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1、最常见动词的短语汇编为了便于童鞋们扩充必要的常见短语来应对完形填空,单项选择和书面表达这些题型,我对高中词汇进行了简化和整理,以高频动词和介词为核心将常考搭配汇编在一起,以字母顺序排列,核心动词和介词不多,共29个,但极其高频。希望上我课的同学和看到这篇文章的同学能够每天看一遍,保持一个月以上的同学一定可以见到效果。小童鞋们,加油吧!高频词组总结Be+形容词/过去分词+介词be absent from不在、缺席be absorbed in沉迷于、迷恋于be active in在活跃be admitted into universities被大学录取be after sth./sb.找be al

2、ong with和一起be an expert on/in/at sth.在是专家 be angry at sth.对某事感到生气 be angry with sb./sth.对某人(物)感到生气be anxious about为感到焦虑 be anxious for sth.急切地要be anxious to do急切去做be ashamed of感到羞耻、惭愧 be aware of sth.知道 be away from离远be based on以为基础、以为根据 be blind to对视而不见 be busy doing忙着be busy with忙着 be caught in被困住

3、 be concerned about关心be connected with与有联系 be content to do甘愿做某事、愿意做某事 be content with对满足be crowded with挤满了 be deaf to对听而不闻、充耳不闻 be disappointed with sb./sth.对失望be dressed in穿 be due to do预计会怎样 be due to sth.由于、应归于be dying for渴望 be dying to do急切去做 be eager to do盼望去做be engaged in忙于、致力于 be engaged to与

4、订婚 be equal to与相等be expert in/at doing擅长于 be famous as作为而出名 be famous for因为而出名be fit for sth.适合 be fond of爱好 be friendly/kind/polite to sb.对某人友好be harmful to对有害 be honoured for sth.因为受尊敬 be in earnest急迫、急切be in good order有秩序、整洁 be in great need最需要 be in hospital住院be in poor health身体不好 be in/under on

5、es charge受某人管 be in/under the charge of sb.受某人管be introduced into被引进 be keen on喜欢 be kind for sb. to do sth.做某事(对人)有好处be kind of sb.某人好 be known for 因为而出名 be known to sb.在中出名be lacking in 缺乏 be longing for盼望去做 be longing to do盼望去做be lost in sight看不见 be lost in thought陷入沉思 be made from由(加工)制成be made

6、into制成、加工成 be made of由(直接)制成 be made up of由组成be marked with被标上 be measured in以来衡量 be missing不见了be mixed with sth.用混合 be not in agreement是不同的 be nothing more than只不过是be of great/no help/value/importance/use to sb.对某人(没)有很大(帮助等) be on business因公(办事等)be on diet节食 be on duty值日、上班 be on fire着火be on show展

7、览;上映 be on strike罢工 be on the march正在游行、正在行军be out of fashion过时、不流行 be out of order没有秩序、乱 be out of reach够不着无能为力be out of work失业 be related to与有联系 be responsble for为负责任be senior to比大 be short of缺少 be strict in sth.对某事严格要求be strict with sb.对某人严格要求 be successful in doing sth. 做成功 be suitable for适合be t

8、ired from sth./doing(身体上)劳累、疲劳 be tired of sth./doing厌倦 be tired out筋疲力尽be to blame(应该)受责备 be trapped by (the fire)被(火)围困 be treated as把当作对待be under construction建设中 be unwilling to do不愿去做be up to高达、达到达到境界、进入角色从事、忙于 be worth doing值得be worth sth.值多少 be worthy of值得 be/become known as作为而出名be/become wide

9、ly accepted被广泛的接受 be in low/high spirits情绪低落/高昂breakbreak away from脱离 break down分解;破裂(汽车)抛锚 break in打断的话break into pieces打(破)成碎片 break off折断、中断、罢工 break ones promise/words破坏某人的诺言、食言break out分裂、爆发 break the record打破纪录 break the rules违反规则break up分解bringbring about带来、造成 bring down使下降 bring in引进bring on

10、引起、导致 bring sth. to ones notice使某人注意 bring up抚育、养育callcall a taxi打的 call at sp.拜访某地 call for要求邀请call in sb.派人去请 call on sb. to do号召某人做某事 call on sb.拜访某人call ones attention to sth.让某人引起对的注意call to mind想起 callup sb.使想起给打电话carrycarry about携带、随身带carry away冲垮;拿走carry forward发展、发扬carry off抢走、夺走carry on进行、

11、继续carry out ones promise遵守某人的诺言carry out实行carry with进行、继续catchcatch a cold感冒catch fire着火catch in被困住、绊住catch ones attention吸引了的注意catch sight of看到caught by the抓到某人的(身体部位)comecome about发生 come across偶然遇见 come along进展、进行come at袭击、向打击 come away脱离、掉下 come back回来醒过来come down下降 come forth向前 come into being形

12、成、产生、存在(无被动)come into effect生效、启用 come off脱离、掉下 come on加油进展come out产生、出现被知道出版、发行结局、结果 come right直接come round转身come to把注意力转向到来 come to an end消亡、灭亡、分裂come to ones notice引起某人的注意 come to oneself苏醒、恢复知觉 come to power掌权come true成为现实 come up上升发生产生(问题、话题、议题)被提出(无被动)come up to过来 come upon偶然遇见cutcut away切下;逃跑

13、cut down砍倒;缩减cut off切断cut ones hair short把头发剪短cut out切下;删除cut sth. in half把切成两半cut sth. into halves把切成两半cut sth. into two parts把切成两半cut up割开;切碎diedie away(气味、声音、光线)逐渐消失、变弱die down平息、变弱、逐渐消失die from polluted air/over work/an accident/ 因为(空气污染、过度劳累、事故等)而死die of grief/cold/hungry/old age/因为(悲伤、寒冷、饥饿、年老

14、等)而死die out灭绝;死光、死绝drawdraw a deep breath深呼吸draw conclusions下结论draw in(车)进站引诱draw ones attention吸引某人注意力draw quick interest获得快捷利润draw up草拟、拟定getget across通过、越过、穿过 get along (well) with与某人相处(得好)进展(顺利)get broken弄坏了 get burnt烧着了 get caught in遇到get changed换衣服 get close to sth./sb.与接近 get down to sth./doi

15、ng开始去做get good from sth.从中得到好处 get hold of把握住;抓住 get hurt受伤了get in touch with与取得联系 get in进入 get into坐进(轿车、出租车等)陷入(某种状态)之中get into the habit of养成的习惯 get it settled确定 get married结婚(强调动作)get off下车脱下 get on (well) with sb./sth.与某人(事、物)相处(得好) get on the right track走上正轨get over恢复、克服 get paid被付钱、得钱、挣钱 get

16、ready for sth.准备好get rid of去除 get sb. to do/doing/done让某人 get separated分开get sth. on有某事 get sth. ready for为作准备get through接通(电话)通过(考试)完成(工作、任务)通过(议案、计划)消息传到get tired of sth./doing感到厌倦 get to know sb.(刚刚)认识某人 get to够得着get together聚会 get up to ones feet站起来 get word得到消息get worse越来越坏了givegive a birth to

17、a baby生小孩 give a hand帮助 give a promise许下诺言give A sth. for B把为B准备的给A give a talk做报告;做演讲give a thought to sb./sth.想象、思考 give an order for sth.订购 give away把送出去give back送回去、拿回去 give birth to生产、生育 give in屈服、投降、让步(不及物)give off散发、发出(气味、光线、声音) give ones love/wishes/regards to sb.给某人的(问候等)give out发出(气味、光线、声音)用尽精疲力尽 give over交托、停止、放弃give sb. a lift搭车 give sb. a message给(收信人)留/传个信give sb. advice on sth./how to do给某人的建议 give sb. sth. 把给某人give sth. away把

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