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Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元教案.docx

1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元教案单元教案Do you like bananas?教材依据:新目标英语七年级上册第六单元教学目标(一) 语言知识1、词汇:本单元所要求掌握的所有词汇2、日常交际用语:Do you like ? Yes,I do./No, I dont. I /They like oranges. I/They dont like bananas. She likes salad. She doesnt like salad.3、教学重点: 1、掌握各种不同的有关食物方面的名词;2、实义动词like 一般现在时的否定式、疑问式及其答语;3、助动词do /

2、does和dont/doesnt的用法;4、一日三餐的营养搭配5、小短文的写作4、教学难点: 1、Affirmative and negative statements2、Countable nouns and uncountable nouns3、How to talk about likes and dislikes(二) 语言技能学生能认识及听懂各种不同的食物名称,区分可数名词和不可数名词,并能自由表达出自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物;能根据单元所学句型自编对话,讨论自己及他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物并扩展到其他方面(如sports),能进行小组讨论并用英语进行简单的陈述(I like, I dont

3、 like ,he likes,he doesnt like.),能进行一日三餐的营养搭配,能根据课前任务收集和整理资料,并对所得资料进行加工和处理,在课堂中合理地加以运用。(三)学习策略通过学习课文,掌握有关饮食方面的词汇,并结合所学单词,自由讨论喜好。通过在课文中交流彼此的特长和爱好,培养群体意识,并在小组讨论及合作中,学会合作学习与研究性学习,完成所给任务,努力开拓课程资源。(四)情感态度激发学生英语学习的欲望和兴趣,敢于用英语进行交流和表达; 营造情感交融的良好氛围,努力提高学生的学习兴趣,学生自主学习、主动合作;认真完成课前任务,在调查中充分发挥自身潜力,培养思维能力、动手能力、开展

4、研究性学习;(五)文化意识能了解东西方不同的饮食文化。Unit 6 第一课时(一)语言知识和技能目标(1)能理解并区别以下单词:like、banana、hamburger、tomato、broccoli、French fries、orange、ice、cream、salad、strawberry、oh1.能理解并正确使用以下句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No,Idont.2.能认识并听懂有关食物方面的单词,并区分可数名词和不可数名词。3.能用本单元句型讨论自己的喜好和厌恶。4.能在实例中理解句型,并在语言实践中达到熟练运用的程度。(二)情感态度及学习策略

5、目标1.激发学生英语学习的欲望和兴趣,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。2.在小组活动中积极参与讨论,互相帮助,培养团队精神,共同完成学习任务。教学过程一、 导入(Warming-up activity)Chant: 创设和谐、活泼的课堂氛围,激发学生英语学习兴趣,引出本课重点句型:Do you like ?二:任务前活动(pre-task)(1)Task 1: Games about food The students guess the name of the food in the bags .If the students cant say the name of the food ,help

6、 them. Give the food as presents to them.(2)Memory challege 计算机快速闪动食物画面,让学生进行短暂记忆,培养学生观察能力和判断能力,为后面的中心任务作好词汇懂得铺垫。 三、任务活动(while-task)(1) Task 2: Make a survey 计算机展示1a中所有的食物,以小组为单位,在全班进行调查(Do you like ?)计算机(或在黑板上)用柱形图同步展示每组统计结果,以使Language goal:Talk about likes and dislikes得以初步的理解和运用。(2) Give a report

7、根据柱形图统计结果,各组推选一位组长做报告,这样自然而然地操练了基本句型:I/We like. They like . (3)Task 3: Have a group copetition 告诉学生名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两种形式,以小组为单位(或分男、女生),看哪组学生能把所学名词填入以下空格中,而且做得即快又多。把竞争机制引进课堂,能活泼课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时培养学生团队意识,增进小组合作和交流。Countable nounsUncountable nounsCountable nouns and Uncountable nouns StudentsFlowers the

8、y getGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 (4)watch,listen and write计算机展示课文对话的教学录象,学生边看边听,通过听觉、视觉双重感官的刺激,对课文内容产生深刻的印象,同时要求学生做1a、1b、2a、2b中的练习。培养学生写的能力以及当堂巩固所学内容。(5)Make a similar dialogue计算机展示1b中的两句对话,同时展示一些其他类型的图片,如篮球(球类) ,英语书(学科 ),温州(城市)等。让学生根据对话内容,两个一个小组合作编一般相似的对话,并在全班表演。教学素材不应仅仅局限于课文内容,应让学生进行扩展学习,培养学生的思维能

9、力。 (6) Task 4:shopping学生四人小组活动:1人充当店主,其他人为顾客,屏幕中为1a中所有食物。学生尽量用所学知识进行自由发挥。四、 任务后活动(posttask)(1)Assessement 教师与学生一起对task 4中的各个小组进行评价,评退出最佳表扬奖,最佳合作奖等。汇总评价结果记入课堂评价表。(2)A famous poen 计算机展示唐朝诗人李绅的诗“悯 农”。以警示学生食物(粮食)来之不易,应珍惜,不宜浪费。 五、 课后作业(homework)(1) Survey学生回家调查父母所喜欢及不喜欢的早、中、晚餐食物 (2)A composition用I like,I

10、 dont like写1篇小文章。 (3)学生回家自制一个saladUnit 6 第二课时一、 语言知识1、 词汇:egg、apple、carrot、chicken、fruit、vegetable2、 基本句型:Do you like?He/She likes. He/She doesnt like.3、 教学重点:(1)实义动词一般现在时第三人称单数做主语时, 动词的变化(2)动词does、doesnt的用法(3)继续熟悉、巩固有关食物名称方面的单词并扩展词汇量4、 教学难点:(1)助动词does、doesnt的用法(2)继续谈论likes and dislikes二、 语言技能1、 能熟练

11、说出食物名称,并扩大学生的知识面2、 能了解他人的有关信息,并能整合并相互交流3、 能课后了解中西方饮食习俗的差异三、 学习策略1、 通过对图片中不同事物(即非语言信息)的辨别,识别不同的食物2、 通过交流彼此的特长和爱好,培养群体意识3、 学会合作学习,努力开拓课程资源四、 情感态度 营造情感交融的良好氛围,努力提高学生的学习兴趣,学生自主学习、主动合作;认真完成课前任务,在调查中充分发挥自身潜力,培养思维能力、动手能力、开展研究性学习Teaching proceduresTask 1: Go over and learn the new wordsStep 1: (1)Sing a son

12、g A Sports SongI like football,how about you?You like running , so do I.I like volleyball,how about you ?You like basketball, so do I.I like Ping-Pong ball,how about you ? You like swimming,so do I.I like jumping,how about you?You like climbing,so do I(2) Play a “yes/no”game The students answer “Do

13、you like”questions with gestures and real objects. Purpose:Arouse studentsinterest.Enliven the atmosphere.Go over the knowledge learnt these days.Step 2: Guess and learn The teacher introduce the new words with the help of unfinished pictures. For example:T:Whats this?S:Is it an apple?T:Yes ,it is./

14、 No, it isnt. The students use imagination to finish the pictures and learn new words at the same time.Purpose:Improve the ability of imagination and using the new knowledge.Step 3:Write Do 1a、 2a、 1b in section B.Purpose: Improve the ability of writingStep 4:A memory competition The teacher say the

15、 foods chinese names to see who is the fastes to say out the foods English names. Presents are ready. Purpose: Develop the ability of the studentsmemory. Complete the first task and pave the way for the studentscooperation.Task 2:Food surveyStep 1: The new knowledge lead-inT:Do you like ?S1:Yes, I d

16、o.T:S1 likes.T:Do you like ?S2:No,I dont.T:S2 doesnt like .Purpose: Getting ready for the pairworkStep2:PairworkWork in pairs to talk about other students.S1:Does S3 like?S2:Yes,he does.S1:Does S4 like ?S2:No, he doesnt.Practise pairwork in P33.Step3: Make survey and give a reportIn groups of four:

17、Ask one another what he/she likes or dislikes. Fill in the forms in Food Survey in P33 with the information collected and choose one student to give a report.Namelikesdoesnt likePurpose: Develop studentscompetence of using language and cooperation .Task3:Discussion and report Step 1: The teacher sho

18、ws pictures of food and introduce healthy recipe for the students to discuss what is good food.Step2: A few groups report the discussion results.Purpose: Getting ready for talking about the three meals in a day in the next lesson.Homework: 1.A composition with “He likes,he doesnt like”(about 30-50 w

19、ords) 2.A survey:What is the best food for the three meals? Unit 6 第三课时一、语言知识1.词汇:breakfast,lunch,dinner,runner,eat,run,star,lot,lots of,healthy,food,dessert 2.基本句型:For breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas,and apples.What do you like for breakfast? 3.教学重点:(1)食物的分类(2)一般现在时第三人称单数做主语时,动词的变化(1) Continue tal

20、king about likes and dislikes4教学难点:(1) 一日三餐营养搭配(2) 小短文理解一、 语言技能1 能自由讨论自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物2 能用英语进行一日三餐的营养搭配3 能用英语做简单的报告或归纳并复述交谈内容4 培养表演能力,概括能力,想象能力,创新能力以及合作探究的能力二、 学习策略 在课前,我布置了两个任务:1、每组带一两种水果到课堂来,课中制作一个水果沙拉。 2、回家向父母了解一日三餐的营养搭配,并能自己设计出一份合理的菜谱。这两项任务所要求的语言知识,在前面两课中已经有所介绍、学习,所以难度不会很大。自己动手做调查、做实验,培养了学生的动手能力、思考能力

21、,扩大了学生的知识面;同时学生自主学习有关的语言知识,充分利用了课余时间,也提高了课堂效率,提高了学生在实践中运用语言的能力。三、 情感态度 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,培养学生的学习自信心,使其具有成功的体验。四、 文化意识 了解中西方不同的一日三餐营养搭配Teaching proceduresTask 1:A salad-made competitionStep 1:Warming up 1.A duty report2.Sing a songStep 2:Revision1.Show the pictures of all the food learnt these days.Ask: Do

22、 you like?2.Groupwork: What is your favourite food? Report to the class.3.Do 2b in P35.Step 3:A competition 1. In groups of four: Every group make a fruit salad in five minutes (Materials are ready beforehand.)2.One of group members introduce their salad to the class.Choose the best group and tell t

23、hem why.Task2: A healthy recipeStep 1:Ask &answerT: I like porridge,milk,bread for breakfast. I like vegetables,rice and fish for lunch. I like meat,vegetables,rice and eggs for dinner. What does your mother make for your three meals?Ask a few students.T: I think most of your meals are delicious ,bu

24、t can you make a healthy recipe yourself?Step 2:Groupwork: Make a recipe in two minutes. Report it to the class . Learn 3a in P34.Step 3:Write Do the exercise of 3b in P35.Task 3: Go to a restaurantStep 1: Preparation 1.A video watch :Ordering food in a restaurant2.Groupwork: One will act as a waite

25、r/waitress,the others will act as customers.Ready for a few minutes.Step 2: A competition 1. The studentsgroup show2. Choose the best groupWriting exercise:Like likes dont doesnt good delicious Waiter: What do you like to eat ,Tom?Tom:Well,I like salad,Its_for our health,but I_like broccoli.Waiter:A

26、nd your friends? What does he like to eat?Tom: He _oranges and bananas. He _like hamburgers.Bobby: And I_ice cream. Its_.Homework:1. cook a meal for their parents.2. Search the Internet: What is the difference between Chinese meals and western meals?Unit 6 第四课时一、 语言知识1、 词汇:list2、 基本句型:3、 教学重点:(1)复习一

27、日三餐的营养搭配(2) 继续谈论likes and dislikes(3) 知识的迁移和扩展二、 语言技能1、 能流利介绍一日三餐2、 能了解他人饮食习惯,并相互交流信息3、 培养归纳概括能力、口头及书面表达能力三、 学习策略1、 通过学习,熟练说出各种食物名称,自由谈论爱好2、 通过学习,掌握中国不同地区饮食文化及中西方不同的饮食文化3、 学会合作学习,努力开拓课程资源四、 文化意识 了解中西方不同的饮食文化差异Teaching proceduresTask 1:Find the differences between Chinese meals and western mealsStep

28、1:Warming up 1、 Sing a song2、 GreetingStep 2:Revision1、 Ask one by one:Do you like hamburgers/football/English songs/Yao Ming/your Chinese teacher?2、 Pairwork:Ask and answer like aboveStep 3:Find difference 1、 Ask:Is noodle Chinese food? Are French fries Chinese food ? Do you have French fries for d

29、inner? Ask a few students2、 T:Who can tell me the differences between Chinese meals and western meals?In groups, the students give reports they searched on Internet the day beforeStep 4 :Write (activity 3c) Write about what they like for breakfast ,lunch and dinnerStep 5 :Pairwork(Activity 2c)Task 2

30、:Discussion Step1:T:If you are going on a picnic with your group members this Sunday,what will you want to buy?Discuss in groups of fourStep 2:The groups read their lists of food to the classTask 3:ShoppingStep1:After making a list of food to buy ,preparing for shopping In groups:One act as the shop keeper,the others act as the customersStep 2:The groups act out the shopping dialoguesTask 4: Make a survey(Do you know what your parents like)Step 1: Ask:If today is your fathers birthday,what will you give him for your present?And what will you do for him today? Ask some studentsStep 2:

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