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11、毕业生英文自荐信理工科毕业生英文自荐信第一篇:201X工业毕业生英文自荐信respet leadership:ho do ou do! hen ou hand rev. read the letter of remendation to appl for a job, is for me the past four ears of hard stud revie. hen ou finall losed the resume, mabe turned a ne in m life. thank ou for taking time to read don i offer to voluntee

12、r the material, i am onfident i ill not let ou don!i am guangdong universit of tehnolog, mathematis and applied mathematis ith professional a universit graduate. in four ears, pleted all speified disipline, interdisiplinar stud result good! through the theor and knoledge relative to this professiona

13、l learning, their professional knoledge to have the sstem master and asension. usuall in addition to the ourses that learning outside, still pa attention to man softare the stud, an skilled operation offie automation, auto - adpro - e, and gains the ad intermediate level ertifiate.during the period

14、of shool main ourse: higher mathematis, ollege english, modern draing, ollege phsis, engineering mehanis, engineering materials, tolerane fit and measurement, basi puter, mahiner proessing equipment, metal tehnolog, eletroni eletrotehnis, mehanial ad, am, mehanial design basis, mahiner manufaturing

15、tehnolog, eletrial equipment and pl, mehanial equipment maintenane, n mahine tool proessing programming, mahine tool fixture equipment ourse, open up m thinking, improve m inner the 21st entur ollege students, i did not onl satisfies in the theor of knoledge learning, sine sine the doo

16、r, i make full use of his spare time idel to partiipate in soial pratie, often to soial theor ith pratie, from the personal pratie to improve their prehensive abilit. i believe that i an adapt to the present soial fiere petition environment.第二篇:201X护理专业毕业生英文自荐信dear sir:ho do ou do!thank ou for our s

17、agging read m self evaluation, for a full of enthusiasm universit student opens up a door to door of hope, believe that i on let ou don. i am in hina metrolog institute graduate of a ollege student.during the period of shool, has repeatedl to enterprises to partiipate in pratie, during the rih soial

18、 ork experiene not onl broadens m vie, more formed iposed determination, enthusiasm and effiient ork . in elementar shool, junior high shool, high shool, has been to universit in eah stage, i served as the monitor,missar in harge of studies and so on, suessfull organization numerous inside lass ativ

19、ities, ork of the students of the reognition and the teahers praise, i am in lass is evaluated man times exellent lass , i repeatedl on the exellent league member , ork ativists honorar title.i believe that ith the orking experiene, i ill be able to oordinate all kinds of relations, to deal ith the

20、problems in the dail ork.sinerel ours,第三篇:201X模具专业毕业生英文自荐信respet ourpan leadership:ho do ou do! first of all thank ou for taking the time to see m letter of appliation.i am uhan erqing industrial tehnial shool graduates of the lass of 201X. i love die the professional and its input for the high ener

21、g and the three ears of tehnial shool life, i ork hard, and strive to up, stud hard foundation and professional knoledge, after shool time positive to broaden their knoledge, and take an ative part in shool in various sports ativities. as as about to step out of the shool, to soial jij

22、iaosheng, i full of passion and onfidene to meet all of todas soiet need high qualit talents, so i alas pa attention to on improve, and build a reasonable knoledge struture. in the mold and numerial ontrol has a profound theoretial foundation, and mehanial draing, mehanial proess, tolerane f

23、it, mahiner manufaturing, professional mathematis, mehanial proessing,puter graphis and so on various aspets have ertain base.three ears tehnial shool life stud and exerise, give me is onl a preliminar experiene, for toards soial not enough, but the so-alled and to kno alread person to die, i believ

24、e m full of orking passion and serious XXdemi attitude an make up for the defiien of the temporaril. therefore, in the fae of the past, i ith no regret, here is a ise hoie. faing the present, i strive for suess diligentl; faing the future, i look forard to more hallenges. the onquest of diffiulties,

25、 holds eah opportunit, believed that oneself ertainl ill dedut splendid one.第四篇:201X届高校毕业生英文自荐信dear sirmadam:hello. thank ou for ing to see me this resume, here there is a arm and sinere heart eager to get our understanding, support and help.i am the 201X hunan normal universit graduate shool, is st

26、uding musi eduation major. in the uping graduation, i look bak on the past stud experiene, jo, suess, there are bitter, there is seat. no im leaving ollege, start a ne life journe, filled ith exitement and antiipation, eager to pla to their on expertise in the future ork, solid ork, to realize the s

27、oial value of a person.i am eager to after graduation to bee a musi eduator. beause i love musi, but also bee a glorious teaher is m hildhood dream. the teahers job is to shape peoples ork, it is sared, great. if i an be luk to teaher post, i ill tr m best, to do everthing. i ill tr to teah m studen

28、ts, let them. i ill teah m students ho to behave, ho to live, ho to fae our life. this glass of ater i ill teah them to go to the taste of life, it is not old, but arm; it is not eak, but is seet.i sinerel hope to bee a member of ou in 201X, i ill be ith full enthusiasm and tenaious disposition dili

29、gent ork, not negative leadership expetations.第五篇:201X广告设计专业毕业生英文自荐信xxx distinguished leadership:* i see from our pan s reruitment of inspiration. * ould like to job positions!our reputation at home and abroad, suh as our pan able to engage in reative ork, i ould be ver honored. the brief i tell ou.

30、 i am * ears old, *, live *。 shool of advertising is no the department of xx * * speializing in design, this ear * on graduating. * m graduation projet as rated outstanding professor of design ,* designed speifiall remended b this author to the * magazines. last summer, i should be invited to the it

31、 television station, partiipated in publi servie ads * reative, prodution, the advertisement broadast in the it, and the munit. m graduation projet teaher, the famous professor xx is illing for me to rite letter of remendation from emploers.i love reative advertising, advertising prodution, and in p

32、ratie there have been some suesses. i studied for four ears i have been in this industr has laid a solid foundation, i am onfident that our pan an do reative ork, please give me the opportunit to our pan.if our pan agree to aept me, please ontat me. m mailing address is a postal ode :*, xxxxxx, phone xxxxxxx, e-ail :*sinerel,salute

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