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1、北京宪章【珍藏资料】北京宪章-中英文北京宪章(英文)BEIJING CHARTERPresented at the XX Congress of the UIA, Beijing, 23-26 June 1999Professor Wu Liangyong On the eve of the new millennium, we architects from all nations of the world gather in Beijing, an ancient capital of the Orient, for the 20th Congress which celebrates t

2、he year of Jubilee for the International Union of Architects. The present is born of the past, and yet the future rests with the present. We are here to reflect on the past, to account for the present, and ultimately to formulate a conscious plan of action for a better and liveable human habitat of

3、the 21st century. The worlds geographical distances have shrunk, although the regional disparities are growing. Yet this age has endowed all of us with a common mission. It requires us to come to terms with the present, face the challenges, develop a holistic thinking and co-ordinate our efforts.1 C

4、OMING TO TERMS WITH OUR CENTURIES 1.1The 20th century: unparalleled construction and destruction The 20th century has seen unprecedented magnificence and progress, and also incomparable calamity and confusion. The 20th century has enriched the history of architecture in its unique manner: architects

5、 have played an admirable role in the reconstruction that followed the two world wars; technical and artistic innovations on a massive scale have introduced fine examples of design to the populous like never before. But, this is not to deny that much of the built environment is still in a deeply uns

6、atisfactory state. The very survival of humankind is under threat amidst squandering of the worlds natural and cultural heritage. In affluent regions, redevelopment was often to become destruction by construction; in the poorer areas, pauperised masses are struggling to build their own cities of tom

7、orrow. Over the past century, the world has turned into a very different place. Yet one thing remains the same: we architects are again at a cross roads as a world profession.1.2The 21st century: a turning point The diversity and complexity of the world has created much confusion; yet it is but part

8、 of the eternal process of change. The present century has seen remarkable reform and development in politics, economics, technology, and society, and the resurgence of human ideas. In the coming century, the pace of transformation is expected to accelerate, though its direction may be even harder t

9、o tell. In the coming century, the coexistence of globalisation and pluralism will bring to a head the conflicts and the contradictions that characterise our age. On the one hand, modern means of communication have brought into close contact diverse cultures and traditions; global integration of pro

10、duction, finance and technology continues to dominate decision making. On the other hand, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening at an alarming rate; regional strife and financial uncertainties cast a sinister shadow upon the human habitat. Whilst we should not take on tasks outside our p

11、rofessional remit, it would be both irresponsible and foolish to ignore the torrent of social and cultural change that is redefining the scope of the architectural profession. A conscious reconsideration of the role of 21st century architecture calls for our enthusiasm, strength and courage.2 THE CH

12、ALLENGES THAT WE FACE 2.1Interwoven questions Natures revenge The industrial revolution unleashed tremendous human power, yet many a triumph over nature was achieved at a harrowing cost. The past century has seen population explosion, encroachment of farm land and deterioration of water, air and lan

13、d resources. Environmental crises impinge on the very existence of humankind. We do not know enough about the ecosystem, yet ecological disasters have revealed its fragile confines. From a historical point of view, we do not own the world that we live in: we simply have it on loan from our children.

14、 In what state shall we hand over town and country to our children? In what way can an architect contribute to the future of human civilisation through planning and design? Overwhelming urbanisation To better their lives, people congregate in the city, where science, technology and culture have brou

15、ght about productivity that had never been foreseen. The 20th century has seen the brightest lights, so far, of metropolitan life. Nevertheless, the century ahead is the true urban era as, for the first time in history, urban dwellers will outnumber those who live in traditional rural ways. Yet, har

16、dly had the slums been demolished, did the cities see the resurgence of an underclass. Segregation of the rich and the poor, congestion of traffic and land use, and persistence of noise and emissions have worsened in cities large and small. Can our cities survive? We build the cities; yet why do we

17、feel so powerless when we attempt to make any change? In what way can we shape the urban habitat, as it shapes us at the same time? Will the traditional concepts survive in the cities of the next century? Technology as a double-edged sword In the past century modern technology increased productivity

18、 to a degree never before experienced. New materials, new structures and new equipment have provided unique opportunities for the designers of the 20th century. Modern means of communication have brought the diverse cultures into close contact. Technology has led mankind to a new cross roads, yet we

19、 are still in the process of harnessing its power and potential. Technology modifies the traditional relationships between man and nature, and thus constantly challenges the existing norms of life styles and values. In what way can humankind derive benefits from technology, whilst avoiding the harm

20、of which it is shown to be capable? Genius loci in default The culture of architecture comes from a local accumulation of history. It manifests itself among the built forms and in day-to-day living, exerting a voiceless influence on the experience and behaviour of the inhabitants. In a sense, it is

21、the soul of our cities, towns and villages. However, globalisation of technology has made people more and more separated from their land. Standardised commercial production interrupts the evolution of local built forms. Traditional design techniques are confronted. Local identities fade away. What c

22、ontribution can an architect make to bring back the soul of cities and towns which characterised them during the past centuries?2.2A common theme, a common future The challenges we face are multifaceted and overwhelming. They are in fact the embodiment of complex social, political, economic and cult

23、ural processes at levels both local and global. Our discussion must not stop at the mere manifestation of such processes. Rather, an effective solution only comes from a thorough understanding of the dialectic nature of the forces which are shaping our built environment today. The search for effecti

24、ve solutions at a global level is supported by our common aspirations for a sustainable future on this planet. Our world is an interdependent world. The future prospects of one nation to a large extent rest on the future of other nations. By the same token, the future of architecture depends on an u

25、nderstanding and assimilation of the achievements of other disciplines and professions. It is this common theme that will bring us together to lay out a common future in the 21st century.3 TOWARDS AN INTEGRAL ARCHITECTURE During the past 50 years, the architects of the world have met to debate over

26、a large number of issues. These debates have much furthered our understanding in all branches of architecture. It is therefore appropriate to review the progress so far and redefine the limits, the contents, and the organisation of our discipline and profession.3.1The theoretical premises Over the c

27、enturies the role of an architect is constantly modified to suit the needs and requirements of its time. Where traditional methods are shown to be inadequate, new approaches are developed to take their place. Yet without exception, each redefinition pushes the boundary of architecture outwards for a

28、 wider coverage, as well as inwards for higher degrees of specialisation in the component parts. The 20th century is perhaps the most exemplary in this regard. A wider coverage of its contents and finer degrees of specialisation have empowered the 20th century architect with unprecedented profession

29、al opportunities and potential, yet at a personal level, an expanding profession with growing specialisation can seem elephantine. In a sense, the architects Tower of Babel appears to have fallen: it is increasingly difficult for one architect to grasp the expertise of a fellow colleague; although t

30、he body of knowledge has grown collectively, the outlook of any single designer tends to become paradoxically narrow and fragmented. The specialist expertise is brought together through financial ties and managerial skills, rather than a coherent intellectual framework. As a result, the role of an a

31、rchitect continues to be marginalised in the decision making over the human habitat today. From the point of view of an architect, his or her ability to propose creative design solutions depends critically on the intellectual and professional spheres he or she commands. Narrow and fragmented individual outlooks cannot be made to work, however wonderfully the individual designers are managed externally. Nevertheless, any given person cannot and should not attempt to master the whole body of knowledge of our profess

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