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The Carrie Diaries凯莉日记.docx

1、The Carrie Diaries凯莉日记THE CARRIE DIARIES1.1Its always the same dream.Im in the city.And Ibelong.Manhattan is mine.Hey,watch it!But then I always wake up the same old CarrieBradshaw.In Castlebury,Connecticut.They say the key to being a writer isfiguring out who you are,finding your voice.Well,that se

2、emed to be the onlything I had found that day.Where is it?Please,please.Dorrit!Wheres the purse?What purse?Give me a break,Dorrit.You know exactly which purseIm talking about.Moms purse.You cant go through my stuff.Dont.You have pot?Your friends smoke pot.Youre 14.So?So if dad finds out,hes going to

3、 kill you.So you better not tell him.Well,itd serve you right if I did.Youre such a tattletale.Im sorry I have alife,and you dont.Oh,is that why youre always spying on me,listeningto my phone conversations?Do not!Dont,too!The year,1984.Romance novels were all the rage.Wehad an actor for president,an

4、d most people could say they were better off nowthan they were four years ago. Except us.Four years ago,we had our mom, Andthree months ago,we lost her to cancer. Things were definitely not better.Give me back my purse,Dorrit!God,what the hell is going on in here?!She bit me!Shes going through my st

5、uff!We do not have time for this.You both have to be inschool in half an hour,all right?Carrie,go on and get dressed.I know you took it.Go.You cant be late on your firstday.And,Dorrit,That isway too much eye makeup.Carrie,youre the older one.Youcant take the bait.I have teeth marks on my arm.I know

6、that Dorrit can be difficult.Butyour momwould want you two to get along.Yeah.Yeah,I know.All right?So whatever you two were fightingabout,its not worth it.She stole moms purse.You dont know that.I cant go to school without the purse,dad.Youre going to school.I dont have anything to e on.Youve got a

7、whole floor full of clothing.No.Mom used to take me shopping for an outfit.Itwaswas a thing we did,you know?Back-to-school chothes?Okay.Did you want me to take you?No.No,that was,umsupposed to be mom.I See.I justI need the purse.I-I need a piece of her.I have an idea.My mother left us on Memorial Da

8、y,and thats whatthis closet felt likea memorial,a still life of our life without her,as ifleaving it untouched might somehow bring her back.We had been forbidden toenteruntil now.Uh,not that dress.She wore it on her lastbirthday.You could spill something on it or rip it,you know?Really?Yeah.Justtry

9、not to let em get broken in yourbackpack.Ill be super careful,I promise.The first day of school was something I usuallyfound exciting.But so much had changed for me.As I watched everyone passing around the news ofthe day like mono after a homecoming dance.I realized that I was the virus noone wanted

10、 to get nearThe freak who had lost her momExcept for Donna LaDonnaand her minions,the Jens.Donna was just twisted enough to think a connection totragedy would make her that much more compelling,and she wouldnt be wrong.Carrie,you poor girl.Are you doing okay?Yeah.Im fine.Okay,well,if you need anythi

11、ngI mean,a shoulder tocry on,fashion tips,maybe even a wand of mascara,Im here for you.Ill keep that in mind.Thanks.Youre such a good person.Thanks.And then there were my peopleMy best friends wholoved me no matter what.Bradshaw.Mouse.I heart you,you know?I know.I need it.Boob to boob,baby.Hi,Maggie

12、.Walt,nice sweater.Is that the one fromThe one Rob Lowe was wearing in “Interview”?NiceHow you holding up?Id be a lot better if I didnt feel like everyonewas staring at me.Please.No one is even looking at you.Believe it or not,I think Mags actually meant thatas a compliment.There is way bigger news

13、today.I have to agree.New kid.New guy.A junior like us.Does new kid have a name?Even his name is cool.Sebastian Kydd.There he wasthe new kid,Sebastian Kydd.Hes been kicked out of three boardoag schoolDeerfield,Exeter,and I forget whereelse.His parents finally had to give up and bring him home,Theyre

14、 totallyrich.He drives a Porsche.Mags,you do realize Im standing right here,and Imyour boyfriend?Hey,Bradshaw.Hey.Heard about your mom.Real bummer.Thanks.Ill see you around.I cant get kicked out ofanother school this early in the year.So you have some explaining to do.Why did you hide this from us?W

15、e need to knoweverything.Im not hiding anything,I swear.Last summer,he hungout at the swim club.Why dont I swim?Because your hair would get wet and your makeupwould run.Wheres Walt?I told him I wanted it to be just us girls.Were you two fighting again?Come on.You guys are never gonna break up.Youref

16、orever.Thats right,and the Mouse and I would be a coupleforever,too.Why do you have that look on your face?Mouse,did you meet someone?Are you breaking up withme?At the page program in D.C.Ive been dying to tellyou guys.So start talking.Seth.Seth Glassman.Hes from Washington,started Princeton.Hes afr

17、eshman.I should date an older guy.Hes amazing.So smart.I mean,wed stay up in thedorm rooms and wed just talk about everything.And Id wake up in his arms andjust thinkThat you got laid.Just because all you think about is losing yourvirginity doesnt mean the Mouse does.Wait.You lost your virginity to

18、Seth?It was like putting a hot dog on a keyhole.It hurtsso bad.And I just kept thinking,like,when is this going to end?And luckily itdid,because it was over in two seconds.It wasnt like that for me at all.Wait.You and Walt had sex?I wasnt supposed to say anything.Walt wont be mad.No,he will.Justswea

19、r you wont say anything.I wont.I swear.SoIm the last virgin?Its no big deal,Carrie.I mean,sex isnteverything.Soyou dont feel like it changed you?Its weird.Like,I feel more confident,like I knowstuff,but scared cause theres something to lose.Are you in love with him?We should go on a double date.Is h

20、e coming up tovisit?Yeah,I meanWhile I had spent my summer grieving and letting goof my childhhod,my friends were falling in love and entering adulthood.We should go on a triple date.You should ask Sebastianout.Ask him to the new beginnings dance.Maybe hell hotdog your keyhole.Delightful.Thats just

21、how Ill ask him.If you do,then hell definitely say”yes.Virgina sexually inexperienced woman,a blank slateunchanged by any past intimate connection or experience.The unintiated.Yep,thatpretty much described me.You stole my hiding place.You hang out here a lot?Yeah.Yeah,its a pretty good escape.You ha

22、d a lot to get away from.If only I could escape my brain.Do you everdo youever just sit there,andand the words and thoughts are,like,happening so fastin your mind that you justyou cant even understand them?Not really.I wish I hadnt just said that,then.I think its cool you have so much going on in yo

23、urhead.Youve been through stuff.Not many people here can say that.Can you?Who,me?Poor little rich kid whose mom left with thetennis instructor?Im still a chiche.Your mom left?Im sorry.I didnt knowOh,dont worry.Our maid Luisa still gets dinner onthe table.Nothings really changed.Nobodys better off wi

24、thout a mom.Im sorry,Carrie.It was hard to believe it was only last year we hadspent the summer hanging out.I cant believe you dont know Atari”Adventure”No way.”Space invaders.”Thats my game.I mean,comeon.You get to kill aliens.Oh,youre crazy.No,”Adventure” is so cool.You haveto get this magic chali

25、ce to a gold castle,and then theres these dragons thatare trying to kill you.So youre the princess who slays their own dragons?Well,somedody has to.Might as well be me,right?Id slay a dragon for you.Suddenly everything was different.I knew he wasgonna kiss me,so I did what any scared 15-year-old gir

26、l would do.Aah!Oh,now youre in for it.No!stop.Stop.It was a moment I wanted to last forever.My firstkiss.My,uh,parents are putting in a pool at our house.Itsalmost done.Oh.Cool.Once he had his own pool,I knew I would never seehim again.And I was rightuntil today.Do you still swim?Yeah.Yeah,I really

27、love it.I never swim.Really?Thats kind of a waste since you have a poolin your backyard.Hey,would you,umI shouldYouMe?Yeah.Me.Okay.UmWould you,uhWouldwould youCheck it out.Would you wanna go toWould you wantWhy was my father here?The last time I had seen himin these halls,I lost the most important p

28、erson in my life.You need to come home.Your moms unconscious.It wontbe too much longer.Carrie?Are you okay?Carrie?Carrie? Are you okay? Carrie?Carrie?Give her some air.Kiddo?Kiddo,can you hear me?Carrie?!Thanks for keeping an eye on her.Of course,Mr.Bradshaw.I better head back in.Oh.Ill call you lat

29、er.Okay.Bye.Im taking you home.Dad,Im fine.You fainted.I just got scared when I saw you.You know,the lasttime you were hereYeah.Yeah,Im sorry.I shouldveI shouldve toldyou I was coming in to meet with your guidance counselor.Yeah,you should have,and I dont need some shrinktalking about how screwed up

30、 I am.Thats not what we were talking about.Then what?Youve been through a lot,and we thought maybe itmight be a good idea if you had a change of pace,a change of scenery.Youre shipping me off to a loony bin.Some would call it thator call me crazy foragreeing to this,but what about an internship?One

31、day a week,for schoolcredit,of course.Like,work in an office?Where?My friendss law firm in Manhattan.Manhattan?No way!Aah!No way!Whatwould I be doing?Dodo I need to type?Because Im not very good at that.I justIcant believe it.I-I cant believe it.Okay,I guessI guess you really are feelingokay.Now,look,I know this

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