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8B Unit 4 A charity show全套教案.docx

1、8B Unit 4 A charity show全套教案Language points1. hold 作及物动词, 本义是“握者”, 但引申的意义较多。1) 动词, 意为“ 握住”。 如:He held a knife in his hand . 他手里握着一把刀。He came in , holding a book in his hand . 他进来了, 手中拿着一本书。2)动词, 意为“抓住, 夹住”。 如:He held a baby in his arms . 他抱着一个小孩。 He held it between the jaws of a spanner. 他用扳钳的钳口夹住它。

2、3)动词, 意为“抑制”。 如: Jim was able to hold back his anger . 杰姆忍住了怒气。 He held his breath and couldnt make any noise . 他屏住呼吸, 不敢发出任何声音。 4)动词, 意为“容纳”。 如: The box can hold all my clothes . 这箱子能装下我的全部衣服。 The room is so big that it can hold 1000 people . 这大厅如此之大, 可以容纳1000 人。5)动词, 意为“举行”。 如: They will hold a me

3、eting . 他们明天将开个会议。 The World Cup is held every four years . 世界杯每四年举行一次。6) 名词, 意为“抓, 掌握, 控制 ”。 如: He kept a tight hold on the gun . 他紧紧地抓住枪。 he took a firm hold of the book . 他把那个重要的文件紧抓在手中。Hold作名词时主要用在短语get /catch /take /keep hold of 中, 如:He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground .他没有抓住绳子, 摔到地

4、上了。 Make sure you keep hold of my hand when we cross the road . 过马路时一定要抓牢我的手。7) hold on意为“请等一下”、“不要挂机”。 如: Can you hold on ? Ill just see if the manager is in . 你不要挂断电话好吗? 我去看一看经理在不在。2. host的用法1)在句中是名词, 意为“ 电视节目等的主持人”。 如: Cui Yongyuan is a famous talk show host . 崔永元是著名的脱口秀主持人。 China is the host cou

5、ntry for 2008 Olympic Games .中国是2008年的奥运会的主办国。2)也可作动词,意为 “主持”, 如: She hosted many charity shows . 她主持过许多慈善义演。I felt nervous when I knew I would host the meeting . 当得知我要主持那个会议的时候, 我感到紧张。3. 1) be sure of sth 如: You are sure of passing the exam if you work hard . 只要用功, 你一定能考及格的。I am sure of his success

6、 . 我对于他的成功很有把握。 2) be sure to do sth 。如: You are sure to fail if you do it that way . 如果你那么做, 一定会失败。 She is sure to go home . 她一定会回家的。3) be sure that , 如: Im sure that he will come tomorrow . 我确信他明天会来的。Are you sure that you know how to go there ? 你肯定你知道怎么去那儿吗?4) for sure , 如: I think he lives there

7、but I couldnt say for sure . 我想他是住那儿的, 但我不敢肯定。It was a dreary day for sure . 那天确实是个阴沉的天。.5) make sure , 如: I will go it over to make sure there is no mistake in it . 我会复查确保里面没有错误。 These arrangements are to make sure that the visit goes well .那些安排是为了确保参观得以顺利进行。6) surely ,如:He will surely succeed 他一定会

8、成功的。 You didnt want to hurt his feelings , surely . 无疑地, 你本来不想使他不痛快。4. only if , if only only if 意为 “除非, 只要”, 引导用陈述语气的真实条件句。如: Only if you study hard , you will pass the exam . 只要你努力学习, 就会通过考试。. You wont miss the train only if you get up early . 只要你早起, 你就不会错过火车。if only 意为 “但愿”, “要是-, 就好”, 常引导虚拟语气的条件

9、句或感叹句。如:If only we had arrived in time , we would not have missed the train .要是我们准时到, 就不会误车。If only he could pass the exam. 但愿他能通过考试。5.advertise 在本句中是不及物动词,意为“登广告”。 如: He wants to advertise on the Sunday paper . 他想在周日的报纸上登广告。 More and more people are advertising on TV .越来越多的人在电视上登广告。advertise 也可用作及物

10、动词,意为“登-广告, 为-做广告”。 如: They no longer advertise cigarettes at sporting events . 他们不再在运动会上做香烟广告了。 The Anyway company advertised a new product in the newspaper . 安利公司在报纸上为一种新产品做广告。advertisement 是名词,意为“广告”。 如: There are many advertisements in newspaper now 现在报纸上有许多广告。There are fewer advertisements on t

11、his channel now . 现在这频道的广告少多了。6. 辨析 give out , give away , give back , give in, give up give out , 分发 He will give out the leaflets tomorrow . 明天他将分发这些传单。 I will ask a student to give out these papers . 我将叫一名学生分发一下这些试卷。 give away 赠, 送 Please give away the food to the poor . 请把这些食物送给那些穷人吧。 I want to

12、give away this card to my best friend . 我想把这张卡片送给我的最好的朋友。 give back 归还 I will give his book back . 我将归还他的书。 He asked me to give back his bike in time . 他叫我及时把他的自行车还给他。give in, 屈服, 让步 Liu Hulan never gave up in the face of death . 刘胡兰宁死不屈。 No matter what you say , I wont give in . 不管你说什么, 我是不会让步的。giv

13、e up 放弃 He decided to give up smoking . 他决定戒烟。 English is so important that you cant give it up . 英语是那么重要, 你不能放弃它。Period 2 Reading 11. on time/in timeIts necessary for us to hand in our homework on time. The patient should be treated in time.2. because of/becauseWe didnt go to the park because of th

14、e heavy rain.= We didnt go to the park because it rained heavily.3. Everything seemed to happen so fast.= It seemed that everything happened so fast. It seems to rain soon.=It seems that it will rain soon.He seems (to be ) a nice man.= It seems that he is a nice man.4. It was my job to introduce eac

15、h star.= My job was to introduce each star.5. work on:vt. 对.起作用(激发,继续工作,把拧上,从事) : His work on the cause of the diseases is of premier importance to the whole world. 他的病理研究工作对全世界至关重要。 In the next several year there can be10 different research group work on the project. 在今后几年中可能会有十个不同的研究小组从事该项目的工作。 Wi

16、ll it work on human beings? 这对人体有影响吗? 6. keep doing:一直做Tired as she was, she kept doing it. 她虽然累了,仍继续做下去。 Do not keep do that. 不要老是做那个。 7. in the beginning: 起初In the beginning, Sanford Carter was ashamed of becoming an army cook. 一开始,桑弗卡特觉得在部队里当炊事兵是怪可耻的。 In the beginning, John did good work at schoo

17、l. 开始时约翰在学校的成绩不错。 8. a little bit: 有点儿,一点儿He was a little bit under the weather. 他生病。 Helen sing a little bit worse. 海伦唱得稍微差一点。 Language points3 Get Ss to find keywords and phrases: 1. raise 筹集 He wants to raise money for that charity . 他想为那个慈善机构募捐。 We must do something to raise some money for that

18、sick girl .我们必须做点事来为那个生病的女孩筹点钱。 举起 If you can answer this question , please raise your hand .如果你会回答这个问题, 请举手。 When he saw me , he raised his hat to me . 他一看见我, 就举帽致敬。 提高, 增高 He raised his voice to let us hear him clearly . 他提高了音量是为了让我们听清楚。To get more money , he raise the prices . 为了挣更多的钱, 他提高了价格。 饲养

19、, 养育 He must work hard to raise his family . 他必须努力工作来养家糊口。 He raised many sheep to earn money . 他养了许多绵羊来挣钱。易混辨析 raise , lift , rise raise raise 也是及物动词, 是“抬高, 提高 ”的意思, 强调动作的姿态。 We must do something to raise our living standards .我们必须采取措施来提高我们的生活水平。 We raise the flag on Monday morning . 我们每周一上午升旗。 lif

20、t Lift是及物动词, 表示强调用体力把某物从地面提到一定的高度。 He lifted the big book off the floor and put it on the table . 他把那本大书从地板上拾起, 放在桌子上。 That package might be too heavy to lift .那包裹可能太重, 搬不动。 rise Rise 是不及物动词, 表示“升起, 站起来”的意思, 表示由低而高的变化过程。 The sun rises in the east . 太阳从东方升起。 When does he rise every day ? 他每天几点起床?2. o

21、rganizer 是名词,意为“组织者”。 如: I want to be the organizer of the activity 我想成为这次活动的组织。 I hope those organizers can choose me to be the host . 我希望那些组织者能选我做主持人。 organize,动词 , 意为“组织 ”。 如: Mr Zhang organized the package tour . 张先生组织了这次包价旅游。 He didnt allow his son to organize this trip . 他不许他的儿子组织这次旅行。organiza

22、tion ,名词 , 意为“组织 ”。 如: This organization works for children . 这个组织是专为孩子服务的。 Would you like to work for those organizations like that ? 你愿意为像那样的组织工作吗? 3. Work on 的用法。 Work on 在本句中的意思是“致力于”“抓紧办”。如: He has been working on his new book in recent days .他近来一直忙着写他的新书。 Is he still working on the maths probl

23、em ? 他还在算那道数学题吗?4. introduce在本句中用作不及物动词,意为“介绍”。 如:Ladies and gentlemen , let me introduce myself first . 先生们女士们, 让我首先介绍一下自己。 He introduced me to all his good friends . 他把我介绍给了他所有的朋友。 introduction 名词, 意为“介绍, 引进”, 如:He gave me a letter of introduction . 他给了我一张介绍信。 These words are recent introductions

24、.这些词是新近采用的。 5. duty名词,意为“责任, 义务” ,如: My duty is to clean the blackboard . 我的职责是擦黑板。 He must strengthen his sense of duty . 他必须加强责任感。on duty 名词, 意为“值日, 值勤”, 如: I am on duty today . 今天我值日。He is a duty doctor for emergency cases. 他是一个急诊值班医生。6. I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right

25、time . 我必须记得在适当的时候找准机位。 易混辨析 remember to do sth, remember doing sth , remember sb. to sb.remember to do sth 意为“记得要做某事”, 如:Remember to post the letter for me . 记得替我把信寄一下。When you leave, remember to close the door . 当你离开的时候,记得把门关上。remember doing sth 意为“记得做过谋事”, 如:I remember meeting him somewhere . 我记得

26、在某个地方见过他。 I remembered returning the book to you , why did you ask me for it again .我记得把书还给你了, 为什么又向我要呢?remember sb. to sb 意为“代某人向-问好” ,如:Please remember me to your parents .请带我向你父母问好。7. 易混辨析 can , be able to 两者都有“能”的意思。can 1)只有现在式和过去式,如: He can look after himself now . 现在, 他能自己照顾自己。 Can you speak E

27、nglish ? 你会讲英语吗? be able to 有各种时态的变化。如: If you work hard , you will be able to catch up with him .如果你努力, 你将能赶上他。 Since he was five , he has been able to speak several languages .从她5岁开始, 她 就能讲几种语言。 8. a little bit意为 “有点儿, 稍微”表示程度, 通常用来修饰形容词, 副词和动词。 如: I am a little bit tired . Lets take a short rest

28、. 我有点累了, 让我们休息一会儿吧。 She is a little bit quiet . 她有点不爱说话。 This book is a little bit old . 这本书有点旧。 Would you please think of my feelings a little bit ? 请你考虑考虑我的感受, 好吗? She looks a little bit like my sister . 她看上去有点像我的姐姐。 a little bit 也可分开讲。易混辨析a little 意为“一点儿”修饰名词, 形容词或副词。如: There is a little milk in

29、the bottle . 瓶子里有一点牛奶。 He feels a little cold . 他感觉有点冷。a bit 意为“有点儿”修饰形容词或副词。如:He looks a bit old . 他看上去年龄有点大了。Please look at it a bit more carefully . 请看得更仔细一点。 a bit of 意为“一点, 有些”修饰名词。如: Please give me a bit of water . 请给我一点水。 I want to see a bit of London . 我想看看伦敦。not a little 意为“不是一点儿, 很, 非常”。 如

30、:After the race , we were not a little tired .比赛后, 我们都很累。I am not a little hungry .我相当饿。not a bit 意为“一点儿也不, 根本不”。 如:After ten hours of work , we were not a bit tired .十个小时工作下来, 我们竟一点儿也不累。I am not a bit hungry .我一点儿也不饿9. 易混辨析excited , excitedly excited 意为“兴奋得;激动的”,常用来修饰人。如: The children are excited a

31、t the news. 孩子们听到这个消息很兴奋。 The boy is too excited to sleep . 那个男孩太激动了而睡不着。excitedly 意为“兴奋地”, 如: When he saw me , he shouted excitedly . 他看见我就兴奋地叫起来。 They cried excitedly ,“ We did it .” 他们激动地大叫:“我们成功了。”10. “Will it be a success ?” I kept asking myself . 我一直问自己,“会成功吗?”知识拓展1) success 在本句中是可数名词, 意为“成功的人, 成功的”, 如: I hope our charity show will be a success . 我希望我们的慈善义演获得成功。 His new book was a great success . 他的新书取得了巨大的成功。 2) succ

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