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8815001025 电芯承认书.docx

1、8815001025 电芯承认书 名 称:531017 电芯规 格:60mAh制造商料号:CELALB531017 60mAh内部物料号:日 期: 2012-10-20供应商确认: 弘南科有限公司确认:拟制审核批准拟制承认审核批准陈祖斐使用方确认结果:合格 不合格供 应 商:东菀金赛尔电池科技有限公司地 址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇蛟乙塘银湖工业区金赛尔电池有限公司电 话:86-769-82195308传 真:86-769-87982226邮 编:电子邮件:(E-mail):sales网址:使用方零件名称:531017 电芯 使用方零件料号:承制

2、方零件名称:CELALB531017 60mAh承制方零件编号:使用方IQC检验标准: 检验标准: GB2828缺陷等级:严重一般轻微AQL值:00.250.65No.检验项目检验要求缺陷等级1外观检查1. 电池表面不得有破损,破裂,漏液现象。 2.检查电池表面应印有产品批号,规格尺寸等信息,印字应清晰可见。 3. 检查电池正极引线应有套管保护,以免发生短路现象。 严重2特性检查1.电压检测 将万用表打到电压档(DC20V)测试电池电压应为3.8V0.1V。 2.电容测试 根据规格书要求测试内容应在规格内。见附件规格书5/13 3.检查装配 将电池与相应部品进行装配,两者配合应良好。一般3包装

3、检查1. 每块电池应整齐的摆放于纸盒内,纸盒内应用“井字组”做隔离包装。2. 包装箱上应标明有品名,数量等信息一般4尺寸检查见附件规格书 4/13严重规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码1/13使用方零件名称:531017 电芯 使用方零件料号:承制方零件名称:CELALB531017 60mAh承制方零件编号:修订记录:版本修订日期修订内容修订人审核批准规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码2/13附:产品规格书1. Scope - 1适用范围2. Model- 2编码规则3. Dimensions of c

4、ell- 3电芯尺寸4. Specifications of cell- 4电芯规格5. Performance Criteria and Electrical characteristics - 5性能检查、测试及充放电性能6. Mechanical characteristics- 5机械特性7. Pack - 6包装8. Storage- 8贮存9. Dangers- 9危险10. Warnings- 9警告11. Cautions- 10注意12. Others- 12规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码3/131、 Scope适用范围本规格说明书描述了东

5、莞金赛尔电池有限公司(以下简称赛尔电池)生产的可充电聚合物锂离子电池的产品性能指标2、Model: CELALB531017 60mAh型号:CELALB531017 60mAh CEL金赛尔电池有限公司 ALB-先进锂离子电池3、Dimensions of cell电芯尺寸Max 5.4(T)*Max 10.5 (W) *Max 17.5(H) (mm) CEL 5234501050mAh 3.7V+ 2011 05 28 CEL 531017+ 60mAh 3.7V规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码4/13规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1

6、.0承认书页码5/13规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码6/13规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码7/136.7 Visual inspection外观检查不允许有任何影响电池性能的外观缺陷,诸如裂纹、裂缝、泄漏等。6.8 Standard environmental test conditionUnless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this Product Specification are conducted at below condition:Temperature

7、:205Humidity: 6015%RHBarometric:86kpa-106kpa标准测试环境除非特别说明,本标准书中所有测试均在以下环境条件下进行:温度:205湿度:6015%RH大气压:86kpa-106kpa7、Pack包装:The sketch, size, color of marking should match GB/T191-2000 requests.标志的图形、尺寸、颜色应符合GB/T 1912000的要求7.1 Model and specification of product;产品的名称和型号及规格;7.2 Quantity;数量;7.3 Measure up

8、marking;合格品标识;7.4 Make date;制造日期;7.5 Other markings, like color.其他标识,如颜色。8、Storage贮存Long Time StorageIf the Cell is stored for a long time, the cells storage should be 3.8-4.1V and the cell is to be stored in a condition as No.6.4。长期贮存长期贮存的电池(超过3个月)须置于干燥、凉爽处。贮存电压为3.8-4.1V且贮存环境要求如4.15-4.16。There shal

9、l be no such defect as scratch, flaw, crack, and leakage, which may adversely affect commercial value of the cell.规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码8/139、Dangers危险9.1 Dont disassemble or modify the battery.禁止分解或修改电池。9.2 Dont incinerate or heat the battery禁止将电池投入火中或加热9.3 Dont use any damage battery禁止使

10、用任何损坏的电池9.4 Dont drive a nail into a battery, strike it by hammer, or tread it.禁止在电池上面钉入钉子,或锤击,踩踏电池。当电池打折或变形时,将会发生短路,引起冒烟、存裂、燃烧。9.5 Dont give battery impact or fling it禁止冲击或抛掷电池9.6 Dont make the direct ultrasonic wave power to the battery or soldering near the battery禁止在电池上直接做超声波或电池旁边焊接9.7 Dont use

11、battery nearby the high temperature place or under the blazing sun.禁止将电池放在高温或阳光直射的地方It may cause serious damage to the batteries. Soldering near the battery may cause damage of the components, suchas separator and insulator, are melted by heat, it would cause the gas generating, smoke, rupture or fl

12、aming.如果装配在电池的保护电路被破坏,电池将会出现不正常的电压和电流和电池内部出现不正常的化学反应。它可能会引也冒烟,破裂CEL batteries have possibility to be degraded its performance such as capacity, thickness increase, impendence, etc.The battery will be charged at the abnormal chemical reaction occurs in the high temperature place. The thicknesschange

13、may lead to stressing on battery case/ device, wiring or cell which may have possibility to lead to damageperformance.在阳光下可能会使赛尔电池的寿命、性能和容量缩短,厚度增加等,在高温的地方电池内部可能会发生不正常的化学反应。厚度改变可能导致压力在电池/装置上,可能导致线路或电池性能损坏。它会对电池造成严重的伤害,在电池旁边焊接可能会导致电池成分破坏,隔离层和绝缘体被热融化,会引气体产生、冒烟、破裂或燃烧。电池装有安全保护电路避免发生危险。赛尔电池外层的铝塑膜包装很容易被锋利的

14、东西损害,如钉、针、像定位镍片的装置等。如果电池有严重的损害,如电解液泄露,在正极片与负极片之间发生短路等,将会引也冒烟,破裂,燃烧等不正常现象。规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码9/13laminated plastic film which is easy to be damaged by sharp edge such as pin, needle, edge of devices like nickeltabs, etc. If they have serious damage, electrolyte leakage, short-circuit be

15、tween positive and negative tabs, etc. Itwould cause the generation,smoke, rupture, or flaming with mishandling.禁止在火、火炉附近或热的地方使用(超过 130)。以免熔化绝缘层,损害电路保护功能,或使电解液着火,以防万一聚合物被高温熔化,使电池内发生短路,然后会引起冒烟,破裂或燃烧。Dont use the battery that are dented or bent on their edge part. CEL batteries are possible to be amag

16、ed by strongmechanical shock and it would cause wire break, short-circuit inside the cell,leakage of electrolyte, etc.As the battery might be broken or deformed and then it will be short-circuited, it would cause the generating, smoke,rupture or flaming.If the protection circuit assembled in the bat

17、tery is broken, the battery will be charged at abnormal voltage or currentand abnormal chemical reaction will occur. It may cause the generating, smoke,rupture or flaming.不要使用有凹痕或被零件弯曲的电池,电池可能是被强裂的机械冲击所损害的,而且会引起电线断开,内部发生短路,电解液泄露等。Dont use or leave battery nearby fire, stove or heated place (more tha

18、n 130). These occur the melting ofinsulator,damage of safety function, or ignition on electrolyte. In case that separator made of polymer is melted by highteperature, the internal short-circuit occurs in individual cells and then it would cause the generating, smoke,rupture orflaming.Page规格书编号CELALB

19、531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码10/139.8 Dont use the unspecified charger.禁止使用未经指定的充电器9.9 Dont reverse polarity (and terminals)禁止将正负极接反(和接线端)9.10 Dont reverse-charge or reverse-connect禁止将充电接反或连接接反9.11 Dont connect battery to the plug socket or car-cigarette-plug禁止将电池连接到插座或汽车的点烟器更多的高压电流入电池,如果装配在电池内的保护线路被断掉,过多的

20、电流将会产生膨胀、冒烟、破裂或燃烧。9.12 Dont use battery for another equipmentIf the battery is used for unspecified equipment, it will deteriorate its performance and cycle-life.禁止使电池用不同的设备上如果电池用在未指定的设备上,它将会缩短电池的周池和寿命。9.13 Dont touch a leaked battery directly禁止直接碰触漏液的电池万一泄漏的电解液进入眼睛,应尽快的用清水冲洗眼睛,然后,立刻去看医生。如果眼睛被伤害,将会引

21、起眼睛疾病。10、Warnings警告10.1 Keep the battery away from babies电池应远离小孩以免小孩吞下电池,出现不必要的麻烦,应该将电池放到小孩接触不到的地方。如果吞下电池,请立刻看医生。10.2 Dont get into a microwave or a high pressure container禁止将电池放入微波炉或高压容器中因为在密封的情况下突然受热,可能会引起冒烟、破裂、燃烧。规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码11/1310.3 Dont use a leaked battery nearby fire禁止将漏

22、液的电池放到火的旁边10.4 Dont use an abnormal battery, such as leakage, swelling, deformation, etc.禁止使用一个不正常的电池,像漏液、膨胀、毁坏等11、Cautions:注意11.1 Dont use or leave the battery under the blazing sun (or in heated car by sunshine)禁止在高温下使用电池(或很热的汽车中)电池可能会冒烟,过热或燃烧,它可能引起功能失效失、寿命减短。11.2 Static Electricity静电11.3 ManualPl

23、ease read the manual before using the battery and let it keep after reading. And also,please read it necessary.手册请在使用电池之前详细阅读,并保存好。请务必阅读它。11.4 Charging MethodPlease read the manual of specific charger about charging method.充电方法请阅读充电器手册和使用指定的充电器。11.5 First time use第一使用时间当电池有锈迹、有害的气味或者不正常的事物在第一次使用时出现,

24、请不要使用并且去商店那买一个。12、Others其它Any matters that this specification does not cover should be conferred between the customer and CEL Battery.本说明书中未提及的事项,须经双方协商确定。-Confidential. Please keep integrated.-此文件内容未经赛尔公司许可,请严格保密,未得到书面同意,不允许全部或部分使用。When the battery has rust, bad smell or something abnormal at first

25、-time-using, do not use the equipment and go to theshop which it was bought.The content of this document is the exclusive property of CEL Battery, and is to be treated strictly confidential. This documentshall not be allowed to us fully or partly without the written consent of CEL Battery.If the liq

26、uid leaks from the battery (or the battery gives out bad smell), let the battery leave from flammable objects规格书编号CELALB531017 60mAh版本1.0承认书页码12/13immediately. Unless do that, the electrolyte leaked from battery may catch fire and it would cause the smoke, flamingor rupture of it.,In case the battery has bad smell, it

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