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1、外研版高一英语单词词汇短语总结整理大全Module6Module 6【单词】contain /knten/vt. 包含,包括access /kses/n. 接近,通路crash /kr/vi. (计算机)崩溃keyword /ki:w:d/n. 密码,口令log /l/vt. 记录,登录software /sftwe/n. 软件breakdown /brekdn/n. 故障source /s:s/n. 来源,出处accessible /ksesbl/adj. 可进入的,可使用的data /det/n. (复)数据defence /dfens/n. 保护,防卫create /kri:et/vt.

2、 创造,发明network /netw:k/n. 网络via /va/prep. 途径,经由percentage /psentd/n. 百分数,百分率design /dzan/vt. 设计document /dkjmnt/n. 文件invention /nvenn/n. 发明permission /pmn/n. 许可military /mltri/adj. 军事的,军队的concentrate /knsntret/vi. 集中(注意力、思想等)definite /defnt/adj. 明确的fantastic /fntstk/adj. 极好的,美妙的independent /ndpendnt/

3、adj. 独立的essay /ese/n. 文章pass /p:s/vt. 超过frequently /fri:kwntli/adv. 时常,经常disadvantage /dsdv:ntd/n. 弊端,缺点average /vrd/adj. 平均的statistics /sttstks/n. (复)统计数字shorten /:tn/vt. 缩短sideways /sadwez/adv. 横着地,斜着地【短语】consist of 由组成as well也,还,又become known as 作为而出名go down 下降come up with提出from that moment on从那时

4、起concentrate on聚精会神,集中思想compared with 与相比【重点词汇精讲】1. contain vt. 包含,包括;控制,抑制;容纳Each box contained twelve heavy bottles of apple juice.每只箱子装有12大瓶苹果汁。The big lecture hall can contain 10,000 people.这个大报告厅可以容纳一万人。I couldnt contain my anger.我无法控制我的愤怒。辨析:contain/ includecontain: 指一个整体包括的内容或成分,或指某容器中装有某物;还可

5、指某种物质中含有某成分或含有其他物质。include: 指一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重表示只是整体中的一部分。作状语时,including用于名词/代词前;included用于名词/代词之后。His school bag contains a lot of books,including a cartoon book.他的书包里有许多书,包括一本动画书。This book contains all the information you need.这本书包含你所需的一切信息。3. design n. 设计,图案v.设计;计划,谋划;构思(1) design.for.为而设计;为而拟定be de

6、signed for./to do.专为而设计;目的是(2) a design for sth. 的涉及by designon purpose故意地,蓄意地designer n. 设计家,制图师They have designed a lot of advanced electric equipment. 他们已经设计了许多先进的电子设备。She designed a new logo for the company.她为公司设计了一个新的标志。This house is designed for a large family.这栋房子适合大家庭。The experiment is desig

7、ned to test the new drug.实验的目的是试验新药。Designed for children, the album became popular with parents as soon as it came out.这本纪念册是为孩子们设计的,一出版就受到家长的欢迎。She drew a beautiful design for a dress.她绘制了一副漂亮的女装设计图。We dont know if it was done by accident or by design.我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的。4. permission n. 许可;批准(1) with

8、out permission未经允许with ones permission在某人许可的情况下ask for permission请求许可give sb. permission to do sth. 允许某人做某事(2) permit v. 许可;允许permit doing sth.允许做某事permit do sth.允许某人做某事The teacher gave me permission to go home early.老师准许我早点回家。No one could take photos here without permission.未经许可,任何人不得在此拍照片。My

9、 parents didnt permit my going with you.My parents didnt permit me to go with you.我父母不准我和你一起去。Please permit me to introduce myself.请允许我做一下自我介绍。Passengers are permitted to carry only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.乘客只允许携带一个手提行李登机。5. concentrate v. 集中(注意力,思想等)(1) concentrate upon/on(doing)st

10、h.全神贯注于,专心致志于concentrate ones thought/effort/attention on集中思想/精力/注意力于concentrate ones mind/attention/energy on集中注意力;致力于;专心于(2) concentration n. 专心,专注;关注I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神于学习。I cannot concentrate my attention on my book with all that loud mus

11、ic going on.吵闹的音乐声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力看书。Concentration is necessary if you want to do a good job.如果你想把工作做好,专心是必要的。7. average adj. 平均的;普通的n. 平均数;平均水平(1) an average of 平均为with an average of 平均为(2) on average平均算起来above average在平均水平以上below average在平均水平以下up to average 达到平均The average student spends about two or

12、three hours a night doing homework.一般学生每晚需要花两到三个小时做作业。Parents spend an average of $200 a year on toys for their children.父母给孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为200美元。We should drink 6 bottles of water a day on average.我们平均每天应该喝六杯水。Toms work at school is above average, while Harrys is below average.汤姆在学校的功课在一般以上,而哈利的功课在一般以

13、下。8. consist of由组成consist of be made up of由组成consist in lie in 在于;存在于consist with与一致;与协调How many players does a football team consist of?How many players is a football team made_up_of?一支足球队由几名队员组成?As we all know, the UK is a large country consisting of four parts.众所周知,英国是一个由四部分组成的大国。Success consists

14、 in hard work.成功在于勤奋。His action does not consist with his words.他言行不一。The team consists of/ is made up of ten members.这个队由十人组成。9. as well也,还,又(常放于句末)I am going to America to spend the holidays, and Tom is going as well.我打算去美国度假,汤姆也打算去。He sent me a letter and some money as well.他给我寄来一封信,此外还有一些钱。(1) a

15、s well as用作连词,连接两个相同成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词等,通常不位于句首。此时as well as强调的重点在前面,意为“不但而且;既又;除了之外,还有”。(2) 当主语含有as well as时,谓语动词须和as well as前面的主语在数上保持一致。He speaks Spanish as well as English and French.他不但会讲英语和法语,也会讲西班牙语。He as well as his parents thinks that the house is not worth buying.不仅是他父母,他也认为那房子不值得买。辨析:as wel

16、l/also/too/eitheras well: 用于肯定句,通常位于句末。also: 用于肯定句,多位于句中,一般位于实义动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。too: 用于肯定句,既可位于句末,也可位于句中,要用逗号与其他成分隔开。either: 用于否定句。She also got the first prize in the English contest.她在英语竞赛中也获得了一等奖。I should support a large family, too.我也需要养活一大家子人。10. become known as 作为.而出名be known for 因而出名be know

17、n to sb. 为所了解/ 熟知The young man is known as a singer and he is most known for singing popular songs, which are known to many teenagers.这个年轻人作为一名歌手而出名,他主要是因唱流行歌曲而出名的,这些歌曲为很多青少年所熟知。12. come up with赶上;想出或找到(答案、想法等);提出We shall work hard to come up with him.我们应该努力工作,赶上他。I hope you can come up with a bette

18、r plan than this.我希望你能提出比这更好的计划。come构成的短语come about产生;发生come across遇见;(偶然)发现come out出来;(书等)出版,发行come up走上前;上来;被提出,被提及come to 达到;总计when it comes to. 涉及;谈到come on 加油;得了吧come around 苏醒come true 实现How did this accident come about?这次事故怎么发生的?She came across some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。

19、A lot of new questions came up at the meeting. People came up with a lot of new questions at the meeting.在此次会议上,许多新问题被提了出来。How did it come about that you were late for half an hour in such a short trip?这么短的路程你迟到了半小时,这是怎么发生的?When will your new book come out?你的新书什么时候出版?When it comes to politics, I kno

20、w nothing.当谈到政治,我一无所知。【晨读11】The impact of the Internet on our lifeIt comes as no secret that the number of people around the world who use the Internet has increased rapidly. It seems like no matter how hard we try, it is simply too difficult to tear ourselves away from a computer screen.Communicati

21、on between the continents from all over the world has become easier. Instead of phoning overseas, now one can talk with his relatives abroad through the use of the Internet and its software, such as messengers. Not only can one talk but to see the other person has also become a possibility. Instead

22、of sending letters to their relatives, one might just send an email and in one minute, it is received everywhere imaginable(可想象的) all over the globe. Letters which used to need at least three days to arrive at the desired destination (目的地) now come faster.Besides, one can be updated about all the re

23、cent news or also chat with their friends instead of meeting and going to watch a film together. Forming of new groups is also a possibility. Those who share hobbies and ideas can form their group and discuss ideas and events they wish to plan. In addition, the Internet has become an easy way to adv

24、ertise your products because each website which one enters contains millions of promotions.On the other hand, there is also the negative side of the Internet. People who love gaming may spend hours playing with friends from different countries. That is not a problem, but if one becomes an addict(瘾君子

25、) of online gaming, a huge crisis might follow. One might become careless in the job, and problems with ones family might follow. So, one must be disciplined.【晨读12】What is the Internet and how does it work?If youve never been on the Internet before, you might not know what it is and how it really wo

26、rks.The word “Internet” describes the network that started in 1984. The Internet connects computers from around the world, so people can share information. You can play games, chat with others, send and receive emails, find information and shop through it.The World Wide Web is the part of the Intern

27、et that lets you see information using words, pictures, colours and sounds. Most people call it the Web. Information on the Web is listed on websites. To get to the website you want, you need to use the correct Uniform Resource Locator(URL), or address.If you know the address, just carefully type it

28、 into the box on the screen. If you dont know the address, go to a popular search engine like Google () or Baidu (). Once there, you just need to type in some information about what you want to find. For example, you might want to find out about the weather in your city. If you live in Beijing, you

29、would type in “Beijing” and “weather”. You then get a list of sites, and you simply choose the site that has the information you want.1Uniform Resource Locator(URL) 统一资源定位地址2search engine 搜索引擎练习161. 用contain/include的适当形式填空(1) These valleys _ gold mines.(2) The band played many songs, some of my favo

30、urites.(3) The list _ my name.(4) The box a lot of gifts.用contain的适当形式完成句子(5) 中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的,里面含有大量的水果和蔬菜The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world, _.(6) 当容器被打开的瞬间他激动得不能自己。He was too excited _ when the container was to be opened.2. 用access的适当形式完成句子(7) 大多数孩子都有受教育的机会。Most of the children _ education.(8) 落石阻断了通往村里的唯一通道。Fallen stones cut off the only the village.(9) 所有这些网站都是免费向公众开放的,通过互联网,任何人都可登录。All the sites are

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