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1、安全生产文明施工规范安全生产文明施工规范安全生产文明施工管理规定 施工现场文明施工管理制度 一、施工工地大门及围护 1、施工工地的大门和门柱应牢固,美观,高度不低于2M。沿城市主要街道工地的门柱应为矩形或正方形,短边不小于0.36M。 2、施工现场围墙应封闭严密、完整、牢固、美观,上口要平,外立面要直,高度不低于1.8米。沿街围墙按地区要求使用金属板材、标准块材砌筑、有机板材、石棉板材或编织布、苫布等软质材料拉紧绷直。 3、施工工地应在大门外附近明显处设置宽0.7米,高0.5米的施工标牌,写明工程名称、建筑面积、建设单位、设计单位、施工单位、工地负责人姓名、开工日期、竣工日期等内容。字体规整、

2、明洁美观,设置高度底边距地面不低于1.2米。 4、大门内应有施工平面布置图,比例合适,内容齐全,一般以结构施工期平面图为主,也可分基础期、结构期、装修期分别设置平面图。还应有安全生产管理制度板、消防保卫管理制度板、场容卫生环保制度板、内容简明、实用,字迹工整规范。 二、临时设施 1、利用施工现场或附近的现有设施(包括要拆迁但可暂时利用的建筑物),在建工程本身的建筑物先完成的结构工程(供施工临时使用,交工前再装修)。 2、必须修建的临时设施,应充分利用当地材料或旧料,尽量采用移动式或容易拆装的建筑,以便重复使用。 3、临时设施的布置,应方便生产和生活,不得占据在建工程的位置,与施工的建筑物之间,

3、或临设房屋之间要保持安全和消防间距,并考虑总包和分包单位的需要,生活区与施工区要有Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, b

4、etween members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers t

5、o organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party or

6、ganizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of part

7、y members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the p

8、henomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 明确划分。 4、如有可能,借用建设单位在施工现场或附近的设施。 三、场区道路及排水 1、施工现场首

9、先应尽量利用原有交通设施,并争取提前修建和利用拟建的永久设施解决现场运输问题。 2、当现场不具备上述条件时,就需要修建临时道路。临时道路的布局,须依据现场情况及施工需要而定,房建工地一般应做成循环道,以保现场运输和消防车的畅通。 3、为解决临时道路排水问题,道路横断面应有2-3%坡向路两侧的坡度;沿道路两侧应设排水沟,边沟纵断面尽寸下口40CM,深度依受水面积及最大雨量计算;一般深度不小于30CM,边坡坡度1:1-1:1.5。在道路交会处或车辆出入处边沟要用涵管沟通。 四、现场场容管理 1、工地主要入口要设置简朴规整大门,门旁必须设立明显的标牌,标明工程名称,施工单位和工程负责人姓名等内容。

10、2、建立文明施工责任制,划分区域,明确管理负责人,实行挂牌制,做到现场清洁整齐。 3、施工现场场地平整,道路坚实畅通,有排水措施,基础、地下管道施工完成后要及时回填平整,清除积土。 4、现场施工临时水电要有专人管理,不得有长流水、常明灯。 5、施工现场的临时设施,包括生产、办公、生活用房、仓库、料场、临时上下水管道以及照明、动力线路,要严格按施工组织设计确定的施工平面图布置、搭设或埋设整齐。 6、工人操作地点和周围必须清洁整齐,做到活完脚下清,工完场地清,丢洒在楼梯、楼板上的砂浆砼要及时清除,落地灰要回收过筛使用。 7、砂浆、砼在搅拌、运输、使用过程中,要做到不洒、不Is team-orien

11、ted and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment,

12、 mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, b

13、y the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation

14、 (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team con

15、struction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of g

16、rassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 漏、不剩,使用地点盛放砂浆、砼必须有容器或垫板,如有洒、漏要及时清理。 8、要严格的成品保护措施,严禁损坏污染成品,堵塞管道。高层建筑要设置临时便桶,严禁在建筑物内大小便。 9、建筑物内清除的垃圾渣土,要通

17、过临时搭设的竖井或利用电梯井或采取其他措施稳妥下卸,严禁从门窗向下抛掷。 10、施工现场不准乱堆垃圾及余物,应在适当地点设置临时堆放点,并定期外运。清运渣土垃圾及流体物品,要采取遮盖防漏措施,运送途中不得遗撒。 11、根据工程性质和所在地区的不同情况,采取适当的围护和遮挡措施,并保持外观整洁。 12、针对施工现场情况设置宣传标语和黑板报,并适时更换内容,切实起到鼓舞士气、表扬先进的作用。 五、现场机械管理 1、现场使用的机械设备,要按平面固定点存放,遵守机械安全规程,经常保持机身等周围环境的清洁。机械的标记、编号明显,安全装置可靠。 2、清洗机械排出的污水要有排放措施,不得随地流淌。 3、塔吊

18、轨道安装铺设整齐稳固,塔边要封闭,道碴不外溢。 六、现场生活卫生管理 1、施工现场办公室、仓库、职工(包括民工)宿舍,保持清洁卫生,要建立卫生区域,经常打扫,并按规定在工程竣工交用后及时拆除和清退。上述房屋内未经许可一律禁止使用电炉。 2、工地伙房食堂及临时卖饭处所,要整洁卫生,做到生熟食隔离,要有防蝇防尘设施。 3、施工现场按规定设置临时厕所,经常打扫保持清洁,定期施洒白灰或其他消毒药物,露天粪池必须加盖,市区工地厕所要有水冲设施。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve

19、 the level of team science decision, a democrat3 ic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, dem

20、ocratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community),

21、and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service leve

22、ls, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the tow

23、n village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party

24、branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village4、施工现场严禁居住家属,严禁居民家属、小孩在施工现场穿行、玩耍。 七、施工现场环境保护 1、建筑物内外的零散碎料和垃圾渣土应及时清理,楼梯踏步、休息平台、阳台等悬挑结构上不得堆放垃圾及杂物。 2、施工现场应设置垃圾站,及时集中分检、回收、利用和清运。垃圾清运出场必须到批准的垃圾消纳场倾倒,不得乱倒乱卸。 3、施工现场应经常保持整洁卫生

25、,运输车辆不常泥砂出场,并做到沿途不遗撒。 4、办公室、职工宿舍和更衣室要保持整洁、有序。生活区周围应保持卫生,无污物和污水,生活垃圾集中排放,及时清理。 5、施工现场及施工的建筑物内外不得随地大小便,现场内设厕所,应的专人保洁。 6、冬季取暖炉,防煤气中毒设施必须齐全有效,使用前验收合格后方可使用。 7、工地食堂、伙房要有卫生管理人员。食堂、伙房应经当地卫生防疫部门的审查批准,建立食品卫生管理制度,办理食品卫生许可证,炊事人员身体健康证。 8、伙房内外整洁,炊具用具必须干净,无腐烂变质食品,操作人员上岗穿整洁的工作服并保持个人卫生。生食和熟食分开加工和保管。 9、施工现场应供应开水,饮水器具

26、要卫生。 八、料具及构配件码放 1、料具要构配件应按施工平面布置图划定的位置分类码放整齐。预制圆孔板、大楼板、外墙板等大型构件、大模板存放时,场地应平整夯实,有排水措施。 2、施工现场各种料具按施工平面布置图指定位置存放,并Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadersh

27、ip, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of

28、 work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, under

29、stand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been

30、further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an

31、end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment sy

32、stem. Perfect village 分规格码放整齐、稳固,一头齐、一条线,砖成丁、成行,高度不超过1.5米,砌块码放高度不超过1.8米,砂、石子和其他散料堆放成堆,界限分清,不得混杂。 3、现场材料应根据其性能采取防雨、防潮、防晒、防冻、防火、防损坏等措施。贵重物品、易燃、易爆和有毒品应及时入库,专库专管,加设明显标志,并建立严格的领退料手续。 4、施工现场外临时存放施工材料,须经有关部门批准,并按规定办理临时占地手续。材料堆放整齐,不影响交通和市容,并应加围挡。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democrat5 ic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual suppor

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