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1、考研英语完形填空真题和答案英语一2013年考研英语(一)真题 Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text。 Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1。 (10 points)People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions。 At fi

2、rst glance this might seem like a strength that _1_ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by _2_ factors. But Dr Simonton speculated that an inability to consider the big _3_ was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with。 _4_, he theor

3、ized that a judge _5_ of appearing too soft _6_crime might be more likely to send someone to prison _7_he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.To _8_this idea, they turned their attention to the universityadmissions process. In theory, the _

4、9_ of an applicant should not depend on the few others_10_ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonton suspected the truth was_11_.He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews _12_ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had _13_ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale

5、 _14_ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were _15_ used in conjunction with an applicants score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is _16_out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her。Dr Simonton found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series

6、of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one _17_ that, then the score for the next applicant would_18_ by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to_19_the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been _20

7、_.1。 A grants B submits C transmits D delivers2。 A minor B external C crucial D objective3. A issue B vision C picture D moment4. A Above all B On average C In principle D For example5。 A fond B fearful C capable D thoughtless6。 A in B for C to D on7. A if B until C though D unless8. A. test B. emph

8、asize C. share D。 promote9。 A。 decision B。 quality C. status D。 success10。 A. found B. studied C。 chosen D. identified11. A. otherwise B. defensible C。 replaceable D. exceptional12. A. inspired B。 expressed C。 conducted D。 secured13. A. assigned B。 rated C。 matched D. arranged14。 A. put B。 got C。 to

9、ok D。 gave15。 A。 instead B。 then C。 ever D。 rather16。 A。 selected B。 passed C。 marked D. introduced17。 A below B after C above D before18。 A jump B float C fluctuate D drop19。 A achieve B undo C maintain D disregard20. A necessary B possible C promising D helpful2013考研英语(一)答案Section I Use of English

10、1【答案】A grants 【解析】第一句提到“总体而言,当人们自己做决定时,并不擅长考虑背景信息。”第二句顺接上文,“乍一看这是一种优势”,that引起定语从句,这种优势使人们具有一种能力,即能够做出不受外界因素影响的不带偏见的决定.B选项submit “服从,提交”,不能与ability连用,C选项transmit “传输,发射”,也不能与ability 搭配,D选项deliver “传递”,同样不能与ability搭配。A, C, D无论从搭配上还是意思上都不合适。A选项grant本身具有赋予,授予的意思.故答案选A。2【答案】D external 【解析】external外部因素和上文

11、的background information同义复现,不考虑背景信息,不受外界因素影响。A选项minor 次要的,B选项objective 客观的,C选项crucial 残酷的,D选项external 外部的,故答案选D.3【答案】C picture 【解析】第三题本句but引起句意转折。“但是XX推测不考虑大局会导致决策者被日常接触的信息影响而带有偏见。”首先注意到空前面有定冠词the,指代上文信息,即不考虑背景信息、不考虑大环境。而大局,大环境的表达,此处选择picture是最贴切的。A选项 issue 问题,B选项vision 想象力,美景都不合适,故答案选C。4【答案】A For e

12、xample 【解析】通读后面的句子,提到了法官与被告,这明显是生活当中的一个具体的实例,故答案选A。而B选项 on average “平均,通常”,出现的话,周围往往应该要出现数字。C选项in principle“大体上,原则上”,后面需要出现的是总结性的话语,D选项above all“首先是用来列举条目,将BCD排除。5【答案】B fearful 【解析】从句意上来看“例如,他们提出理论,认为法官不敢在罪行面前表现得太软弱,如果当天已经宣判五六名被告执行缓刑,那么他很有可能将下一个人送入监狱.A选项fond of 喜欢,B选项 fear of 惧怕,C选项capable of 有能力,D选

13、项thoughtless of 考虑不周,故答案选B。6【答案】B on 【解析】根据句内的逻辑关系,在对待犯罪行为方面害怕表现出太软弱,在。.方面,关于。的表达应该用介词on,故答案为B。7【答案】A if 【解析】A if 表条件。B选项 until 表时间,往往跟not连用,直接排除.C选项though表让步,D选项unless 相当于 if.。not 。通读空格所在的前后句子,得出这两句之间的逻辑关系是表示条件的。8【答案】D test 【解析】首先注意到idea前面有定冠词this,很明显指代上文提出的观点。而且跟上文以法官为例一样,下文“他们把注意力转向大学录取过程”也是上文观点的

14、例证,目的是对上文的观点进行检验,而不是A选项“促进”,B选项“强调”或C选项“分享”,故答案选D。9【答案】D success 【解析】A选项decision“决定”,B 选项quality“质量,品质”,C选项status“地位”,D选项success“成功”。申请者的_不应该取决于同一天随机选到的其他几名申请者。接着下文讲到面试官面试MBA申请者的结果results,因此第9题应该也有结果的意思,与下文结合是达到正面的结果,因此答案是即“申请者的成功。其它选项带入原文重叠答案,与原义不符合10【答案】A chosen 【解析】空格后面有一个副词为randomly,随机地,既然是随机,那么

15、选项B选项studied“研究过的”,C选项found “找到的” D选项identified“经鉴定的”就与randomly是相矛盾的,全部排除.11【答案】D otherwise【解析】本题解题关键在于but,通过suspect可以看出Dr。 Simonton与前文意思相反,因此otherwise正好符合题意。12【答案】C conducted【解析】此外明显缺一个过去分词作interviews的定语,再看by后面的officers,只有conducted(执行),符合语境,故为正确答案。13【答案】B rated【解析】本题末尾one to five(从一到五),前面又有一个on a s

16、cale(的范围), A分配,D排列语义上说不通,再综合后面的factor(因素),对比一下,只有B(划分等级),整合起来,即划分成一到五个等级,合情合理C match看似与to搭配,但也不符合文意,故正确答案为B。14【答案】D took【解析】本题需联系整句话,takeinto consideration(考虑,涉及),从形式上来说没有问题,再从意义上来看,说“这个等级考虑了几种因素”,是对上文评级的进一步解释,也没有问题。15【答案】B then【解析】还是承接上文讲到的评级得分,后半句讲到的是(平时学校等级)考试得分,再结合中间conjunction一词(联接),可以推断为then(具

17、有承接之意),因此为正确答案,而A和D为同一意义和用法(代替),与conjunction相冲突,C说不通,故也为错误选项。16【答案】C marked【解析】本题出在一个非限定性定语从句上,先行词为a standardized exam, 后半句是800分,考试和分数之间首选marked,选项B通过具有一定的干扰性,但注意主语是考试,所以正确选项为C。A为无关选项。17【答案】A before【解析】本句属于比较级,对比的是几个面试者的分数,C、D是空间上的上下,而这里缺的时间上的先后,故排除C和D,B是“之后,不符合语言先后逻辑,故正确答案为A.18【答案】C drop【解析】解本题需往下看

18、,tothe effects of such a decrease, 由此可以判断接下来那个应聘者的分数是出现了下降,故正确选项C. 19【答案】B undo【解析】该句为不定式作主语,“(面试考官可能给)更低的分数”所带来的影响,可以推断,是消除或是抵消这种不利结果,应聘者需要在GMAT中多拿30分,A “达到”,C “保持”D“漠视”明显不符,故B为正确答案。20【答案】C necessary【解析】该题难度较大,需把句意弄懂,也就是“这30分是比所多的”建议把四个选项分别代入空格处,A有前途的,B可能的,C必须的,D有帮助的,对比之后,只有C最合逻辑 2012年考研英语(一)试题Sect

19、ion I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently。 The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of

20、the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the courts reputation for being independent and impartial.Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events。 That kind of activity makes it less likely that the courts dec

21、isions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary。This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is st

22、ill a _9_between the court and politics.The framers of the Constitution envisioned law _10_having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions _11_they would be free to _12_ those in power and have no need to _13_ political support。 Our legal system was designed to set law a

23、part from politics precisely because they are so closely _14_.Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _16_ is inescapably politicalwhich is why decisions

24、 split along ideological lines are so easily _17_ as unjust.The justices must _18_ doubts about the courts legitimacy by making themselves _19_ to the code of conduct。 That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _20_, convincing as law.1。 Aemphasize Bmaintain Cmodif

25、y D recognize2. Awhen Blest Cbefore D unless3. Arestored Bweakened Cestablished D eliminated4. Achallenged Bcompromised Csuspected D accepted5. Aadvanced Bcaught Cbound Dfounded6。 Aresistant Bsubject Cimmune Dprone7。 Aresorts Bsticks Cloads Dapplies8. Aevade Braise Cdeny Dsettle9. Aline Bbarrier Csi

26、milarity Dconflict10. Aby Bas Cthough Dtowards11. Aso Bsince Cprovided Dthough12。 Aserve Bsatisfy Cupset Dreplace13. Aconfirm Bexpress Ccultivate Doffer14. Aguarded Bfollowed Cstudied Dtied15. Aconcepts Btheories Cdivisions Dconceptions16. Aexcludes Bquestions Cshapes Dcontrols17。 Adismissed Breleas

27、ed Cranked Ddistorted18。 Asuppress Bexploit Caddress Dignore19。 Aaccessible Bamiable Cagreeable Daccountable20. Aby all means Bat all costs Cin a word Das a result2012考研英语(一)答案 Section I 1。【答案】B【解析】从空后信息可以看出,这句表达的是“_ _法官表现得像政治家”的情况下,法庭就不能保持其作为法律法规的合法卫士的形象,所以应该选C, maintain“维持,保持”,其他显然语义不通.2。【答案】A【解析】

28、从第三段可以看出,文章认为法院和政治之间应该是有界限的。所以这里应该是当法官像政治家一样行事,模糊了二者之间的区别时,就失去了其作为法律卫士的合法性.只有B,when表示这个意思。3。【答案】B【解析】第二段给的具体事例说明,法官出现在政治活动中会使法官形象受损,影响他们独立、公正的名声。只有B,weaken能表示这个意思.4。【答案】D【解析】空前信息显示,法官出席政治活动会让法院的审判收到影响,人们就会认为其审判不公正,所以选D,be accepted as.。.“被认为是”。5。【答案】C【解析】空所在的语境为:产生这样的问题,部分原因在于“法官没有_ _道德规范。后一句话说,至少法院应

29、该遵守行为规范,这显然是进一步说明上一句话。所以上一句是说法官没有受到道德规范的约束,选C,bound。6.【答案】B【解析】根据解析5可以看出,这里应该是说遵守行为规范,subject与to连用,表示“服从某物,受支配”。故本题选B.7.【答案】D【解析】分析句子结构可知,这里是由that引导的定语从句修饰说明前面的行为规范,是说法院也应当遵守适用于其他联邦司法部的行为规范。apply to “适用于符合题意。resort to “求助于”;stick to “坚持(原则等)”语意不通。8。【答案】B【解析】空所在的语境为,类似这样的案例提出了这样一个问题:法院和政治之间是否还存在着界限。提

30、出问题,产生问题用只能选raise。9。【答案】A【解析】根据第8题可知,空内应填line,“界限”。 barrier “障碍”,similarity“相似性,conflict“冲突都不合题意.10。【答案】B【解析】根据句意,宪法的起草者们预想的是将司法从政治中分出来,让其享有独立的权力.envision as “将想象成”.所以选B。11。【答案】A【解析】本题考察逻辑搭配。本选项答案的确定需结合前句意思,制宪者旨在使法律不受政治的任何影响,这样一来,法官就可以免受掌权者的影响了。此空就是考察由此所带来的结果,故选A。12。【答案】C【解析】此题承接上题,可知法律不受政治的影响,从而法官也不用担心掌权者(those in power)。13.【答案】C【解析】此题承接上题, 结合句意, 可知该半句主要表达“法官也无需政治支持了.选项C最符题意。14.【答案】D【解析】此题考察词意辨析。原句表达“我们的法律体系是法律完全不受政治的影响,是因为这两者

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