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秋八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science练习无答案新版人教新目标版.docx

1、秋八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science练习无答案新版人教新目标版Unit 6 Im going to study computer science知识预习:1grow up She _ in China.(长大)What do you want to_when you grow up?(be)你长大后想当什么? 【例】When he _,he _ to be a policeman.Agrow up;wantBgrows up;want Cgrows up;wants Dgrow up;wants2.keep on 其后接动词ing

2、形式,表示“ ”。keep sb.(sth.) doing sth. The children kept on computer games.(play)孩子们不断地玩电脑游戏。Im going to keep on stories.(write)我打算继续写故事。The boss kept the workers all day.(work)老板让工人们整天不断地工作。【例】Why did the child _ crying last night?Acame on Bcome on Ckeep on Dkept on keep in mind that you have to be hom

3、e by nine oclock.(记住)3. be sure about 确信;对有把握, =be sure ofI think I can win the match.I am sure of/about .(it)我认为我能赢这场比赛。我对此有把握。I _ _ _the match.我对这场比赛很有把握。(1)be sure to do sth. = .,用在祈使句中时,表示说话人的一种要求。Be/Make sure to to my birthday party.(come)一定要来参加我的生日聚会。(2)be surethat 从句,表示“肯定;确信”,许多时候可与“be sure

4、to do sth.”替换。Im sure that I can run much faster.Im sure to run much faster.我肯定能跑得快多了。【例1】We are sure _the football match. Awin Bto win Cwinning Dwins【例2】 根据汉语意思完成下列句子我肯定他考前很紧张。_ _ _hell get very nervous before the exam.每个人都确信自己有更好的未来。Everyone _ _ _ a better future.4cook n. cook v Is your father a ?

5、(cook)你爸爸是一名厨师吗?My mother is dinner in the kitchen.(cook)我妈妈正在厨房里做晚饭。He very well.(cook)他做饭做得很好。 cooker n The is very expensive.这厨具是很贵的。 cook sb.sth.cook sth.for sb. She often cooks us delicious meals.She often cooks delicious meals for us.她经常给我们做美食。 do some cooking Im doing some when you call me.(c

6、ook) 当你给我打电话时我正在做饭。【例1】What are you doing there?I am _.Breakfast is OK soon. Arunning BSinging Csleeping Dcooking【例2】 My uncle is a _.He can _ Beijing Duck _us. Acook;cook;to Bcooker;cook;for Ccooker;cooks;to Dcook;cook;for5send sb.sth.send sb. He last month. He me last month.他上月寄给我一封信。 I wan

7、t to my friends.我想把它们寄给我的朋友们。 类似的还有如下动词:give(pass,show,sell)sb.sth.give(pass,show,sell) sb.给(递,出示,卖)某物给某人【例1】I dont get your postcard.When did you _it?Last Friday. AShow BsendCgiveDmake【例2】The girl sent a beautiful postcard _me.A/ Bto Cfor DGive课堂评测一、He was born and g_ up in Beijing, but he li

8、ves in Shanghai now.1. He likes acting very much and he wants to be an a_ in the future.2. A v_ is good at playing the violin.3. He s_ the letters to his parents yesterday.4. She wants to be a teacher so she will study e_ in the college.5. Her dream is to be a student of the u_.6. He takes the m_ th

9、ree times a day.7. He likes writing and he always sends a_ to newspapers.二、选择1. Im going to write articles and _ them to the magazines and newspapers. A. sending B. send C. sent D. sends2. Although its late, he still keeps on _ his homework. A. does B. do C. doing D. did3. If you are going to be an

10、actor, you have to _. A. take acting lessons B. take act lessons C. take acting lesson D. take act lesson4. does he want to be when he ?He wants to be a computer programmer.A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up D. How, grow up5. Hes going to buy a big house when he _ more money. A. has

11、 B. have C. will have D. is going to have6. Is she going to be actor?Yes. She is taking lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting D. a, action7. Where is Linda? She may be at home. But Im not sure it.A. at B. about C. with D. in8.-_ are you going to get good grades? -I am going

12、 to work hard. A. When B. What C. How D. Why知识收获:-第二课时知识预习1sound v. ,后接形容词作表语。The music sounds . (beauty) 这音乐听起来很美。sound n The of the wind is very sweet.(sound)这风的声音很悦耳。sound like That a good plan.(听起来像) 【例1】根据汉语意思完成下列句子听,那声音听起来像什么? 【例2】His plan _ great.Asound Bsounds likeCsounds Dsounding2question和

13、problem(1)question ,指一般的问题。常与ask,answer搭配。(2)problem 指已存在的,需要解决的问题。常与solve,deal with搭配。I can answer your .But you cant solve my .我能回答你的问题。但是你不能解决我的问题。 【例】I want to ask a _:Can you deal with the math _?Aquestion;question Bproblem;problem Cquestion;problem Dproblem;question3.meaning n Whats the of the

14、 word?(mean)这个单词什么意思? 【例题】The _ of the word “physical” in Chinese is “身体的”Amean BMeans Cmeaning Dmeanings4 discuss v. discuss doing sth. Mary and her sister discussed the club.(join)玛丽和她姐姐商量过加入俱乐部。 n We had a about the house.(discuss)我们讨论了一下关于房子的事。 They _ a _ with me _ the match yesterday.昨天他们和我讨论了有

15、关比赛的事。5promise n. make a promise to sb.make promises to sb. Dont to others easily.不要轻易向他人许诺。 promise do sth. You must promise me early tomorrow morning.你必须答应我明天早上早点来。【例1】The young man made a _ to his parents that he could study hard. Aplan BdecisionCpromise Ddiscussion【例2】This morning,my son p

16、romised me _ his homework for an hour.Ado BDoing Cto do Dto doing课堂评测用适当的介、副词填空。1. I want to be a basketball player when I grow _.2. Daves family moved _ England last year.3. Paris sounds _ a city I could enjoy.4. Dick bought a house _ the money he saved.5. We sent the books _ the poor children in a

17、 village.6. There are lots _ magazines and newspapers here.7. Shes going to write an article _ the life of our school.8. Yao Ming is a famous basketball player who comes _ Shanghai.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tina is sure _(pass) the mid-term exam. 2. everyone _(want) to be his friend 3. She keeps on _(do) her

18、homework when she wakes up. 4. Internet makes our lives _(easy) and _(easy).5. UncleWangisaracecar_(drive).Heloveshisjobsverymuch.6. Heisacook.Heisgoingtoa_(cook)school.三句型转换,每空一词1. She is going home this evening. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ home this evening?2. Im gong to be a nurse. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you going

19、_ _?3. What do you usually do on Sundays? (用 next Sunday 代替 on Sundays) What _ you _ _ do next Sunday?4. I am going to be a basketball player. (同义句转换) I _ _ _ a basketball player.5. Mr. Green is going to move to Beijing next month. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mr. Green going to move next month?6. My father is goi

20、ng to learn English. (对划线部分提问) _ your father going to _?7. The little boy is so short that he cant reach the box. (同义句转换) The little boy is _ short _ reach the box.知识收获:-第三课时知识预习1. beginning n. 开头;开端 at the beginning ,I lived across from her.(起初)起初我住在她对面。at the beginning of She left here at the begi

21、nning of this month.她在这个月初离开了这儿。from the beginning Read the text .从头读课文。from beginning to end v begin to do sth. begin with We often begin our class a song.我们经常以一首歌来开始我们的课。【例1】_ the beginning _ this term,he made a resolution. AFrom;on BAt;of CFrom;with DOn;of【例2】Lily _read the book from _ after supp

22、er.Abegan to;beginning Bbegan;beginning Cbegan;the beginning Dbegan to;the beginning2. write down = Please your name on your paper.请在你的试卷上写下你的名字。【例题】At the beginning of new term,teachers usually ask their students _ their plans. Awrite down Btake down Cto write down Dtaking down3have to do with What

23、 does it you?它与你有什么关系?have nothing to do with My brother the fight.我弟弟和打架没关系。【例题】I heard you _ to do with the person.Ahave Bhave nothing Chad Dhas nothing4. take up (尤指为消遣) He swimming last summer.他去年夏天开始学游泳的。 和up 有关的短语:cut up get up put up stay up late wake.up make up dress up 【例题】Are you going to

24、_up a new hobby next year?Aput BMake Cget Dtake课堂评测、根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子1. Some students decide to go to f_ countries after finishing high school.2. The answers to the q_ are not right.3. He promises to make w_ plans for each week.4. At the b_ of the term, I prepared lots of stationary(文具).5. Do you know

25、 the m_ of this sign?6. The New Years r_ are usually too difficult to keep.7. You should do more p_ exercises, like running or swimming.8. The tired(疲倦的) children have to do much s_ after school.9. My friends and I are d_ the plans for the coming holiday.10. My h_ include swimming and playing the pi

26、ano.11We should keep our p_.二、选择1. -Whats your _? -I like listening to music. A. job B. age C. hobby D. fan2. -We all like Miss Wang. -I agree with you. She always makes her classes _. A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. interests3. Its a good _ to have breakfast every morning. A. habit B. j

27、ob C. menu D. skill4. -Dad, how can I get on well with my classmates? -Try to be friendly to them. That will make it much _. A. easily B. more easily C. easy D. easier5. Kim always studies English very hard, so he always _ in the English test. A. gets good grades B. gets lots of exercisesC. won the

28、first prize D. got good grades知识收获:-第4课时1. agree with sb. 2. agree to do sth. Do you agree with _?(I)你同意我的话吗? Do you the writer?(同意)你同意作者的观点吗? He agreed to with me.(go)他同意跟我一起去。 agree on .We the question. 在这个问题上我们意见一致。【例题】Do you agree _ me _ the question?Awith;to Bto;on Cwith;on Don;with3. own adj. & pron. (常放于形容词性物主代词的后面)

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