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高考总复习限时规范训练人教新课标 必修3 unit 3 含答案.docx

1、高考总复习限时规范训练人教新课标 必修3 unit 3 含答案第一部分必修3Unit 3.完形填空(2014陕西)It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my fiveyearold son, Tenyson.As we were _1_, we realized that only minutes earlier an _2_ woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground._3_ was with her,

2、 but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock._4_, a lot of people stopped to help out._5_ we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very _6_about what had happened to the elderly couple.He _7_ to me, “Mom, its not much fun falling over in front of _8_.”

3、Seeing that there was a flower stall (摊位) at the front of the supermarket, he added, “Why shouldnt we _9_ the lady a flower? It will make her feel better.” I was _10_ that hed come up with this_11_ idea.So we went over and told the flower seller _12_ we wanted.“Just take it,” she replied.“I _13_ tak

4、e your money for such a wonderful _14_.”By now medical staff had arrived, and were _15_ the injured woman.We gave the flower to the womans husband and I told him it was _16_ my son.At that, the old man started crying and said, “Thank you very much.” He then turned to me, “You have a _17_ son.Happy M

5、others Day to you.”The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from._18_ being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with _19_ in her eyes and gave him a little _20_.()1.Aleaving BdrivingCmoving Dstopping()2.Ainjured BawkwardChonest Delderly()3.AHer husband BMy son

6、CThe crowd DThe seller()4.ASpecifically BParticularlyCInterestingly DFortunately()5.AIf BSinceCWhile DUnless()6.Aguilty BcuriousCangry Dworried()7.Acomplained BsaidClied Dresponded()8.Ano one BsomeoneCeveryone Danyone()9.Alend BbringCleave Dbuy()10.Aamazed BshockedCpuzzled Dconcerned()11.Awise Bswee

7、tCinnocent Dcrazy()12.Awhich BwhenCwhat Dwhether()13.Amust not BcantCmay not Dneednt()14.Ascene BhabitCflower Ddeed()15.Achecking with Blooking afterCoperating on Dpraying for()16.Afrom BtoCwith Dabout()17.Arespectful BcheerfulCsuccessful Dwonderful()18.AOut of BRegardless ofCThanks to DAs to()19.Al

8、ove BhopeCpity Dpain()20.Aidea BmoneyCsmile Dcomfort【主旨大意】作者和儿子在母亲节那天去超市购物。就在离开的时候,他们得知一位老妇人摔倒在地并伤得不轻。儿子看见这一幕后,十分担心受伤的老人并向妈妈提出买花这个想法以表示对老人的关心和安慰。他的这个举动深深地感动了那位老人,作者也因此为孩子感到骄傲。1【答案】A【解析】文章首句中提到作者和儿子在购物。由下文的“at the entrance”,“ at the front of the supermarket”可推测此处是指他们要离开了。故选A项。2【答案】D【解析】因为句子的谓语是“had f

9、allen over”,所以主语不能是受伤的女人。是摔倒之后才受伤,而不是受伤的人摔倒了,故不能选A项injured。从第二段第一句中的“the elderly couple”可知,摔倒的妇人上了年纪。injured意为“受伤的”;awkward意为“笨拙的”;honest意为“诚实的”;elderly意为“年老的,上了年纪的”。故选D项。3【答案】A【解析】从第三段第二句中的“to the womans husband”可知,妇人摔倒时她的丈夫在她身边。故选A项。4【答案】D【解析】根据第一段最后一句中的 “a lot of people stopped to help out.”可知,老人


11、意为“担忧的”。故选D项。7【答案】B【解析】根据下文内容可知,此处应是儿子对妈妈说,表达自己的想法。complain意为“抱怨”;say意为“说”;lie意为“撒谎”;respond意为“回复”。故选B项。8【答案】C【解析】儿子认为老人在大家面前摔跤是一件令人不愉快的事。no one意为“没人”;someone意为“某个人”;everyone可泛指人们,意为“大家”;anyone意为“任何人”。故选C项。9【答案】D【解析】上文提到“a flower stall”,表示儿子此时想为老人买束花。lend意为“借”;bring意为“带来”;leave意为“离开”;buy意为“买”。故选D项。1

12、0【答案】A【解析】作者听到儿子的这个想法,心里感到触动,感到惊叹。amazed意为“惊叹的”;shocked意为“震惊的”;puzzled意为“困惑的”;concerned意为“担忧的”。故选A项。11【答案】B【解析】由语境可知,在作者心中,儿子的这个想法是非常体贴的。wise意为“明智的”;sweet意为“甜美的;贴心的”;innocent意为“天真的”;crazy意为“疯狂的”。故选B项。12【答案】C【解析】作者很支持儿子的想法,并带他来到花摊,告诉老板他们想要的东西。设空处引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。故选C项。13【答案】B【解析】由上文“Just take it”可知花摊老板

13、不收作者的钱。must not意为“禁止”;cant意为“不能”;may not意为“也许不”;neednt意为“不需要”。故选B项。14【答案】D【解析】花摊老板不愿意收钱是因为她认为作者和儿子在做一件好事。scene意为“场面,情景”;habit意为“习惯”;flower意为“花”;deed意为“行为”。故选D项。15【答案】B【解析】句意为:这个时候医生已经赶到现场,在照顾受伤的老人。check with意为“核对”;look after意为“照顾”;operate on意为“给动手术”;pray for意为“为祈祷”。故选B项。16【答案】A【解析】句意为:我们把花给了老人的丈夫,我告

14、诉他花是我的儿子送的。from意为“来自”;to意为“到”;with意为“与一起”;about意为“大约”。故选A项。17【答案】D【解析】老人的丈夫听了之后认为作者有一个好儿子,能在他人危难的时候送来安慰。respectful意为“恭敬的”;cheerful意为“愉快的”;successful意为“成功的”;wonderful意为“极好的”。故选D项。18【答案】B【解析】句意为:尽管伤得很重,老人还是抬起头看着坦尼森,眼中充满了爱。out of意为“出于”;regardless of意为“不管,不顾”;thanks to意为“多亏,由于”;as to意为“至于”。故选B项。19【答案】A【

15、解析】老人虽受伤较重,但收到作者儿子送来的花后很是感动,眼中更是充满了爱地看着作者的儿子。love意为“爱”;hope意为“希望”;pity意为“遗憾”;pain意为“疼痛”。故选A项。20【答案】C【解析】为表示感谢,老人眼中不仅流露出爱,脸上也露出一丝微笑。idea意为“想法”;money意为“钱”;smile意为“微笑”;comfort意为“安慰”。故选C项。.阅读理解(2016辽宁实验中学高三上学期阶段测试,B)Educating girls quite possibly outputs a higher rate of return than any other investment

16、 (投资) available in the developing world.Womens education may be an unusual field for economists, but raising womens contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social problem.And economics, with its emphasis on motivation, provides an explanation for why so many girls cant recei

17、ve education.Parents in lowincome countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody elses family and bear children.Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home t

18、o do housework while their brothers are sent to school the prediction becomes selffulfilling, trapping women in a vicious circle (恶性循环) of lack of attention.An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices.She is lik

19、ely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance.The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy.The vi

20、cious circle is thus transformed into a good circle.Few will disagree with it that educating women has great social benefits.But it has huge economic advantages as well.Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each ext

21、ra year of schooling.Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning.Educating women also has an important influence on health practices, including family planning.()1.The author argues that educating girls in developing countries is _.

22、Atroublesome BrewardingClaborsaving Dexpensive()2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AGirls will really make a less economic contribution to the family.BGirls will be capable of realizing their own dreams.CGirls will eventually receive the same education as boys.DGirls will b

23、e increasingly dissatisfied with their life at home.()3.The author believes that a vicious circle can turn into a good one when _.Awomen care more about educationBgirls can gain equal access to educationCa family has fewer but healthier childrenDparents can afford their daughters education()4.The pa

24、ssage mainly discusses _.Aunequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countriesBthe potential earning power of welleducated womenCthe major contributions of educated women to societyDthe economic and social benefits of educatingwomen【主旨大意】本文为议论文。题材为文化教育。文章主要论述在发展中国家女孩的教育是比其他任何投资回报率都高的一种投资形式。作者

25、从教育、健康、家庭规划方面论述女孩教育的好处。1【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。由第一段的“Educating girls quite possibly outputs a higher rate of return than any other investment (投资) available in the developing world”可知答案。troublesome 意为“麻烦的,讨厌的”;rewarding意为“值得的,有回报的”;laborsaving意为“节省劳动的”。2【答案】A【解析】细节推断题。从第二段第一句的“they do not expect them to mak

26、e an economic contribution to the family.”可以得知:父母认为女孩不会为家庭做多大的经济贡献,于是不重视女孩的教育。所以,父母的这种预言(prediction)就会自然而然地实现(selffulfilling)。3【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。从第三段倒数第二句的“The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely”可找到答案。4【答案】D【解析】主旨大意题。根据首尾两段可知,作者论述的就是女孩的教育对经济和社会的益处。.七选五阅读(2016安徽屯溪一中高三10月月考)While s

27、erious training is important for all dogs, playtime is just as important._1_Use these games to help teach your dog how to play.1Hide and SeekHide and seek isnt just for kids.Dogs can really enjoy this game.Pick up one of your dogs favorite toys or treats.Tell your dog to stay._2_When you are ready,

28、call your dog to come to you.If possible, squeak(使吱吱叫) the toy or shake the treats.Reward your dog with praise and the toy treats when she finds you.2FetchMany dogs have a natural ability to fetch.Other dogs can be taught how._3_Play indoors with a soft toy or outdoors in a fencedin area with a ball

29、 or disc.For dogs that really love to run, try this game of fetch!3Find the TreatDogs have superior senses of smell, and most love to use their noses to find food.Let your dog use her brain and her nose to find hidden goodies.First, have your dog stay out of sight.Then,hide her favorite treats in di

30、fferent places around the room._4_If help is needed,you can lead her around or point to areas for her to explore.Whatever the game, safety comes first! Remember to watch your dog for signs of exhaustion or overheating when you are playing.Stop if your dog seems tired or shows signs of anxiety._5_Whe

31、n other dogs or people are around, it may create a dangerous distraction (分神)AA good game of fetch can be played almost anywhere.BTry different games to see which your dog responds to best.CYou can include games in training as well.DAlso be aware of your surroundings when playing with your dog.EBring your dog back in and tell

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