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1、新版英语强化训练复习题新版英语强化训练复习题Unit1 1. Young as she is, Mary is very good at handling difficult customers.2. After explaining his plan in great detail, Bob summarized its main points in a few sentences.3. The newly-elected government has begun the painful process of working out its policies and strategies.4

2、. At first, Tom found it difficult to absorb what his teachers said in class.5. You are bound to fail the exam if you dont do any revision (复习).6. Please feel free to call on us whenever you like.7. There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions.8. The marketing depar

3、tment is working on new strategies to improve the companys share of the market.9. Many of the students complained that the exam was too hard.10. After reading the text three times, the clever boy has committed it to memory.11. The doctor insisted that everything would be alright. Nevertheless, I can

4、not help feeling anxious about the safety of the child.12. Nowadays we rely more and more on computers to help us in doing everything.13. Apart from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.14. After spending a year in Australia, the little girl has gained quite a good command of

5、 spoken English.1。因为她很年轻,玛丽很善于处理困难的客户。2。详细地解释了他的计划后,鲍勃总结几句话的要点。3所示。新当选的政府开始制定其政策的痛苦的过程和策略。4所示。起初,汤姆发现很难吸收老师在课堂上说。5。你是注定要失败的考试,如果你不做任何修改(复习)。6。请拜访我们只要你喜欢。7所示。有工作比驾驶卡车更危险,例如,训练狮子。8。营销部门正致力于新策略来提高公司的市场份额。9。许多学生抱怨考试太难了。10。读完课文三次,那个聪明的男孩已承诺的记忆。11。医生坚持认为,一切都会好的。不过,我不禁感到担心孩子的安全。12。现在我们越来越依靠电脑来帮助我们做一切。13。除了

6、有趣和很好的锻炼,游泳是一个非常有用的技能。14。在澳大利亚呆了一年之后,小女孩已获得相当良好的英语口语。-The police said that the taxi driver was at fault he should have slowed down. (fault)1. I have warned you over and over again to keep away from drugs. (over)2. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get confused. (time)3. We wont

7、know if the plan will work until we put it into practice. (practice)4. You cant learn English well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things. (watch)5. Peter has tried many things with no particular success, but he is by no means an incapable person. (means)6. Can you turn the music d

8、own, please? I cant concentrate on my work. (concentrate)7. In addition to teaching at the university, Professor Wilson also works as a legal adviser (法律顾问) to a high-tech company. (addition)8. If you come to my office, Ill tell you the story in detail. (detail)-警方说,出租车司机错了他应该慢了下来。(错)1。我已经警告你一次又一次的远

9、离毒品。(超过)2。如果你想学习太多的东西,你可能会困惑。(时间)3所示。我们不知道这个计划是否会工作,直到我们把它付诸实践。(实践)4所示。你不能学好英语没有看习惯说法。(看)5。彼得已经尝试很多东西没有特别成功,但他绝不是一个没有能力的人。(意味着)6。你能把音乐关吗?我不能专注于我的工作。(集中)7所示。除了大学教学,威尔逊教授担任法律顾问(法律顾问)的高科技公司。(添加)8。如果你到我的办公室来,我会告诉你详细的故事。(细节)Unit 3Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase

10、 from the Words & Phrases to Drill box. Change the forms where necessary.Words & Phrases to Drillarrangebunchdecadedisappointmentefficientendureextramedalminoroccasionpostmanprimaryrarereluctantlyspottrembleafter allat other timesbe sure oflook afterpick upround the corner 1. If you have worked hard

11、, you wont have to sit up all night (熬夜) before the exams.2. I think we should let Mary go camping with her classmates. , she is a big girl now.3. Since you are so busy, you do need a very secretary.4. As a fireman, you must be ready to hardships (困苦) and even suffer death.5. They did a lot of work

12、but refused to take any pay.6. Lets go to the park. Its just .7. Prof. Smith is not a stranger to us. Weve met him on several .8. Jim had a problem with his car, but he fixed it himself.9. Theyve for her to be operated on by the best doctors.10. Our history professor explained the cause of the First

13、 World War.11. The old lady likes to be alone, and only goes out on very occasions.12. He hasnt got enough clothes on look, hes )with cold.13. After much thought, we agreed to let him go.14. To the old ladys great , Myra did not come, nor did she send her any present.1。如果你努力工作,你就不会整夜坐起来(熬夜)在考试之前。2。我

14、认为我们应该让玛丽和她的同学们去露营。现在,她是一个大的女孩。3所示。既然你很忙,你需要一个秘书。4所示。作为一名消防员,你必须准备好困难(困苦),甚至会死亡。5。他们做了很多工作,但拒绝采取任何工资。6。让我们去公园。它只是。7所示。史密斯教授对我们不是一个陌生人。我们已经见过他几个。8。吉姆与他的车有问题,但他自己固定了。9。他们为她最好的医生为他做手术。10。我们的历史学教授解释说第一次世界大战的原因。11。老太太喜欢独处,只有在非常情况下。12。他没有足够的衣服,看,他和冷。13。深思熟虑后,我们同意让他走。14。老太太的伟大,玛拉不来,她也不送任何礼物。Complete the fo

15、llowing sentences, using the words given in brackets.1. Very few plants and animals heat or cold for a long time. (endure)2. This was given us as a present our silver wedding (银婚). (occasion)3. The old lady dropped her spoon and bent , causing her to feel a sharp pain in the back. (pick up)4. If you

16、 the word, look it up in the dictionary. (sure of)5. Mr. Park, a candidate for Mayor of Chicago, at losing the election. (disappointment)6. with life in his hometown, the young man moved away to the city at the earliest opportunity. (content)1。很少有植物和动物热或冷了很长一段时间。(忍受)2。这是我们作为礼物银婚(银婚)。(次)3所示。老太太勺子掉到了地

17、上,弯腰,使她感到剧烈的疼痛。(接)4所示。如果你这个单词,查字典。(确定)5。朴先生,芝加哥市长候选人,在输掉了选举。(失望)6。与生活在他的家乡,年轻人最早转移到城市的机会。(内容)Unit 4Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the Words & Phrases to Drill box. Change the forms where necessary.Words & Phrases to Drillactivityactuallybarelycurrent

18、disturbemotionalgapimaginationinventinvolveneighborhoodprohibitproposalproposeratesocialtypicalworthwhileat first glancebring togethercome up withgrow upin part1. Being a sailor (水手) long periods of time away from home.2. The mayor put forward a to improve public transportation. 3. Both parents shou

19、ld take equal responsibility for the needs of their children.4. the essay looked quite good, but actually it was full of mistakes. 5. Though Washington, D.C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is the nations most important city. 6. He was so to hear of his mothers illness that

20、he could no longer concentrate on his studies. 7. A summer day in that area is hot and dry.8. Mr. Smith kept thinking hard, but failed to a workable plan.9. Enid considered teaching a career (职业). 10. Einstein once said: is more important than knowledge. 11. The government is taking effective measur

21、es to overcome difficulties. 12. The houses in our are very expensive. 13. I am afraid that the between rich and poor is still widening in our country.14. His spare-time include cooking, tennis and swimming. 1。一个水手(水手)长时间离家出走。2。市长提出改善公共交通。3所示。父母双方都应该采取平等负责孩子的需要。4所示。这篇文章看起来不错,但实际上是完全错误的。5。尽管华盛顿特区是美国政

22、府的所在地,纽约是美国最重要的城市。6。他听到他母亲的疾病,他可以不再专注于他的研究。7所示。夏日的炎热和干燥。8。史密斯先生一直在想努力,但没有一个可行的计划。9。伊妮德认为教学是一个职业(职业)。10。爱因斯坦曾经说过:“比知识更重要”。11。政府正在采取有效措施,克服困难。12。在我们的房子很贵。13。恐怕,富人和穷人之间仍然是我国扩大。14。他的业余时间包括烹饪、网球和游泳。Complete the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.1. Ted is expected to after he has cons

23、idered the problem. (come up with)2. I hear young people under 18 buying cigarettes in that country. (prohibit) 3. Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of . (grow)4. Efforts of different races (种族) and cultures have not met with (获得) complete success. (bring together) 5. The Uni

24、ted States experienced a sharp rise after the Second World War, known as the baby boom (生育高峰). (rate) 6. The crop failure was due to the drought (干旱). (part) 1。泰德预计将在他考虑过这个问题。(提出)2。我听说那个国家18岁以下的年轻人购买香烟。(禁止)3所示。对自己负责是过程的一部分。(增长)4所示。不同种族的努力(种族)和文化没有会见(获得)圆满成功。(集合)5。美国经历了第二次世界大战后急剧上升,被称为“婴儿潮”(生育高峰)。(率)

25、6。作物歉收是由于干旱(干旱)。(部分)Unit 7Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the Words & Phrases to Drill box. Change the forms where necessary.Words & Phrases to Drilladvantageappearancecheatdignityelderlyeventuallyevidentintentionoccasionallypositiveprivilegepr

26、osperoussampleselectsincerelysuspectwornand whats morebreak offcome down (in the world)count outdo sb. a favorin a rowlay outlong formistake . forout of placepull outtake advantage ofto sb.s taste1. The real of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has. 2. After failing four times, I passed my dr

27、iving test.3. He is full of good , but can do nothing to help.4. The soldiers stood for the officers inspection. 5. As soon as the man his gun, I knew he was a robber. 6. Last year the company the best grapes (葡萄) on their vines (葡萄藤) to make this wine. 7. We have a great variety of pictures for you

28、 to choose from. You can select the one which is most .8. Our English professor is an woman, perhaps sixty years old. 9. What are the that go with this job?10. The foreigner the moon cake and found it very delicious. 11. When students are caught , they will be kicked out of school. 12. You should th

29、is opportunity and try to make a good impression on your boss.13. Although these old shoes are , they are quite comfortable.14. Mary strongly that her husband had been lying.15. He won the race, , he broke the world record. 1。一个人的真实在于他是什么,而不是他。2。四次失败后,我通过了驾驶考试。3所示。他很好,但是可以做任何帮助。4所示。士兵们站在官员的检查。5。只要这个

30、男人他的枪,我知道他是个强盗。6。去年该公司最好的葡萄(葡萄)在他们的葡萄树(葡萄藤)使这款酒。7所示。我们有各种各样的图片供你选择。你可以选择一个最。8。我们的英语教授是一个女人,也许六十岁。9。与这个工作是什么?10。外国人月饼,发现它很好吃。11。当学生被抓,他们将被踢出学校的。12。你应该这个机会,尽量给你的老板留下一个好印象。13。虽然这些旧鞋,他们是有相当的舒适。14。玛丽强烈,她的丈夫一直在撒谎。15。他赢得了比赛,他打破了世界纪录。Unit 9Fill in the blanks with notice or pay attention to in their correct forms.LEARNING GUIDE 1. If you what he said, you could have avoided repeating such a bad mistake.2. Mr. White didnt know I was in his office. He was too busy to me.3. On the way home from the party Nancy ask

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