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1、学年高中英语江苏专版译林版选修七教学案Unit+4+Section+3+Word版含答案.单词拼写1We all desire your early reply to this enquiry (询问)2A punctual (守时的) person always finishes everything ahead of time.3The full details (细节) of the agreement havent been made public.4She split (分摊) the money she won with her brother.5You can find the

2、times of your trains in this timetable (时刻表)6If you do like this, youll meet your annual (每年的) goal.拓展词汇7ferry n渡船;摆渡vt.渡运,摆渡8annual adj.每年的;一年一次的annually adv.每年地9receptionist n接待员reception n接待(处)10reservation n预订,预约;保留意见reserve v预订;保留11departure n离开,出发;背离,违反depart vi.离开巧记单词派生词receptionistreceptioni

3、stdeparturedeparture.补全短语1put through给某人接通(电话);使经历2decide on/upon 决定,选定3put off 推迟,推脱;使反感4turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等)5fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)6a handful of 少数的,少量的7split up 分组,分解;分离8speed up (使)加速1教材原句Im a high school student and Im calling to see if its possible to arrange a trip for my class to look around

4、 the transport control centre.我是一名中学生,我打电话是想了解是否能安排我班的学生参观交通控制中心。句型点拨“It do .”句型中,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。佳句赏析It is possible to see as far as the island on a clear day.天气晴朗的日子里可以看到远至那座岛屿的地方。2教材原句Hmm, well, we do welcome students to visit this centre, but you will have to fill in a form and then

5、 we will decide on the best way to organize the visit.嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们要填一个表格以便我们选定组织这次参观的最佳方式。句型点拨助动词do表强调。佳句赏析Jack said he would come and he did come.杰克说他要来,他果真来了。1(教材P56)They did not turn up until 10 oclock.他们直到十点才露面。turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等);卷起写出下列句中turn up的含义He didnt turn up at her birthday

6、party.出现He turned up his coat collar against the cold. 卷起Please turn up the radio so that we can listen to the music clearly. 调高(音量)turn off关掉,关闭turn on 打开,发动turn out 生产;结果是turn over 移交给;把翻过来;反复考虑turn in 交上;归还turn down 拒绝;调低(音量等)When you leave the lab, do remember to turn off all the lights.当你离开实验室的

7、时候,务必记得把所有的灯都关上。Can you turn in your paper on time?你能按时把论文交上吗?2(教材P57)I can get her to call you back, or maybe I can deal with your enquiry?我可以让她给你回电话,或者也许我可以处理你询问的事?enquiry n.(1)C询问,打听I have to make a few enquiries and respond to you.我得打听打听再给你答复。(2)U查询,咨询;探究,查究The police are following several lines

8、_of_enquiry警方正沿着几条线索进行调查。enquire vt. & vi. 打听,询问;调查enquire about 询问,打听enquire into 调查,查问 I called the station to_enquire_about train times.我给车站打电话询问火车时间。3(教材P57)Hmm, well, we do welcome students to visit this centre, but you will have to fill in a form .嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们必须要填一个表格fill in 填写(表格)

9、;消磨(时间);填满,塞满You need to fill in some forms if you are interested.如果有兴趣,你需要填一些表格。He watched TV all day yesterday, filling_in his time.他昨天看了一天电视打发时间。The hole has been filled in after a days hard work.经过一天的努力,洞已填平。fill up with 使充满,使填满fill sth. (up) with sth. 用把填满be filled with 填满了,装满了He filled up the

10、tank with oil and set off at once.他把油箱装满油,接着就出发了。The room was_filled_with smoke because so many people were smoking here.屋子里满是烟,因为如此多的人在这里吸烟。4(教材P57)We could split up into groups, and come at different times.我们可以分组在不同的时段来。split (split, split) vi. & vt.分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破Suddenly the box split open and a

11、puppy jumped out.箱子突然打开,从里面蹦出只小狗。His time is split between the London and Paris offices.他一半时间在伦敦的办事处,一半时间在巴黎的办事处。split up划分,分解;分组;分手split off 分离,脱离So far, the old farm has_been_split_up into house lots.迄今为止,这个古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地了。He split up with his wife for a certain reason.由于某种原因他与妻子离异了。The storm ha

12、s split the branch off from the main tree trunk.暴风雨把树枝从树干上刮了下来。5(教材P57)OK, I will put you through to the receptionist and she can take down your details.好的,我帮你接通接待员的电话,她会记下你的详细情况。put through给某人接通(电话);使经受(磨炼、痛苦);完成写出下列句中put through 的含义If shes not in, can you put me through to her secretary? 给某人接通电话 I

13、 told myself I would not put my mom through that pain again._使经受Paul expects to put through the project at the first attempt.完成put away放好,储存备用put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;把时针向前拨put up 举起,抬起;张贴,挂起;留宿put off 推迟,拖延put down 放下;镇压;削减;记下put up with 容忍,忍受He put away the novel he was reading and got down to wor

14、k.他把正在读的小说放到一边,开始工作。We found our clock a little slow, so father put_it_forward我们发现钟表有点慢,于是爸爸就把它往前调了一下。I cant put_up_with_living in such a dirty house.我不能忍受住在这么脏的房子里。联想发散动词与through 组成的短语很多,请完成下列常用短语。see through 看穿look through 仔细检查,浏览pull through 完成;康复go through 通过;经历break through 突破get through 到达;完成;

15、通过;打通电话6(教材P59)There are many flights to Dalian, and the city has good air connections with most large cities in China, but you need to make reservations in advance.有很多航班飞往大连,大连与中国大多数大城市之间都有航线,但你得提前订票。reservation n预订,预约;保留意见(1)have/express reservations about . 对表示疑问,对保留意见make a reservation预订without

16、reservation 毫无保留地(2)reserve v. 预订;保留 If you want to go to the concert, youll have to make a reservation, or there will be no tickets.如果你想去听音乐会,你得预订,否则会没有票的。I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。We accepted their offer without_reservation我们毫无异议地接受了他们的提议。Im sorr

17、y to tell you this seat is reserved for the old woman.抱歉地告诉你这个座位是留给那位老妇人的。名师点津注意以下形似意异的单词,不要混淆了词义。7(教材P59)A new service has just opened between Beijing and Dalian and this has speeded up travel between the two cities.北京与大连之间刚刚开通了一条新的(火车)交通线,这样就大大提高了两市间的旅行速度。speed up (使)加速The truck speeded up going d

18、own the hill.卡车在下山时加快了速度。speed by 疾驰而过;飞逝而去at full/top speed 全速at a/the speed of . 以的速度at high/low speed 以高/低速The weeks speeded_by and soon it was time to go back to school.几个星期转眼过去,很快又到了开学的时候。Extreme care is always needed when flying at high speed.高速飞行时需要一直非常小心。They drove to the hospital at_top/ful

19、l_speed他们以最快的速度开车到医院。8Hmm, well, we do welcome students to visit this centre, but you will have to fill in a form and then we will decide on the best way to organize the visit.嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们要填一个表格以便我们选定组织这次参观的最佳方式。用法分析用助动词do对句子的谓语进行强调是英语中强调句型的一种。在这种句子中,助动词do体现整个句子的时态。do应重读,且需符合下列两个条件:(1)句子

20、是肯定句;(2)句子中的谓语动词是一般现在式或一般过去式。可译为“真的”“果真”“的确”“确实”等。I did think he was a talented artist.我的确认为他是一个很有天赋的艺术家。Online shopping does_have some benefits, but its potential dangers cant be ignored.网上购物确实有些好处,但不可忽视它的潜在危险性。名师点津在祈使句中,do表请求,而不是命令,有时它可以使邀请对方的心意更加客气、热情、友好,而且亲切,此时的do可译为“务必”等。Do be careful when walk

21、ing on the icy road.走在结冰的路上时,务必要小心。Do_keep calm if you want to get better marks in an exam.如果你想在考试中取得好一点的成绩,一定要保持镇静。.单项填空1While waiting for his turn to see the dentist, he flipped through a magazine to _ the time.Afill inBfill outCfill with Dfill up解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他在等牙医看病的时候,浏览杂志来打发时间。fill in“填表;消

22、磨(时间)”;fill out“填写”;fill with“装满”;fill up“填补;装满”。故A项正确。2The huge tree near my house _ when it was struck by lightning.Asplit BseparatedCdivided Dspread解析:选A。根据常识,大树遭遇雷电的时候,会裂开,所以用split。divide指分成若干部分;separate指从整体中分离出来;spread指消息、疾病的传播,均不合题意。3We spent all evening trying to _ a call to some friends in B

23、eijing.Aput up Bput offCput through Dput forward解析:选C。句意:我们整个晚上都在设法跟北京的朋友通电话。put up“张贴;建立”;put off“推迟;使反感”;put through“接通(电话);使经历”;put forward“提出”。根据句意选C项。4Wed better discuss everything _ before we work out the plan.Ain detail Bin generalCon purpose Don time解析:选A。考查介词短语辨析。in detail“详细地,详尽地”;in gener

24、al“大体上,总体上”;on purpose“故意地”;on time“准时”。根据句意“我们最好在制定计划前详细地讨论所有问题”可知答案为A项。5Id prefer to _ my judgment until I find all the evidence.Ashow BexpressCpass Dreserve解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。show“显示,表明”;express“表达”;pass“通过”;reserve“保留”。理解句意可知,我宁愿保留自己的判断,一直到找到所有的证据。故D项正确。6They are broadening the bridge to _ the flow

25、of traffic.Aput off Bspeed upCturn on Dwork out解析:选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们拓宽大桥以加速交通流量。put off“推迟;使反感”;speed up“使加快”;turn on“打开”;work out“计算出”,故B项符合句意。7We cannot guarantee the _ arrival of trains in foggy weather.Aactual BpracticalCpunctual Dfactual解析:选C。理解句意可知,雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。actual“实际的”;practical“实用的,实际的”;

26、punctual“准时的,准点的”;factual“事实上的”。根据句意可知,正确答案为C项。8If you hope the trip goes well, youll have to get everything ready _Ain time Bin a hurryCin advance Din short解析:选C。考查介词短语辨析。句意:你要是希望旅行顺利的话,就要事先把一切都准备好。in time“及时;最终”;in a hurry“匆忙”;in advance“提前”;in short“简而言之”。根据句意C项正确。9To our surprise, the stranger _

27、 to be an old friend of my mothers.Aturned out Bturned upCset out Dset up解析:选A。句意:让我们吃惊的是,那个陌生人原来是我妈妈的一个老朋友。turn out意为“结果是,原来是”;turn up意为“出现,开大(音量)”;set out意为“开始,出发,陈述”;set up意为“设立,竖立,架起,升起,创(纪录),提出”。故选A项。10Research suggests that children whose parents _ are more likely to drop out of high school.Ac

28、losed up Bgave upCturned up Dsplit up解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:研究表明父母离异的孩子上高中的时候更有可能辍学。close up“停止;关闭”;give up“放弃”;turn up“到场,露面”;split up“分离”。故D项正确。.选词填空fill in, speed up, put off, put through, turn up, decide on/upon1Fill_in this form, and youll have to answer some questions.2Has he decided_on/upon where

29、his birthday party will be held?3He didnt turn_up on time as he had promised.4Dont put_off what should be done today to tomorrow.5The soldiers were put_through eight weeks of basic training.6We must speed_up in order to get to the destination on time.完成句子1申请这个职位之前请先填一下这个表格。Please fill_in this form b

30、efore you apply for this position.2我们把篮子装满了各种各样的水果,然后出发了。We filled the basket with all kinds of fruits, and then started off.3他们彼此很友好,总是共同分担工作。They are friendly to each other and they always split_up the work between them.4她把李娜的照片挂在床边来提醒自己实现自己的梦想。She put_up a picture of Li Na beside her bed to remind herself of her dream.5事实证明昨晚的晚会非常成功。It turned_out that the party last night was a big success.6为了给未来的老板留下好印象,你应穿着整洁,守时并表现你对这份工作的兴趣。To impress a future

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