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1、陕西省西安音乐学院附属中等音乐学校高二英语下学期期20142015学年第二学期高二英语期末试题BI.听力:(20%)第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What address is the woman looking for?A.1060 English Street.B.6014 Eleventh Street.C.1660 Eighth Street.2. What is the man used to?A. N

2、ot wearing a hat in winter.B. Going out on cold autumn days.C. Wearing a hat throughout the year.3. Who is the tallest?A. Tom.B. Jim.C. The man.4. When is the woman leaving?A. At 10:00 this morning.B. At 5:00 this afternoon.C. At 5:00 tomorrow morning.5. What does the man have for breakfast?A. Milk

3、only.B. Milk and toast.C. Milk and eggs.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a hotel.7. How much does the man tip

4、the woman?A. $ 1.70.B. $ 1.30.C. $ 0.70.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What did the woman do on Friday?A. She took a trip in the desert with her family.B. She took part in a field trip with her classmates.C. She went on vacation inCaliforniaby herself.9. What does the woman think ofDeath Valley?A. It is better

5、than the man thinks.B. It is not a good place for camping.C. It is too cold at night.10. What do we know about the man?A. He attended the math class on Friday.B. He likes the rocks very much.C. He showed no interest in the womans trip.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why didnt the man see Lily at lunchtime?A. S

6、he didnt have lunch at all.B. She was busy preparing for the exam.C. Her English class didnt finish on time.12. How soon will the exams be?A. In one week.B. In a fortnight.C. In about 4 weeks.13. Whats Toms weakest subject?A. Biology.B. Math.C. English.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What is wrong with the tel

7、evision?A. The picture is not clear.B. There is no sound.C. It cant be turned on.15. How long is the warranty for the television?A. Two years.B. Two months.C. Two days.16. What does the man agree to do in the end?A. Give the money back to the woman.B. Give the woman a new TV set.C. Check the televis

8、ion and make it work properly.17. Why is the woman surprised?A. They cant adjust it.B. It is not a new TV.C. The TV is out of warranty.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Which part of the body controls touch?A. Eyes.B. Tongue.C. Skin.19. Which sense is not mentioned in the talk?A. Sense of aching.B. Sense of col

9、d.C. Sense of balance.20. How many senses do people have?A. More than five.B. Only five.C. Less than five.II.选择填空:(15%) 21.My uncle hasnt been able to stop smoking, but at least he has_. A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off22.In order to cheat others, some unkind men often _ themselves off as

10、 PLA men.A. pass B. take C. make D. dress23. The moment she came back from work, she _ to clean the kitchen thoroughly.A. set about B. set out C. set off D. set up24. Only when you identity has been checked _.A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed inC. will you allow in D. will you be allowed

11、in25.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood.A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in26.Modern science has given clear evidence _smoking can lead to many diseases.A. what B. which C. that D. where27. Which sport has the mo

12、st expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A. in honor of B. in terms of C. in favour of D. in case of28. A large _ of the hotels income _ from the visitors to the lake nearby.A. percentage; are B. percentage; is C. percent; are D. percent; is29.Studies show that peopl

13、e are more_to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for a long hours.A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure30.Now the people all live a busy_.A.lives C.lively D.lovely31. Mary really hard on his book and thinks hell have finished it by Friday.A. worked B. has bee

14、n working C. had worked D. has worked32. Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother good care of at home.A. taking B. taken C. take D. be taken 33.This house is very old. But it is_great emotional value to my father who spent all his childhood here.A.f

15、or B.with C.of D.by34._by the success of his friend, he was bent on seeking his fortune in busy cities.A.Being encouragedB.To be encouragedC.Having encouragedD.Encouraged35. -Lets go to the New Years Eve party, shall we?- I guess it will be fun.A. Forget it! B. No way! C. Why not? D. What for?III.完形

16、填空:(20%)MrJones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals36 first he had no enough money, and then he was marriedHis wife had not wanted him to 37 herAt last his wife 38 to the trip if he allowed her to go, too“But it will be very uncomfortable,” MrJones 39 her

17、, “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it 40 be dangerous”“I dont care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator(电冰箱)which did not need 41 and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the 42 of Afri

18、caThe first morning, 43 MrJones took his gun and left the tent, he 44 his wife a bell and explained to her , “If you fall in 45 and you need me , 46 this bell and Ill come at once”After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned 47 to the tent“Whats the matter?” he asked“ 48 ” said his wife, “I w

19、as only 49 the bell” MrJones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang 50 MrJones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “Im 51 I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake” MrJones returned to his 52 , but soon he heard the 53 once moreThis time, when he got b

20、ack to his 54 , the tent was burning and MrsJones was lying on the ground, with 55 running from a big cut on her shoulder“Thats better!” said MrsJones“This time the bell had been used correctly!”36AAnd BBut CFor DSo37Aleave Bmiss Cmarry Dcare38Aallowed Bpermitted Csatisfied Dagreed39Atold Badvised C

21、persuaded Dwarned40Amay Bought Ccant Dshall41Amoney Belectricity Cforce Dpower42Asouth Bmiddle Ceast Dwest43Awhile Buntil Cbefore Dafter44Agave Bsent Clent Dbought45Ahurry Bsurprise Csafety Ddanger46Ahit Bknock Cbeat Dring47Aagain Bback Cquickly Dhome48ASomething BNothing CNo DNone49Aringing Btrying

22、 Cusing Dtesting50Aagain Bonce Cacross Daway51Ahappy Bsorry Ctired Dall right52Awife Btent Ctrip D hunting53Acry Bshot Cbell Dshout54Agarden Bhouse Ccamp Doffice55Awater Btears Cblood DsweatIV.阅读理解(30%)AHuman cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may

23、 be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged, and other problems may be solved if human cloning and its technology are not forbidden.With cloning, infertile (不育的) couples could have children. Current

24、 treatments for infertility, in terms of percentages, are not very successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for

25、 many more infertile couples to have children than ever before.We should be able to clone the bone marrow for children and adults suffering from leukemia (白血病). This is expected to be one of the first benefits to come from cloning technology.We may learn how to switch cells on and off through clonin

26、g and thus be able to cure cancer.Cloning technology can be used to test for and perhaps cure generelated diseases.The above is just a few examples of what human cloning technology can do for mankind. This new technology promises unprecedented (空前的) advancement in medicine if people will release the

27、ir fears and let the benefits begin. 56Heart attacks can be treated with human cloning technology by _.A. removing the damaged part of the heartB. replacing the old heart with a cloned oneC. repairing the heart with cells cloned from healthy onesD. giving the patients injections of various medicines

28、57.According to the passage, one of the first expected benefits from cloning technology may be in _.A. the treatment of heart attacksB. the bearing of babiesC. the cure of blood diseasesD. the detection of generelated diseases58.Cancer may be cured with the cloning technology by_.A. attacking the diseased cells with healthy onesB. controlling the growth of the cellsC. detecting

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