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1、上半年教师资格证考试英语学科知识与教学能力真题初级中学2018年上半年教师资格证考试英语学科知识与教学能力真题(初级中学)(总分:150.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、单项选择题本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分。在每小题列出的 四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,错选、多选或未选均无分。(总题数:22,分数:60.00)1.The similarity between the English consonants /p/, /b/, and /m/ is that they are allA.fricativeB.plosiveC.labial-dentalD.bilab

2、ial解析:本题考查辅音的分类。根据辅音的分类,按照发音部位,/p/,/b/,/m/ 都属于双唇音(bilabial);按照发音方式,/p/,/b/是爆破音(plosive),/m/是鼻音(nasal)。故本题 选 D。2.Which of the following is a back vowel in English?A./:/B./:/C./D./e/解析:本题考查元音的分类。根据元音的分类,可知/:/属于中元音,/:/属于后 元音,/e/属于前元音。但/比较特殊,发此音时舌头的最高位置偏中后,所以有的分类系统会把它 归为中元音,也有的把它归为后元音,考生在做此类题时要根据选择项的情况灵

3、活处理。3.There is only one playground slide in this school, so the students have to take ( ) to use it.A.turnsB.the turnsC.a turnD.the turn解析:本题考查习惯搭配。句意为“因为学校只有一个滑梯,所以学生们不得 不轮流使用”。take turns to do sth.为习惯搭配,意为“轮流去做某事”。故本题选 A。4.Out of everyones expectation, Johnson suddenly returned ( ) a rainy night.A

4、.atB.inC.onD.during解析:本题考查介词用法。句意为“出乎所有人意料,约翰逊在一个雨夜突然 回来了”。与具体时间搭配的介词为 on。表示具体某天或某天的上午、下午、晚上等特定日期时, 前面应用介词 on。如果 day,morning,afternoon,evening,night 等表示时间的名词前有形容词修 饰时表示某一特定时间,也需用介词 on。5.She ( ) it very well when she described her younger brother as “brilliant but lazy”.A.putB.madeC.assumedD.interpre

5、ted解析:本题考查动词辨析。句意为“她把他弟弟表述成聪明但懒惰,这真是 说得太好了”。put 有“说,表达”的意思,put it very well 意为“说得很好”。make“做,制造”,assume “假定,承担”,interpret“解释,口译”。故本题选 A。6.We dont think ( ) possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.thisB.thatC.itsD.it解析:本题考查 it 作形式宾语时的用法。当不定式、动名词或从句在复合宾语 结构中作动词 think ,make ,fin

6、d,consider,feel,suppose 等的宾语时,常用 it 用作形式宾语, 真正的宾语是后面的不定式。句意为“我们认为不进行大量的记忆是不可能掌握一门外语的”。7.( ) the same mistakes in the annual financial report again made his boss very angry.A.His having madeB.He having madeC.He had madeD.He has made解析:本题考查非谓语动词。句意为“他在年度财务报告中又犯了同样的错误, 这让他的老板非常生气”。分析成分,句子中已经有谓语动词 made,

7、所以排除 C、D。非谓语动词 作主语时,动名词的复合结构就是在动名词前加上它的逻辑主语,其形式为:名词所有格/形容词性 物主代词动名词。故本题选 A。8.I would have told him the answer, but I ( ) so busy then.A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be解析:本题考查动词时态。句意为“我本来可以告诉他答案,但我那时太忙了”。 由 would have told 可知前半句是对过去的假设;而由 then 可知后半句是在描述过去的事实,因此后 半句用一般过去时。故本题选 C。9.The use of the express

8、ion “I wont bore you with all the detail”includes that people usually observe the ( ) maxim in their daily conversations.A.QuantityB.QualityC.RelevanceD.Manner解析:本题考查会话含义理论。题干意思:“我不会把所有的细节都说给你听” 这种表达表明人们在日常交谈中通常会遵守什么准则?Quantity maxim“数量准则”,Quality max“质 量准则”,Relevance maxim“关联准则”,Maner maxim“方式准则”。在

9、合作原则中,数量准则是指: 使你说的话语如(交谈的当前目的)所要求的那样信息充分。不要使你的话语比所要求的信息 更充分。故本题选 A。10.Which of the following is an evaluative move used by a teacher in class to comment on students performance?A.Initiation moveB.Follow-up moveC.Framing moveD.Repair move解析:本题考查课堂话语分析。题干意思:下面哪一个是教师用来评价学生课 堂表现的评价话步?Initition move “引发话

10、步”,包括要求对方用语言或非语言形式做出反应,传 达思想、事实、意见或信息等。Follow-up move“反馈话步”,主要表现为教师对学生回答做出的后 续性话语,其结构包括三类话自:接受 (accept)、评价(evaluate)和评论(comment)。例如“Good” “Fine”这样一些词属于反馈话步。Framing move“框架话步”,用来表明课堂话语新一阶段的开始, 在语流中起着标示边界的作用。例如“well”“OK”这样一些词属于框架话步。故本题选 B。11.Which of the following activities is NOT typical of the Task

11、-Based Language Teaching method?A.Problem-solving activitiesB.Opinion exchange activitiesC.Information-gap activitiesD.Pattern practice activities解析:本题考查任务型语言教学活动。题干的意思:下列哪项活动不是典型的 任务型语言教学活动?任务型语言教学是指在教学活动中,教师围绕特定的交际和语言项目,设计 出具体的、可操作的任务,学生通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言活动形式来完成任 务,以达到学习和掌握语言的目的。根据任务的定义及特点,任务型教

12、学活动可分为解决问题型、 交流意见型、信息沟等类型的活动。D 项“句型练习活动”属于传统的教学活动,不属于典型的任 务型语言教学活动。故本题选 D。12.If a teacher shows students how to do an activity before they start doing it, he/she is using the technique ofA.presentationB.demonstrationC.elicitationD.evaluation解析:本题考查教学技巧。题干的意思:如果教师在让学生开始做一个活动前 先向他们展示活动是如何进行的,那么他/她使用的是

13、什么技巧?A 项“呈现”,B 项“示范”,C 项 “引入”,D 项“评价”。根据题意,可知本题选 B。13.When a teacher asks students to discuss how a text is organized, he/she is most likely to help themA.evaluate the content of the textB.analyze the structure of the passageC.understand the intention of the writerD.distinguish the facts from the op

14、inions解析:本题考查语篇教学。题干的意思:如果教师让学生讨论一篇文章是如何 组织的,他/她最有可能是帮助他们做什么?A 项“评价文章内容”,B 项“分析文章结构”,C 项“理 解作者的意图”,D 项“区分事实和观点”。教师让学生讨论一篇文章是如何组织的,最有可能是帮 助学生分析文章结构。故本题选 B。14.Which of the following practices can encourage students to read an article critically?A.Evaluating its point of viewB.Finding out the factsC.Fi

15、nding detailed informationD.Doing translation exercises解析:本题考查阅读教学。题干的意思:下列哪种练习可以鼓励学生批判性地 阅读文章?A 项“评价它的观点”,B 项“找出事实”,C 项为“找到细节信息”,D 项“做翻译练习”。 评价文章观点的活动能够引导学生在理解文本的基础上对文章中的观点进行分析、评判,促使学生 主动、积极地思考,促进学生批判性思维的发展。故本题选 A。15.Which of the following is a display question used by teachers in class?A.If you we

16、re the girl in the story, would you behave like her? you like this story Girl the Thumb, why or why not? you agree that the girl was a kind-hearted person?D.What happened to the girl at the end of the story?解析:本题考查课堂提问的类型。题干的意思:下列哪个问题属于教师在课堂 上使用的展示性问题?A 项“如果你是故事里的女孩,你会像她一样表现吗?”,B 项“你喜欢拇指 姑娘的

17、故事吗,为什么?”,C 项“你认为这个女孩是个热心人吗?”,D 项“在故事的结尾这个女 孩发生了什么?”。展示性问题指的是教师已经知道答案或者答案能在相关工具中找到,用于检查学 生对课文内容的字面理解的提问。D 项属于展示性问题,而其他三项均属于参考性问题,即教师所 提问题没有预设的答案,目的是发散思维、寻求信息。故本题选 D。16.Which of the following would a teacher encourage students to do in order to develop their cognitive strategies?A.To make a study pla

18、nB.To summalize a storyC.To read a text aloudD.To do pattern drills解析:本题考查课程标准知识。题干的意思:为了培养学生的认知策略,教师 会鼓励学生怎样做?A 项“制订学习计划”,B 项“概述故事”,C 项“大声读文章”,D 项“做句型 练习”。认知策略是指学生为了完成具体学习任务而采取的步骤和方法,同时也包括学习者加工信息 的一些方法和技术。概述属于加工信息的一种方法。故本题选 B。17.Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if

19、he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A.Paraphrasing sentencesB.Translating sentencesC.Unscrambling sentencesD.Transforming sentences解析:本题考查语篇教学。题干的意思:如果教师想培养学生的语篇能力,他 /她最有可能采用以下哪种练习?A 项“释义句子”,B 项,“翻译句子”,C 项“整理句子”,D 项“转 换句子”。语篇能力就是能够依靠上下文或语境理解篇章和通过衔接连贯、逻辑联系等手段组织篇章 结构的能力,简而言之,就是能

20、够对篇章信息进行理解、加工和再创作的能力。释义句子即用英语 解释或转换句子,符合题意。故本题选 A。18.The advantages of pair and group work include all of the following EXCEPTA.interaction with peersB.variety and increase in language practiceD.opportunities to guarantee accuracy解析:本题考查课堂活动形式。题干的意思:下列哪项不是结对活动和小组活 动的优点?A 项 “与同伴互动”,B 项“多

21、样化和活力”,C 项“语言练习增多”,D 项“保证准确 性的机会”。结对活动和小组活动主要是通过成员相互交流与合作来完成任务。它们可以促进学生间 的互动,活跃课堂气氛。结对活动和小组活动重在交流,主要关注语言表达的流畅性,会在一定程 度上忽视准确性。故本题选 D。19.Which of the following should a teacher avoid when his/her focus is on developing students ability to use words appropriately?A.Teaching both the spoken and written

22、formB.Teaching words in context and giving examplesC.Presenting the form, meaning, and use of a wordD.Asking students to memorize bilingual word lists解析:本题考查语言知识教学。题干的意思:如果教师专注于培养学生恰当地 使用单词的能力,那么他/她应该避免以下哪种方式?A 项“教单词的口语和书面形式”,B 项“在 语境中教单词并举例子”,C 项“呈现单词的形式、意义及用法”,D 项“要求学生记忆双语单词表”。 在词汇教学中,教师不仅要讲授单词的形式

23、,还要创设具体的语境,让学生在运用中加深对词汇意 义的理解,掌握词汇的用法和功能,进而恰当得体地运用词汇表情达意。记忆双语单词表属于单纯 的记忆活动,不能起到促进学生恰当使用词汇的作用。故本题选 D。20.Which of the following practices is most likely to encourage students cooperation in learning?A.Doing a projectB.Having a dictationC.Taking a testD.Copying a text解析:本题考查课堂组织活动。题干的意思:下列哪种练习最有可能培养学生

24、在学习中的合作精神?A 项“完成项目”,B 项“听写”,C 项“考试”,D 项“抄写课文”。根据题 意,在完成项目时需要多方合作,这最有可能培养学生的合作精神。故本题选 A。请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 2125 小题。Passage 1 In recent years, however, society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third

25、to one-half of the rank orderplus all who drop out before being rankedfail to develop the foundational reading, writing, and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in, let alone contribute to, an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schools to le

26、ave no child behind, society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our “academic achievement standards”. Every state has them, and, as a matter of public policy, schools are to be held accountable fo

27、r making sure that all students meet them. To be clear, the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process. For the foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However, society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learn

28、ed must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all. The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound. Assessment and grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of the rank-order distribution) must now be revis

29、ed to permit the possibility that all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, procedures that permitted (perhaps even encouraged) some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promote hope and continuous effort. In short, the e

30、ntire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers. The students mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believe that al

31、l students can achieve a certain level of academic success, must bring all of their students to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction, and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards. The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards, cooperation and collaboratio

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