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1、雇佣合同中英文版编号:雇佣合同公司: 员工: 签订日期: 年 月 日EMPLOYERS NAME:公司名称:ADDRESS:地 址:This stateme nt is issued in accorda nee with the curre nt employme nt legislati on and sets out the terms and con diti ons of your employme nt with the Employer.本合同符合现行劳动法规,阐明了用工期间的各项条件条款。EMPLOYEES NAME:员工姓名:EMPLOYEES ADDRESS通讯地址:You

2、r employme nt will begi n on:到岗时间:JOB TITLE:职位:From time to time the Management may consider it necessary for you to do other jobs withi n your skill and compete nee.根据现实需要,管理者有时会要求你做能力范围内的其他工作PAY:薪酬:Your wages will be paid at monthly intervals and will be paid directlyinto your Bank acco unt on the

3、 last day of each mon th.工资实行每月结付,会在每月最后一天打入你的银行账户。Your basic hourly rate is per hour per hour week andwill be subject to review from time to time but not less than annually.基本时薪为 英镑/时; 小时/周;可能会有微调,但年薪不变。When it is required for you to work overtime this will be compensated atthe Employers discretion

4、 either by time off in lieu or by payment at arate no less tha n your basic hourly rate.如需加班,则公司根据加班时间或不少于基本时薪的方式给付加班费。NORMAL HOURS OF WORK:正常工作时间:Mon day to Friday周一至周五09.00 hours to 17.00 hours9: 0017: 00HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT AND PAY:休假及薪酬The Employee is en titled towork ing hours holiday per year.员

5、工每年享有个工作时的假期The holiday year will comme nee on 1st January and end on 31st December of the same year. 休假年份计算从1月1日开始到同年12月31日结束。Holidays will be paid at basic rates of pay.休假期间按基本工资计算ALL HOLIDAYS MUST BE PRE-BOOKED IN AGREEMENT WITH MANAGEMENT.为便于管理,所有休假都必须提前申请。The Employer reserves the right to reim

6、burseme nt by the employee for anypayme nt in excess of holiday en titleme nt on term in ati on of service.协议终止时,对于员工额外享有的假期福利,公司保留索取赔偿的权利。All holidays must be take n in the holiday year - no holidays may becarried forward to the followi ng year without prior agreeme nt with theman ageme nt.所有假期都必须在

7、当年休完,未经管理方同意,来年不再补休。Compassi on ate leave will be give n sympathetic con siderati on by theEmployer. The Employer however does not hold itself bound to make any payme nt for compassi on ate leave uni ess take n as part of curre nt holiday en titleme nt.公司出于同情考虑会准许事假,但一般不带薪,除非现行假期福利另有规定。Mater nity le

8、ave will be subject to the guideli nes laid out by theDepartme nt Social Security (DSS) or such other releva nt gover nment authority or legislati on from time to time.产假则遵循社会保障部或政府法规的相关规定。SICKNESS:病假Should you be un able to atte nd work due to sick ness you are required to con tact your immediate s

9、upervisor by 11.00 hours on the first day ofin capacity.如果因病不能工作,则必须在生病的第一天 11: 00之前通知你的直接上司。Where sick leave exceeds three days in one con ti nu ous period the Employerwill pay at half your basic rate the first three days. Thereafter paywill be at the curre nt rate of Statutory Sick Pay. Where peri

10、ods ofin capacity are lin ked, as laid dow n in DSS Statutory Sick Pay regulati ons,you will only receive Statutory Sick Pay at the curre nt rate from thefirst day of in capacity.若病假连续超过三天,公司支付三天基本工资的一半。超过三天的部分则按现行照法 定病金支付。若病假持续,符合社会保障部法定病金的相关规定,贝【J从病假的第一天 起,公司只支付法定病金。For short term periods of sick

11、ness the Employer will pay a maximum of 10 days in any one year at your basic rate for sick leave.对于短期病假,公司按基本工资一年最多可支付 10天带薪病假。Where long term sick leave is n ecessary, the Employer at its discreti on will top up your Statutory Sick Pay en titleme nt up to a maximum of one third of your basic rate,

12、 for a maximum period of 5 weeks from the start of the period of in capacity. Thereafter you will receive Statutory Sick Pay subject to the rates and regulati ons curre ntly laid dow n by the DSS.若需请长期病假,公司出于同情可将法定病金最多提升至基本工资的三分之一,支付 从病假开始最长5周的时间。此后将按照社会保障部规定的现行法定病金进行支付。The Employer reserves the rig

13、ht (at its own cost) to reimburseme nt of allpayme nts made duri ng sick leave should the employee receive compe nsati on from a third party for any injury susta ined or ill ness con tracted whilst represe nting the Employer away from the Employers premises.若员工在病假期间因持续伤病或合同规定的疾病获得了第三方的补助,那么公司有权 要求追回

14、病假期间的一切补助。All leave due to sick ness must be supported by a bona fide medicalcertificate. This may be in the form of a Self Certificate (form SC1)for the first 5 work ing days and thereafter a Certificate from yourGen eral Practiti oner.所有的病假都应有医学证明,前五天可以是自我证明( SC1格式),此后的由主治医师开具。The Employer reserve

15、s the right (at its own expe nse) to have anin depe ndent medical opinion on any injury or sick ness of a long termn ature with special regard to future fit ness for employme nt.考虑到未来工作的需要,公司保留对长期伤病独立的医学鉴定权利(费用自理)。All Compa ny sick leave will be calculated from 1st January to 31stDecember the same y

16、ear.公司所有假条从每年1月1日开始计算至同年12月31日止RIGHTS TO NOTICE:权利声明:After 4 weeks con ti nu ous service the followi ng periods of no tice willapply:连续工作四周可申请以下休假的权利:Service CompletedBy EmployerBy Employee工作完成情况公司员工Un der 12 weeks1 week1 week12周之内1周Over 12 weeks4 weeks4 weeks12周以上You may be required to give your no

17、 tice in writ ing.请上交手写休假申请By actual agreement these notices can be waived by either party. TheEmployer reserves the right to waive notice periods and make payment in lieu.出于工作实际安排,以上休假安排可由任何一方做出改变。公司保留对休假时间进行 调整或替代补偿的权利。GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES基本规则与程序方针The Employer expects employees

18、to be punctual and regular in theiratte ndance for work. It is un derstood that employees will always do theirwork to the best of their ability to mai ntai n good worki ng relati on shipswith every one else in the Employer and preserve the reputati on of the establishme nt.公司要求员工按时到岗工作。员工也应尽力做好自己的工作

19、,与同事相处融洽,维护 公司荣誉。Employees must report for work suitably clothed and equipped.员工必须穿戴得当、配备整齐并加以报告。You may be required to complete a time sheet of your weekly activitieswhich must be completed and han ded in by 17.30 hrs on Friday of that week and placed in the box provided.员工应当制定一周待办记事的时间表,并于本周周五 17:

20、 30之前放至指定盒子内DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES纪律处罚程序(Subject to the provisi ons re: Serious Con duct and Gross Misc on duct)(规定分为“违纪”和“严重违纪”)The developme nt and prosperity of the Employer and of its employees isdepe ndent to a large exte nt on its ability to achieve and preserve a highsta ndard of co-operati

21、on and discipli ne. The Employer believes that mostemployees un dersta nd and accept this and that there must be rules ofcon duct and behaviour if the Employers activities are to be smooth and orderly.公司与员工共同的发展与强大很大程度上取决于能否保持高度合作并严守纪律。公司 相信每一位员工都理解并认同这个观点,为保证公司各项活动顺利进行,就必须制定 行为规范。First Stage第一步The

22、employee will be give n a formal oral warning, and advised of thereas on for the warning and that this warning con stitutes the first stageof the procedure.程序第一步:员工会被给出一个正式的口头警告及其原因。Second Stage第二步Further misc on duct or failure to resp ond to the first warni ng will lead toa further warning. This w

23、ill be in writi ng and set out the n ature of theoffence as well as the likely con seque nces of further offen ces. The employee will be remin ded that this is the sec ond stage of the procedure.如果第一次警告后仍不知悔改,则会给出一份书面警告并注明违纪行为的性质和后 果。提醒员工这是程序的第二步。Third Stage第三步Failure to improve in resp onse to the

24、procedure so far will result in theissue of a final writte n warni ng. This will state the n ature of theoffence and likely con seque nee should the employees con duct con ti nue tobe un acceptable, which would no rmally be dismissal.如果此时仍不知悔改,员工将收到一份书面的最后警告。这份警告将说明违纪行为的 性质,若员工继续我行我素则可能带来的后果是不被允许的,通

25、常会被解雇。Final Stage第四步Failure to meet the requireme nts set out in the final writte n warni ng willno rmally lead to dismissal with appropriate no tice of termi natio n, orpayme nt in lieu of no tice.若员工未能按照最后书面警告的要求改进行为,则一般会被辞退并给予一定的解雇补偿或补偿金。During all stages of the discipli nary procedure the employ

26、ee will be give nthe opport un ity to state their case before a decisi on is reached.在纪律处罚的每一个步骤里,员工都有机会在决定给出前给出他们的解释。It is an employees right to be accompa nied or represe nted by a colleague from the Employer duri ng all stages of the discipli nary procedure.在纪律处罚的每一个步骤里,员工都有权由公司同事陪同或代表。All warnin

27、gs both verbal and writte n will be no ted on the employeesrecord for a period of 6 mon ths for minor misc on duct and 12 mon ths for serious misc on duct and may be reflected in any refere nee the Employer may be called upon to submit.所有的口头和书面警告都会被记录在员工的履历里,轻微违纪保留记录 6个月,严重违纪12个月,并被反映在公司要提交的参考文件里。SE

28、RIOUS MISCONDUCT违纪行为Where con duct occurs which the Employer regards as a serious breach of theGen eral Rulea nd Procedures the Employer reserves the right to issue an immediate first and final writte n no tice without issu ing verbal or writte n warnings as in the Discipli nary Procedures first and sec ond stage.若公司认为员工违犯了一般规则程序,则公司有权立即发布首次和最终书面警告通 知,而不必遵循纪律处罚程序中的第一、二步发布口头和书面警告。An example of serious misc on duct would be:

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