 This week, I asked my classmates about their vacations. Here are some of their answers. Linda 1 to Sydney, Australia. The2 was sunny and the people 3 frie

15、ndly to her. She went there by 4 and the air trip was relaxing. She went to Sydney Opera House. Its wonderful. She had a 5 vacation. Alice went 6 her aunt. At first the weather was 7 and wet, she had to stay at the house. She watched TV 8 the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got better. So

16、 she went shopping with her aunt. The people in the shop were all 9 and kind. She bought something nice for herself. Peter stayed at home. First he did his homework. It was a little difficult. Then he 10 computer games. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was OK. 1. A. go B. goes C. went2

17、. A. place B. weather C. museum3. A. were B. was C. are4. A. bike B. train C. plane5. A. bad B. terrible C. great 6. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited 7. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy 8. A. but B. because C. or9. A. friend B. friendly C. unfriendly 10. A. play B. played C. listened四、阅读理解 A NamePlacesF

18、oodPeopleWay of TransportationBobShanghaia little sweetbusyby high speed trainCathyLhasaa little saltywarm-heartedby planeDennyBeijingdeliciouseasy-going(随和的)by carElizaChongqingspicy(辣的)outgoing(外向的)by train根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 1. Bob thinks Shanghais food is _. A. a little sweet B. a little salty C.

19、not good 2. Denny went to Beijing by _. A. air B. train C. car3. Did Denny like the food in Beijing? A. No, he didnt. B. Yes, he did. C. We dont know. 4. The people in Lhasa are_. A. easy-going B. outgoing C. warm-hearted 5.According to the form, which of the following is TRUE? A. Bob went to Shangh

20、ai by high speed train. B. Cathy walked to Lhasa. C. The people in Chongqing are hard to make friends. BOf all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people understand this, but it is quite true. The human(人) body can go without ( 没有) food for a long time , but two or thr

21、ee days without water usually makes people die.(死)Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs and they dont drink enough, especially ( 尤其 ) in hot weather . Most people drink when they feel thirsty . They often need more(更多的) water especially when they have sports.A mans body has

22、 65 to 70 percent water. If we dont have enough water , we may feel tired and may become( 变得 ) ill. Now youll see how important drinking water is.根据短文内容判断正、误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”6. Not all the people know that water is the most important thing for human body.7. The human body can go without water for a l

23、ong time. 8.Everyone knows that how much water the human body needs.9. Most people drink water when they feel thirsty.10. If we dont have enough water , we may feel very well.C The word “hobby” is an interesting word. Every person has one thing he or she likes to do for fun. Some people like to coll

24、ect (收集) things like stamps or story books. Others like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them. I have many hobbies. I sometimes play golf with my sons. I play tennis with all the family. I like to collect music books. I also collect mu

25、sic instrument(乐器) from China like the erhu, the dizi, the xiao, the suona and the pipa. These are the instruments of China and we cannot find them in America.My favorite hobby is fishing. I like to go and see my brother in the state of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. The two of us take a boat an

26、d go to a small river where we fish for salmon, the Americans most famous fish.据短文内容选择最佳答案。 11. The underlined words “hobby” in the passage means “_”in Chinese. A. 嗜好,爱好 B. 知识 C. 收藏 12. _ is the writers favorite hobby. A. Playing tennis B Fishing C. Collecting stamps13. The writers brother lives in

27、_. A. China B. Alaska C. New York14. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Salmon is a kind of fruit. B. The writer likes to collect stamps. C. The writers son can play golf. 15. What is the passage mainly about? A. The writers hobby. B. The writers brother. C. Chinas music in

28、strument.五、交际应用 A: Where did you go on vacation, Helen? B: Oh. I went to Xian with my parents.A: Thats a beautiful city._1_ B: We went to some museum and ate some delicious food.A: _2_ B: They were very friendly to us. A: Did you go to Xian Zoo? B: Yes, we did . We saw monkeys, tigers, lions and so

29、on. That was interesting! _3_A: Well, I didnt go anywhere. _4_ B: Why not go out?A: _5_ B: You are really a bookworm!A. How were the people there?B. Are the people there kind?C. What about you?D. What did you do there?E. Because I must study for the coming exams.F. I watched game shows at home.G. I stayed at home during the holiday.(B)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Hello, Victor. How_1_ your vacation?B: It was great! I went to Hong Kong_2_ my family.A: Really? Wow! Did you do _3_ special there?B: Well we went to a fun park. It was really exciting.A: Did you _4_shopping?B: Yeah, I d

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