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高考英语一轮复习专题06 Cultural relics教师版.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习专题06 Cultural relics教师版学科网备战2011届高考英语一轮复习精品资料必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics一、【高考名师导航】1. remain高频考查词汇高考命题一般考查它作系动词的用法,2007年山东卷就考查了remain seated表状态的用法,2009四川卷、山东卷又对这一考点进行了考查,2011届考生仍应该注意remain系动词用法,remain和stay的区别,用作系动词时,意思为“保持某种状态”,后常跟形容词作表语。作实义动词时,stay和remain均表示“留下”,但表“剩下”之意时,只能用remain,不能用stay。2.

2、doubt考查频度高,命题机率大,命题切入点:作动词宾语从句的连接词that和whether的选择;作名词常用句型结构和固定搭配;2007年湖北卷考查了in doubt与in short, in case , in turn得辨析,2011年很可能对名词的固定搭配进行考查。3.consider句式和词形变化是重要的考点之一;如:consider doing, consider sb. to be / as, consider +疑问词+ do以及considering作介词和连词用法,consideration及其固定结构under consideration, takeinto consid

3、eration等 2007年上海春招考查了consider作“考虑”讲后接ving形式。2007年全国卷II考查了consider与make, open,mind 的辨析。2011年仍会对以上形式进行考查。4.belong to 新课标重点短语之一;考查形式有:1)不用于进行时和被动语态中;2)to 为介词;3)belong 的延伸意思:应该在某处,通常在某处;后接副词和其他介词短语,4)belongs为名词意思“财产,所有物,行李”。2009年重庆卷对它进行了考查 ,2011年仍会对它进行考查。5.情态动词表猜测的句式是历年来考查的重点,猜测句的各种时段,各种句式(否定、疑问、反疑疑问等)是

4、考查的热点。2007年上海卷考查了must have done表示对过去发生事情的猜测。2011年仍会对这种用法进行考查。6.状语从句的省略句中,现代分词和过去分词的辨析考查,是高考考查的重点;2007年全国卷I考查了if从句中主语和be动词的省略。2011年仍会对其考查。二、【单元要点预览】词汇部分词语辨析1. select / choose / elect / pick2. country /nation /state / land3. missing / lost / gone4. former / previous5. find / find out / discover词形变化1.v

5、alue n. 价值valuable adj. 贵重的; 很有价值的valueless adj. 无价值的; 没有用处的2. survive v. 继续生存或存在survival n. 存活; 幸存 survivor n. 幸存者3. decorate v. 装饰decoration n. 装饰; 装潢decorative adj. 装饰的; 作装饰用的重点单词rare adj.稀罕的,罕见的,珍贵的survive vt&vi幸免于难,幸存,挺过;比活得长amaze vt使吃惊design n设计;图案,花样;企图,图谋;(小说等的)构思,纲要vt(常与for连用)设计;计划,谋划;构思evi

6、dence n根据,证据,证词;迹象explode v(使)爆炸,爆发;激增,迅速扩大重点词组belong to属于;为的财产;为的一员in return反过来,作为回报take apart拆卸,拆开think highly of看重,评价高重点句子1. Frederick William I,the King Of Prussia,could never have imagined that his Greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing historycould have done意为”本可以,本来能够;

7、可能”2. there is no doubt that“毫无疑问”重点语法限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 三、【词语辨析】1. select / choose / elect / pick【解释】这些动词均含有“选择”之意。select 强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”,侧重以客观为标准进行选择。choose 普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择,着重被选者的优点。elect 指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票等方式进行的认真慎重的选择。pick 口语用词,强调“从个人角度在众多之中进行挑选”,有时含有“任意选择”的意思。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1).

8、 Please _ a good book for me.2). She _ a diamond ring from the collection.3). We _ our monitor by a show of hands.4). She _ the red sweater rather than the pink one.【答案】 1). pick 2). selected 3). elected 4). chose 2. country /nation /state / land 【解释】country主要是指主权的、统一的国家,往往侧重于疆土,是中性词,有时是指全国的人民,count

9、ry还可指与城市相对的农村;nation也可以指国家,比state更为庄重,所以联合国用的是the United Nations,但有时侧重于指“人民,国民”,同时,nation也可以指“民族”;state是政权意义上的“国家,政府”,state还可以指“州”;land是指国土意义上的国家,是一种文学用语,多见于诗歌中。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). After many years abroad,she wanted to return to her _. 2). The President spoke on TV to the _. 3). The Jewish _ i

10、s scattered around the world. 4). The US is divided into 50 _. 5). We returned to the _ where she was born. 【答案】 1). country 2). nation 3). nation 4). states 5). land3. missing / lost / gone 【解释】missing: “丢失的, 缺少的”, 强调不在场lost: 过去分词, “失去的, 丧失的”gone: 过去分词, “过去的,不在的,丢了”,常作表语和补语【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1).

11、Five people were _.2). The boat and all the men were _ in the storm.3). My pain in the leg is _ now.【答案】1). missing 2). lost 3). gone4. former / previous【解释】former 是latter的反义词,对比意味强。previous 指时间上、顺序上较早 ,或指正在谈论的某事的前一个。5. find / find out / discover【解释】find out 经过努力有意去 “找”, “打听”, “弄清楚” 。find “找到,发现”, 强

12、调结果。discover 发现本来就存在但未被人所知的事物, 地方, 思想等。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). Ive _ the book I was looking for.2). Please _ what time they are coming.3). Columbus _ the New World in 1492.Keys: 1). found 2). find out 3). discovered四、【词性变化】1.value n. 价值valuable adj. 贵重的; 很有价值的valueless adj. 无价值的; 没有用处的2. survive v.

13、 继续生存或存在survival n. 存活; 幸存 survivor n. 幸存者3. decorate v. 装饰decoration n. 装饰; 装潢decorative adj. 装饰的; 作装饰用的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) The jawbone was our most _ discovery. (value)2) They have ordered software to the _ of 700. (value)3) He thinks our advice is _, so he wont take it. (value)4) Many strange c

14、ustoms have _ from earlier times. (survive) 5) This ceremony is a _ from pre-Christian times. (survive) 6) She is the only _ in the accident. (survive)7) When will they finish the _ of the bathroom? (decorate)8) The building was _ with flags. (decorate)9). The coloured lights are very _. (decorate)【

15、答案】 1) valuable 2) value 3) valueless 4) survived 5) survival 6) survivor 7) decoration 8) decorated 9). decorative五、【重点词汇】rareadj.稀罕的,罕见的,珍贵的It is rare to find such a genius nowadays这样的天才现在很少见。A collector of rare insects will show as some of his latest discoveries一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。Those rare b

16、ooks are shelved in the library那些珍贵的书籍都放在图书馆的架子上。归纳拓展It is rare(for sb)to do sth(对某人来说)做是罕见的be rare to do sth很少做某事rarely adv很少,稀少地,罕见地特别提示rarely含否定意义,位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。有类似用法的词还有seldom,neither,nor,little,hardly,never,barely等。如:Rarely does he let his own views become public他很少公开自己的观点。Seldom have I seen su

17、ch a man我很少见到这样的人。survivevt&vi幸免于难,幸存,挺过;比活得长She survived her husband by five years她比她丈夫多活了五年。plants that can survive frosts历经寒霜而存活的植物I hope I shall never survive my usefulness我希望自己在有生之年永远不要变成废物。【例题】In suchdry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they_ . A. have survivedB. are to survive C

18、. would surviveD. will survive amazevt使吃惊Visitors were amazed at the achievements of the city in the car manufacture during the past decade参观者们对过去十年间这座城市在汽车制造业方面的成就感到惊奇。I was amazed by the news of Georges sudden death乔治突然去世的消息使我感到惊愕。归纳拓展amazed adj吃惊的,惊奇的amazedly adv吃惊地,惊奇地amazement n惊愕,惊异in amazemen

19、t惊讶地,吃惊地to ones amazement使某人吃惊的是sb be amazed at sth某人因某事而惊讶designn设计;图案,花样;企图,图谋;(小说等的)构思,纲要vt(常与for连用)设计;计划,谋划;构思Whether this happened by accident or by design we shall never know我们将永远无法得知这是偶然发生的还是有意安排的。These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles这些练习是为增强肌肉力量而设计的。(选自朗文当代英语大辞典)The course is de

20、signed for beginners该教程是为初学者设计的。a short film designed as an introduction to road safety为介绍道路安全而编制的电影短片归纳拓展by design故意地,蓄意地design sb/sth for/to be打算让某人从事(某种职业);预定某物,作(某种用途)evidencen根据,证据,证词;迹象In the absence of evidence,the police had to let Myers go由于缺乏证据,警方只好把迈尔斯给放了。The police are still trying to re

21、late the two pieces of evidence譬方还在试图找出这两个证据之间的联系。(选自朗文当代英语大辞典)Everybody at present saw the evidence of grief on his face每个在场的人都看到了他脸上悲伤的迹象。归纳拓展evident adj明显的,显然的It is evident that很明显in evidence明显,显而易见give evidence证明,说明,表明辨析活用proof/evidence/witness这些名词均有“证据、见证”之意。其具体区别如下:(1)proof指足以直接证明某事为事实的依据,强调所导

22、致的结果。如:There is no proofthat he was on the crime spot没有证据证明他当时在犯罪现场。(2)evidence是普通用词,在法律上指能起证明作用的事物,如证明、公证书以及各种证物等。在生活中指任何一样可证明某一件事的真实性的东西。(3)witness指证据或证人,尤指后者,且有亲眼见到之意。如:He is the only witness to the accident他是这个事故的唯一见证人。特别提示evidence作“证据,证词”讲时,常与for,of连用,其后也可以跟同位语从句。explodev(使)爆炸,爆发;激增,迅速扩大If I ha

23、ve to wait much longer,I shall explode如果再要我等下去,我准会气炸的。The firecracker exploded in his hand爆竹在他手中炸响了。The cost of new housing has been exploding新住房的费用一直在暴涨。归纳拓展explosive adj爆发的,会爆炸的n炸药explosion n爆炸,爆发;激增,扩大explode with anger勃然大怒,大发脾气explode with rage勃然大怒explode with/into laughter哄堂大笑explode ones fury大

24、发雷霆considervt.考虑,照顾;认为consider-as/to be- 认为-是; consider doing sth. 考虑做某事; consider +疑问词 + to do sth. 考虑怎样,什么时候做某事We consider that he is not to blame. 我们认为这事不该怪他。I considered going to see him in winter. 我考虑过在冬天去看他。 We considered how we should help them. 我们仔细考虑该如何帮他们。归纳拓展consideration n. 考虑,顾及take sth

25、.into consideration 把某事考虑在内under consideration 在考虑中the first consideration 头等要事,第一大事considering pron.& conj. 鉴于,考虑到;就-而言【典型例题】All the students in my class are considering_ in the coming term.A. working hard B. to work hard C. having worked hard D. to have worked hard【答案】A 考查consider的及物动词用法。【解析】按照句意此

26、处为正在考虑做某事 六、【重点词组】belong to属于;为的财产;为的一员He would lunch in one of the clubs to which he belonged他加入了几家俱乐部,总是在其中一家吃午饭。who does this garden belong to?这花园是谁的?What family does this bird belong to?这鸟属于哪一科?特别提示belong to不用于进行时和被动语态,但是有-ing形式。归纳拓展(1)belong vi适合待在或放在某处(可与介词短语或副词连用)I dont want to go abroad:I be

27、long here我不想出国,我属于这儿。where does the lamp belong?这灯放在什么地方,合适?(2)belonging n附属品,附件;属性【典型例题】As is known to us all, China is a developing country_ the third world.A. belonging B. belonged C. belonging to D. belonged to【答案】C 考查belong to 的用法【解析】belong to 此处作定语,无被动和进行,必须和to连用构成及物in return反过来,作为回报The bargai

28、n they reached with their employer was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求,但每周的工时要缩短。I raised my hat to her and she bowed in return我向她举帽示意,她鞠躬答礼。辨析活用in return/in turn前者意为”反过来,作为回报”;后者意为”依次,轮流;相应地,转而”。如:But in return you dragged the entire race into t

29、he slime !可是你反过来将整个民族拖进了泥坑!The girls called out their names in turn那些女孩儿依次报出自己的名字。take apart拆卸,拆开The machine has already been taken apart机器已被拆开。The boy took the watch apart to see how it runs那个男孩把表拆开,想看看它是怎样工作的。归纳拓展take after(外貌或行为)像(父亲或母亲)take as把当做,认为take away解除;带走take back收回(说错的话);使回忆起take down拆卸

30、,拆;记下,写下take in接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;欺骗take over接受,接管;承袭,借用take out拿出,取出,发泄think highly of看重,评价高They think highly of your work abilities他们对你的工作能力评价很高。归纳拓展think much of重视think better of对有较高的评价think well of重视think little of看轻;不重视think poorly of不放在眼里;低估think nothing of轻视;认为无所谓特别提示在被动结构中,副词要放在thought的前面。七、【必备句型剖析】Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his grea

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