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1、项目人员必须遵守的行为规范项目人员必须遵守的行为规范Rules of conduct that all staffs must observe include一般规范General Rules违反一般规范人员将会视情节轻重处以警告或书面警告处分,被警告五次以上、书面警告三次以上即将被开除。因违反本规范而造成严重后果者,可以不予警告,直接开除。Any worker of track team against the general rules will be given verbal warning or written warning which depends on the conseque

2、nces, and more five times verbal warning or three times written warning workers will be dismissed. And if any one against general rules and made serious consequences, he might be dismissed immediately without any warning. 本项目所有工作人员必须遵守国家及地方的安全法律法规以及现场特定的安全和健康标准。 All personnel working on this project

3、 must comply with national and local safety laws and regulations, and the site-specific safety and health standards. 以良好的身体状态进行工作,不得饮酒、服用违禁药物或施工现场禁止使用的处方/非处方药。 Report for work in good physical condition. This includes not having alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription/over-the-counter drugs that are

4、 not approved for use on site in ones circulatory system. 将工作地点存在的安全和健康方面的危险上报至公司安全代表或主管。 Report all workplace safety and health hazards to either the company safety representative or your leader. 将任何伤害或疾病(无论多么轻微)上报给现场安全人员或项目安全部。 Report all injuries or illnesses, no matter how minor, to the site saf

5、ety staff or safety department of project. 服用处方药(可能使人困倦想睡或减弱工作能力)的员工必须在开始轮班前向主管报告其服用了药物并且提供一份处方的复印件。 Employees taking any prescription medications that may induce drowsiness or impair their abilities must report their use and provide a copy of the prescription to their supervisor prior to beginning

6、the work shift. 着装应符合规定衣服上不准带令人生厌的图片或文字。 Clothing shall be in good taste no offensive pictures or sayings. 在施工现场应始终佩戴安全防护装备。不允许佩戴防撞帽。 PPE will be worn at all times in construction areas. Bump caps are not permitted. 在移动的机器周围不要穿宽松的服装。 Do not wear loose-fitting clothing around moving machinery. 穿耐穿的工作

7、裤与带袖的衬衫。 Wear serviceable work pants and shirts with sleeves. 工作现场不允许穿露腿牛仔裤、短裤、无袖衬衫、无袖T恤衫或背心。 Cutoff jeans, shorts, sleeveless shirts, sleeveless t-shirts or tank tops are not allowed on the job site. 不要以任何方式损坏保护性服装的表面。 Do not deface protective clothing in any way. 在挖掘与回填区域或路边作业时,应穿桔黄色或橙色反光安全背心。 Ora

8、nge or yellow reflective safety vests will be worn when working in excavation and backfilling area or beside roads. 遵守安全人员指令和作业规范。 Obey security staffs instructions and operation manual. 看管好个人工具和材料。保管好个人PPE。 Take care of your tools and materials. Take care of your personal protective equipments (PPE

9、). 遵守施工管理指令。 Follow construction management direction. 午饭及休息后将垃圾放入指定的容器内。 Pick up and put trash in proper containers after lunch and breaks. 认真规划、检查工作以避免事故发生。 Plan and check your work to avoid accidents. 爱护他人的工作成果。 Protect the work of others. 保管好私人财产。 Take care of your property. 施工人员应将车辆停放在指定的停车区。 C

10、onstruction personnel should park in the designated construction parking area. 人员只能通过指定的大门进出。除非监控者确信只有授权人进入现场,否则不会打开大门。 Personnel will enter and exit through designated gates / doors only. Gates / doors will not be propped open unless they are monitored to ensure that only authorized personnel enter

11、 the area. 按要求一直配带胸卡。无胸卡将不能进入施工现场。 Wear your identification badge as required in plain sight, above the waistline and at all times while on the project. No badge means: no entry. 任何情况下都不允许将胸卡借给他人。 Personnel will not “lend” their badge to any person under any circumstance. 不得将公司或委托人财产带出施工现场。 Do not r

12、emove company or client property from the site. 配合保安人员的要求,允许保安进行安全搜查。委托人保留对带入/带出施工现场建筑物的个人财物或其它财产实施任意搜查的权利;此类搜查范围包括车辆、手提包、饭盒、背包、公文包、工具箱等。拒绝接受搜查的人员将被要求离开项目。 Cooperate with security guard requests. Allow a security search if requested. The Client reserves the right to conduct random searches of any pe

13、rsonal belongings or other property carried onto or off of the project premises; these searches include vehicles, handbags, lunch boxes, back packs, briefcases, tool-boxes, etc. Refusal to cooperate with this request can lead to removal from the project. 上报安全违规行为。 Report security violations. 有义务密切配合

14、现场安全人员展开事故调查活动。 Cooperate fully with site safety, security, or personnel conducting accident investigations with full obligation.现场作业人员必须遵守的行为规范Rules of conduct that site workers must observe include违反本行为规范人员将会视情节轻重处以警告或书面警告处分,被警告四次以上、书面警告两次以上即将被开除。因违反本规范而造成严重后果者,可以不予警告,直接开除。Any worker of track team

15、 against these rules will be given verbal warning or written warning which depends on the consequences, and more four times verbal warning or two times written warning workers will be dismissed. And if any one against general rules and made serious consequences, he might be dismissed immediately wit

16、hout any warning. 上下班准时。 Keep in time. 遵守劳动纪律,工作时间禁止聚集聊天、闲谈、吵架、打架等。 Absolutely obey work disciplines and rules, do not get together talk, chat, quarrel or fight in working time. 禁止在工作现场使用不文明用语,禁止侮辱他人(包括当地人员)。 Its forbidden to use uncivilized language in work site, or abuse other people (include loca

17、l people). 工作中出现问题或麻烦,立即向领班、现场安全人员汇报,不允许在不明白的情况下擅自操作;如果受到来自他人影响、侮辱或威胁等,立即向现场安全人员汇报,禁止擅自采取过激行为。 When any problem or misunderstanding in working, report to your leader or site safety supervisor, make yourself clearly understand, do not do it before you know it. If you feel influence, insult or menace

18、from somebody else, report to your site safety supervisor immediately; never take any extreme action by yourself. 行走区域去除可能造成不安全状况的碎料、突起物及其它障碍物,以保持行走路面无滑倒、绊倒或跌倒的危险。 Walking passageway- surfaces will be maintained free of slip, trip, and fall hazards by removal of debris, protrusions and other obstacl

19、es that could create unsafe conditions. 不应在人行道、台阶、楼梯、通道、过道及任何其它类型的通道放置电线、电缆、管子及气体软管。 Wires, cables, pipes and gas hoses will not be laid across walkways, steps, stairs, passages, gangways and any others means of access. 内部区域保持工作区域的地面干燥、清洁并且无障碍物。 Inside areas - keep the floors of work areas dry, clea

20、n, and free from obstructions. 在每个人员下班时以及在工作完成时,每位人员应使他们的岗位区域整齐并无碎屑。 Each worker should keep their own work area clean and neat, and will leave their work areas neat and free of debris at the end of each work shift and when the work is completed. 每天处置工作岗位产生的废金属、废物、垃圾以及其它类似的物质,并分类放置到指定地点。 Dispose of

21、scrap metal, lumber, trash, and other similar material of your own post ever day, and drop it to designated point or rubbish bins. 当本岗位或相邻岗位正在进行危险操作时,不要进行整体清洁。 Do not do general cleaning while hazardous operations are being performed in your post or near by. 将突出的钉子除去或将其弯下以防止人员受伤。 Protruding nails wi

22、ll be removed or bent over to prevent injury. 应该仔细地堆放材料,使其稳定并不会引起绊倒的危险或堵住门与应急设备。如果将材料堆积在过道、走廊或出入口会将其宽度减少到小于紧急出口要求的宽度时,则不应将材料堆积在该处。 Material will be carefully stacked so that it is stable and does not pose a tripping hazard or block doors and emergency equipment. Material will not be stacked in aisle

23、s, corridors, or passageways if it reduces the width to less than that required for emergency egress. 不应将材料存储在楼梯间或任何其它工作区域。 Materials will not be stored in stairwells or over any work areas. 未经现场负责人批准不可将材料存储在室外。如果得到批准,应将材料存储在指定的区域。 Materials will not be stored outdoors without approval of the site b

24、oss. When approved, material will be stored in the designated area. 应该完全保护工作区域内的设备工具,使用完后将设备工具放置到安全区域或加以保护,以防止由飞来或掉落材料损坏。 Equipment and tools near the work activity area should be completely protected, finished equipments and tools should be remove to a safe area or been covered properly to prevent

25、damage from flying or falling materials. 在每个工作日结束时,施工人员应该将其物品、设备、材料与碎屑从工作现场运走,除非现场负责人已经进行了安排。 Each worker will remove their property, equipment, materials and debris from the work site at the end of each workday unless arrangements have been made with the site supervisor. 当在旋转设备或通电的电气设备附近工作不要佩戴手表、戒指

26、或其它珠宝首饰。 Do not wear wristwatches, rings, or other jewelry when working near rotating equipment or energized electrical equipment. 在现场的操作/施工区域中不允许佩戴隐形眼镜。 Contact lenses are not permitted in operations/construction areas of the site. 不允许在现场烧垃圾或废物。垃圾应在作标记的容器中正确地处置。 Burning of trash or waste materials

27、is not permitted on site. Trash will be disposed of properly in marked containers.禁止事项Forbidden 禁止不穿戴安全保护装备进入施工作业区。 Enter site without PPE. 禁止在施工现场闲逛、进入非施工区域或无权进入的区域。 Wander around the site into non-construction areas or areas where you are not authorized to go. 禁止骚扰他人。骚扰是指在性别、种族、宗教信仰、国籍、性取向等方面冒犯他人的

28、行为。 Harass others. CCECC MDRP Track Team is committed to maintaining an environment free from harassment for everyone working at or visiting our projects. Harassment is defined as “behavior that offends other individuals on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or ot

29、her protected basis”. 禁止展示或传播色情资料。 Display or exchange sexually explicit materials. 禁止在工作时间内携带或饮用酒精饮料或服用违禁药物。 Bring or use alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during work hours. 更明确的说,下列行为规范和标准适用于项目全体人员及整个工作日期间(包括就餐和休息时间):1. 工作期间(包括就餐和休息时间)禁止持有或使用酒精、违禁药物或管制药物。2. 禁止在酒精、违禁药物或管制药物影响下操纵设备或车辆。3. 工作期间禁止出

30、售或购买违禁药物或管制药物。 More specifically, the following rules and standards of conduct apply to all workers on project property or during the workday including meal and break times: Do not possess or use alcohol or an illegal or controlled substance while on the job including meal and break times. Do not op

31、erate equipment or any vehicle while on the project property while under the influence of alcohol or illegal or controlled substance. Do not distribute, sell, or purchase an illegal or controlled substance while on the job. 禁止携带武器或炸药进入施工现场。 Bring firearms, weapons or explosives on site. 禁止使用收音机、磁带播放机或其它带耳机的设备。 Use radios, tape players, or other devices with headsets. 禁止制造不必要的噪音。 Create unnecessary noise. 禁止赌博或打牌。 Gamble or play cards. 禁止在工作时间睡觉。 Sleep on the job. 禁止盗窃。 Steal. 禁止吵闹或打斗。 Be involved in horseplay or fighting. 禁止携带相机或录音机进入施工现场。 Bring cameras or audio recorders on

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