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九年级牛津SZY下学期 第25期 内容.docx

1、九年级牛津SZY下学期 第25期 内容九年级 牛津深圳2013-2014年下学期第25期内容第1版分册分段复习考点梳理(八年级上册 Chapters 57)短语集锦将下列短语英汉互译。1. except for_2. 成功_3. take turns_4. 谋生_5. according to_6. 立刻_7. sell out of_8. 启程去;出发去_9. cross out_10. 出售的_11. up to_12. 出发;动身_13. cool down_14. 体态匀称的_词语辨析结合课本和平时的笔记,将梳理部分的内容补充完整。1. put on, wear, dress和in【梳

2、理】都有“穿;戴”的意思,但用法有别。(1) _和_后面常接表示服饰的词语,put on 表示动作,wear 表示状态。如:Put on your sweater. Its cold outside.She wears a white hat.(2) _后面常接表示人的词语,也可作不及物动词。如:Get up and dress quickly.(3) _后面常接表示颜色或服饰的词语。如:That girl is in red. 那女孩穿着红色的衣服。He is_.他穿着一件大衣。【运用】选用put on, wear, dress或in填空。(1) Look at the lady _ an

3、evening dress. She looks gorgeous.(2) We have to _ school uniforms on weekdays.(3) Ill _ my glasses; I cant read with- out them.(4) She _ her kids before she goes to work.2. arrive, get 和 reach【梳理】arrive, get和reach均有“到达”之意。当表示到达某地时,它们的用法分别如下:1. arrive at / in + 地点名词(小地点常用at,大地点常用in)2. get to +地点名词3.

4、 reach +地点名词【运用】用三种方式翻译下面的句子。他们六点钟到达了火车站。_3. besides, except 和 except for【梳理】(1) _表示“除外(还有)”,常与also,other等词连用,强调被除去的部分也包括在内。(2) _表示“除了”,引述一个相反的原因或细节,是“全部与部分”的关系,常常指除去的与整体往往不属于同类事物。(3) _表示“除外(其余都)”,常与 all, every, no, none, nothing等含有整体意义的词连用,除去的与整体常常是同类事物,强调被除去的部分不包括在内。【运用】选用besides, except或except fo

5、r填空。(1) The composition is very good _ some spelling mistakes.(2) Four other people took part in the meeting _ my father.(3) All our classmates went to swim _ Linda, because she was ill.4. leave 和 forget【梳理】(1) 均可表示“遗忘”,但有所区别:leave表示“把某物遗忘在某地”,通常要与表示地点的状语连用;forget表示“忘记带某物”,通常不能与表示地点的副词或短语连用,常用结构为for

6、get sth. / to do sth. (忘记要做某事)/ doing sth. (忘记做了某事)。试比较:I _ my key at home. 我把钥匙放在家里忘记带了。I _ my key. 我忘记带钥匙了。(2) leave还有“离开;动身”的意思,常见词组有 _ (出发去)。5. pleased, pleasing和pleasant(1) pleased表示“(人)对人/物的满意”,常组成以下结构:be pleased with . 对满意;be pleased to do sth. 乐意做某事。如:We _ her decision.我们对她的决定很满意。(2) pleasin

7、g的主语通常为物,表示“令人愉快的,合意的”,可作定语和表语。如:The food is pleasing to my taste. 这饭菜正合我的口味。(3) pleasant是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”。如:_我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。pleasant 不可以表达为 sb. is pleasant to do sth.,但可用于It is pleasant to do sth.,如:It is pleasant to be alone again.又只剩下一个人了,真自在。句型荟萃. 根据所给的提示,翻译下列句子并背诵。1. 那只木马太大了,他们拿不走

8、。(too . to)_2. 到半夜,广场除了一只巨大的马外空无一人。(except for)_3. 这个女老师通过教小提琴过着不错的生活。(make a . living)_4. 事实上,很多人喜欢和朋友一起看他们那条看不见的鱼。(take pleasure in)_5. 军队最终成功地占领了这坐城市。(succeed in)_6. 自从他开始经商以来,他就很少受到投诉。(receive a complaint, since)_7. 我想就这些甜椒进行投诉。(complain about)_8. 他足够强壮来控制他的船。(strong enough to do sth.)_9. 人们不再对这

9、活感兴趣了。(not any more)_10. 你介意把这些书从桌子上搬走吗?(remove . from.)_. 给划线部分找同义词,并进行背诵记忆。( )1. I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.A. easily B. quickly C. totally D. nearly( )2. As soon as he entered the room, he knew there was something wrong.A. walked through B. got toC. got out of D. went

10、into( )3. The TV station will run a Chinese characters dictation contest.A. hold B. open C. join D. finish( )4. Mr. Green is very happy because he is satisfied with his students work today.(2010 黄冈)A. is moved by B. is good forC. is fond of D. is pleased with( )5. The new movie, Xing Xiuniang, which

11、 tells the story about the great master (大师) of Huangmei Opera, will be put on next year. (2010 黄冈)A. dressed up B. on saleC. on show D. set up情景交际一、就医A: _ the matter?B: Im not _. I have a headache.A: Take this medicine three times a day, and youll be well soon.B: Thanks a lot.二、劝告和建议1. A: I feel ex

12、hausted.B: _ stop working and take a good sleep.2. A: _ going fishing this afternoon?B: Thats a good idea.3. A: The park isnt far from here. _ walk there?B: OK.第2版分册分段复习考点练习(八年级上册 Chapters 57)词汇过关. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. There are four different _(入口) in that big mall.2. Fan Bingbing is a beautiful

13、 actress of slim _ (身材)。3. Every _ (公民) has the duty to protect our country.4. _ (移开) the table, please. It is in the way.5. Many tourists are _ (吸引) to the magic show. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Nothing can _(satisfied) the woman. She is always complaining.2. The new teachers teaching way is _ (wide) acc

14、epted by us.3. Our headmaster lives very_(simple).4. All of the classmates take _(please) in helping the disabled boy.5. The _(elder) man gave us a meaningful speech.6. I felt _(awfully) about making this mistake.7. Our English teacher is a _(middle age) woman.8. Have you _(apology) to the man after

15、 you bumped against him?9. The boy jumped into the river and _ (appear) in no time.10.All kinds of local products will be _ (sell) on this Trade Fair. 根据句意,用方框中短语的适当形式填空。每个限用一次。up to, take turns, succeed inmake a living, leave for, cool down1. These volunteers will _ to look after the old man.2. Wat

16、er needs more time to _ than air.3. It is very difficult for some people to _ by writing.4. My uncle desires to _ business at any cost.5. When will you _ Paris?6. The diver can hold her breath for _ two minutes under water.句子过关. 选择填空。( )1. The naughty boys always whisper to each other when having cl

17、asses.A. speak in a low voice B. speak loudlyC. speak quickly D. speak in a funny way( )2. I dont want to go out. Its extremely cold today.A. completely B. very C. really D. widely( )3. It is unusual for him to get up late.A. beautiful B. nice C. good D. strange( )4. I never saw my great grandpa exc

18、ept that I saw some old photos of him.A. except B. besides C. except for D. but for( )5. He takes pleasure in reading.A. is tired of B. is fond ofC. is satisfied with D. makes a living by( )6.Hey, I heard Class One won the prize _.Yes, they _ the first prize twice.A. finally; have gotten B. final; h

19、ave gottenC. finally; get D. final; get( )7. Who jumped _ in your class?Maybe John. But he didnt do as _ as before.A. higher; good B. highest; goodC. highest; well D. higher; well( )8. Can I borrow your new bike?Sorry, it _ to my sister, and she hasnt returned it _.A. lent; already B. was lent; alre

20、adyC. was lent; yet D. lent; yet( )9. _ your son _ to your letter by now?Not yet. But I will _ for his school in person.A. Has . responded; leave B. Has . responded; set offC. Does . respond; leave D. Does . respond; set off( )10. Oh, I _ my exercise books at home._ forgetful you are!A. left; How B.

21、 left; WhatC. forgot; How D. forgot; What. 翻译下列句子。1. 那个石头太重了以至于没有人能移动它。_2. 这是一种看不见的生物。_3. 他们用计谋成功地占领了希腊。_4. 我很幸运被派到国外学习。_5. 所有新鲜的鱼都被这个渔夫卖完了。_情景过关. 选择下列词汇完成下面对话(其中有一项多余)。A. answered B. little C. sleepingD. in bed E. got F. think of(Teacher=TKen=K)T: Hello, Ken. How are you feeling today?K:A(1) _ bett

22、er, thanks.T: Did you go to the doctors in the afternoon?K: No, I didnt go there. I just stayed (2) _ all day, and drank a lot of water.T: Did you? I rang you yesterday to see how you were doing. But nobody (3) _ the telephone.K: I was probably sleeping.T: What do you (4) _ Bubble Game, Ken?K: Game?

23、 What game?T: You were not (5) _, Ken. Some- body saw you in an Internet bar yesterday.K: Really? But, who saw me?. 选择下列句子完成下面对话(其中有两项多余)。A. Was anyone hurt?B. I am reading Shenzhen Daily.C. It is important to obey the traffic rules.D. The paper says there was a terrible car accident.E. How it happe

24、ned?F. Where it happened?G. I am sorry to hear that.A: What are you doing, Mike?B: (1) _A: What happened?B: (2) _A: Oh, such bad news. (3) _B: Yes, 13 people including pedestrians (行人) and passengers were injured.A: (4) _. Someone must break the traffic rules!B: Thats right. (5) _A: Everyone should

25、cherish his life.B: I agree with you.第3版分册分段复习考点梳理(八年级上册 Chapters 57) 现在完成时 【梳理】考点一、构成现在完成时的基本构成:助动词_ + 过去分词。考点二、句型肯定句:主语 + have / has + 过去分词 + 其他.否定句:主语 + have / has + _ + 过去分词 + 其他.一般疑问句:Have / Has + 主语 + 过去分词 +其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + have / has.否定回答:No, 主语 + havent / hasnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + have / has + 主语 +

26、 过去分词 + 其他?考点三、用法及标志1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对_造成的影响或结果。这一用法的特点是动作不延续,常有以下标志:(1) 以already, just或yet为标志(2) 以ever或never为标志(3) 以动作发生的次数为标志(4) 以so far为标志2. 可表示过去某一时刻开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态。这一用法只适用于_动词,可以和表示延续的时间状语连用,常有以下两大标志:(1) 以“for + 段时间”为标志(2) 以“since + 过去的一个点时间”为标志如:He has been away from the hospital for three hours. 不能说He has left the hospital for three hours. (想想为什么?)但非延续性动词在否定结构中可用现在完成时。如:We havent met each other for a long tim

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