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1、5媒体类雅思5. 媒体题材 Media引言媒体类话题主要包括:电视、报纸、杂志、网络等。近些年常考的话题有人们购买商品是因为需要,广告没有必要,作用仅仅是娱乐,是否同意?儿童广告有很多的负面效应,应该禁止。读书比看电视更能激发想象力和培养语言技巧是否同意?是否同意新闻传媒的影响是负面的?报纸对于人们看待问题方式和行为的影响。媒体对青少年的影响等。媒体是否应该详细报道犯罪 (媒体和犯罪相结合的话题)G类话题偏重于电视对青少年的影响。媒体题目真题再现20080816 Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad co

2、nsequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 关键词解读:媒体是否应限制犯罪细节媒体报道涉(media coverage/ report)及到(媒体media,罪犯criminals/ law breakers/ offenders,受害者(victims),观众(audiences/ viewers)-小孩(children/ kids)或青少年(teen

3、agers/ adolescents)、年青人young people/ young adults)Agree: 1)对罪犯将来重新做人不利 (.makes it harder for criminals to be accepted by the society/ community)2)受害者会产生负面情绪,情感上难以接受报道内容(It is emotionally unacceptable for the victim(s) and their family to see or to know that the detailed report of their nightmarish e

4、xperience has been publicized/ made public) + (Indeed/ In other words/ By this I mean that, knowing that their painful experience goes on the paper or screen is sure to leave profound psychological trauma on the victim(s) for forever)3)造成观众恐慌(panic)(或对小孩和青少年产生负面影响,久而久之,会对他们的性格(shape their personalit

5、y, values and attitudes),价值观等造成影响。使他们变得很有攻击性over time, they might become aggressive in behaviors)- (it will exert unfavorable impacts on children and teenagers, as they are exposed to violence, cheating or adult problems prematurely过早地). Studies show that children who watch unwholesome content such

6、violent or criminal acts are more likely to show aggressive behaviors. 4)犯罪分子可以模仿(imitate)节目中的情节(plots/ details),然后在其它地方(如信息比较滞后的地方= and commit the same wrongdoing/ trick in other places where the information is not as up-to-date as the cities)犯罪Disagree:1)人们知情权会被剥夺(people have the right to know abo

7、ut crime and if report about crime is restricted, their right is literally/ virtually/actually deprived of.)。通过报道,人们可以了解犯罪(learn about/ know about),从而提高警惕(raise their vigilance against crime)。2)法制类报道(legal reports)常包含宣传对各种犯罪的惩罚(punishment),因此起到了震慑作用(deterrent impact/ deterrence),能使potential criminal

8、s了解法律的处罚,从而放弃犯罪(give up the idea of crime)。20090305 Newspapers have an enormous influence in peoples opinions and ideas. Why and do you think it is positive or negative situation?关键词解读:报纸的影响20090418 If a product is good or it meets peoples needs, people will buy it. So advertising is unnecessary and

9、 no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关键词解读:广告的作用仅仅是娱乐20090516 It has been believed that people who read for pleasure have developed imagination and language skills better than people who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 关键词解读:读书与看电视20090

10、822 News media has become more influential in our life nowadays. Some people think that it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关键词解读:新闻媒体的利弊20100327 Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or

11、 creative things. Why do you think this is a case? What measures can be used to tackle it?关键词解读:看电视扼杀创造力链接机经关键词 信息性 媒体这种最流行和广泛的方式(pervasive and enjoy the popularity),传播信息(disseminate information),使人们迅速地获取最新的消息(the latest news),也给我们提供了丰富的信息(provide us with rich information),使人信息灵通(keep people well-in

12、formed),与时俱进(keep up with the times)。娱乐性 媒体有很强的娱乐性(entertaining),使人们得到放松(enable people to relax),丰富了人们的生活(enrich peoples life)。教育性有教育的功能(play the educational role ),传播知识(spread knowledge)Many people watch different educational programs to find out more about their environment, nature, wild life anim

13、als, economic situations, etc.记者应具备的素质 新闻报道(news report)要全面(show the public the whole picture/ whole story),要保证公正(remain impartial,news coverage)不能隐瞒真相(the truth cannot be suppressed),也不能大肆渲染(while others are highlighted)。 新闻记者要想报道客观公正(objective),不能加入主观的倾向(preferences)。新闻报道的职责是报道事实(report the truth)

14、,而不是追求轰动的效应或新闻(sensational news),也不能屈服于压力(bow to the pressure),这样才能值得信(trustworthy)和具有新闻价值(newsworthy)。负面影响 信息爆炸(information overload/explosion)有时使我们无法选择信息,浪费时间(squander time)。 植入广告(built-in advertisements)和潜意识广告(subliminal advertisements)对于人们来说是一个麻烦事(nuisance)。虚假广告(fake/ false advertising) 频频发生。 缺少

15、监管(supervision)及严厉的审查制(censorship),暴力(violence)和色情(pornography)没有严格的控制,未经审查信息腐蚀小孩的心灵(Uncensored information corrupts childrens minds),会误导他们(misguiding)。 网络犯罪(cyber crime),是目前犯罪的一个新渠道(new channel)。词汇部分新 闻journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作,新闻报道【同源词汇】journal n. 日报; journalist n. 新闻工作者,记者【经典搭配】Journalism and Commun

16、ication 新闻传播学【即学即用】The culture, journalism, publishing, broadcasting, film and television undertakings developed vigorously. 文化、新闻、出版、广播和电影电视事业蓬勃发展。 coverage n. 新闻报道【同源词汇】cover vt. 采访,报导【同义表达】reportage n. 报道,新闻报道【经典搭配】coverage of the event 事件报导【即学即用】Journalists can also add a certain prejudice or bi

17、as to their coverage of news. 记者在报导新闻时,也可能带有一定的偏见。 词汇拓展 the latest news 最新消息 exclusive news 独家报道 sensational news 爆炸性新闻 news blockout 新闻封锁 newsbreak 值得报道的新闻 TV coverage 电视报道headline n. 头版头条新闻 vt. 大力宣传【经典搭配】hit (或make) the headlines 作为重要新闻见报,被大肆宣传 headline news 头条新闻 【即学即用】Generally, when a star athle

18、te is injured, the injury will become headline news.一般来说,当一个明星运动员受了伤,他的伤势会成为新闻头条。barometer n. 比喻晴雨表,变化的标志【经典搭配】the barometer of 变化的标志【即学即用】The press has the function of the barometer of the public opinion. 媒体承担着舆论晴雨表的功能。keep abreast of 了解的最新情况 【keep pace with】【同义表达】keep people well-informed 使人们消息灵通【

19、即学即用】Many people often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news. 很多人看新闻频道来了解最新新闻。disseminate vt.& vi. 散布,宣传,传播【同源词汇】dissemination n. 宣传; disseminative adj. 传播的【同义表达】publicize vt. 宣传,公布【经典搭配】disseminate information 传播信息 dissemination medium 传播媒介【即学即用】Internet and TV enable the messag

20、es to be disseminated even further. 互联网和电视可以使信息传播得更广泛。omnipresent adj. 无所不在的,普遍存在的【同义表达】prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的;widespread adj. 普遍的,广泛的;pervasive adj. 普遍的;prevailing adj. 流行的【即学即用】The modern media has become an omnipresent important power in our society.现代媒体成了社会上无所不在的一种重要力量。flow of information 信息流,信息

21、流动【经典搭配】accelerate the flow of information 加速信息的传播【即学即用】In the modem society, more and more people realize the importance of the free flow of information and the right to know.现代社会,越来越多的人意识到到信息公开和知情权的重要性。information explosion 信息爆炸【同义表达】information overload 信息超载【即学即用】It is obvious that people are liv

22、ing in an information-explosion era. 很显然,人们生活在信息爆炸的时代。code of ethics 道德准则,道德规范【即学即用】Being honest is the important content of the professional code of ethics in journalism and the foundation of sharing information and communicating between people.诚信是新闻职业道德规范的重要内容,是人们信息沟通与交流的基础。up-to-date adj. 最新的,最近的

23、【同义表达】up-to-the-minute 最新的;latest adj. 最新的【考官例句】Programmes specializing in pop music or TV soap operas focus more on local news, home issues and up-to-date traffic reports. 专门播放流行音乐或肥皂剧的节目,会更关注当地新闻、家庭生活及最新的交通状况。【句架提炼】specialize in 专门研究 newsworthy adj .有新闻价值的,值得报道的 【即学即用】It is newsworthy because it r

24、eflects a cultural attitude.它具有新闻价值是因为它折射出了一种文化态度。trustworthy adj. 可信赖的,可靠的【同义表达】reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的;dependable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的【经典搭配】trustworthy product 信得过产品【即学即用】The news on TV should be trustworthy, which is the prerequisite of journalism. 电视上的新闻应该是值得信赖的,这是新闻业的前提条件。have a good nose 嗅觉敏锐【经典搭配】hav

25、e a good nose for news 对新闻敏感、有洞察力【即学即用】We say a good reporter must have a good “nose” for a story .我们说,一个好记者必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的嗅觉。objectively adv. 客观地【同源词汇】;objectiveness n. 客观性 objective adj. 客观的,不带偏见的【同义表达】unbiased adj. 公正的,无偏见的;unprejudiced adj. 没有成见的,公平的;impersonal adj. 客观的; impartial adj. 公平的,公正的,不偏不

26、倚的;unswayed adj. 不为所动的,不受影响的【反义表达】subjective adj. 主观的,个人的【经典搭配】objective and fair 客观公正的【即学即用】The real function of media is to reveal the world objectively. 媒体的真正功能是客观地反映世界。 写作话题 新闻记者必备的素质是什么? Some think we can acquire knowledge form news report. Others believe we cannot trust journalists. What do yo

27、u think? What important qualities should a journalist have? 思路拓展记者应具备的良好素质faculty可以从几个方面拓展思路:责任感sense of responsibilities,公正与客观 objectiveness, 敏锐的洞察力sensitive perception,细致入微的调查careful investigation和远见卓识deep insight,更重要的是高尚的道德观high moral values 及遵守职业道德abide by the professional code of ethics,具体来说:1.

28、 He should be unbiased and free from any stereotypes, prejudices.(报道不能带有偏见)2. He should write what he sees, and the story is newsworthy. (真实性,具有新闻价值)3. He should follow the ethics of journalism. (职业操守)4. He should not mingle his own opinion in the story. (不能在报道中参进个人意见)5. He should try to provide com

29、plete and authentic information. (全面真实的报道)6. He must have greatest sense of responsibilities. (责任感)7. He must try to find all sides to a story. (报道要全面)8. He must be friendly, personable and articulate. (友好、有风度、口才好)9. News reporters must be educated in the typical news industry subject areas, includi

30、ng Journalism, Communications, Reporting, Copyediting, Writing, Languages, Sociology, Politics, Economics, Government, and a myriad of similar related topics. (知识与技能准备)reveal vt. 揭示,揭露,泄露【同义表达】expose vt. 揭露,揭发;reveal vt. 揭露【即学即用】Mass media plays a crucial role in revealing public opinion, connecting

31、 the world to individuals. 大众传媒在反映舆论上起着关键作用,是连接人们与世界的纽带。cover up 掩盖【经典搭配】cover up facts 掩盖真实。【即学即用】The authorities were able to cover up what really happened at the incident.当局设法掩盖了事件的真相。bow to 屈服于,服从【同义表达】give way to 让步,屈服【经典搭配】bow to pressure 趋于压力【即学即用】Eventually the government was forced to bow t

32、o public pressure and reform the tax.最后政府被迫顺从公众的压力并改革税收。biased adj.有偏见的,倾向性的,片面的【同源词汇】bias n. 偏见,偏爱【同义表达】prejudiced adj. 怀偏见的; subjective adj. 主观的,个人的; unjust adj. 不公平的;partial adj. 不公平的【即学即用】Many parents are biased against popular music.许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。【句架提炼】be biased against 对有偏见广 告advertising n. 广告,广告业【同源词汇】advertise vi. 做广告,登广告; adverti

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