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1、K12学习七年级英语上册Unit3Welcometoourschool词汇与语法基础训练新版牛津版Unit 3 Welcome to our school知识精讲一、必背词汇which pron. 哪一个biology n. 生物geography n. 地理history n. 历史date n. 日期meeting n. 会议;集会gate n. 大门show v. 引,带,领around adv. 到处,向各处front n. 前面building n. 建筑物,房子,楼房ground n. 地,地面bright adj. 明亮的modern adj. 现代的;新式的hall n. 礼堂

2、,大厅diary n. 日记pardon excl. 什么,请再说一遍phone n. (=telephone)电话take vt. 需要时间,费时only adv. 只,只有,仅sure adv. (口)当然kind n. 种类borrow vt. 借,借用letter n. 信,函away adv. 离开,远离oclock adv. (表示整点)点钟二、重点词汇1. geography noun /digrfi/the study of the systems and processes involved in the worlds weather, mountains, seas, la

3、kes, etc. and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area 地理;地理学例句:Its impossible to figure out the geography of this hospital.没有办法弄清楚这家医院的布局。My favorite subjects at school were history and geography.我在学校最喜欢的科目是历史和地理。2. bright adjective /brat/1). full of light, shining光明的,

4、明亮的例句:The rooms were bright and airy.这些房间都明亮通风。The lights are too bright in here- theyre hurting my eyes.这里的灯太亮,把我的眼睛刺痛了。2). intelligent and quick to learn(人)聪明的例句:They were bright children, always asking questions.这些孩子很聪明,总爱问问题。She was enthusiastic and full of bright ideas and suggestions.她很有热情,满脑子

5、好主意和建议。3). full of hope for success or happiness乐观的;快乐的Youre very bright and cheerful this morning.你今天早上心情不错。Things are starting to look brighter for British businesses.英国工商业界情况开始有了好转。4). strong in color(颜色)鲜艳的,鲜亮的例句:Leslie always wears bright colors.莱斯莉总是穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。He said hello and I felt my face tu

6、rn bright red.他跟我打招呼,我感到自己的脸变得通红。3. modern adjective /mdn/1). designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods现代的;新式的例句:Were in the very modern-looking building opposite the station.我们在车站对面那座非常现代化的大楼里。My grandpas attitudes are very modern, considering his age.我祖父的看法很新潮,如果考虑到他的年龄的话。2). of th

7、e present or recent times, especially the period of history since around 1500现代的;近代的What do you think is the role of religion in the modern world?你如何看待宗教在现代社会的作用?4. take verb /tek/1). to remove something, especially without permission拿;夺取;取走例句:Has anything been taken (= stolen)?丢了什么东西吗?Heres your pe

8、n - I took it by mistake.你的笔在这里,我拿错了。2). to go somewhere with someone, often paying for that person or being responsible for them带(某人)去(某地)例句:Were taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday.星期六我们要带孩子们去动物园。I took my elderly parents to look at some new houses.我带着年迈的父母看了一些新盖的房子。3). to travel somewhere by u

9、sing a particular form of transport or a particular vehicle, route, etc.搭乘(交通工具)例句:I always take the train - its less hassle than a car.我总是乘火车乘火车比开车省事。She took the 10.30 flight to Edinburgh.她乘10点半的飞机去了爱丁堡。4). to swallow or use a medicine or drug, especially in a regular way口服,送服(服用一种药品或毒品,特别是以有规则的方式

10、服用)例句:Take this medicine three times a day.这种药每天服3次。Do you think she takes drugs?你认为她在吸毒吗?5. kind adjective & noun /kand/1). generous, helpful, and thinking about other peoples feelings宽容的;有益的;体贴的例句:Shes a very kind and thoughtful person.她是个非常宽容体贴的人。Its very kind of you to help us.承蒙惠助,不胜感激。2). a gr

11、oup with similar characteristics, or a particular type种类Todays vehicles use two kinds of fuel - petrol and diesel.当今的交通工具使用两种燃料汽油和柴油。What kind of (a) job are you looking for?你在找什么样的工作?三、必背短语1. welcome to 欢迎来到 2. look beautiful看起来很漂亮3. show sb. around 带某人参观 4. in front of 在前5. on the ground floor 在一层

12、 6. in the library 在图书馆7. over there 在那 8. let me see 让我想一想9. after class 放学后 10. on the phone 在电话上11. say hello to 向打招呼 12. from. to. 从到13. all kinds of 各种各样的 14. go to school 去上学15. a few 一些 16. far away from 远离17. on foot 步行四、经典句型1. -Whats the date today, Millie? 米莉,今天是几月几日?-Its 9 October. 是十月九日。

13、2. Let me show you around.让我带你到处看看吧。3. All my friends are really nice! I love them.我的朋友们都非常好!我很爱他们。4. Do you borrow books from the library?你从图书馆借书吗?5. Whos that man in a white shirt?穿白色T恤的那个男人是谁?6. There are all kinds of books in our library.我们图书管理有各种各样的书。7. It takes me about an hour to get to schoo

14、l.我上学大概要花一小时的时间。三点剖析一、考点1. 掌握本课核心词汇和固定搭配。2. 能够听,说,读,写与学校生活有关的文章材料,并能介绍自己理想中的学校。3. 人称代词人称代词不仅指人,也可指物,有人称,数和格的变化,如下表:数单数复数格主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemshehertheythemitittheythem1). 人称代词的用法(1).人称代词的主格作句子的主语。如:I am a worker. 我是一名工人。(2). 人称代词的宾格作及物动词或介词的宾语。如:They all like him very

15、 much. 他们都很喜欢他。She gave the books to 1ou and me. 她把这些书送给了你和我。【拓展】人称代词的主格和宾格记忆口诀:人称代词分两格,分为主格和宾格。主格句中作主语,宾语用的是宾格。句首动前用主格,动后介后用宾格。2). 多个人称代词并列的排列顺序人称代词并列现,排列顺序记心间。单数形式二、三、一,复数形式一、二、三。若把错误责任担,第一人称最当先。例题:Many people find that listening to some good music can help _ when they are low.A. us B. you C. them

16、 D. it【答案】C【解析】考查人称代词。根据句意:许多人发现当他们情绪低落时听一些好的音乐能帮助他们。由空格前面的动词help可知,此处应用人称代词宾格;由空格后面的they可知应用“他们”表达。them他们,人称代词宾格,作宾语。故选C。二、易错点1. in front of和in the front of的区别1). in front of意为“在之前”,指在外部的前面,如:There are some trees in front of the house.房子前有一些树。2). in front of意为“在之前”,指在内部的前面,如:The teacher is standing

17、 in front of the classroom.老师站在教室的前面。例题:Who is _ the children?A. at the front of B. in the frontC. in front of D. in the front of【答案】C【解析】考查短语辨析。根据句意:谁站在孩子前面?此处表外部的前面,用in front of,故选C。2. borrow,land和keep1) borrow 表示的是从别人那里借来东西,即我们通常所说的“借进来”,常用borrow from,如:We often borrow books from our school libra

18、ry. 我们经常从学校图书馆借书.注意:borrow 是一个瞬间完成的动作,因此不能与时间段连用.2) lend 表示的是把自己的东西借给别人,即我们通常所说的借出去,常用lend to,如:Thank you for lending me your bike.谢谢你把自行车借给我.注意:lend 与 borrow 一样,也是一个瞬间完成的 动作,不能与一段时间连用.3) keep 的意思也是“借”,但一般是指借来后的保存或使用阶段,是一段持续的时间,因此可以与时间段连用,如:You can keep my recorder for three days.我的录音机你可以借用三天.例题:-Co

19、uld you please _ me your notebook, Grace?-Certainly. Here you are.A. borrow B. to borrow C. lend D. to lend【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意:格雷斯,你能把笔记本借我一用吗?当然可以。给你。borrow表示“借入“,lend表“借出”,语境中表示把本借出来给我,故选C。题模精选题模一:Unit 3 词汇应用例1.1.1 -How long does it _ to get to the school by taxi?-About an hour.A useB haveC takeD

20、 spend例1.1.2 根据括号提示填空1). Lots of students are interested in _ (地理) and they do well in it too.2). Who _ (be) the boys and girls in the reading room?题模二:人称代词例1.2.1 -Who is it?-Its _. I took this photo when I was 4.A myB meC mineD she例1.2.2 根据中文提示完成句子1). 你能说出他们之间的不同吗?Can _ _ _ _ between them.2). 如果你遇到

21、了麻烦,请向他求助。If _ are _ _, _ _ _ help, please.随堂练习随练1.1 My mother is ill in hospital. I have to _ my grandparents at home.A look forB look atC look upD look after随练1.2 -Would you like to go swimming in the river, John?-Swim? Sorry, our teacher always tell us _ in the river alone.A dont swimB to not swi

22、mC not swimmingD not to swim随练1.3 -Mike, what club do you want to join?-Well, I want to join the _ club. I love painting.A chessB sportsC artD English随练1.4 -Do you like watching ping-pong matches?-Yes, and _ favorite ping-pong player is Ma Long.A weB usC ourD ours随练1.5 根据括号提示完成句子1. My father is wait

23、ing for me at the school _ (大门).2. The buildings look lovely in the _ (明亮的) sunshine.3. Is there a _ (礼堂,大厅) in your school?4. The new library looks _ (新式的).5. Simon often _ (borrow) books about computers.6. Most of us like reading _ (interest) books.7. It takes me twenty minutes _ (read) English ev

24、ery day.8. I have many friends and I like to play with _ (they).随练1.6 Peter is my best friend. He often helps _ with my maths.A meB youC himD her自我总结课后作业作业1 My home isnt far _ my school, so I often walk to school.A forB inC fromD away作业2 -What is Tom going to _ us about?-His school life.A talkB sayC

25、 tellD speak作业3 Huo Ying is _ kind that she has donated almost all her savings to a charity.A veryB soC muchD such作业4 根据中文提示完成句子1.让我告诉你关于南京的一些情况。_ _ _ _ something about Nanjing.2. 你从图书馆借书吗?Do you _ books _ the library?3. 感谢你的来信_ _ your letter.4. 我需要大约半小时到达学校。It _ _ about half an hour _ _ _ school.5.

26、 我家离学校很远。It is _ _ _ from my home to the school.作业5 Mr. Guo teaches _ English. We all like _.A our; himB us; himC us; herD our; her作业6 Look at the girl in a red skirt. _ is my new classmate.A SheB ItC HeD This答案解析题模精选题模一:Unit 3 词汇应用例1.1.1【答案】C【解析】 考查固定句型。it takes sb. some time to do sth.“花费某人时间做某事”,

27、故选C。例1.1.2【答案】 1). geography2). are【解析】 考查本课重点核心词汇,根据提示和语境,填出相应单词的正确形式。题模二:人称代词例1.2.1【答案】B【解析】 考查人称代词。根据句意:这是谁?是我。我四岁的时候拍的这张照片。表示“我”,故选B。例1.2.2【答案】 1). you tell the difference2). you; in trouble; ask him for【解析】 考查人称代词主格,宾格的变化,注意单词的正确形式。随堂练习随练1.1【答案】D【解析】 考查固定搭配。根据句意:我妈妈生病住院了。我得在家照顾祖父母。A寻找;B看;C查阅;D照

28、顾。根据语境,故选D。随练1.2【答案】D【解析】 考查动词搭配。tell sb. not to do sth.“告诉某人不要做”,故选D。随练1.3【答案】C【解析】 考查名词辨析。根据句意:麦克,你想加入什么俱乐部?嗯,我想加入美术团。我喜欢画画,故选C。随练1.4【答案】C【解析】 考查物主代词。根究句意:你喜欢看乒乓球比赛么?是的,我们最喜欢的乒乓球运动员是马龙。表示“的”,用物主代词,排除AB;后跟名词用形容词性物主代词,故选C。随练1.5【答案】 1. gate2. bright3. hall4. modern5. borrows6. interesting7. to read8. them【解析】 考查本课重点词汇。根据提示填出对应单词,注意词的正确形式。随练1.6【答案】A【解析】 考查人称代词。根据句意:彼得是我最好的朋友。他经常帮助我数学。动词之后为宾语,宾语用宾

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